Armodavinyl | Reviews, clinical data and more

Thomas Thorne

Last update: March 6, 2023

armodavinyl review

Are you curious about armodavinyl? Looking for detailed Armodavinil reviews? Then you've come to the perfect place. In this article, our team has compiled the most up-to-date and accurate information currently available on this powerful nootropic.

We have sought factual data and reports to answer a number of questions, including:

  • Which online armodavinil supplier offers the best deals?
  • If you do not have a prescription, can you legally purchase and possess armodavinil?
  • What makes Armodavinil unique compared to other brands?
  • What is the difference between modafinil and armodafinil?

The active ingredient in armodavinil is armodafinil, a stimulant approved by the US FDA to treat sleep disorders such as sleep apnea.

In recent years, the benefits of over-the-counter armodafinil have attracted healthy people to try it. These benefits range from greater concentration and greater motivation, to higher energy levels and even better feelings of well-being.

This article will also provide details on the dosing protocol of this medication, the different pricing options, how to prevent side effects and also our ideal supplier to buy Armodavinil online. Let us begin!

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Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is armodavinyl?

Armodavinil is a generic version of the drug armodafinil. It is almost identical in structure and function to modafinil, a prescription medication designed to treat daytime sleep disorders such as narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder.1].

First developed in France and approved in the US in 2007, Armodafinil was originally marketed under the brand name Nuvigil, produced by the company Cephalon [2]. However, the patent that gave Cephalon exclusive rights to produce this drug would expire shortly after receiving FDA approval.

Armodafinil was then conceived in response to the potential loss of profits that would result from other drug manufacturers producing generic modafinil. Subsequently, the US FDA approved the first generic armodafinil to be marketed in 2016 [3].

As has been the case with modafinil, medications containing armodafinil, such as armodavinil, are used off-label by healthy people seeking to improve their mental performance. Research has shown that armodafinil can improve the following [4, 5, 6]:

  • Productivity
  • Memory
  • Surveillance
  • Higher energy levels

You may be wondering... what is the difference between modafinil and armodafinil? These two smart drugs differ slightly in that modafinil contains a two-enantiomer structure, with “R-” and “S+” enantiomers present. In contrast, armodafinil only has the “R-” enantiomer [7]

This difference in structure explains why armodafinil and its generic variants such as armodavinil are dosed at 150 mg, while modafinil is dosed at 200 mg.7].

Partly due to a lack of research, the mechanism of action of armodafinil is not yet fully understood [8]. However, armodafinil is known to block the reuptake process at dopamine receptors, causing the concentration of dopamine at synapses to increase.

Armodavinil is currently manufactured in India by Centurion Remedies PVT.

armodavinyl review

Armodafinil benefits

Stimulant medications like Ritalin or Adderall are often some of the first choices people take when they have an important project due or when they need to absorb and retain mountains of information for an upcoming exam.

In any case, while these medications can be useful for temporarily improving cognition, their benefits are often accompanied by a host of harmful side effects.

Both armodafinil and modafinil present a viable alternative to other stimulants. They provide similar cognitive benefits, but do not tend to produce serious side effects.

As a result, the positive effects that these medications have on “mood, fatigue, and cognitive performance” have continued to attract an increasing number of people to experience and use the beneficial effects of modafinil and armodafinil [9].

While there are some slight differences between these smart drugs, data has shown that since they work in similar ways, it makes sense that they could produce similar cognitive effects.10].

We have compiled a detailed list of the benefits of Armodafinil and Modafinil in terms of cognitive enhancement below:

  • Improved focus and alertness – Despite your best efforts, you may occasionally find your mind wandering and succumbing to distractions while you try to sit down and work.Armodafinil is useful in such situations, as it has been shown to produce "significant improvements in memory, attention, and fatigue" [11].
  • Improved memory – Armodafinil is especially useful in situations where you constantly need to absorb or remember new information. By using this smart drug, you will be able to enjoy improved working memory, as well as greater cognitive flexibility, which will allow you to obtain better results in processes such as language learning or the retention of factual information [5, 12].
  • Feel more energetic – Even if you maintain clean eating habits, prioritize sleep, and make an effort to exercise, you may still sometimes feel fatigued and lacking energy. Armodafinil is particularly useful in such scenarios, as several studies on this smart drug have shown improvements in wakefulness and reduction in fatigue, both in healthy individuals and in patients diagnosed with sleep disorders.5, 11, 13].
  • Better mood – Studies have shown that both modafinil and armodafinil can offer a boost in overall well-being, as well as reduce symptoms of depression [14, 15]. This improvement in mood can lead to a renewed sense of motivation to achieve goals and tasks, which can positively affect other aspects of your life.

The effects that occur and their intensity may vary depending on the individual. You may experience all of these effects, or just some of them. In any case, make sure you are clear about the tasks you want to perform when using armodafinil, so that you can maximize the benefits of this medication.

Armodafinil Side Effects

Before experimenting with a stimulant medication like armodafinil, it is essential that you clearly understand what the possible side effects are and how you can prevent or reduce their severity.

Compared to commonly prescribed stimulants like Adderall or Ritalin, armodavinil side effects are minor and tend to occur rarely. Generally speaking, armodafinil side effects They are not known to cause long-term damage.

The most common side effects of armodafinil have been found to occur with the following frequency [16, 17]:

  • Headaches (17%)
  • Nausea (7%)
  • Dizziness (5%)
  • Insomnia (5%)
  • Anxiety (4%)
  • Diarrhea (4%)
  • Dry mouth (4%)
  • Depression (2%)
  • Fatigue (2%)
  • Palpitations (2%)

It is important to emphasize that these side effects of Armodavinil are quite mild and uncommon when the appropriate dosing protocol is observed.

You may also be wondering... how do armodafinil-based medications interact with other medications?

Being aware of what types of medications you should not take with armodafinil is essential to avoid potential health problems. It is recommended that you do not use armodafinil if you are also taking [18]:

  • Steroid contraceptives
  • cyclosporine
  • Midazolam
  • triazolam
  • phenytoin
  • diazepam
  • propranolol
  • omeprazole
  • clomipramine
  • warfarin
  • Citalopram
  • clopidogrel
  • Ranolazine
  • Fentanyl
  • Levomethadyl

Some studies have even noted that exceeding the standard armodafinil dose of 150 mg did not result in a noticeable change in the frequency of unwanted side effects.13, 19].

To protect yourself from these possible side effects, we strongly recommend that you do the following:

  • Make sure you stay hydrated throughout the day, ideally with an electrolyte-rich solution.
  • Take Armodavinil as early in the day as possible to avoid disturbing your sleep pattern.
  • Take it with food to avoid nausea.

Where to buy armodavinyl online? | 2023 Edition

Growing interest in modafinil products in recent years has resulted in several online vendors selling different forms and brands of this powerful medication.

On the one hand, the diversity of suppliers offers consumers a wide range of options. On the other hand, many consumers have become more skeptical of these products, as some vendors list counterfeit or adulterated medications on their sites, which may be ineffective and dangerous to take.

Many consumers want to know... how is it possible to determine if an online modafinil supplier sells safe, FDA-approved medications? If an order is placed online, how can you ensure that it will not be confiscated by customs and cause legal problems?

Our team conducted independent research and ordered several different products from various online suppliers. The primary goal was to gain a clear understanding of how these vendors compared to each other in terms of pricing, reliability, and quality of their products, among other criteria.

In the end, we found that BuyModa is the ideal supplier to buy Armodavinil online. Below we list some of the most important reasons:

  • 100% risk-free delivery: BuyModa is committed to providing an excellent customer experience at all times. As such, your order is guaranteed to arrive within 30 business days and is completely risk-free. In the event that your order does not arrive, it will be reshipped at no additional charge. If the second shipment does not reach you, you will receive a full refund.
  • Top value: You will find Armodavinil in various quantities at BuyModa at better prices than comparable suppliers. A starter quantity of 30 pills can be had for just $69, while higher quantities are available at increasingly lower costs per pill. You can save more on larger orders as FREE shipping is available when you purchase over $150 worth of medications (does not apply to UK and EU orders, or US to US orders).
  • FDA approved production: All medications listed for sale on BuyModa come strictly from ISO certified laboratories. Additionally, the products are approved by the FDA and equivalent health authorities in most other countries.
  • Save more with Crypto: Maintain your privacy and save 20% on your order when you make your purchase with Bitcoin.
  • Surprise gifts: As a way to express gratitude, BuyModa will give you two bonuses when you finish checking your cart: If your order is over $150, you'll receive 30 free Armodavinil tablets, as well as 20 free Modvigil tablets added to your next purchase.

Before purchasing Armodavinil online, make sure you are familiar with the Modafinil regulations in your jurisdiction, as the legislation is applied differently in each country.

You can make your armodavinil purchase at BuyModa, an industry-leading online supplier of high-quality modafinil, armodafinil, and nootropics.

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How much does armodavinyl cost?

Finding legit and affordable modafinil can be quite difficult. Doing so with armodafinil can be an even more difficult task, as this medication is less common than standard modafinil. Among the options currently available, most tend to be expensive and not of particularly high quality.

Until recently, modafinil and armodafinil medication options were very limited. One of the only drugs containing armodafinil legally available for purchase was Nuvigil, which could cost hundreds of dollars for just 30 tablets.

This situation changed in 2012 when the patents for modafinil and armodafinil expired.Shortly thereafter, less expensive generic versions of armodafinil became available for purchase, which continued to offer identical benefits on mental cognition, memory, concentration, and energy levels.

Fortunately, this means that you can now buy Armodavinil in different quantities at BuyModa at affordable prices.

You may be curious to know... What are generic medications from well-known brands like Nuvigil like? The mention of “generic medications” often generates skepticism and may imply a lack of quality and safety.

In reality, the process for bringing generic drugs to the market is identical to that of brand-name drugs, since they must first be approved by the FDA and equivalent health agencies in different countries. Its goal is to produce “clinical results similar to [the] use of brand-name medications” [20, 21].

Please refer to the table below to understand the scope of pricing for specific quantities of Armodavinil:

30 tablets $65
60 tablets $89
100 tablets $99
200 tablets $185
300 tablets $255
500 tablets $395

Armodavinil dosage and tolerance

You may be wondering…what is the standard dosage for Armodavinil? Can you take Armodavinil every day without developing dependence? By having a clear idea of ​​what an appropriate armodavinil dosage looks like, you can mitigate and prevent side effects and dependence, and still enjoy the cognitive benefits of this medication.

Due to the fact that Armodavinil is a generic version of armodafinil, the dosing protocols The medications for this medication are identical to other armodafinil-based medications.

It is important to note that due to its higher potency, armodafinil medications have lower doses than regular modafinil. A standard dose of modafinil, regardless of brand, will be 200 mg, while a standard dose of armodafinil is of 150 mg.22, 23].

Although the standard dosage of armodavinil has been established, the intensity of the effects of this eugeroic may vary depending on the individual. If you have noticed sensitivity to stimulant medications in the past, our recommendation is to start with a lower dose and then gradually increase it.

If you prefer to start with a lower dose, you can take 75 mg of Armodavinil by dividing one tablet into two. This dose tends to produce effects that last between 8 and 10 hours.

For those with a pronounced sensitivity to stimulants, they can start with a quarter dose of 37.5 mg, which Requires a tablet to be cut into quarters.. It has been observed that a dose of armodavinil at this level still produces some notable improvements in cognition, although only for a few hours.

What about microdosing armodafinil? If you prefer to use the effects of armodafinil more frequently, albeit less intensely, microdosing is one way to achieve this. For example, one Reddit user found that the standard armodafinil dose of 150 mg caused adverse effects such as stomach problems and anxiety.

By taking lower amounts of this medication, they were able to determine an appropriate dosage for their individual needs.24]:

  • 75 mg: Some side effects
  • 37.5mg: Jitters experienced 1-2 hours after consumption.
  • 18.75mg: Increased concentration without adverse effects.

You may also be wondering… How does Armodavinil compare to other stimulants like Adderall or Ritalin in terms of overdose? Can taking too much armodafinil cause death?
Currently, no studies have found reports of deaths from armodafinil-based medications, even when acute overdoses greater than 10,000 mg were taken.25, 26]:

Because the half-life of armodavinil is approximately 13.5 hours, we recommend patients take armodavinil as early in the day as possible.27Following this protocol, the effects should subside at night, allowing you to sleep normally.

Is armodavinyl legal?

If you are considering where and how to buy Armodavinil online, you should also know how this medication is treated in different jurisdictions. When ordering medications online, and especially internationally, it is not uncommon for customs to seize packages, resulting in wasted time and money.

In general, regardless of whether Armodafinil is sold under a brand name or in generic form, authorities in almost all countries treat this medication identically to Modafinil.

You may be curious to know... can you buy Armodavinil without a prescription, even a small amount for personal use?

In most cases, under the laws of most countries, the answer is no.

For example, if you place an order at USA, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has classified both armodafinil and modafinil as “Schedule IV” substances. You would need a modafinil prescription buy armodafinil legally through a licensed pharmacy as Nuvigil, or simply generic armodafinil.

Australia, Germany, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom Also label both modafinil and armodafinil as controlled substances that can only be purchased with a prescription. However, possessing armodafinil in these countries is not considered a crime [28, 29, 30, 31].

Armodavinil is becoming an attractive option for competitive athletes to improve their mind-body connection and obtain maximum benefits from training. Please note, however, that Armodafinil is classified as a prohibited substance by USADA and WADA [32].

Taking armodafinil-based medications weeks before a competition is not a foolproof strategy.Modern drug screening technology that specifically tests blood and urine samples can still identify armodavinil even weeks after consumption.17].

armodavinyl review

Armodavinil vs. Modalert vs. Provigil /// Armodavinil vs. Waklert vs. Nuvigil

Armodavinil is one of several generic medications containing armodafinil currently on the market. You may be wondering… how can you tell the difference between brands of Armodafinil? What features differentiate Armodavinil from well-known brands such as Nuvigil?

For one thing, generic Armodafinil medications must meet FDA standards before being released to the market, just like name brands. Additionally, generic medications are designed to work identically to brand name medications.

On the other hand, there are some subtle differences to keep in mind between each of the following medications, ranging from price to the potency of their effects.

Armodavinil vs. Modalert vs. Provigil

When patents to produce armodafinil expired in 2012, drugmakers took the opportunity to produce generic variants.

As a result, consumers have also benefited from lower prices and a greater variety of options. In the past, Nuvigil was one of the only FDA-approved options for armodafinil medications, which could cost more than hundreds of dollars for as few as 30 tablets.

One of the most relevant differences between Armodavinil, Modalert and Provigil is that the main ingredient in Armodavinil is armodafinil, considered by some to be a superior and more powerful type of modafinil. The active ingredient in Modalert and Provigil, on the other hand, is the standard modafinil.

Price-wise, Armodavinil is less expensive than Modalert and Provigil, making it an ideal and affordable option for those just starting to experiment with armodafinil.

Armodavinil vs. Waklert vs. Nuvigil

Armodavinil is a less expensive option than Waklert and Nuvigil. While Armodavinil is designed to reliably produce the effects that Armodafinil is known for, Waklert has been reported to be slightly stronger and longer lasting in comparison, hence the slightly higher price.

Armodavinyl Reviews | Verdict

In this Armodavinil review, we give you a detailed insight into the various aspects of this medication. We hope that by understanding the benefits, side effects, dosing protocol, and cost of armodavinil, you can make an informed decision about whether this smart drug is right for you.

Although it is a generic version of Armodafinil, Armodavinil's effects and mechanism of action are designed to be identical to a brand-name medication like Nuvigil. In comparison, Armodavinil is a much more affordable option. It is currently manufactured by Centurion Remedies PVT in India.

In terms of possible side effects, armodavinil is considered generally safe to consume when the proper dosing protocol is followed. No deaths have ever been reported with this medication, even in the case of an excessive dose.

If you have a valid prescription for Armodafinil and are wondering which brand of medication would be right for you, check out BuyModa to learn more and make your purchase.


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