Alpha Brain | Review of benefits, side effects and uses

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 19, 2023

Alpha Brain Review

Hear from Alpha brain And do you want to know more about its benefits, side effects and uses?

You have come to the right place.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explain everything you need to know about this popular over-the-counter (OTC) nootropic.

We'll cover the benefits, side effects, and uses of Alpha Brain, and explain how it compares to the undisputed king of smart drugs... Modafinil.

Whether you're looking to increase your focus, study more effectively, or reduce your workload, this guide will help you decide if Alpha Brain is what you need to succeed.

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Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is the alpha brain?

Let's go over the basics and get you up to speed.

Alpha Brain is a dietary supplement that was launched in 2011 and has become one of the most popular natural nootropics on the smart drug scene.

In case you were wondering, the term "nootropic" was coined in 1972 by Dr.Corneliu Giurgea, the psychologist and chemist who discovered and developed Piracetam, the world's first synthetic smart drug.1].

Dr. Giurgea defined a nootropic as any natural or synthetic substance that can;

  • Improves memory, attention span, concentration and the ability to learn.
  • Helps the brain function under stress.
  • Protects the brain from chemical and physical stress.
  • Increases the efficiency of neuronal discharge.
  • It produces practically zero side effects and is non-toxic.

Alpha Brain perfectly meets this definition. Is BSCG Certified Drug Free® and contains only natural substances that help maintain memory, mental speed, concentration and focus.

When you take Alpha Brain you can expect the following benefits:

  • Over 6 hours of improved concentration and focus.
  • Better verbal recall and executive functioning.
  • Significantly improved recent verbal memory.
  • Better mental processing.
  • Increased "flow state" (the feeling of being "in the zone")

Alpha Brain is caffeine-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, and nut-free and ketogenic-friendly.

In short, if you are looking for a powerful natural nootropic with virtually zero side effects, Alpha Brain comes highly recommended.

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Alpha Brain Ingredients | What you should know

You're probably wondering what it really is. in Alpha Brain…

That's a great question.

Alpha Brain contains a proprietary blend, or “stack,” of natural substances that act as nootropics and help create an environment in which the brain can function on all cylinders with greater mental clarity and better memory.

This mix includes:

  • L-theanine
  • L-tyrosine
  • phosphatidylserine
  • Oat Straw Extract
  • Alpha-GPC
  • Huperzia Serrata
  • bacopa
  • Pterostilbene
  • L-leucine

Let's look at some of these ingredients in a little more detail.

  • L-theanine: L-Theanine is an amino acid that stimulates the brain to release more dopamine and serotonin, helping to improve attention and reaction times. One study found that L-theanine has a positive effect on cerebral blood flow, cognition, and mood [2].
  • L-Tyrosine: L-tyrosine is an amino acid that has been shown to improve cognitive and mental performance. It helps increase motivation and focus almost as much as amphetamines like Adderall [3].
  • Phosphatidylserine: Phosphatidylserine is a type of fat that helps maintain cellular function in the brain. It has been shown to help people maintain their ability to function cognitively as they age.4].
  • Oat Straw Extract: This compound has been shown to promote cognitive function when taken as part of a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Alpha-GPC: Alpha-GPC is a compound that helps produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. This has been shown to benefit patients with cognitive dysfunction.5].
  • Huperzia Serrata: Huperzia Serrata has been shown to help break down acetylcholine, while Huperzine has very strong neuroprotective properties.6].
  • Bacopa: Bacopa is a perennial herb that helps in the reception of nerve signals. This has been shown to improve cognition and shorten choice reaction times.7]. It has also been shown to help reduce anxiety, depression and stress while increasing reaction times.8].
  • Pterostilbene: Pterostilbene has been shown to promote cellular integrity and protect brain and nerve cells.
  • L-Leucine: L-leucine is a branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) that helps the body synthesize proteins.9].

These ingredients are generally considered safe when taken in recommended doses.Alpha Brain contains extremely pure forms of these ingredients, so they have maximum bioavailability. They work in synergy to create a "drug-like" boost in energy, attention, focus, and creativity, without any of the side effects of synthetic nootropics.

Does the alpha brain work? | Benefits

The alpha brain works. But don't take our word for it.

A 2016 double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study found that healthy adults who used Alpha Brain for six weeks significantly improved their recent verbal memory compared to control groups.10].

The study involved 63 participants between the ages of 18 and 35 and worked by having all participants receive either a placebo for 2 weeks before receiving the active product, Alpha Brain, or a placebo for 6 weeks. Participants were asked to complete several neuropsychological tests at the 2- and 6-week marks.

The study found that participants taking Alpha Brain experienced the following benefits:

  • A 12% improvement on delayed verbal recall and executive functioning tasks, compared to placebo.
  • 21% faster completion time on executive function assessments compared to baseline testing.
  • Significantly improved recent verbal memory compared to the control group.

In short, Alpha Brain is one of the few natural nootropics that is scientifically *proven* to work.

It is the most powerful natural nootropic we have ever reviewed and one of the most consistent nootropics we have tested that is not called Modafinil.

You will see, Modafinil is the king of smart drugs, but Alpha Brain gives Modafinil a very good run for its money.

Wondering what it is feel Would you like to take Alpha Brain?

Have you ever experienced the feeling of being so focused on something that you can't think about anything else? Those days when you read a dozen chapters or finish an assignment or task without taking a break?

You concentrate so much on what you are doing that the day passes without you realizing it.

Well, this is what it feels like to take Alpha Brain.

Psychologists call this feeling "flow state." It is the optimal level of consciousness, like a "zone" in which you are most productive. Your brain produces more alpha waves and your productivity and creativity accelerate.

Alpha Brain ingredients help you reach this state almost instantly. You'll be able to tune out background noise and complete tasks without being distracted, while experiencing a huge boost in memory, mental processing, and concentration.

Alpha Brain basically lights up your mind like a Christmas tree and keeps you energized for up to six hours straight. It banishes “brain fog” and keeps you focused and “in the zone” while killing any urge to procrastinate.

Whether you have a mountain of paperwork to complete, or an important test or exam to prepare for, Alpha Mind will help you work at your best and reach your potential. Its unique combination of natural ingredients helps you remember dates, facts, names and key details, and think more clearly under stress. Even if you have a tight deadline or are worried about an impending exam date, Alpha Brain helps you direct your 100% attention on complex tasks.

In case you're wondering, being "in the zone" doesn't make you feel like you're "high." And it's also not the same as the energy “high” you get from caffeine. Alpha Brain gives you a long, fresh "surge" of energy, without peaks or valleys.

But don't take our word for it...

Alpha Brain Safety and Side Effects

Although Alpha Brain is one of the safest natural nootropics we've ever tested, there are some minor side effects you may experience.

This is why you should consult a doctor before taking Alpha Brain, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, have or suspect a medical condition, or are taking any medications.

But assuming you're a healthy adult, what can you expect?

First of all, Alpha Brain is a dietary supplement, not a drug. Its ingredients are among the safest cognitive enhancers we know of. When taken in recommended doses, all are considered safe and non-toxic.

However, as you Responding to them will depend on a number of factors including your age, physical condition, pre-existing conditions, genetic factors and whether you are taking any other medications.

The recommended daily intake of Alpha Brain is two capsules (or one sachet of Alpha Brain Instant mixed with water or a drink). You don't need us to tell you that increasing your dose is No recommended and may cause unwanted side effects. It is also possible to experience side effects if you take other supplements, such as caffeine, or consume energy drinks at the same time.

Alpha Brain side effects are rare, but here are the six most common ones to watch out for:

  • Nausea: You may experience mild nausea when taking Alpha Brain; However, this feeling tends to diminish as soon as your body adapts to the nootropic. It is recommended that you take Alpha Brain with a light meal, as this may relieve any nausea you may experience. If Alpha Brain Original capsules make you nauseous, try taking one sachet of Alpha Brain Instant mixed with water or your favorite drink, as This can help calm your stomach.
  • Headaches: Headaches are usually not caused by Alpha Brain, but by not drinking enough water and becoming dehydrated during the day. Alpha Brain is so effective at getting you "in the zone" that many users simply forget about food and water intake. Staying hydrated will help you avoid this.
  • Jaw pain: Jaw pain is usually the result of getting into the flow and clenching your jaw while concentrating on studying or working for hours on end. Most users report that jaw pain tends to go away quickly when they change positions.
  • Lucid dreaming: Many Alpha Brain users report having much more vivid and lucid dreams than before. Additionally, they discover that they can remember small details that they couldn't before. This side effect is likely caused by Bacopa, which promotes relaxation and can help you achieve deeper sleep.
  • Anxiety and nervousness: The sensation of feeling "on edge" or "on edge" is not especially common with Alpha Brain. If you've heard or read about natural nootropics causing anxiety or jitters, the most likely culprit is caffeine, which can produce serious side effects when taken in excessive amounts, including dizziness, anxiety, and even hallucinations.11].
  • Fortunately, Alpha Mind is caffeine-free and shouldn't make you too jittery. If you feel this way, look for other sources of caffeine in your diet, such as tea, coffee, and energy drinks, and adjust your intake accordingly.
  • Insomnia: Alpha Brain is extremely useful in promoting wakefulness, so take it early in the morning and try to be more productive. during The day. Alpha Brain works strongly for 4 to 6 hours, so you shouldn't take it in the afternoon or evening and expect to be able to fall asleep before midnight.

In general, side effects from Alpha Brain are rare.If you follow the recommended dosage of 2 to 4 capsules a day, you should not have any problems.

Alpha Brain Safety and Side Effects

Although Alpha Brain is one of the safest natural nootropics we've ever tested, there are some minor side effects you may experience.

This is why you should consult a doctor before taking Alpha Brain, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, have or suspect a medical condition, or are taking any medications.

But assuming you're a healthy adult, what can you expect?

First of all, Alpha Brain is a dietary supplement, not a drug. Its ingredients are among the safest cognitive enhancers we know of. When taken in recommended doses, all are considered safe and non-toxic.

However, as you Responding to them will depend on a number of factors including your age, physical condition, pre-existing conditions, genetic factors and whether you are taking any other medications.

The recommended daily intake of Alpha Brain is two capsules (or one sachet of Alpha Brain Instant mixed with water or a drink). You don't need us to tell you that increasing your dose is No recommended and may cause unwanted side effects. It is also possible to experience side effects if you take other supplements, such as caffeine, or consume energy drinks at the same time.

Alpha Brain side effects are rare, but here are the six most common ones to watch out for:

  • Nausea: You may experience mild nausea when taking Alpha Brain; However, this feeling tends to diminish as soon as your body adapts to the nootropic. It is recommended to take Alpha Brain with a light meal, as this may relieve any nausea you may experience.If Alpha Brain Original capsules make you nauseous, try taking a sachet of Alpha Brain Instant mixed with water or your favorite drink, as this may help settle your stomach.
  • Headaches: Headaches are usually not caused by Alpha Brain, but by not drinking enough water and becoming dehydrated during the day. Alpha Brain is so effective at getting you "in the zone" that many users simply forget about food and water intake. Staying hydrated will help you avoid this.
  • Jaw pain: Jaw pain is usually the result of getting into the flow and clenching your jaw while concentrating on studying or working for hours on end. Most users report that jaw pain tends to go away quickly when they change positions.
  • Lucid dreaming: Many Alpha Brain users report having much more vivid and lucid dreams than before. Additionally, they discover that they can remember small details that they couldn't before. This side effect is likely caused by Bacopa, which promotes relaxation and can help you achieve deeper sleep.
  • Anxiety and nervousness: The sensation of feeling "on edge" or "on edge" is not especially common with Alpha Brain. If you've heard or read about natural nootropics causing anxiety or jitters, the most likely culprit is caffeine, which can produce serious side effects when taken in excessive amounts, including dizziness, anxiety, and even hallucinations.11].
  • Fortunately, Alpha Mind is caffeine-free and shouldn't make you too jittery. If you feel this way, look for other sources of caffeine in your diet, such as tea, coffee, and energy drinks, and adjust your intake accordingly.
  • Insomnia: Alpha Brain is extremely useful in promoting wakefulness, so take it early in the morning and try to be more productive. during The day.Alpha Brain works strongly for 4 to 6 hours, so you shouldn't take it in the afternoon or evening and expect to be able to fall asleep before midnight.

In general, side effects from Alpha Brain are rare. If you follow the recommended dosage of 2 to 4 capsules a day, you should not have any problems.

Alpha brain overdose?

If you are concerned that taking too much Alpha Brain could cause an overdose, then Don't worry.

Alpha Brain is a dietary supplement, which means it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Alpha Brain contains only natural ingredients that come from plants (such as plant extracts) and amino acids.

It is true that some natural nootropics can produce serious side effects when taken in excessive amounts, especially caffeine and products containing it. However, Alpha Brain does not contain caffeine and an overdose should not be a concern.

As long as you stick to the recommended intake of 2 to 4 capsules, you'll be fine.

Alpha Brain Instant vs Capsules

Wondering what the difference is between original Alpha Brain capsules and Alpha Brain Instant?

They both contain the exact same ingredients in the exact same formula. The only difference is the delivery time.

The original Alpha Brain capsules take longer to take effect, as your body needs time to break down the vegetarian capsules and begin absorbing the ingredient.

Instant Alpha Brain a lot faster — is a fine powder that is mixed with water or any beverage and digested through the stomach lining almost instantly.

Alpha Brain Instant is great if you want an immediate “hit” or if you just don't like swallowing capsules. You can simply throw a sachet or two in your bag and get a cognitive boost on the go, wherever you are.

If you're looking for the ultimate in convenience and portability, Alpha Brain Instant is all you need to get your brain firing on all cylinders and increase mental clarity anytime, anywhere.

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Modafinil versus Alpha Brain

Alpha Brain and Modafinil are nootropics, but Alpha Brain is 100% natural and Modafinil is a prescription medication used to treat narcolepsy, a condition that causes sufferers to fall asleep at inopportune times.

While both substances have similar effects in terms of promoting wakefulness, increasing concentration, and improving working memory, they are a world apart in terms of side effects and safety.

Modafinil is illegal in most countries without a prescription, while Alpha Brain is a 100% legal and certified drug-free dietary supplement.

In this section, we will give you detailed information about these two heavyweights in the smart drug scene.

  • Cognitive benefits

Modafinil is a synthetic drug that acts as a stimulant when taken without a prescription by healthy people. Greatly increases concentration and alertness while providing a huge boost in working and episodic memory.12]. It also offers huge improvements in emotion recognition and task-related motivation [13].

So how does Alpha Brain compare? One dose of Alpha Brain gives you:

  • Over 6 hours of improved concentration and focus.
  • Better verbal recall and executive functioning.
  • Significantly improved recent verbal memory
  • Better mental processing
  • Increased "flow state" (the feeling of being "in the zone")

While Modafinil offers:

  • Over 12 hours of dramatically increased attention
  • Increased concentration
  • Improved alertness [14]
  • Improve learning
  • Optimized working memory [15]

In terms of cognitive benefits, Alpha Brain and Modafinil are like night and day: the natural substances found in Alpha Brain simply cannot compare to Modafinil in terms of potency, duration and effect.

However, legal issues aside, there is a good reason to choose Alpha Brain over Modafinil...

  • Side effects

While Alpha Brain produces few or no side effects in healthy people, Modafinil has a number of serious side effects that you should be aware of.

Although there has never been a peer-reviewed study on exactly What happens when healthy people take Modafinil as a nootropic? One study looked at what happens when Modafinil is administered to patients who have been incorrectly diagnosed with narcolepsy, meaning they do not have it.

He found that modafinil causes a host of unexpected side effects, including [16]:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Lumbago
  • Diarrhea
  • Dyspepsia
  • Rhinitis
  • Vertigo

These reported side effects were mild, but are important to know about before deciding whether to take modafinil.

Modafinil is not considered addictive. It does not contain precursor molecules of substances known to induce addiction. Anyway, that has It has been shown to function as a reinforcer and has abuse potential under certain circumstances, especially when taken in high doses.

In one case, a man with bipolar affective disorder developed dependence on Modafinil and subsequently had hypersexuality, when he increased his Modafinil dose from 400 to 1000 mg/day.17].

So, if you were curious about the difference between Alpha Brain and Modafinil, this is it.

Modafinil is the ultimate smart drug because, frankly, nothing matches its potency and effectiveness as a wakefulness-promoting agent.

However, it also has serious side effects and should not be taken lightly.

Alpha Brain, on the other hand, offers a solid 4-6 hours of “laser-sharp” focus and concentration and boosts working memory with virtually zero side effects.

Learn more about Modafinil versus Alpha Brain here.

Where to buy Alpha Brain online | Guide 2023

Although Alpha Brain is 100%, you probably can't just go to your local pharmacy or supplement store and buy them; you will need to connect to the Internet.

We have reviewed the main suppliers and found Onnit, the creator of Alpha Brain, is the best place to buy this nootropic. These guys have a strong track record of supplying Alpha Brain worldwide with fast shipping.

We rate them highly for the following reasons:

  • Onnit Quality Promise: Onnit carefully sources all of its products with the best ingredients and rigorously tests them for effectiveness, purity, and safety, meaning you can order with confidence.
  • Free shipping on all orders over $150: Onnit offers free shipping and tracking on all orders over $150.
  • Money back guarantee: Onnit is so confident that you will love their products and services that they offer a 100% money back guarantee on all orders.
  • Subscribe and save: With a subscription, you can purchase Alpha Brain whenever you want for 15% off MSRP. Your future orders are automatic, worry-free, and come with the same great money-back guarantee.

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Alpha Brain | Review of benefits, side effects and uses

If you were curious about Alpha Brain, we hope this guide has answered all your questions.

As you may have learned, Alpha Brain is a 100% legal dietary supplement that contains natural nootropics.

It gives you over 6 hours of intense focus and focus while having virtually no side effects.


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