Armodafinil vs Adderall | Benefits, side effects and more

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 2, 2023

Armodafinil versus Aderall

Curious which smart drug is better? Armodafinil versus Adderall? Then you have come to the correct place.

In this guide, we'll break down everything you need to know about these powerful smart medications and help you discover which one will give you the benefits you're looking for.

Look, if you're like us, you've already tried Adderall and know that it's one of the most powerful study medications currently on the market. It offers extensive cognitive benefits, such as over 12 hours of pure concentration and dramatically improved short-term memory.1, 2].

Then smart drugs and nootropics like Armodafinil appeared on the scene and changed everything. Unlike Adderall, they did not contain highly stimulant amphetamines, so they offered powerful cognitive benefits with fewer side effects. CEOs, scammers, and straight-A students quickly began taking Armodafinil instead of Adderall.

When comparing these two medications, Armodafinil and Adderall, it is worth noting that they both offer similar benefits, including:

  • Increase general cognition.
  • Greater focus
  • Greater vigil
  • Improved productivity and workflow
  • Extra energy for more than 12 hours

…but which of these smart drugs is best for you?

Well, let's find out.

While both are incredibly effective, a nootropic is a cleaner, healthier alternative and, in our opinion, offers a better "high."

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Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is armodafinil?

Before we get too far, let's talk about what armodafinil is and why people take it. Armodafinil is like the cousin of eugeroic Modafinil, the most popular smart drug on the market. Technically speaking, it is an "enantiopure" compound of Modafinil, meaning that its pharmacological properties are almost identical but it works in a slightly different way.

Armodafinil was designed to combat the same problem as Modafinil; excessive daytime sleepiness. Like Modafinil, Armodafinil is prescribed to patients suffering from narcolepsy, shift-shift sleep disorder, and sleep apnea.3]. However, it has a longer half-life, so it is believed to be more effective in promoting wakefulness.

Armodafinil was created by the same company that produces Modafinil (Cephalon Inc) because the patent on Modafinil was about to expire. In simple terms, the two medications offer similar benefits, but their chemical structure varies slightly. Modafinil contains “R” and “S” enantiomers, but Armodafinil only contains the active “R” enantiomer.

Due to its unique chemical structure, Armodafinil offers a higher concentration in blood plasma after consumption. Some claim that this makes Armodafinil stronger than Modafinil. This is evidenced by the fact that Modafinil is sold in 200 mg tablets, while Armodafinil comes in only 150 mg.

Learn more about Armodafinil vs. Modafinil.

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What is Adderall?

As the original study drug, Adderall has been used by countless college students over the past three decades to help them prepare for final exams and complete term papers in just a few days.

Adderall was originally designed to treat narcolepsy and attention deficit disorder (ADHD), but it is also used as a stimulant to help people stay focused at work or study.4].

We wrote a little about Adderall here. But here's the gist of the matter:

“Adderall works by changing the way the brain regulates certain natural substances. The smart drug is made from amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, allowing it to stimulate different areas of the brain that control hyperactivity, concentration and impulse control.

While Modafinil is relatively new on the scene, Adderall has been popular among college students for 2 or 3 decades. Many consider it the “study drug” of choice for finals week or when it's time to turn in that big paper.”

In general, we are not big fans of Adderall. However, we still wanted to compare and contrast these two smart medications for you.

Armodafinil vs. Adderall | Ultimate guide

Now, we have been on Armodafinil for over six months and tend to alternate between Modafinil and Armodafinil these days, depending on when we want to fall asleep. If we need to go to bed before midnight, we take Armodafinil.

We usually take smart medicine once or twice a week.

In college, our team members took Adderall 2-4 times per semester. Not much, but we know how the smart drug works and what it feels like.While each smart drug offers similar benefits, the way they work and how they feel are completely different...

Armodafinil “high”

We have talked before about the “high” of Modafinil. Armodafinil offers a similar experience. It's not an amphetamine stimulant like Adderall, but you still feel increased cognition, wakefulness, and overall sense of well-being.

Overall, we'd say you feel less "high" on Armodafinil than Modafinil, but the cognitive benefits are still strong. We take Modafinil on days when we have to perform minor tasks.

If we are looking to create, we find that the "high" of Armodafinil is better overall.

The Adderall "High"

Adderall is a stimulant that contains amphetamines. As such, this study drug will be more drug-like than Armodafinil or Modafinil and will give you a more direct "hit."

When you take Adderall, your prefrontal cortex, the area of ​​your brain that controls behavior, memory, and attention span, changes and becomes more receptive to dopamine.5]. As dopamine becomes more available, you tend to feel more “rested,” optimistic, and attentive.

If that's what you're looking for, Adderall is the smart drug for your needs.

After about an hour taking Adderall, you will probably definitely feel much happier. Even things you don't want to do, like minor errands and the like, will be enjoyable when you take this smart medicine.

But these benefits are not without disadvantages.

You will get nervous. Your energy levels will skyrocket. Everything you do will start to be fun, even writing a 10,000-word book report on a topic you have no interest in will seem fun.

Overall, Adderall offers a stronger “high” than any other smart drug out there, including Modafinil and Armodafinil, for one simple reason; contains amphetamines.

PS: Check out some Adderall alternatives.

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Armodafinil vs. Adderall | Benefit Comparison

While Armodafinil versus Adderall can be a difficult comparison because the benefits are very similar, it is worth noting that each smart drug offers different positives and negatives.

For example, we can differentiate the benefits of Adderall and Armodafinil:

Armodafinil benefits

  • Greater cognition and greater concentration: Like any smart drug, you will notice significant cognitive benefits when taking armodafinil. You will be able to concentrate for hours and your productivity will increase enormously [6, 7, 8].
  • It is not an amphetamine-based stimulant: Since Armodafinil does not contain amphetamines, you will not suffer from any of the typical side effects of Adderall, such as anxiety, sweating, and low sex drive.9]. You'll be able to get tons of work done without the jittery feeling that Adderall brings. This is a great benefit for us.
  • Longer half-life: Armodafinil has a longer elimination half-life (12-15 hours) than Modafinil (12 hours) or Adderall (12 hours) [10]. This makes Armodafinil more effective at promoting wakefulness and is one of the reasons it comes in smaller doses of 150 mg per tablet.
  • Easier to sleep: As you can take, Armodafinil is also a great smart drug when you want to get some sleep. With Modafinil and Adderall, it can be difficult to fall asleep before midnight. With the right dosage and schedule, it is easy to fall asleep at your usual time after taking armodafinil.
  • Fewer side effects: The side effects of Armodafinil are incredibly minor, especially compared to Adderall.Many users report that they have experienced no side effects after taking 150 mg of Armodafinil.

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Adderall Benefits

  • A real "high": Adderall contains amphetamines and will make you feel high. For some users, this is a great benefit. Its effect allows users to perform menial tasks that simply aren't fun without Adderall. You will get a strong feeling of happiness, productivity, and focus when taking Adderall.
  • Intensity: Adderall may be the most intense smart drug available. When you can't take “no” for an answer, Adderall can almost guarantee that a job, document, or project will be completed. The study drug is simply too strong to be allowed to fail, as evidenced by its widespread use on college campuses [11].
  • Super energy levels: You will feel more energized on Adderall than almost any other smart drug. Because? Because Adderall is an amphetamine-based stimulant and you will feel it. Many have compared Adderall to a productive form of cocaine.

Armodafinil vs. Adderall | Side effects

The benefits of Armodafinil and Adderall may be somewhat similar, although Adderall is a little stronger. Side effects are not. Adderall tends to cause many more side effects than its counterpart.

Let's dive in and take a look:

Armodafinil Side Effects

  • Nausea
  • Weightloss
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Hypertension
  • Diarrhea [12]

Our team members have not experienced any of these side effects. In fact, if you asked us which smart drug offers the least side effects, we would say Armodafinil.It's much gentler than Modafinil. Other than a minor stomach issue once, we haven't had any problems yet.

In addition, we can sleep with armodafinil before midnight. That never happens with Adderall or Modafinil.

Adderall Side Effects

  • Addictive: Given that Adderall is an amphetamine-based stimulant and offers a variety of similarities to cocaine, it should come as no surprise that the study drug is addictive and potentially habit-forming. Be careful!
  • Muscle spasms and spasms
  • Hypertension
  • Nausea
  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Heart attack (when mixed with alcohol) [13, 14, 15]

While many people don't experience any side effects from taking Adderall, we do. Headaches, Adderall hangovers, and nausea caused problems for our team members on more than one occasion.

You should be careful with this study drug. Additionally, you'll want to take it early in the morning to ensure you get to sleep at an appropriate time. Taking extended-release Adderall in the afternoon can be a death sentence for your sleep schedule.

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Armodafinil vs. Adderall

Overall, there is a reason we no longer take or recommend Adderall.

Armodafinil and Modafinil offer similar cognitive benefits without any of Adderall's common side effects.

While some students still prefer Adderall, almost all CEOs and online scammers have recently switched to smart drugs like Armodafinil.

It's not an exaggeration. These smart drugs are really like the pill in "Unlimited" and you willpower Experience impressive cognitive benefits when you take them.

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