Adrafinil versus modafinil | A-Z Guide

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 19, 2023

Adrafinil vs Modafinil

Adrafinil versus modafinil?

An interesting debate, to say the least, as both nootropics have strong points. While these smart drugs are technically different, they are also quite similar in many ways.

In one word:

  • Adrafinil is converted to Modafinil in the body, so they have similar effects.
  • For Modafinil, unless you have a prescription and depending on where you live, you are in a legal gray area.
  • Adrafinil is not in a legal gray area: it is 100% legal to buy without a prescription in the vast majority of countries.
On the other hand, most users find the effects of Modafinil to be significantly stronger than those of Adrafinil.

Adrafinil is like an extra cup of coffee for the majority. Modafinil is like having a superpower focused on getting the job done quickly.

Still, the debate between Adrafinil and Modafinil is more nuanced than the above. There are a few other variables to discuss before deciding which smart drug is best for your personal needs.

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What is modafinil?


Modafinil is the leading smart drug on the market.

Originally developed a few decades ago to treat narcolepsy, shift-sleeping disorder, sleep apnea and other sleep disorders, the drug is now used as a cognitive enhancer in many people around the world.

Provigil is one of the nootropic brands, but most of the users who take Modafinil as a smart medicine usually buy their product from generic brands made in India. Popular generic modafinil includes Modalert and Modvigil.

So what does it do? Practically everything.

By taking 100 to 200 mg of Modafinil right after you wake up in the morning, you'll experience laser-like focus and productivity for 10 to 12 (heck, sometimes even more than 14) hours.

Modafinil It works by increasing the amount of a number of neurotransmitters in the brain. Brain chemicals work by increasing the efficiency of how electrical signals are transmitted in the brain. It has a particularly large effect on serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. Together, they make you feel more alert and improve your mood.

They also make you feel more focused so you can greatly increase your productivity. Some people even talk about feeling “invincible” (although don't try to jump off any buildings or anything like that).

You may be thinking, “Great, people on the Internet like it… but Does modafinil really work??”

Yes. In fact, a lot of research has been done on this product because it is a prescription medication.

Researchers find it has powerful nootropic effects [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].

While there may be some people for whom it doesn't work, the science is pretty clear that virtually everyone experiences powerful nootropic effects.Even the press is getting on board, with newspapers calling it the first truly smart drug that works [ 7].

Modafinil vs Adrafinil

Modafinil Side Effects and Safety

Okay, great, but Is modafinil safe??

Yes absolutely. All the research that has been done on Modafinil suggests that it is generally safe and well tolerated. In fact, researchers at the University of Oxford stated that modafinil is the first drug for which there is convincing evidence that it is effective. and is clearly safe [6, 7].

What about the side effects of modafinil?

That said, Modafinil users often do experience some minor side effects [8]. What do these side effects include? Well, these are some of the most common side effects of modafinil:

  • Insomnia. While not a stimulant, modafinil is definitely a wakefulness agent. Modafinil helps you focus and work, but it will also hinder your sleep. And it lasts a long time. So don't take it too close to bedtime or you might have trouble sleeping.
  • Stomach problems. Some people experience nausea and diarrhea when taking Modafinil. In my experience, this is the most uncomfortable side effect; It messes with my digestive system. But even this can be controlled by reducing sugar consumption, increasing carbohydrate consumption, and simply remembering to eat (when you're focused on your work, it's easy to forget).
  • Dehydration. Again, this is another consequence of being focused: you can forget to drink water. But it's important to stay hydrated. Keep a bottle of water close to you when you work and you should be fine.
  • Headaches. I haven't personally experienced them, but some modafinil users have said they may experience headaches.Again, it's important to stay hydrated; Doing so should minimize the risk of headaches.
  • Perspiration. Some people find that this nootropic causes sweating.

Overall, modafinil is quite safe, but you should be aware of possible side effects.

None of them are serious for the vast majority of users, but they are certainly things to take into account.

What is adrafinil?

On the other hand, Adrafinil [9] is not as popular or as well-known as Modafinil. Adrafinil was designed with wakefulness, concentration, and mood in mind, like many other smart drugs.

Adrafinil It was created in France as a drug until it was discontinued in 2011. Originally, the drug was created as an alternative to Provigil. Since then, the smart drug has been manufactured over the counter as a nootropic.

Adrafinil has a similar chemical structure to Modafinil [9]. However, there are clear differences. Adrafinil has an additional OH (hydroxyl group) on the amide nitrogen. This forms hydroxylamine.

The medication is then converted to Modafinil once it is ingested into the body.10, 11]. Modafinil is the biologically active ingredient in Adrafinil.

That means it has similar effects:

  • Wakefulness
  • Greater focus
  • Greater concentration
  • Higher productivity
  • Increased fatigue

However, they are rarely as strong as modafinil. In fact, for prescription awake uses, doctors typically skip Adrafinil now and go straight to Modafinil [11].

Modafinil vs Adrafinil

Side effects and safety of adrafinil

Okay, great, is Adrafinil safe? What are the secondary effects?

Yes it is safe.

Studies in rats have found that even huge doses (400 mg per kilogram) did not show any signs of toxicity [10]. The lethal dose is so high that they don't even know what it is [12].

There has been a case study of a person who took 900 mg every day for ten months and suffered problems with their mouth muscles [13]. Similar effects have been observed (although very rarely) with Modafinil [14]. However, these effects were not permanent.

It is also possible that Adrafinil is a little harder on the liver. I have not found research on this, but some users report that this is one of the disadvantages of Adrafinil.

Adrafinil is generally understood to be well tolerated.

What are the secondary effects?

They are very similar to Modafinil. Here are some common Adrafinil side effects:

  • Insomnia. Again, this is a waking substance. It will keep you awake if you take it before bed [15].
  • Stomach problems. Make sure you eat normally and especially foods rich in fiber.
  • Dehydration. Drink plenty of water while you study.
  • Headaches. Again, stay hydrated.

For Adrafinil, like Modafinil, remember to eat normally and stay hydrated. And be sure to take it in the morning so you don't stay up at night unless you pull an all-nighter!

PS order your Adrafinil today!

Adrafinil versus modafinil | Similarities

Alright, now that the basics and safety aspects are covered, let's take a look at the benefits and similarities of these nootropics.

Adrafinil and Modafinil were designed with similar purposes in mind. As such, Adrafinil vs. Modafinil debate should start with their similarities [16, 17].

Both nootropics have the following effects:

  • Improved cognition, concentration and productivity

Both Modafinil and Adrafinil are incredibly useful when looking to boost cognition, increase concentration, and ultimately become more productive. After all, these are smart drugs!

When you take one of these nootropics, you will feel intense focus that is sure to increase your productivity or keep you focused on whatever task you have at hand. For CEOs, hustlers, and students, these seem to be the biggest benefits of any nootropic.

  • Promoting vigil

Whether you're working late into the night or just looking to pull an all-nighter due to work or online studies, both nootropics do a solid job of keeping you awake at night.

While Modafinil is a little stronger, you will not be able to fall asleep after taking Adrafinil, if you dose it properly.

For hangovers or days after poor sleep, both nootropics will help keep you awake and active.

  • Smart and safe medications

Adrafinil and Modafinil are relatively safe. Most users experience minimal side effects when taking any of these smart medications.

While you need to drink plenty of fluids and plan to go to bed a little later than usual, there is no real danger in taking these nootropics.

Another important benefit is that neither Modafinil nor Adrafinil have been shown to be addictive or addictive [18, 19]. This is because they do not influence the neural pathways associated with addiction.20].

Therefore, you will not need to use more and more. This is a big plus for people with addictive tendencies, like me! In fact, you might actually aid people trying to reduce addictive behaviors such as alcohol consumption [21] or games of chance [22].

Modafinil vs. Adrafinil | Differences

While Adrafinil vs. Modafinil discussion certainly proves that these two smart drugs have tons of similarities; I found these smart drugs to be quite different in terms of performance, dosage and more.

Here are some notable differences I found through my own experimentation and testing:

  • Are they legal?

In most countries, Modafinil is a drug. That means you're technically supposed to have a prescription from a doctor to use it for one of the conditions it's indicated for, such as sleep apnea or other sleep disorders. Depending on where you are, technically possessing it could be illegal.

For example, Provigil is considered a Schedule IV drug in the United States, meaning it can only be imported by a certified importer or a person with a doctor's prescription. You basically need a prescription to use it legally in the US.

Although, again, other countries have different rules.

However, you won't have any problems with Adrafinil: it can be purchased legally without a prescription.

That's one of the biggest benefits: Adrafinil is in much less of a “gray area” when it comes to the law.

While you will have no problem purchasing Modafinil online, it should be noted that Adrafinil is legal⁠—a huge benefit for the consumer.

  • Efficiency and power

Make no mistake about it:

Modafinil is significantly more potent and effective than Adrafinil. While the medications are incredibly similar and designed to offer the same benefits, Modafinil simply does a better job.

Since Adrafinil is converted to Modafinil within the body, one would think the effects would be similar. However, only a percentage of Adrafinil is converted to Modafinil. As such, some of the Adrafinil is simply wasted.

Modafinil is pure, while Adrafinil is not. That means you will need a larger adrafinil dosage to obtain effects similar to those of Modafinil.

  • Dosage, onset and half-life

To get effects similar to Modafinil, you will need to take a large amount of Adrafinil.For example, 200 mg is a normal dose of Modafinil. To get the same dose of Adrafinil, you will need between 400 and 600 mg.

Adrafinil also tends to take around two full hours to take effect. Because? Because it takes about an hour for the medication to turn into Modafinil and then another hour for Modafinil to take effect.

On the other hand, most Modafinil users find that the effects start working about an hour after consumption. So keep this in mind when planning your work session.

Also, Adrafinil doesn't last as long. While Modafinil can last 10 to 12 and even 14 hours, Adrafinil will only last 8 to 10 hours. Sometimes even less.

Depending on your situation, the half-life of Adrafinil can be enormously beneficial. If you are planning a full day of work, Modafinil might be the best option.

But if you only start in the afternoon, Adrafinil might be a better option. It might allow you to have a productive afternoon, but not keep you awake at night. That is not possible with Modafinil.

  • Costs

Provigil, one of the brands of Modafinil, is incredibly expensive, even when using health insurance to purchase the medication at a pharmacy. Of course, it is not necessary to buy the brand; You can get generic Modafinil for as little as $0.89 per 200 mg pill.

Still, that can get expensive for students or scammers who use it regularly. Not all of us have unlimited funds at our disposal.

On the other hand, Adrafinil can be found for as little as $0.69 per serving. Now, to get similar effects to Modafinil, you'll probably end up spending more on this nootropic. However, taken portion by portion, Adrafinil may be cheaper.

Modafinil vs Adrafinil

How to use nootropics correctly

It should be noted that the use any It is not advisable to take smart drugs daily.The ideal is to maintain the use of Modafinil between 1 and 3 times a week.

Adrafinil can be used to replace the use of Modafinil. You can also add Adrafinil to your weekly routine on days when you do not take Modafinil. However, as Adrafinil is converted to Modafinil in the body, it is also imperative to monitor the use of this smart drug.

Generally, a schedule of 1 to 2 days of Modafinil and 1 to 2 days of Adrafinil per week is feasible. You can also switch completely to Adrafinil and use the smart drug 1 to 3 times a week.

And, to add some variety, you can also try several of the other smart drugs that really work. Variety is the spice of life!

The best thing you can do is test what type of schedule and dosage works best for you. Your body will respond quickly and tell you what works and what doesn't.

Which nootropic should you buy?

So at the end of the day, what should you buy?

Modafinil or Adrafinil?

Overall, Modafinil is much better.

We would recommend it to most people, especially if you have already been experimenting a bit with nootropics.

But Adrafinil might be right for some people. For example, anyone in these situations might be better off with Adrafinil:

  • You're new to the world of nootropics and want to start with something a little less potent.
  • You've checked country guides and discovered that Modafinil is not legal where you are and you don't want to risk having your order confiscated.
  • You're on a budget and want something a little cheaper.
  • You plan to take it later in the day and want a shorter-acting substance.

In those cases, Adrafinil might be a better option.

But otherwise, most people will get more out of Modafinil.

Modafinil vs Adrafinil

Adrafinil versus modafinil | The verdict

Overall, Modafinil is much more effective and powerful.

If you are looking to optimize your life and get the most out of your smart drug day, then Modafinil is the only choice.

But if you're new to using nootropics, or looking for 5 to 6 hours of intense focus every now and then, Adrafinil can offer just that⁠—without the negative side effect of possibly keeping you up at night that Modafinil can cause if you take it too late in the day.

Get the most powerful smart drug in the world... Modafinil


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