Best Generic Modafinil Brands | Guide 2023

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 20, 2023

Best generic modafinil

At the time of writing this article, there are multiple ways to generic modafinil available for people looking to buy Modafinil online. All of these Modafinil brands seem to have their pros and cons regarding their cost, availability, and overall effectiveness.

Fortunately, the days of suspicious-looking generic Modafinil brands are behind us. Tightening national and international pharmaceutical regulations has ensured that all forms of Modafinil meet certain quality and purity standards.

Additionally, numerous reports have come in from smart drug enthusiasts who have tried all the different forms of generic Armodafinil and Modafinil. When their findings are added, it's easy to see which forms of generic Modafinil best mimic the real product, namely the brand-name Modafinil known as “Provigilia.”

This article compiles all the information mentioned above to help you determine which is the best generic Modafinil and which is the cheapest variant to buy if you are looking for an affordable alternative.

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Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is modafinil?

If you're looking for generic modafinil, it's important to know exactly what it is, how it works, and why an increasing number of people are expressing great interest in the drug.

Modafinil is a wakefulness-promoting drug originally developed by the French pharmaceutical company Lafon Laboratories to help narcolepsy patients who suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness.

Since then, Modafinil has been successfully used to treat drowsiness associated with ailments such as shift work sleep disorder and sleep apnea. It has also demonstrated positive medical benefits in the treatment of drowsiness and fatigue experienced by patients with cancer, people suffering from depression and military personnel.1].

Modafinil's use in the latter group is partly what drove its widespread use among ordinary people. Due to the improved cognitive performance and higher levels of alertness seen in soldiers, inquiring minds began to wonder if they could achieve the same benefits with Modafinil.

It turns out that this was indeed the case. Internet forums were filled with pages of testimonials from people who achieved the following benefits:

  • 10-12 hours of intense concentration
  • Reduced fatigue
  • Improved short-term memory
  • Improved concentration

Modafinil ended up arriving on the campuses of prestigious universities, where between 8% and 20% of students actively use the smart drug to gain a much-needed competitive advantage [2].

Many nootropic users consider Modafinil to be the leading cognitive enhancer on the market. And although Modafinil can be combined with other smart drugs, it is common that Modafinil alone is enough to give its users the cognitive boost they seek.

Modafinil Side Effects and Safety Concerns

Modafinil is incredibly safe and well tolerated among the majority of patients who end up taking it. However, it is not a perfect drug and has some side effects. These are some of the most common [3]:

  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Dehydration
  • Dizziness
  • Stomach problems

These side effects are more common in first-time users. In most cases, they can be eliminated by temporarily stopping the use of Modafinil or reducing the daily dose of Modafinil.

Some of the rarer but more serious side effects of modafinil can include rash, chest pains, difficulty breathing, and unusual levels of aggression.

Anyone who is experiencing one of the serious side effects listed above, or one of the common side effects for an abnormal period of time, should seek emergency medical attention and stop using Modafinil immediately.

generic modafinil

Provigil vs Generic Modafinil

Those who are new to using Modafinil to improve their mental performance may be curious to know the difference between the brand name Provigil and any of the "generic Provigil" variants.

Honestly, there is no significant difference between Provigil and generic Modafinil. In fact, there is no significant difference between any brand-name drug and its generic counterpart [4]:

“Generic drugs are copies of brand-name drugs that have exactly the same dosage, intended use, effects, side effects, route of administration, risks, safety and potency as the original drug.

In other words, their pharmacological effects are exactly the same as their brand-name counterparts.”

Based on this explanation, the cognitive effects you experience with Provigil or any generic Modafinil should be exactly the same.And since both drugs meet the same manufacturing and quality standards, this is the only logical conclusion.

However, this does not mean that brand-name and generic drugs are 100% identical in all aspects [5]:

“Although the active ingredients are the same, the excipients (inactive ingredients) may differ. This is only important in rare cases when a patient has an allergy or sensitivity to one of the excipients.

The product may also be slightly different in color, shape or markings.”

So unless you are part of an extremely small minority who is sensitive and/or allergic to a non-medicinal ingredient, you are basically looking at the same active drug.

How much does generic modafinil cost?

This is where generic Modafinil has a clear advantage over Provigil and therefore nootropic users will rarely be caught with Provigil on their hands.

Generic medications are typically 80 to 85% cheaper than brand name medications for two main reasons.6]:

  • Generic drug manufacturers do not have to invest their capital in clinical trials and research.
  • Once a patent expires and a company loses exclusive rights to sell a brand-name drug, generic drug manufacturers compete to offer the drug to consumers at the lowest possible price.

So how much does the average generic modafinil cost and how does it compare to Provigil?

According to WellRx at the time of writing [7]:

  • Generic Modafinil: $22.52 for 30 Modafinil tablets, 200 mg per tablet ($0.75 per tablet)
  • Provigilia: $1785.92 for 30 tablets of Provigil, 200 mg per tablet ($59.53 per tablet)

You're looking at an 80-fold difference between the two variants! It is no wonder that drug experts consistently recommend purchasing generic brands of Modafinil.

And to make matters worse, the pharmacy where you pick up Modafinil out of pocket (unless you have insurance copays) can make a huge difference in the total price. For 30 200 mg modafinil pills, you can pay as little as $34.89 at Costco or as much as $829 at CVS [8].

To make a long story short, any generic brand of Modafinil you buy will be much cheaper than Provigil.

The costs will be even cheaper if you are willing to buy Modafinil online…

Best Generic Modafinil Brands

It can be overwhelming to decide which brands of modafinil and armodafinil are worth purchasing online.

Truth be told, much of the information currently known about these generic products comes from user testimonials and reports.

So, if you want to know which are the best brands of generic Modafinil and generic Armodafinil, read on.

Generic Modafinil Brands | 2023 Edition

  • Modalert 200

Modalert 200 is the main form of generic Modafinil sold online and is manufactured by SUN Pharmaceuticals. Many users report that Modalert is a potent and pure source of Generic Modafinil and claim to experience a powerful boost in cognition for 10 to 12 hours.

Currently, Modalert is the best-selling generic smart medicine in the world.

If money is not an issue and you want to buy Modafinil online, we recommend starting with Modalert. This should be the first choice for veteran smart drug users.

For more information on the best Modafinil brand for generic Provigil, check out our full page. Modalert Review here.

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  • Modvigil

Manufactured by HAB Pharmaceuticals, Modvigil is second in popularity among generic Modafinil users.

While some users report that Modvigil is almost as good as Modalert in terms of potency, there are some subtle differences.

Modvigil has a shorter half-life of 10 to 13 hours, compared to Modalert's 12 to 14 hours. It is still an exceptional smart drug, but it does not possess the same degree of potency as Modalert. This makes it an ideal option for those who are new to using nootropics, want to sleep better at night, or may have found Modalert to be too strong.

However, the main difference that distinguishes Modvigil from Modalert as a generic of Modafinil is the cost. Modvigil is much cheaper and is more suitable for people who buy Modafinil on a budget.

For more information, read our full modvigil review.

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  • Modafil MD

Modafil MD is one of the most exclusive Modafinil brands out there and comes from India: INTAS Biopharmaceuticals to be exact. While all other forms of generic Provigil come in oral tablets, Modafil MD is a sublingual tablet.

You hold it under your tongue for 5 to 15 minutes and let it dissolve completely. This method of administration reportedly leads to faster absorption as Modafinil enters the bloodstream directly and is not metabolized by the liver.

Many users report a stronger, faster-acting cognitive boost, kicking in within 15 minutes compared to the 45 to 60 waiting period for Modafinil tablets taken orally. This also means that the medication is eliminated from your system much faster, so you can expect only 5 to 7 hours of laser focus with Modafil MD.

There are mixed reviews about the taste of Modafil MD.Although the manufacturers attempted to give their medication a spearmint flavor without the unpleasant aftertaste, some users found the overall taste intolerable. And for people sensitive to nootropics, the 200 mg variant may be too intense.

Our recommendation is to try Modafil MD with a smaller order before committing to a large purchase of the product. While some users prefer Modafil MD, our test subjects preferred Modalert 200 and Modvigil because they experienced fewer side effects.

  • Vilafinil

Vilafinil is another generic variant of Modafinil that comes from an Indian pharmaceutical company called Centurion Laboratories.

Compared to other brands of Modafinil, it has the same potency as Modvigil but costs a little more.

This generic of Modafinil does not receive many recommendations from users who have tried it. There are many negative reviews about Vilafinil providing inferior cognitive boost and unwanted side effects. Combined with the bacterial contamination issues they experienced in 2017, you're better off sticking with Modalert or Modvigil.

  • Fresh fashion

Modafresh is manufactured by Sunrise Pharmaceuticals, which is interesting considering it is a private company. All other pharmaceutical companies introduced so far are publicly traded.

In the case of private companies, there may generally be a lack of quality control and overall transparency. This is not a slight against Sunrise Pharmaceuticals, but something the buyer should consider.

As one of the newer generic variants of Modafinil, it is somewhat similar to Modvigil in potential. However, buyers who want to play it safe would be better off opting for Modvigil.

  • modaheal

There is nothing special to say about Modaheal, which according to users is equally potent compared to Modvigil and Vilafinil.Like Modafresh, it simply doesn't have any exclusive benefits to its name.

For what it's worth, its manufacturer (Healing Pharma) was founded in 2017. Their website is written in poor English, with poor design and a surprising lack of information.

This information may or may not affect your purchasing decision.

  • modawake

In addition to Modvigil, HAB Pharmaceuticals also manufactures Modawake. The smart drug community generally agrees that Modawake is an inferior version of Modvigil.

It is reported to cause more side effects, with headaches being the most common. And since it's hard to find on the shelves of online modafinil suppliers, you're much better off sticking with Modvigil.

Generic brands of armodafinil | 2023 Edition

  • Waklert

Waklert is currently the best-selling generic form of Armodafinil (i.e. generic Nuvigil) on the market, manufactured by SUN Pharmaceuticals. To make an analogy, Waklert is to Armodafinil what Modalert is to Modafinil. It is the pure and powerful variant that users are looking for.

It is best to take armodafinil on days when you need a big cognitive boost for 8 to 10 hours. Due to its shorter half-life, you can still achieve a powerful level of cognition without interfering with your sleep.

Additionally, the side effects of armodafinil tend to be minor compared to modafinil.

Please read our full Waklert Review for more information about this generic brand of Armodafinil.

Get great prices on Waklert now!

  • Artvigil

Artvigil is the second best-selling form of generic armodafinil online. The brand is manufactured in India by HAB Pharmaceuticals and is incredibly popular among smart drug users around the world.

Artvigil is reportedly less potent and stimulating than Waklert, which may be beneficial if you find that Waklert and/or the Nuvigil brand is too strong for you. Additionally, it has a lower price per pill compared to Waklert.

So, if you are looking for a potent form of armodafinil that is more affordable, you may want to consider Artvigil.

Please read our full artvigil review for more information.

Buy Artvigil now!

Best generic modafinil seller online?

If you are looking to buy armodafinil or generic modafinil online, you have many options. There are many smart drug sellers online.

Frankly, the best suppliers tend to change quickly throughout the industry.

At the time of writing this article, We strongly recommend that you buy generic Modafinil at Buy Moda.

The company offers fast and free shipping, guaranteed delivery, amazing Bitcoin discounts, and much more.

If you are a new Modafinil user and don't know which Modafinil generic works best for you, simply buy a sample pack of smart medicine from this Modafinil online pharmacy.

Sample pack costs only $90 dollars and comes complete with four different forms of generic Modafinil and Armodafinil.

You'll be able to try all four products and see which one works best for you. In our experience, this is the best thing to do before placing a large order of any generic brand of Modafinil.

Armodafinil vs Modafinil

Modafinil brands | Worldwide

Although we looked at the types of generic armodafinil and modafinil that you can buy online, there are many more forms that you can buy in pharmacies around the world.

Below are some examples of brands you may come across [9]:

  • Alertec
  • Alertex
  • bravamax
  • carim
  • to provoke
  • Mentix
  • modasomil
  • Modavigil
  • fashionpro
  • Modatec
  • modiodal
  • resotile
  • stavigil
  • Look-out
  • vigilant
  • Vigil
  • Zalux

With more than 26 international suppliers and 61 patent family members in 28 countries [10], the options can become overwhelming.

Our advice is to simply choose 1 or 2 generic Armodafinil products and 1 or 2 generic Modafinil products that you can consistently rely on. This will eliminate the confusion and allow you to get a reliable generic Modafinil as soon as possible.

Best Generic Modafinil Brands | Verdict

After comparing several generic modafinil brands, only a few options stand out as being able to provide users with the same potency and strength seen in the Provigil brand.

Modalert 200 stood out as the best Modafinil generic, while Waklert appeared to be the most recommended Nuvigil generic product.

Between the two options above, our users tended to opt for Modalert 200. This recommendation is probably the reason why Modalert is the best-selling generic product online.

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  1. Murillo-Rodríguez E, Barciela Veras A, Barbosa Rocha N, Budde H, Machado S. An overview of the clinical uses, pharmacology and safety of modafinil. ACS Chem Neuroscience. 2018;9(2):151‐158. doi:10.1021/acschemneuro.7b00374
  2. Ellis K. What are the implications of using modafinil as a study drug? Pharmaceutical Registry Matters 2018;7:1. doi:10.4172/2167-7689.1000203
  3. modafinil. Accessed May 20, 2020.
  4. Are generic drugs as good as brand name drugs? Accessed May 18, 2020.
  5. Similarities and differences between brand name and generic medications. Accessed May 19, 2020.
  6. What is the difference between a brand name drug and a generic drug? Accessed May 18, 2020.
  7. Modafinil. Accessed May 21, 2020.
  8. How much did you pay for that medication? Accessed May 19, 2020.
  9. Modafinil. Accessed May 21, 2020.
  10. Modafinil: generic drug details. Accessed May 20, 2020.

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