Armodafinil Dosing Guide | Uses, indications and microdoses

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 2, 2023

Armodafinil dosage

Find the best Armodafinil dosage for your cognitive enhancement needs is not an easy task.

Unlike modafinil, which has been widely studied in medical research and used by hundreds of thousands of smart drug users around the world, some information is lacking on armodafinil dosing.

Even when you search for something like “Maximum dose of armodafinil” On Google, the search results are not very promising.

So what is the best armodafinil dosage if you are looking for a slight boost in concentration or increasing your productivity to extreme levels?

What side effects of armodafinil should I watch out for? And is there an excessive dose of armodafinil?

This comprehensive guide will answer all those questions and provide you with the knowledge you need.

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Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is armodafinil?

Before we talk about the correct armodafinil dosage, let's discuss what armodafinil is and why this smart drug is starting to attract the attention of serious nootropic users.

Armodafinil (trade name: Nuvigil) is a wakefulness-promoting agent approved by the FDA in 2007 to treat excessive daytime sleepiness in three medical conditions [1]:

  • Narcolepsy
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Sleep disorder in shift work

It is the “R” enantiomer of modafinil, a compound that consists of two molecules that are non-superimposable mirror images (i.e., both molecules are mirror images of each other).

Armodafinil was manufactured by Cephalon, the same pharmaceutical company that produced Modafinil. There was a good reason why the "R" enantiomer was isolated and marketed as a separate drug.2]:

“Pharmacokinetic studies have shown that R-modafinil has a half-life of 10 to 14 hours compared to 3 to 4 hours for S-modafinil.

Furthermore, the elimination of S-modafinil has been reported to be three times faster than that of R-modafinil.

As a result of differences in half-life and elimination rate, chronic use of modafinil results in significant differences in the circulating levels of the two enantiomers.

Thus, the proportion of R-modafinil can be up to three times higher than the circulating levels of S-modafinil.”

But like Modafinil, Armodafinil has been used off-label by healthy people who are not sleep deprived and looking to improve their mental performance.

Benefits such as increased productivity, greater concentration, and the ability to effortlessly work all night for 10 to 12 hours were highly sought after.

Some users trust Armodafinil as the “superior” version of Modafinil due to its unique properties!


Armodafinil Side Effects and Safety Concerns

There are some armodafinil side effects that you should be aware of before taking your first dose.

The most common ones include [3]:

  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Dry mouth
  • Anxiety

However, these armodafinil side effects are very mild in nature and rarely occur if the smart drug is used properly.

In a study involving the use of Armodafinil for one year at doses between 50 mg and 250 mg, Armodafinil was shown to be effective and well tolerated with minimal occurrence of mild side effects.4].

There are some side effects, such as irregular heartbeat and mania, but these serious results are much less likely to occur. However, any user who experiences either should discontinue use of Armodafinil immediately and seek emergency help from a licensed physician.

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Armodafinil Dosing Guide | The basics

When it comes to choosing the right armodafinil dosage, you need to be honest and aware of your needs.

For anyone reading this who has successfully used Modafinil in the past, a good rule of thumb is that 200 mg of Modafinil is equivalent to 150 mg of Armodafinil with respect to the duration and degree of any cognition-enhancing effects.

So, if you know which Modafinil dosing schedule (amount and frequency) works best for you, some simple calculations will tell you the correct Armodafinil dosing regimen to follow.

However, those who are new to the world of nootropics will have to experiment a little.

Some studies start patients on an armodafinil dose of 150 mg once daily and increase the dose to 250 mg, significantly reducing fatigue without any notable change in the frequency of unwanted side effects.5].

However, this does not necessarily mean that more is better.

A 2006 study in patients suffering from excessive daytime sleepiness due to narcolepsy found that a 150 mg dose of armodafinil was as effective as 250 mg in improving wakefulness, improving memory, and reducing fatigue.6].

No changes in the frequency or severity of side effects were reported with either dose, demonstrating that the maximum dose of armodafinil is not always the most optimal option.

The perfect armodafinil dosage is completely individual to the user and their smart drug needs.

Standard dose of prescription armodafinil?

If you are having difficulty finding the correct dose of Armodafinil, it would be best to start with the standard prescribed dose of Armodafinil and increase or decrease the dose over time.

When you get a prescription for Armodafinil, you will typically purchase it at the pharmacy as Nuvigil. It will come in various forms[7]:

50mg: Each round, white to off-white tablet is engraved with “C” on one side and “205” on the other.

150 mg: Each white to off-white oval tablet is engraved with “C” on one side and “215” on the other.

250 mg: Each white to off-white oval tablet is engraved with “C” on one side and “225” on the other.

Depending on the on-label condition you are treating, there are some guidelines that doctors typically follow [8]:

Obstructive sleep apnea or narcolepsy: 150 mg to 250 mg once daily in the morning.

Shift work disorder: 150 mg once daily, taken approximately one hour before the start of the work shift.

In the clinical studies mentioned so far, a dose of armodafinil of 150 to 250 mg is typically used.

But in the context of off-label use of armodafinil as a smart drug, the dosage suggested by most test subjects is 150 mg.

Overall, everything points to a standard Armodafinil dosage of 150 mg being absolutely ideal for the needs of most users, especially those seeking benefits such as improved concentration and improved memory recall.

Armodafinil Dosing Guidelines

Before we delve into our recommended Armodafinil dosing guidelines, we want to make one thing clear:

Determining your armodafinil dosage should NOT be difficult.

For 90% of users, you will want to stick with the recommended dosage of 150 mg. This is the standard Armodafinil dosage for nootropic purposes and will give you 8-12 hours or more of pure concentration.

If you are looking for an improved or decreased cognitive effect, here are other Armodafinil dosing recommendations:

  • 75mg

This would be a great starting point for beginners to drug use or anyone who has a history of high sensitivity to stimulants.

All you would have to do is take a standard 150 mg Armodafinil tablet, split it in half and simply take half.

While 75 mg of Armodafinil isn't too strong, our test subjects saw a solid cognitive benefit for 6 to 7 hours before the "high" wore off.

Therefore, for users who want to improve their concentration over a shorter period of time, or who are unsure whether a standard dose of Armodafinil will manifest side effects, a 75 mg dose of Armodafinil is a solid option.

  • 150mg

This is the standard dosage of armodafinil for both medical and cognition-enhancing purposes.

It is often said that a 150 mg dose of Armodafinil is equivalent to 200 mg of Modafinil in terms of efficacy and safety.

This comparison has been supported by scientific studies involving adults who suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness due to shift work sleep disorder.9].

  • 225mg

This dose of Armodafinil could easily be consumed using 1 and a half 150 mg tablets of Armodafinil.

As we have said earlier in this article, there is simply no point in taking a higher dose of Armodafinil if the standard prescribed dose works well and does not produce any unwanted side effects.

However, some of the studies we have cited used armodafinil doses of 250 mg and found them to be equally effective.

However, it is still an option for users who want more than 12 hours of concentration and feel a significant difference with a higher dose of armodafinil.

  • 300mg

For most test subjects we have spoken to, a 300 mg Armodafinil dose is simply too strong.

The improved cognition may be overwhelming for some users and possibly cause side effects such as insomnia and irritability.

Unless you are someone "big" (think +200 pounds, 6 feet tall) and rapidly metabolize Armodafinil faster than the average user, we do not recommend this dosage of Armodafinil.

If you decide to use 300 mg of armodafinil, be sure to do so no more frequently than twice a week. Your doses should be at least 3 days apart to help regulate your sleep-wake cycle.

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Armodafinil microdosing

Some users swear by microdosing Armodafinil, which involves taking less than 50% of the standard prescribed dose.

Finding the right Armodafinil microdose will require some experimentation on your part, as there are no studies regarding a minuscule dose of Armodafinil taken over time to improve cognition.

One Reddit user found that 150 mg of armodafinil caused significant side effects, including upset stomach, anxiety, and worsening social interaction.

What he did was take gradually smaller doses of Armodafinil until he found one that allowed him to experience all the benefits of the smart drug.10]:

75 mg: Some side effects

37.5mg: Some anxiety occurred 1 to 2 hours after ingestion; social interaction does not change compared to placebo.

18.75mg: Greater mental concentration without side effects, coffee works synergistically with this dose of armodafinil.

An advantage of microdosing armodafinil is that you can use the smart drug more frequently, up to 6 or 7 days per week, without developing tolerance or withdrawal.

For readers who wish to microdose Armodafinil, we recommend the following protocol to find a dose of Armodafinil that provides the desired effects to improve concentration without experiencing any undesirable side effects...

Start with 75 mg of armodafinil three times a week (for example, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) for the first week.

If you don't experience any side effects and want a bigger cognitive boost, increase your Armodafinil dose to 150 mg over the next week and see how you feel.

If you experience unwanted side effects, reduce the armodafinil dose to 37.5 mg over the next week and monitor how you react.

Depending on your individual biochemistry, you will gradually decrease or increase the armodafinil dose until you reach your "sweet spot."

Once you find it, make a note of the Armodafinil dose you left off and continue with it for as long as you need.

Lethal dose?

Many scientists tried to find a "lethal" dose of armodafinil before it was released to the market.This is how they can safely make dosing recommendations to doctors who prescribe Armodafinil to their patients.

What they will look for is an “LD50” number, which defines the dose at which 50% of patients taking the drug in question end up dying.

So, is there a maximum dose of Armodafinil that has been proven to be dangerous for the human body?

Turns out we have to rely on Modafinil safety data to find the answer [11]:

“No overdoses were reported in clinical studies of NUVISIL. The symptoms of a NUVIGIL overdose are likely to be similar to those of modafinil.

Overdose in modafinil clinical trials included excitement or agitation, insomnia, and mild or moderate elevations in hemodynamic parameters.”

According to the medical literature, modafinil alone has not yet caused any deaths [12]:

“No life-threatening effects have occurred in clinical trials involving the administration of 1,000 mg to 1,600 mg of modafinil daily for 7 to 21 consecutive days.

Acute intentional overdoses of 4,500 mg and 4,000 mg in two adult subjects and accidental ingestion of 800 mg by a three-year-old child did not result in life-threatening effects or death.”

Even doses of up to 12 GRAMS of Modafinil (12,000 mg) turned out to be non-fatal, and the worst cases of Modafinil overdoses ended up involving several other medications taken at the same time [13].

In short, it appears that it is virtually impossible to overdose on Armodafinil and die. This appears to be especially true when taking armodafinil at a typical dose of 150 mg per day.

Armodafinil Dosage | The verdict

So what is the ideal? Armodafinil dosage If you want to safely experience laser focusing for several hours at a time?

For most uses, the standard armodafinil dose of 150 mg is absolutely ideal.

People sensitive to stimulants and newbies to drug use may find that a 75 mg armodafinil microdose is ideal for shorter periods of intense productivity.

At the end of the day, you will have to experiment and find the Armodafinil dosing protocol that works best for you.

P.S: If you are looking to get a good deal, place your order Modafinil from our top-rated supplier.


  1. ARMODAFINIL. Accessed June 4, 2020.
  2. Dinges DF, Arora S, Darwish M, Niebler GE. Pharmacodynamic effects on alertness of single doses of armodafinil in healthy subjects during a nocturnal period of acute sleep loss. Current opinion of Res. Med. 2006;22(1):159-167. doi:10.1185/030079906X80378
  3. Nuvigil Side Effects Center. Accessed June 2, 2020.
  4. Black JE, Hull SG, Tiller J, Yang R, Harsh JR. The long-term tolerability and efficacy of armodafinil in patients with excessive sleepiness associated with treated obstructive sleep apnea, shift work disorder, or narcolepsy: an open-label extension study. J Clin Sleep Medicine. 2010;6(5):458-466.
  5. Baja EE, Malhotra A, Surdulescu V, Baughman RP. Armodafinil for sarcoidosis-associated fatigue: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial. J Management of pain symptoms. 2013;45(2):159‐169. doi:10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2012.02.016
  6. Harsh JR, Hayduk R, Rosenberg R, et al. The efficacy and safety of armodafinil as a treatment for adults with excessive sleepiness associated with narcolepsy. Current opinion of Res. Med. 2006;22(4):761-774. doi:10.1185/030079906X100050
  8. ARMODAFINIL – DOSAGE (TABLET). Accessed June 1, 2020.
  9. Tembe DV, Dhavale A, Desai H, et al.Armodafinil versus modafinil in patients with excessive sleepiness associated with shift work sleep disorder: a multicenter, randomized, double-blind clinical trial. Neurol Res Int. 2011;2011:514351. doi:10.1155/2011/514351
  10. Armodafinil microdosing is great for focus! (1/8 of a 150 mg pill). Accessed June 3, 2020. r/microdosing
  11. NUVIGIL – DOSAGE (ARMODAFINIL TABLET). Accessed June 4, 2020.
  12. Armodafinil. Accessed June 1, 2020.
  13. PROVIGIL® (modafinil) Tablets [C-IV]. Accessed June 2, 2020.

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