Alpha Brain vs. Modafinil | A-Z Guide

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 2, 2023

Alpha Brain vs Modafinil

Alpha Brain vs. Modafinil.

If you are curious about which nootropic is best for you, this is the guide for you. Today we will compare and contrast two of the most popular smart drugs in the world.
Both nootropics have found widespread acceptance these days.

Alpha brain It is a global bestseller and every month, more people than ever try Modafinil.

Because? Because both nootropics work. And honestly, they do a good job of delivering impressive cognitive improvement and much more.

While both products get the job done, they are quite different.

Modafinil is a generic drug approved by the FDA and other regulatory agencies around the world. It is a wakefulness agent usually used to treat sleep disorders.

Alpha Brain, on the other hand, is an over-the-counter, drug-free product that you can easily purchase without a prescription. Instead of being a single substance, it is made up of a blend of ingredients including several well-known natural nootropics.

So how do you choose between them? How can Alpha Brain compare to Modafinil?

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What is the alpha brain?

Before we get too deep into Alpha Brain alternatives, let's talk about what this nootropic is and why it has been so successful.

Alpha Brain is a natural nootropic developed by Onnit Labs in 2011. It is a dietary supplement, meaning it is drug-free, and has become known as one of the world's leading over-the-counter (OTC) cognitive enhancers.

Overall, Onnit Labs Alpha Brain achieved its goal.

They created one of the best over-the-counter smart medications out there. This nootropic works extremely well [1, 2]. Not only that, Alpha Brain also has numerous famous endorsers and has been scientifically proven to be one of the best brain supplements out there.1].

One study found that Alpha Brain users experience large improvements in measures of memory (verbal recall) and executive cognitive functioning. Significant differences were found between those using Alpha Brain and those in a placebo control group [1].

So, the ingredients in Alpha Brain are definitely effective. Users report many other great benefits, including:

  • Better approach
  • Improved memory and retention
  • Improved mood
  • Better sleep quality
  • Increased cognitive function

So overall, Alpha Brain works for most people. If you take this product, you will find cognitive improvement and better concentration.

But it's not modafinil. This nootropic won't take you from a slacker to a genius just by taking a magic pill. To be fair, modafinil isn't magic either, but more on that later...

Still, Alpha Brain is beneficial and overall a very safe nootropic to use. Many newbies to the world of smart drugs will love it.

Modafinil vs Alpha Brain

Alpha Brain Safety and Side Effects

So Alpha Brain is an effective nootropic… But is it safe? What are the side effects of Alpha Brain?

Alpha Brain is generally considered very safe. However, there are some minor side effects that people have reported that you should be aware of [1, 2].

  • Nausea. It is common to experience some mild nausea the first time you use Alpha Brain, although it is usually very mild. We have never heard of anyone experiencing severe nausea.
  • Headaches. Our team has never experienced this, but we have heard reports from people who have. Headaches seem to be caused by dehydration, so be sure to drink plenty of water when taking this nootropic.
  • Jaw pain. Again, we haven't experienced this, but we have heard of people who have. It could be because all the attention comes from clenching your jaw a little. Relax and stretch your jaw to avoid this.
  • Body odor. Some of our team members did experience this. It's definitely not a serious side effect, but it's a little strange nonetheless. Just make sure you bring some deodorant with you wherever you go to work.
  • Vivid dreams. None of our team members. I experienced this one, but we've heard reports of some people having vivid dreams. Some people also report having nightmares. Our advice: take it in the morning so that it disappears when you go to sleep.
  • Nervousness and anxiety. Like coffee, Alpha Brian is a bit of a pick-me-up. Taking too much can cause a little jitters.
  • Insomnia. Again, since it's a stimulant, you don't want to take it too close to bedtime... or you may not be able to fall asleep easily. It starts to taper off after 4 to 6 hours, so don't take it at dinner time.

Basically, Alpha Brain is pretty safe. It has very few side effects and they occur only rarely. And, if you make sure you stay hydrated, don't drink too much, and don't drink too late in the day, you can avoid most of them.

In general, the side effects of Alpha Brain are not that serious.

What is modafinil?

Is Alpha Brain better than Modafinil?


Modafinil is, in our opinion, the absolute king of nootropics.

Let's explain.

Modafinil is a type of drug known as "eugeroic," which means "wake-promoting agent." It was developed in France during the 1970s and 1980s and was initially launched under the brand name "Modiodal" in 1994. It has since been approved by the US FDA and other regulatory agencies around the world for the treatment of a series of ailments such as [7]:

  • Narcolepsy.
  • Sleep apnea.
  • Sleep disorder in shift work.

It didn't take long for CEOs and graduate students to discover the unapproved benefits of modafinil.

Soon, all the scammers, students and businessmen wanted to take Modafinil to gain a competitive advantage. Why? Because modafinil works.

But don't take our word for it. Just look at what a published study from the University of Oxford found:

When using more complex assessments, Modafinil appears to consistently lead to improvement in attention, executive functions, and learning.8].

It's not bad that it is a study from one of the most prestigious universities in the world.

If you want more than 12 hours of cognitive enhancement and “laser-like” focus, then Modafinil may be the best thing to take.

Modafinil vs Alpha Brain

Modafinil Side Effects and Safety

Great, so Modafinil is effective. but what are they Side effects of modafinil? And is modafinil safe?

First, it is important to note that Modafinil is generally well tolerated. That means that the vast majority of people who use it do not experience serious side effects. According to researchers at the University of Oxford [8, 9]:

Modafinil is the world's first safe “smart drug.” … For the first time, we have an agent without serious side effects. the benefits we have not had before.

These same researchers concluded that Modafinil is safe to take, with few side effects and no addictive qualities [9]. So yeah, it's pretty safe.

However, there are are some side effects that people can experience, and some of them are a little uncomfortable. So let's review them.

  • Insomnia. Modafinil was developed to be a wakefulness agent [10]…so it should come as no surprise that one of the side effects is difficulty sleeping. And it lasts a long time: 12-15 hours in some cases. It is best to take it early in the morning, unless want stay awake all night.
  • Anxiety/Nervousness. This is not consistent, but some Users seem to report feeling more anxious after taking Modafinil. One study has said this could be dose-dependent... meaning if you take too much, you could feel more anxious [11] (something like caffeine).
  • Diarrhea. Again, this doesn't affect everyone, but some people definitely notice it. However, in people who experience it, it tends to be mild rather than severe.12].
  • Headache and sinus pressure. This one is well researched. It turns out that two of the neurotransmitters that help you stay focused are also associated with headaches in large quantities. Modafinil also helps you focus... meaning you can forget about eating and drinking during the day. So it can cause headaches [13, 14].

What about long-term modafinil side effects?

Well, the longest studies have looked at Modafinil use for over nine years. That's not a lot of time, so it's hard to say what the effects might be over a lifetime of use.

Still, the research that does exists suggests that, at least for 9 years, it is safe. No signs of dependence or addiction were observed [15, 16].

So, yes, Modafinil does have some side effects. You should be aware of them. But overall, most researchers consider it a very safe drug.

Alpha Brain | Benefits and uses

What about your benefits? Alpha Brain vs. Modafinil may seem pretty simple on paper, but once you dig deeper, we start to see significant differences between the two smart drugs.

So, let's get into this clever drug showdown and differentiate which of these cognitive enhancers is best for your needs:

Alpha Brain Benefits

  • Proven cognitive benefits: In fact, Alpha Brain has been shown to work in multiple scientific studies [1]. What does "work" mean? Well, it means that Alpha Brain will improve cognition and help your mind function better overall.
  • Easy to buy: You can buy Alpha Brain on Amazon and at select Whole Foods. It's pretty easy to get these things nowadays.
  • Smart Drug for Solid Beginners: Basically, Alpha Brain is an ideal introduction to the wide world of smart drugs. If you have never tried nootropics, we recommend this product.
  • Short half-life: Alpha Brain seems to last 5-7 hours or more when we take it. We would say that the strongest effects are experienced for 4 to 5 hours. Compared to modafinil, its half-life is quite short.
  • Improved sleep quality: While Modafinil can make it nearly impossible to sleep if not properly timed and dosed, Alpha Brain improves sleep quality for many users, with some also experiencing vivid dreams.
  • Ideal for daily use: If you want to take a smart medicine from Monday to Friday, Alpha Brain is ideal. The nootropic offers minimal side effects and excessive cycling should not be necessary. Maybe a month later and a week off.

Overall, Alpha Brain does a good job of providing powerful nootropic benefits. It is not the most powerful product on the market, but there is no denying that it works.

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Modafinil | Benefits and uses

Modafinil is the most powerful smart drug in the world, bar none.

The material is potent and powerful. Here's a deeper dive into the vast benefits of Modafinil:

Modafinil benefits

  • The most popular smart drug in the world: There is a reason why Modafinil is so popular. It's a beast and it really works. You will feel like you have a superpower when Modafinil comes into action. Adderall, what would we do No We recommend that you take it, you will discover that Modafinil is one of the most powerful cognitive enhancers that exist. It's certainly more powerful than any other smart drug we've tried.
  • More than 12 hours of concentration: If you want to work 12-14 hours straight, then Modafinil is the smart drug for you. The half-life of Modafinil is over 12 hours, and many users still recover after 15 straight hours of productivity.
  • Ideal for spending the whole night: Modafinil was originally developed as a wakefulness agent. This means it was created to keep you awake. If you take Modafinil at night, willpower stay wide awake all night. Although studying is not the best way to study...If you need to do so, you can also stay focused and alert. Having said that; Modafinil is not intended to replace sleep. Your mind and body need sleep and depriving yourself of it can have numerous long-term consequences for your health. It is best to take Modafinil early in the morning and be super productive during the day.
  • Stronger than the alpha brain: Overall, Modafinil is much more powerful than Alpha Brain. While Alpha Brain gives you an extra boost for 5-7+ hours, Modafinil will put you in hyperdrive mode for 12+ hours.

If you're looking to go all out and take the strongest nootropic out there, Modafinil is what you want.

Modafinil is the “king” of nootropics for a reason…

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Disadvantages of Alpha Brain?

What are the disadvantages of Alpha Brain? Good…

  • Not ideal for staying all night: Alpha Brain won't keep you up all night. It just won't do it. If you need For an all-nighter, this is not the nootropic for you.
  • Cool, but not powerful: We're big fans of Alpha Brain, but we use it when we need a little boost. It's not like modafinil, which is more like rocket fuel for the brain.
  • Not for smart drug veterans: If you have tried other smart drugs, such as Modafinil, Alpha Brain may not be strong enough for you. It's like telling a steroid user who is used to injecting testosterone to start using a milder steroid like Anavar. It's great, but it won't do as much good.

Overall, Alpha Brain is exceptionally safe. You will enjoy hours of nootropic benefits and improved cognition when taking this product.

It's just not as strong as Modafinil.

Disadvantages of modafinil?

What about the disadvantages of modafinil?

It's definitely our favorite smart drug, but it does have some downsides. Here are some common problems:

  • Some side effects: While Alpha Brain has very few side effects, Modafinil has some. We consider Modafinil's side effects to be fairly mild, but there's no denying that there's more to this smart drug than Alpha Brain.
  • Harder to get: You need a prescription from a doctor to buy Modafinil at a pharmacy or you must order it from an online supplier. You can't buy Modafinil on Amazon or Whole Foods like you can buy it at Alpha Brain.
  • Sleeping can be difficult: Unless you take Modafinil early in the morning, you may find it difficult to fall asleep at your usual time. Modafinil will usually keep you awake for more than 12 hours after taking it.

Overall, Modafinil is for people who are serious about cognitive enhancement. It is for people who have never tried other nootropics before.

P.S: Learn more about the legalities of Modafinil here.

Alpha Brain vs. Modafinil | Verdict

So which one is better?

Well, one is not "better" than the other, they are just different. You need to analyze your situation and decide which one is right for you.

From a comparative point of view, it basically comes down to this...

Modafinil is much stronger than Alpha Brain. If you need to work more than 12 hours in a single day and are not worried about some minor side effects, then Modafinil should be your smart drug of choice.

If you have tried other nootropics, perhaps Alpha Brain or Adrafinil, and want to level up, then Modafinil is a good idea.

Modafinil is the king of smart drugs because it is much more powerful than anything not called Adderall. Modafinil just works!

Alpha Brain is ideal for newcomers to the world of cognitive enhancement; It is one of the most affordable Modafinil alternatives. If you've never tried a nootropic before, Alpha Brain is ideal.

If you're more worried about sleeping than getting things done, we'll stick with Alpha Brain. Modafinil can disrupt your sleep schedule, while Alpha Brain can improve your sleep.

Additionally, it is very easy to get Alpha Brain by ordering it on Amazon. So, that's a big benefit for a lot of people.

Either way…

Both nootropics do a very good job of offering cognitive enhancement!

Modafinil vs Alpha Brain


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