Modafinil benefits | 13 reasons to try the nootropic

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 19, 2023

Modafinil benefits

Curious about Modafinil benefits?

Well, there's a reason why it's the most popular nootropic of all time, besides coffee.

Sure, it was designed to ensure that lack of sleep doesn't get you down, and it does that very well.

But there's so much more: concentration, improved memory and even better decision making.

And if that were not enough, it is also beginning to seem that modafinil could be an effective treatment for people with addiction problems and even depression.

In other words, Modafinil works well. Really good. Take 200 mg of the smart drug and you are sure to power through whatever task is in front of you for hours on end. We're talking more than 10 to 12 hours of pure, uninterrupted concentration.

But you're not as interested in the claims of modafinil benefits as you are in the evidence. That's what we're doing here: we'll provide a solid summary of the benefits of Modafinil along with the science behind those benefits.

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Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is modafinil?

So what is Modafinil? It is a prescription medication used to combat excessive sleepiness.1]. It was first approved for widespread use in France in 1994 and was finally approved by the FDA in the United States in 1998. It was marketed under the brand name Provigil.

What is modafinil used for? Currently, doctors prescribe modafinil to combat fatigue in people with sleep disorders, such as [2]:

  • Narcolepsy [3]
  • Obstructive sleep apnea [4]
  • Sleep disorder in shift work [5]

Those uses for modafinil (helping people stay awake and alert) were great, but many noted that its performance-enhancing benefits could extend to other contexts. The uses of modafinil in people without sleep disorders are many. For example:

  • Governments have given it to members of their militaries to perform well on missions even when they were fatigued [6].
  • Business executives and tech startup founders have used it to work 80 hours a week for years [7].
  • It was given to astronauts on the International Space Station so they could perform well even if they slept poorly.8].
  • Wall Street stock traders began taking this "Viagara for the brain" to improve the quality of their research and trading [9].
  • Modafinil is even banned by sports organizations for its recognized effect on improving sports performance [10].

Basically, he's really good at what he does.


But that does it?

Modafinil is a central nervous system stimulant, meaning it works to prepare your body for action [11]. It reaches its maximum concentration in the blood approximately 2 to 4 hours after taking the last dose and has a half-life of approximately 12 to 15 hours [11].

What is modafinil made of? It is created synthetically in a laboratory and has the following chemical formula: C15h15NO2S. Also known as 2-(diphenylmethanesulfinyl)acetamide.

It's still not exactly clear how it works, in part because it has several actions. The resulting state of alertness is probably an indirect consequence of some of these actions. This is what we know so far [11]:

  • Modafinil is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, meaning it increases the concentration of dopamine at the synapses between nerve cells. One of the effects of this increase in dopamine is an increase in mood.
  • Modafinil also blocks the reuptake of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter involved in preparing the body for action. Modafinil increases the concentration of norepinephrine, probably part of how it contributes to wakefulness and concentration.
  • Modafinil also acts on other neurochemicals, such as histamine, serotonin, orexin, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and glutamate.12]: Each of these plays a role in alertness and wakefulness.

Taken together, by indirectly increasing neurotransmitters that play a role in wakefulness, modafinil may exert a significant effect on a number of cognitive factors.12].


Modafinil Side Effects and Safety Concerns

Before we get into a deep discussion about the incredible benefits of Modafinil, we must briefly cover the side effects and safety profile of Modafinil.

The high-level conclusion is the following:

Modafinil is well tolerated, with a low prevalence of adverse side effects and a low potential for abuse.11, 13]. Basically, all the studies done on it suggest that it is safe for most people [3, 4, 5, 14, 15].

But there are some potential side effects you should be aware of. The most common ones include [11]:

Only a small percentage of people who use Modafinil will experience these side effects, but it is still good to be aware of them.

There is also a very low potential for abuse and addiction, as well as virtually no chance of a modafinil overdose being fatal.11].

What can you do to minimize side effects and safety risks?

Here is what we do to reduce the chances of you experiencing adverse effects from Modafinil:

  • Take it early in the morning. That way, it won't keep you up at night.
  • Take it with food. We found that eating a large meal before taking Modafinil helps reduce indigestion, nausea, and diarrhea.
  • Drink a lot of water. Modafinil can dehydrate you, causing headaches. Drink plenty of water while you work to avoid getting a headache.
  • Don't take too much. Start with a small dose of Modafinil. You can increase up to a normal dose of 200 mg. Taking more than that will increase your chances of experiencing side effects.
  • Do not take it if you are pregnant. We are not sure how it could affect the fetus.
  • Do not take it if you are under 17 years old. The safety profile of modafinil has not been tested in children.

If you follow those guidelines, you will be able to avoid most of the adverse effects of modafinil and have a great experience.

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Modafinil benefits | 13 best

Alright, let's get to it.

Here are some of the biggest and best benefits of Modafinil based on research and according to our own experiences:

Overcome fatigue

This is perhaps what Modafinil is most used for and what it is best for: reducing fatigue and giving you the energy to work for hours on end. It will make you feel fresh, no matter how long you've been going.

There have been tons of studies done on this in several different populations, including those with various health conditions [16], healthy individuals [17], and even helicopter pilots in the military [18]. In each of these groups, Modafinil was found to significantly decrease fatigue.

Maintains cognitive performance during sleep deprivation

But modafinil not only keep you are awake. In fact, it improves your cognition to the point where your performance is as good as if you weren't sleep deprived.18].

As just one example, one study found that Modafinil was even effective in improving the motor coordination skills of doctors suffering from sleep deprivation [19].

Improves cognitive performance in people who are not sleep deprived

Modafinil isn't just great if you haven't slept well: it's great for everyone.

In one study, Modafinil improved several different types of cognitive function in people suffering from brain damage as a result of a brain tumor [20], showing that it can help people with certain types of cognitive impairment.

In several other studies, modafinil has been found to contribute to improved spatial planning, visual pattern recognition, and reaction time [21], strategic planning and decision-making skills [22], and even visual processing [23].

Taken together, the research suggests that Modafinil is a potent nootropic.

Improved memory

In fact, one of the best-researched nootropic effects of modafinil is its effect on memory. Several studies have found data suggesting that Modafinil has a particularly strong effect on improving performance on both working and episodic memory tasks [19, 22, 24, 25].

Reduces impulsiveness when making decisions

One of the ways scientists believe Modafinil may help improve decision-making skills is by reducing impulsivity. A study in a group of alcohol-dependent people found that modafinil improved their impulsivity scores and also increased the number of days they could remain abstinent from alcohol [26].

May help reduce dependence on “hard drugs”

Findings like these are one of the reasons modafinil is starting to be considered a complementary therapy to help people struggling with substance abuse and addictions from things like cocaine and amphetamine use.27]. This is a promising area of ​​further study and is currently an off-label use of Modafinil.

Improved mood

Research has consistently found that Modafinil provides a small but significant improvement in mood. Some people even refer to it as a kind of “euphoria” [28]. Its effect on mood is partly why it has been used as a complementary therapy for patients suffering from depression.29].

Improved daytime wakefulness, alertness and concentration

If you've ever felt like taking a nap in the middle of the day, Modafinil might be for you. It has been shown to reduce daytime sleepiness [30] and increase focus and concentration [31, 32] to help you keep functioning at your best.

Greater motivation for work

Even if you're awake and focused, you don't always want to be working, especially if that work is tedious.

But modafinil also helps in that regard. One study found that it actually increased the pleasure participants got from their work and helped them feel more motivated to keep working [22].

Stimulant-like effects without the jitters

We love coffee, but we know it has limitations.By the third cup, you may feel like you're jumping off the walls.

Modafinil stimulates the central nervous system, but not through the adrenal system in the same way as coffee and amphetamines. Adderall do. It provides a feeling of alertness and concentration, but without increasing adrenaline.


Surprisingly, Modafinil also offers benefits to users seeking lose weight [33]. When you think, "What is modafinil used for?" you usually don't think this. Weight loss is one of the newer and unofficial effects of Modafinil.

What drives this effect? There seem to be a few factors. The first is that many people who are prescribed modafinil for sleep apnea are overweight (having excess body fat is one of the contributing factors to obstructive sleep apnea). That means that the population taking this medication may be more likely to have excess weight to lose.

The second factor is that one of the effects of modafinil is to suppress appetite. In the long term, a slightly suppressed appetite a few days a week can lead to a significant reduction in calories, eventually resulting in weight loss.

Finally, people who are tired due to excessive sleepiness may be less likely to exercise. Modafinil helps give people energy so they spend more time exercising.

It is not a diet pill and will not help you “lose weight quickly.” And it probably won't have much effect on people who are already at a healthy weight. But if you're overweight, you may find weight loss to be a nice side benefit.

hangover cure

Modafinil is the ultimate hangover cure. This may be one of the biggest benefits of the smart drug: not wasting the day after the party.

Modafinil promotes wakefulness and offers concentration. When you have a hangover, you are tired and unmotivated. So you may not get much done. By taking Modafinil, you fight hangovers and become productive immediately. A large, fatty breakfast, followed by 200 mg of modafinil and a big cup of coffee can help break even the worst hangovers.

Cheaper than coffee

Lastly, modafinil is cheap, especially compared to a cup of coffee. A 200 mg Modafinil can cost as little as $0.80 per serving. A regular cup of coffee at Starbucks costs around $4.

So, you can buy about five 200 mg Modafinil pills for the average price of a cup of coffee. Furthermore, the effects of modafinil are much stronger than those of any cup of coffee. With Modafinil, it's easy to save.

Where to buy modafinil online? | Guide 2023

Clearly, there are many benefits to Modafinil.

That's why so many people are looking to get their hands on it. While it is difficult to access from a pharmacy without a prescription, it is now quite easy buy modafinil online.

How exactly to do this depends on where you live and the regulations there. For example, if you want buy modafinil in canada, you may have to use a different online provider if you want buy modafinil from brazil. We know it's a little confusing, that's why we created a library of Modafinil Country Guides to make it easier for you.

Find legitimate suppliers

While it is easy to find online suppliers that sell Modafinil, be careful not to choose one that is a scam. If you're new to the world of nootropics, it can be easy to confuse one of the fake vendors with the legitimate ones.

Through a lot of trial and error, we have found providers that have great prices and will also deliver what they promise. These providers:

  • Have very reasonable prices along with plenty of discounts. Most also offer you more discounts if you are a returning customer or buy modafinil with bitcoin.
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  • Worldwide delivery. You have to look carefully to see which supplier ships where, but among our recommended suppliers, you will find one that can send Modafinil to you wherever you are.

If you stick with our recommended providers, you won't be disappointed.

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Modafinil benefits | The verdict

He benefits of modafinil They are vast.

It helps you fight fatigue and stay alert, but it also has many fantastic nootropic benefits. Popular uses of modafinil include working hard for hours at a time, boosting your studying so you pass the exam, or finishing your big coding project.

Whether you're looking to stay focused, make more money, get better grades, or improve productivity, this smart drug can't be beat. Modafinil is the best-selling nootropic on the market for good reason.

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