Armodafinil Side Effects | Short and long term interactions and more

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 19, 2023

Armodafinil Side Effects

Like any other pharmaceutical medication, there is a risk that you will experience. Armodafinil Side Effects when you use this smart drug.

So what are these side effects and how will they affect you? Is it safe to use armodafinil?

One of our favorite things about Armodafinil is how fewer the side effects are compared to some of our others. Favorite smart drugs. We rarely experience armodafinil side effects, and when we do, it's usually because we go over the recommended dosage or forget to drink plenty of water.

Even then, the effects They are not serious.

But don't take our word for it. You are an expert nootropic user, so be sure to learn about armodafinil side effects based on a comprehensive review of research.

Here we provide a summary of the research literature so you have everything you need.

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What is armodafinil?

Before explaining the side effects, let's quickly review what armodafinil is. is.

Armodafinil, like Modafinil, is a prescription medication used to treat excessive daytime sleepiness. It was developed in 2007 by the same French pharmaceutical company that developed Modafinil and was originally sold under the brand name Nuvigil.

Armodafinil is essentially Modafinil's little cousin. The only reason the drug was developed was to ensure that the pharmaceutical company would have a patent when Modafinil's patent expired.

The difference between Armodafinil and Modafinil is very slight: Armodafinil's structure features only one enantiomer, while Modafinil has two. This reduced design is the reason why many consider Armodafinil to be a more “pure” smart drug and can also This may be the reason why armodafinil side effects tend to be quite minor.

Armodafinil is usually used for people who have sleep disorders, such as [1]:

  • Narcolepsy
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Shift work disorder

It is also occasionally prescribed for off-label uses, such as the treatment of ADHD, chronic fatigue syndrome, and depression.

The stuff works: not only has it been found to improve alertness in sleep-deprived people as intended [2, 3], but has also been found to have several cognitive effects. For example, studies have found that Armodafinil can significantly improve:

  • Memory [4]
  • Alert status [4, 5]
  • Productivity [4]

Armodafinil Side Effects

Armodafinil Side Effects | Short term

Now that you know what it is, let's dive into the side effects of armodafinil.

To be clear, it is important to emphasize that most people do not experience any side effects when they take armodafinil. We will list the more common here, but although these are the most common side effects experienced by research participants, they were still quite rare.

Research on armodafinil says it is safe and well tolerated by most people [6].

Still, let's dig deeper...


The most common side effect of armodafinil is a headache. In randomized controlled trials, about 17% of participants experienced headache. Remember, this means that 83% of people do not No experience this side effect.

In our experience, headaches occur more frequently when we are dehydrated.

The best way to combat a possible armodafinil headache? Drink plenty of water and electrolytes and limit yourself to a dose of 150 mg, no more.


Nausea is the next most common side effect of armodafinil.7]. In research studies, this affected about 6% of participants [6].

Like headaches, we have also experienced this side effect. In our experience, eating a full meal before taking armodafinil can help avoid nausea and other stomach problems. It also tends to disappear the next morning. And we noticed that the nausea side effect of Modafinil versus Armodafinil is much better.


This shouldn't surprise you much. After all, armodafinil is a wakefulness agent. So yes, it causes wakefulness. If you take it too close to bedtime, you could definitely have trouble sleeping.

We make sure to take it early in the morning, always before 10:00 a.m. m. In this way, we take advantage of a long and complete work day without affecting our night's sleep.While some research has included insomnia as a side effect, other research finds that, when used correctly, armodafinil does not affect nighttime sleep [4].


Dizziness is experienced among 5% [6] and 8% [4] of patients. It usually doesn't last long and is usually not serious.


Some participants in clinical trials reported feeling some anxiety after taking armodafinil. In one study, this was reported by approximately 5% of participants [6].

Blood pressure

Some research suggests that armodafinil may cause small changes in blood pressure [8], and this is consistent with what we know about Modafinil and blood pressure [9, 10].

But other research found no significant changes in systolic or diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, or any other factor assessed by an electrocardiogram or physical exams.6]. Any change in blood pressure, if any, is likely to be quite small.

Diarrhea and indigestion

Some research has also found that participants report increased cases of diarrhea as a side effect of armodafinil [11].

Again, actually have had experience with this side effect. We found that you can reduce the problem if you remember to eat a large meal before taking it. Again, when comparing modafinil with armodafinil, armodafinil gives us fewer side effects.

In clinical trials, this armodafinil side effect affected approximately 2% of participants [4].

Decreased appetite

This is another reason why you have to remember eating: A side effect of armodafinil is that, in our experience, it can significantly reduce appetite [4].

In one study, about 3% of participants reported feeling a decrease in appetite [4].

Dry mouth

A final relatively common side effect of armodafinil is dehydration. This can often take the form of an uncomfortable dry mouth. This appears to occur in approximately 2.5% of participants and is more common among women, older people, and those who have been taking armodafinil for less than a month.12].

In our experience, dehydration is especially likely when we are so focused on work that we forget to drink. We address this by making sure we have a large bottle of water near us at all times.

Armodafinil Side Effects | Long-term

As you can see, the short-term side effects of armodafinil are quite mild and uncommon. But what about the long-term side effects?

Possible weight loss

Some people may experience some weight loss as a long-term side effect of armodafinil.13]. But it is important to keep in mind because this is.

The first reason is that one of the most common reasons for prescribing armodafinil is to treat daytime sleepiness associated with obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is much more common in people who are overweight and obese. Therefore, the population to whom this medication is prescribed is likely to be those who have a lot of extra weight to lose.

The second reason is that Armodafinil reduces drowsiness, so its users are more active. The increase in activity is likely to be in fact causing weight loss, not the medication itself.

So if you are quite overweight and not very active partly because you are very tired from not sleeping well, armodafinil could help you lose weight. But it is not a “quick weight loss” pill. In people who are already at a healthy weight, there is no evidence that this leads to weight loss.

Stevens-Johnson syndrome

Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) is a condition in which a person experiences a severe allergic skin reaction. The person with SJS may experience flu-like symptoms, including fever, burning eyes, sore throat, and body aches. You may also feel as if your skin is on fire.

SJS is listed in the manufacturer's drug information for armodafinil side effects, although the research literature has generally not reported this side effect. However, there have been reports of rare but occasional cases of SJS associated with both Armodafinil [14] and its cousin Modafinil [15].

This is one reason why it is always important to start with small doses of any new medication. Take some time to see what effect it will have on your body. If you experience any skin symptoms or allergic reactions, consult your doctor.


It is well known that armodafinil can improve mood. But in at least one case in a person diagnosed with schizophrenia, it was found to result in mania.16].

Mania is an abnormal and persistent elevation of mood. It can be a bad thing because people who experience mania may take excessive risks or engage in behaviors that are maladaptive.

Again, while this is a rare side effect even in people with pre-existing psychological disorders, healthy individuals may even be less risk of experiencing it. Still, you should know the possibility.

Dependency and Addiction

Long-term research on armodafinil is limited; However, the research that does exist suggests that the potential for becoming physically dependent on armodafinil is very low [4, 6].

However, there has been at least one case report of an individual becoming dependent on it [17].Please note that this individual also had addiction issues with other substances.

In our community, we have not had any addiction or dependence problems. But we are also careful not to use it every day. We use it 1-3 times a week and that seems to have no problems.

Armodafinil Side Effects | Strange

Now, there are some more serious side effects of armodafinil.

While these problems are incredibly rare, you should pay attention and possibly seek medical help if you experience any of the following symptoms:18]:

  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Acne
  • Chest pain
  • bruises
  • Bleeding
  • Psychosis
  • Angioedema

Again, these are exceptionally rare and not something you should be too worried about.

Armodafinil Side Effects

How armodafinil affects the liver

There is not much evidence that Armodafinil affects the liver. In clinical trials, some very small increases in chemicals (aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase) were observed, suggesting very mild changes in liver function. But the changes were less than 1% in concentration [19].

However, because the metabolism of armodafinil occurs primarily through the liver [20], it is worth considering.

Our own review of the research showed very little evidence of significant adverse impacts on the liver, but we did find one case study in which an individual appeared to have liver problems after taking armodafinil [21]. In particular, he had a higher than normal concentration of iron in his liver.

However, upon closer inspection, it appeared that he had a genetic predisposition to higher levels of iron.21]. Iron concentrations returned to normal after discontinuing Armodafinil.

Therefore, it seems that armodafinil can only be a problem for the liver if you have a particular (and rare) genetic predisposition.

The researchers conclude that [19]:

There have been no reports of clinically apparent liver injury due to modafinil or armodafinil... Probability score: E (unlikely causes of clinically apparent liver injury).

Armodafinil interactions?

You may be wondering if armodafinil exists interactions—drugs that it could interact with and that change the way any of them work.

Armodafinil is broken down by some particular enzymes in healthy subjects: cytochrome P450 enzymes 1A2, 3A4, and 2C19.

Some researchers suggest that medications that are also broken down by these enzymes can interact with armodafinil, but this has not actually been found in real subjects [22].

Even so, it is recommended to be very careful and consult with a doctor about possible interactions with armodafinil if:

  • Pregnant
  • Taking risperidone for bipolar I disorder [23]
  • Taking carbamazepine for bipolar I disorder [24]
  • Taking steroid contraceptives [25]
  • Taking cyclosporine [25]
  • Taking CYP2C19 substrates, such as omeprazole, phenytoin, and diazepam [25]

You MUST pay attention to these warnings and interactions when taking Armodafinil. Interactions generally have a higher risk than any common nootropic side effects.

Is armodafinil safe?

So at the end of all that, it's safe armodafinil?

Well, we are not doctors, but we are researchers. And research consistently shows that Armodafinil, like Modafinil, is well tolerated and generally considered safe for most people [4, 20].

While there are some side effects of armodafinil, these are usually short-term, affect less than 17% of people, and are not serious. The side effects disappear after taking the medicine.

The best of all is that you can avoid the side effects if you're smart. That is how:

  • Don't take massive doses. Stay with our Armodafinil Dosing Guide: take a maximum of 150 mg in a single day.
  • Take it early in the morning. Armodafinil lasts a long time. If you want to get a good night's sleep, take your Armodafinil before 10:00 am.
  • Make sure you eat. You can avoid some of the indigestion and nausea if you take it with food. We like to have a big breakfast with ours.
  • Make sure you drink. Water is your friend. Drink plenty of water to avoid headaches. Bring electrolytes too.

As of this writing, no deaths have been reported as a result of an overdose of Modafinil or even taking Armodafinil.

Simply put, these drugs are not stimulants. Armodafinil does not have addictive properties. You will not get addicted to armodafinil. You don't want to take more and more after each use.

What does the nootropic do? Armodafinil will increase cognition and help you focus. Taking a higher dose rarely provides benefits. Therefore, you will not feel the need to take more than 150 mg of Armodafinil per day.

We have personally found the side effects of armodafinil to be incredibly minor, and you will probably have them too.

Modafinil versus Armodafinil

What happens with the Modafinil Versus Armodafinil Side Effects? How do they compare?

Honestly, the side effects of Armodafinil are milder than those of Modafinil. We love modafinil, but it can really cause stomach cramps and headaches if you're not careful.

We found that Armodafinil has a much milder effect.

Armodafinil is great for those days when you just need to work 10 hours and then get a good night's sleep. It's perfect for that and has fewer side effects.

Modafinil is best for those days when you are going to work 15 hours or need to pull an all-nighter.You may have some indigestion, but you can control it by eating and drinking plenty of water.

Armodafinil Side Effects

Armodafinil Side Effects | The verdict

Is armodafinil safe? Yeah. Does it have side effects? Also if.

Are they serious or common?

No, they are not. Most people find that the side effects of armodafinil are not as strong as the side effects of modafinil.

We like Armodafinil best on days when we want to sleep at a decent time and not have to worry about diarrhea and stomach cramps.

Don't get us wrong. The side effects of modafinil are certainly not that bad. In the worst case, you will stay up until 3am and have diarrhea the next morning. A small price to pay for 12 hours of your best work. However, with Armodafinil, you usually won't have to deal with those minor inconveniences either.

Overall, Armodafinil is a great alternative to Modafinil on days when you need 8-11+ hours of great focus and productivity, compared to 12-14+ with Modafinil. Armodafinil is not that strong, but neither are its side effects.

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