The main source of modafinil

Research-based information on everything: modafinil, armodafinil and nootropics

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    Modafinil is a drug better known as “eugeroic,” which means it promotes and improves wakefulness.

    In the healthcare industry, Modafinil is prescribed to treat excessive daytime sleepiness within three medical conditions [1]:

    • Narcolepsy
    • Sleep disorder in shift work
    • Obstructive sleep apnea

    However, modafinil is more popularly used as a “smart drug” that improves cognition, or what is typically known as a nootropic. In fact, 90% of all modafinil prescriptions are for off-label purposes including depression, fatigue, and general drowsiness [2].

    It is used by millions of professionals around the world who are in extremely competitive industries that rely heavily on high performance and maximum productivity.

    Common professions that involve heavy modafinil use include surgeons, Ivy League students, Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, military soldiers, profitable day traders, and anything that relies exclusively on knowledge-based work [3].

    Modafinil has become the subject of significant media attention over the last decade, with several high-profile articles written by respected establishments such as The Wall Street Journal [4], A B C, New York Magazine [3] and Vice [5]. Additionally, leading biohacking authorities such as Dave Asprey and Ben Greenfield have documented their own positive experiences with the use of this smart drug.

    Which leads many people to ask several questions about modafinil: Does it really do what its more evangelical supporters claim? Is it safe to take this medication long term? Will I get in legal trouble for using it? How can I get it? in that? was created for the sole purpose of answering every question you may have about Modafinil, backed with rigorous scientific research and testimonials from veteran smart drug users.


    Modafinil's reputation as the leading productivity-enhancing drug is not simply the result of anecdotal testimony and rumors.

    There are several scientific studies that support the effectiveness of modafinil on a wide variety of mental traits:

    Defeat fatigue – Modafinil can significantly reduce different levels of fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis and cancer [6, 7, 8].

    Improved memory – Modafinil has been shown to improve both working memory (i.e., immediate memory) and episodic memory (i.e., single memories of specific events) in both healthy people who are not sleep deprived and those who suffer from depression.9, 10].

    Greater motivation – Modafinil works to improve subjective well-being and general mood in a positive direction. This has been verified in studies with dopamine-deprived mice and healthy adults.11, 12].

    Enhanced alert – Whether you are sleep deprived or have slept through the night, Modafinil can improve your alertness and restore your cognitive performance to baseline or higher levels [13, 14].

    Longer lasting energy – In sleep-deprived military personnel, Modafinil consistently improves the ability to mentally perform tasks at an acceptable level for periods of time spanning more than 40 hours of sustained wakefulness [15, 16].

    Other benefits reported by individual Modafinil users include the elimination of "writer's block", more noticeable weight loss, and reduced impulsivity regarding internal and external distractions. However, unlike the benefits mentioned above, these are purely anecdotal in nature and have not been supported by evidence-based science.

    Modafinil users may notice some of these effects, all of these effects, or none of these effects. Modafinil is one of the few nootropics where the user experience is completely individual due to the biochemistry and genetic profile of each one.

    Unless you use modafinil consistently for 1 to 3 months or more and measure its effects on your cognition, any discussion about what it will and won't do is completely speculative in nature.

    But overall, Modafinil can greatly improve character traits and cognitive functions essential to maintaining extremely high levels of personal productivity.

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    Modafinil is one of the safest and best tolerated nootropics out there, and the same could be said when compared to other drugs.

    According to a comprehensive review by ACS Neuroscience Chemistry [17]:

    “… The toxicological profile of modafinil has shown fewer or no adverse effects compared to those reported in traditional psychostimulants such as amphetamine or cocaine. Furthermore, modafinil is generally well tolerated in animal models in contrast to other stimulants and shows a very high likelihood of abuse. “low (low reinforcing effects) in individuals who do not abuse drugs.”

    However, there are some side effects which usually appear in both beginners and veteran Modafinil users. They include [18]:

    It should be noted that many of these effects are rather mild and disappear quickly with repeated use of Modafinil, or by refraining from taking the medication altogether.

    Modafinil tolerance can develop, but this almost always happens when Modafinil is overdosing.

    Furthermore, these side effects are virtually non-existent when Modafinil is used at the proper dosage and timing, whether for cognitive enhancement purposes or to treat prescribed medical conditions. As with any nootropic or pharmaceutical medication, responsible use is imperative to have the best chance of success.

    Armodafinil, the “enantiopure” version of Modafinil, contains an identical safety and side effect profile.Any differences seen in users who have taken both nootropics are very subjective.

    To date, there are no rigorous published studies on the differences between frequency and severity and armodafinil side effects and Modafinil when used long term in healthy people who are not sleep deprived.


    In the United States of America, modafinil is a prescription medication classified as “Schedule IV” by the Drug Enforcement Administration. As such, it has a “low potential for abuse and low risk of dependency” [19].

    Other countries around the world classify modafinil similarly. This means that the only way to buy and use Modafinil without any potential legal consequences is to obtain a Modafinil prescription from your doctor for on-label or off-label use.

    Many users will not be able to obtain a prescription for modafinil for off-label purposes, especially to improve cognition. The only exceptions recorded to date are debilitating diseases such as multiple sclerosis and chronic depression to compensate for the fatigue these patients normally experience.

    Even if you had to suffer narcolepsy or obstructive sleep apnea, your doctor will usually ask you to undergo a series of medical tests to diagnose one of these conditions. Only then will they prescribe Modafinil, and even then, they may have other medications in mind to treat your condition.

    On the other hand, ordering a modest amount of Modafinil for personal use does not seem to have any consequences. Neither in the US nor anywhere else, we know of any case of anyone being arrested or facing legal problems for purchasing Modafinil online in small quantities for personal use.

    However, one thing is for sure: it is illegal for people to sell Modafinil to other people.

    A more important legal issue to address:

    Modafinil is 100%, absolutely illegal in competitive sports and is banned by several organizations, including WADA and USADA [20].

    There are drug tests that can specifically detect modafinil in the urine or bloodstream at extremely low concentrations, several days after ingestion.


    What is the exact mechanism of action through which Modafinil exerts its effects on the brain and the rest of the human body?

    Unfortunately, decades of investigation We have not been able to reach a definitive answer. In the body of medical literature, scientists have been able to discover "puzzle pieces" of how modafinil works without being able to put together the complete puzzle.

    One of the best-known effects of modafinil is to inhibit the reuptake of dopamine, thereby increasing extracellular concentrations of dopamine in the brain. Modafinil does not directly increase dopamine production, but rather "allows" more dopamine to be available for use at any given time.21].

    Other neurotransmitters are also thought to be involved in Modafinil's mechanism of action, including increasing histamine production and reducing GABA production.22]:

    "Most research on the wake-promoting mechanism of modafinil has focused on monoaminergic effects showing that modafinil stimulates histamine (HA), norepinephrine (NE), serotonin (5-HT), dopamine (DA) and orexin in the brain, but researchers have not been able to isolate a single site of action or locate binding to the main receptor.

    Modafinil increases the activity of CYP3A4 enzymes in the liver, thereby reducing plasma levels of drugs metabolized by this same enzyme.On the contrary, it inhibits the enzymatic activity of CYP2C19 enzymes in the liver and therefore increases the plasma levels of drugs metabolized by said enzyme.23].

    Other important pharmacological characteristics of modafinil include [24]:

    • Elimination half life 12-15 hours
    • It reaches maximum concentrations in the bloodstream approximately 2 hours after ingestion.
    • Its pharmacokinetic properties are dose dependent at doses of 200 mg to 600 mg.
    • 90% of modafinil is metabolized in the liver to modafinil acid and modafinil sulfone, which are inactive metabolites.
    • Modafinil elimination is primarily through urine.
    • The half-life and maximum plasma concentrations of modafinil are higher in patients with renal and/or hepatic impairment.


    An increasing number of legitimate online Modafinil suppliers allow customers to purchase Modafinil and have it shipped to their country of residence.

    A scientific investigation was able to identify more than 55 websites dedicated exclusively to the distribution of Modafinil in various forms [25].

    In fact, there are several advantages to buying Modafinil online.

    Not only can customers find high-quality Modafinil at cheaper prices, but they can also quickly receive their desired supply of Modafinil at their doorstep without having to present a prescription, which they still need to have on hand.

    Additionally, these providers are set up to do buy modafinil online as easy as possible.

    As we note below, the regulatory status of Modafinil varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. However, we are not aware of any cases, not even in the US.or anywhere else, that anyone has been arrested or faced legal problems for purchasing Modafinil online in small quantities for personal use.

    However, as stated above, it is illegal to sell your supply of Modafinil or share it with another person.

    Many trusted suppliers of modafinil and other nootropics are well aware of the laws and jurisdictions surrounding their operations. In the rare event that your online order is confiscated by a customs agent, you will receive a resend of your order or a full refund.

    Please note that some suppliers may not ship to your country or may have shipping times that do not meet your purchasing criteria. As such, you will need to select a supplier that ships Modafinil to your country of residence.

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    Modafinil is usually sold in pharmacies under various brand names such as Provigil and Alertec, while Armodafinil is better known by its brand name. Nuvigil. However, they are also available in a wide variety of generic forms.

    We highly recommend opting for generic modafinil and/or armodafinil when possible. Not only is it several times cheaper, but it is also identical in terms of composition and pharmacological effects and therefore the expected cognitive benefits are exactly the same [26].

    Whether you buy Modafinil online or Armodafinil online, you will find them available in the form of some popular generic brands.

    When it comes to Modafinil, there are only two generic brands that have consistently proven their quality and effectiveness:

    • Modalert Highly recommended for people who have previous experience using smart drugs. Manufactured by SUN Pharmaceuticals, it is the most powerful and long-lasting generic form of modafinil available.
    • Modvigil Best suited for people who are new to using smart drugs and purchasing them on a tighter budget. Manufactured by HAB Pharmaceuticals, it is equally potent compared to Modalert, but its cognition-enhancing effects do not last as long.

    Likewise, nootropic users who purchase armodafinil online will also notice that two popular generic brands consistently appear on various vendors' websites:

    • Waklert This is the "Modalert" of Armodafinil, which means it is the most powerful and long-lasting form of generic Armodafinil on the market. Manufactured by SUN Pharmaceuticals, it can provide 8 to 10 hours of cognitive improvement without interfering with a normal sleep schedule.
    • Artvigil This is the “Modvigil” of Armodafinil. In other words, it is less potent than Waklert and its cognition-enhancing effects do not last as long. Manufactured by HAB Pharmaceuticals, this option is best suited for people looking for armodafinil at a lower price.

    SUN Pharmaceuticals and HAB Pharmaceuticals are legitimate Modafinil and Armodafinil manufacturers based in India, existing for several years and providing users with the highest quality generic medications available.


    As stated previously in the "Legality" In this section, each country chooses to categorize and regulate modafinil in a different way.

    This is based entirely on how your health authorities have evaluated the scientific evidence for or against the use of Modafinil for medicinal purposes.

    However, it is safe to assume that the vast majority of countries will not allow you to buy Modafinil legally without a prescription in hand. You will also have to make your purchase at a legitimate pharmacy in person.

    There are exceptions to this general rule, as countries like Mexico will allow you to buy Modafinil without prescription without prescription.

    You are ultimately responsible for familiarizing yourself with your country's laws and regulations regarding Modafinil.

    Your research will lead you to determine whether it is best for you to purchase a prescription for Modafinil or purchase Modafinil online.


    The history of modafinil dates back to 1974 in France, when two medicinal chemists working at Lafon Laboratories discovered its metabolic precursor Adrafinil to find potential drug candidates for narcolepsy.

    It gained widespread interest due to its effectiveness, lack of sedation, and absence of side effects commonly associated with drugs like adderall containing amphetamines, such as withdrawal, nervousness, etc. [27].

    Michel Jouvet, a neurophysiologist working at the same company, discovered that modafinil was a primary metabolic product of Adrafinil. After Modafinil was administered to narcoleptic patients, it was found to act faster and be much more effective than Adrafinil. Modafinil was approved in France in 1994 for the treatment of narcolepsy under the brand name Modiodal.

    After the pharmaceutical company Cephalon obtained an exclusive license from Lafon to manufacture Modafinil in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration approved Modafinil for the treatment of narcolepsy in 1998 under the brand name Provigil.

    It was not until 2003 that Provigil was also approved to treat excessive daytime sleepiness in obstructive sleep apnea and shift work sleep disorder.28].

    Modafinil has been widely used in the military to keep soldiers active. and being alert when sleep deprived, and famous celebrities like Dave Asprey and Tim Ferris have publicly admitted to using it. Athletes like Barry Bonds and Kelli Blanco have admitted to taking Modafinil, although they were prohibited from doing so as Modafinil is an illegal drug in competitive sporting events.


    Modafinil would not have the international reputation it has in today's world if it were not incredibly effective.

    In competitive environments where a mental advantage can mean the difference between victory and defeat, Modafinil is the number one smart drug for high performers seeking a reliable cognitive advantage.

    As a smart drug known for producing endless energy, laser focus and long-lasting motivation, Modafinil should be on everyone's radar. There are very few nootropics that can supercharge the brain like Modafinil does and at the same time have a safety and effects profile. favorable secondary

    Modafinil is the closest thing to NZT-48 movie pickup. Unlimited as you can expect to find in real life. It's no wonder students and writers seek it out: being able to harness extreme levels of vigilance and perseverance helps them accomplish greater volumes of productive work in shorter periods of time. Who doesn't want that?

    The conclusion is the following:

    Modafinil just works.

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    4. Begley, Sharon. “New ethical minefield: medications to stimulate memory and sharpen attention,” October 1, 2004.

    5. "Why can't everyone take modafinil?" VICE. Accessed December 30, 2020.

    6. Rammohan KW, Rosenberg JH, Lynn DJ, Blumenfeld AM, Pollak CP, Nagaraja HN. Efficacy and safety of modafinil (Provigil) for the treatment of fatigue in multiple sclerosis: a two-center phase 2 study. J Neurol Neurosurgery Psychiatry. 2002;72(2):179-183. doi:10.1136/jnnp.72.2.179

    7. Jean-Pierre P, Morrow GR, Roscoe JA, et al. A Phase 3, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Clinical Trial of the Effect of Modafinil on Cancer-Related Fatigue Among 631 Patients Receiving Chemotherapy: A Research Base Study of the Community Clinical Oncology Program of the Cancer Center University of Rochester. Cancer. 2010;116(14):3513-3520. doi:10.1002/cncr.25083

    8. Goss AJ, Kaser M, Costafreda SG, Sahakian BJ, Fu CH. Modafinil augmentation therapy in unipolar and bipolar depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Clin Psychiatry. 2013;74(11):1101-1107. doi:10.4088/JCP.13r08560

    9. Müller U, Rowe JB, Rittman T, Lewis C, Robbins TW, Sahakian BJ.Effects of modafinil on nonverbal cognition, task enjoyment, and creative thinking in healthy volunteers. Neuropharmacology. 2013;64(5):490-495. doi:10.1016/j.neuropharm.2012.07.009

    10. Kaser M, Deakin JB, Michael A, et al. Modafinil improves episodic memory and working memory cognition in patients with remitted depression: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging. 2017;2(2):115-122. doi:10.1016/j.bpsc.2016.11.009

    11. Young JW, Geyer MA. Modafinil action: increased motivation through inhibition of the dopamine transporter and D1 receptors? Biopsychiatry. 2010;67(8):784-787. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2009.12.015

    12. Taneja I, Haman K, Shelton RC, Robertson D. A randomized, double-blind, crossover trial of modafinil on mood. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2007;27(1):76-79. doi:10.1097/jcp.0b013e31802eb7ea

    13. Wesensten New Jersey. Effects of modafinil on cognitive performance and alertness during sleep deprivation. Curr Pharm Des. 2006;12(20):2457-2471. doi:10.2174/138161206777698819

    14. Walsh JK, Randazzo AC, Stone KL, Schweitzer PK. Modafinil improves alertness, vigilance, and executive function during simulated night shifts. Sleep. 2004;27(3):434-439. doi:10.1093/sleep/27.3.434

    15. Estrada A, Kelley AM, Webb CM, Athy JR, Crowley JS. Modafinil as a substitute for dextroamphetamine to maintain alertness in military helicopter pilots. Aviat Espacio Environ Med. 2012;83(6):556-564. doi:10.3357/asem.3129.2012

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    17. Murillo-Rodríguez E, Barciela Veras A, Barbosa Rocha N, Budde H, Machado S.An overview of the clinical uses, pharmacology, and safety of modafinil. ACS Chem Neuroscience. 2018;9(2):151-158. doi:10.1021/acschemneuro.7b00374

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    27. Billiard M, Broughton R. Modafinil: its discovery, the early European and North American experience in the treatment of narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia, and its subsequent use in other medical conditions. Sleep Med. 2018;49:69-72. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2018.05.027

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