How to Create the Best Modafinil Stack | A-Z Guide

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 20, 2023

Best modafinil stack

Building the best in the world Modafinil stack Achieving maximum productivity is not an easy task. For most Modafinil users, the smart drug alone provides a sufficient cognitive boost and does not need to be supplemented with other nootropics.

Modafinil was labeled as the world's first “safe” smart drug for its ability to provide endless hours of enhanced concentration with minimal side effects or development of drug tolerance. It was able to achieve a cognitive result on its own that complex combinations of supplements simply could not achieve.

However, this doesn't change the fact that nootropic users are ruthless when it comes to self-experimentation. They want to see if they can create the best Modafinil combination ever created using 1 or 2 key ingredients.

To date, there are a few supplements that have anecdotally demonstrated a net positive effect when taken with Modafinil. What "positive" means in this context is entirely up to each individual, which is why everyone has their own version of the "perfect Modafinil stack."

This guide was created to ensure that you can combine Modafinil with other supplements to achieve a wide range of goals.

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Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice.Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is modafinil?

Why would modafinil be so potent to the point that it does not require complementary medications to be effective? This question can only be answered by understanding what Modafinil is and how it works.

Modafinil is classified as "eugeroic," meaning it can promote wakefulness and make you more alert.

When the French pharmaceutical company Lafon Laboratories discovered this property, they discovered that it could be used to treat excessive daytime sleepiness in a wide variety of ailments.1]:

  • Narcolepsy
  • Sleep disorder in shift work
  • Obstructive sleep apnea

Even more notable was the tolerability of modafinil in patients compared to medical treatments available at the time:

"... modafinil offers advantages over amphetamines and methylphenidate in patients with narcolepsy due to its lack of rebound phenomena after treatment withdrawal and its low potential for abuse."

While the exact mechanism of action of modafinil remains unclear to this day, two things are well established regarding the biological effects it exerts on the body:

  • Modafinil inhibits the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which indirectly promotes wakefulness.
  • Modafinil increases the production of dopamine and at the same time inhibits its breakdown, which increases the feeling of motivation.

And in military operations, modafinil provided the same stimulant efficacy as amphetamine for 48 hours of sustained mental work while having fewer side effects [2]:

“In conclusion, modafinil appears to be as effective as amphetamine in maintaining mood and cognitive performance during the first night without sleep, and partially recovering mood and performance after 48 hours without sleep.”

In layman's terms, someone could take Modafinil and would have an extremely difficult time falling asleep for more than 12 hours, regardless of whether Modafinil was taken in the morning or at night.

Modafinil's status as an unknown drug quickly transitioned to being used "off-label" to improve cognitive performance. Given the results above, it's easy to see why it attracted the attention of people looking for a mental edge over their competition.

Startup CEOs and Ivy League graduate students began using Modafinil to get more work done in a shorter period of time compared to their peers. Modafinil was working just as well for most of the enthusiasts. smart drugs that word quickly spread.

To date, mainstream media outlets continue to write about the enormous cognitive benefits that Modafinil provides. Scientific researchers are also exploring modafinil for its potential therapeutic use in other medical conditions.


How to Create the Best Modafinil Stack

Before we talk about creating the best Modafinil combination for your individual cognitive needs, it is essential to discuss some basic concepts.

First, let's better understand what a "stack" means in the context of smart drug combinations [3]:

Nootropic stacking is the technique of combining two or more supplements that contain properties that promote brain health while increasing the body's energy levels.

The idea behind this method is that the combination of supplements used in the “nootropic stack” is that the combined benefits received from the stack would not normally be received if the combined supplements were taken individually (or alone).”

Any time you take two or more medications together, you will have some type of interaction between them.

There are four possible outcomes of drug interactions [4]:

Synergy: the effects of 2 drugs are totally or partially additive.

Empowerment: The effect of a drug increases considerably with the intake of another drug without notable effect.

Antagonism: The effect of one drug is diminished or suppressed by another drug.

Independent effects: The effects of two drugs are independent of each other and at the same time complementary. One drug does not modify the action of the second and vice versa.

The big mistake beginners make when stacking nootropics is focusing exclusively on drug synergy and avoiding any incidence of drug antagonism whenever possible.

An effective nootropic combination depends entirely on the context in which it is used. In fact, there are cases where antagonism is a desirable effect.

For example, a popular nootropic combination is 100 mg of caffeine and 200 mg of L-theanine. Caffeine can increase your energy levels and make you alert, but nervousness and elevated heart rate are some of its undesirable results. Using L-theanine can negate both of these side effects without compromising the improved alertness and concentration that caffeine provides.5].

Finally, it is important to remember what your end goal is when creating your ideal Modafinil combination. Nootropics and smart drugs are ultimately designed to achieve at least one or more of the following six outcomes [6]:

  • Improve the efficiency of storing new information in your memory
  • Optimize Brain Health Through Greater Cognition
  • Improve information processing (i.e. greater understanding of information)
  • Provides neuroprotective effects against harmful agents.
  • Increase your ability to maintain focus and attention for longer periods of time.
  • Be as free as possible from undesirable side effects.

As long as you keep all of the above information in mind when creating your Modafinil combination, you will be able to get the most out of any combination you use.

Below are some popular Modafinil combinations:

Modafinil and Modafinil

When a person takes Modafinil for the first time, they simply use a 200 mg dose early in the morning and work continuously for more than 15 hours.

But there are some research subjects who find a 200 mg dose (the maximum amount anyone should take in a single day to improve cognition) to be too overwhelming.

An alternative dosing schedule would involve 100 mg of Modafinil early in the morning and an additional 100 mg of Modafinil immediately after a nutritious lunch.

This allows the effects of Modafinil to remain strong throughout the morning, while continuing into the afternoon and therefore counteracting any tiredness one may feel after a large meal.

Modafinil and coffee

This is by far the most popular Modafinil combination for anyone looking for the highest levels of unwavering mental focus during a 12-hour workday.

Based on feedback from our test subjects, the following dosing protocol works best for combining Modafinil and coffee:

  • Take 200 mg of modafinil approximately 45 to 60 hours after eating, no later than 10 a.m. m.
  • Drink 1-2 cups of coffee (100-200 mg of caffeine) slowly over the course of the next 3-4 hours
  • Coffee should NOT be consumed after 2 p.m. m. to avoid disturbing your natural sleep cycle.

Many users subjectively report that their daily productive output increases by up to 50-60% compared to what they normally do without the use of nootropics.

This is a sensible observation considering that modafinil and caffeine in combination can increase the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which can significantly accelerate the rate of learning and improve memory retention.7].

However, be careful with this Modafinil combination if you are new to using nootropics.

It is highly advisable to first familiarize yourself with how Modafinil works for you before adding strong nootropics.

For some people, the combination of Modafinil and caffeine leads to increased anxiety and stimulant withdrawal.

Modafinil and nicotine

Until recently, nicotine was labeled as a substance that "should be avoided" due to its supposed ability to make smoking much more addictive. This is why “nicotine addiction” has become such a popular term in the health industry.

But researchers who isolated the nicotine molecule from tobacco and examined its molecular properties discovered several surprising benefits for human cognition.

These include a shorter reaction time and a possible improvement in sports performance.

When combined, Modafinil and nicotine can safely increase your perceived energy levels [8]:

“…The 200 mg dose of modafinil combined with a 2 mg nicotine lozenge increased the score from active to energetic tiredness on the POMS subscale”

The best way to take modafinil and nicotine together is to first take nicotine gum (or lozenges) to get a quick dopamine boost, followed by 200 mg of modafinil to maintain high energy levels and alertness throughout the day.

For adventurous users who want to experience an extremely potent Modafinil combination, do the following:

  • 200 mg modafinil
  • 2 mg of nicotine gum
  • 200 mg of caffeine in the form of a double espresso

Please note that this combination should NOT be used more than 1 or 2 times per week, with a break of at least 48 to 72 hours to allow your body to "wash out" the medications.

Modafinil and choline

Modafinil and Choline is one of the strangest Modafinil combinations you will see promoted by avid nootropic users on the internet.

One of the unfortunate side effects of modafinil is the onset of a migraine/headache, which is felt as a pulsating pressure inside the head.

Supposedly, complementing hill Along with Modafinil it can be helpful in preventing such headaches by addressing choline deficiency. One firefighter found that getting his choline intake through high consumption of eggs was effective in reducing headaches caused by modafinil.9]:

“Eat 3 large eggs or 5 regular eggs before taking modafinil, the choline in the eggs will prevent you from getting migraines. “One of the main functions of choline is to help brain cells produce acetylcholine, a key neurotransmitter for mental concentration and learning.”

But choline is more than a headache-preventing substance. It comes with a wide variety of neuroprotective properties that make it a useful companion to Modafinil [10]:

  • Improvement of short and long term verbal memory.
  • Proper development of the fetal brain during pregnancy.
  • Reduced anxiety

If you are looking for an innovative Modafinil combination to experiment with, Modafinil and Choline may be a viable option worth exploring.

Modafinil and Ashwagandha

Modafinil is supposed to be an amazing agent for increasing concentration and alertness, but it doesn't seem to be very effective for being more creative [11]:

“These results indicate that modafinil could reduce creatively divergent thinking in healthy individuals. “They suggest that, rather than being a more general cognitive enhancer, modafinil may have subtle, negative effects on creativity.”

For those of you reading the study and confused by the term "divergent thinking," the authors provide some simple definitions to help you better understand what it means in the context of creativity:

convergent thinking: focused on narrowing down the possibilities towards a viable solution.

divergent thinking: evaluates the ability to generate multiple abstract ideas or solutions to a problem.

One possible way to counteract this lack of creativity is by using the essential herb ashwagandha. as a adaptogen, can help the body and mind adapt to various stressors.

One of its most notable effects is the ability to significantly reduce anxiety and stress, which in turn can allow creative thinking to flow.

In a randomized clinical trial involving 75 healthy adults with moderate to severe anxiety, those receiving 300 mg of ashwagandha twice daily reduced their anxiety by 56.5%, compared to 30.5% in the placebo group.12]. They also experienced significant improvements in “mental health, concentration, fatigue, social functioning, vitality, and overall quality of life.”

Modafinil and Ashwagandha can be used if you feel overwhelmed and need to relax while completing important projects.We highly recommend having it available if you combine modafinil and coffee.

Modafinil and CBD oil

Modafinil users should be aware of its potential to disrupt their circadian rhythm and interfere with their usual sleep schedule.

When Modafinil is taken in the early afternoon, “Modafinil-induced insomnia” is common. With enough modafinil in your system, it will become increasingly difficult to get tired and fall asleep.

This is where the combination of CBD oil and modafinil comes into play. CBD oil has the main goal of helping you fall asleep faster and enter a state of deep sleep.

Although science is still somewhat divided on the effectiveness of cannabidiol (CBD) for treating insomnia, some case reports show promising results. For example, take this published scenario involving a ten-year-old girl with PTSD [13]:

“A trial of CBD supplementation (25 mg) was then initiated at bedtime, and 6 mg to 12 mg of CBD sublingual spray was administered during the day as needed for anxiety.

A gradual increase in the quality and quantity of sleep and a decrease in anxiety was observed.

After 5 months, the patient slept in her own room most nights and faced the new school year without difficulty. “No side effects were observed when taking CBD oil.”

Take Modafinil early in the morning as you normally would and then use it CBD oil 1-2 hours before bedtime for best results.


The Sleep Stack™

If you are a Modafinil user and have continually had difficulty falling asleep at a reasonable time, the following nootropic combination may help prevent accidental "all-nighters" situations and undo the effects caused by one dose and/or timing. inappropriate Modafinil.

After careful experimentation and rigorous testing with our test subjects, our results showed taking the following supplements together 2-3 hours before bed:

Tart cherry juice contains a concentrated amount of melatonin, which regulates sleep.14]And chamomile tea is known to induce sleep thanks to its high concentrations of the antioxidant apigenin.15].

Sleeping with Modafinil in your system is very difficult, but these sleep supplements help more than most solutions available on the market.

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Best modafinil stack | The verdict

When it comes to creating your own Modafinil stack, your health goals and desired level of mental performance should be taken into account.

There is no “best modafinil combination” because it is completely contextual.

Modafinil and CBD oil may be great for someone who wants to fall asleep before midnight, but they are an inferior option for a college student pulling an all-nighter.

But in most cases, it is rarely necessary to combine modafinil with other nootropics and supplements.

It is incredibly effective on its own and often provides users with all the cognitive improvements they are looking for.

Get the most powerful smart drug in the world... Modafinil


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  10. What is choline? An essential nutrient with many benefits. Accessed May 18, 2020.
  11. Mohamed AD. The effects of modafinil on convergent and divergent thinking in creativity: a randomized controlled trial. J Creat Behav. 2014;50(4):252-267. doi:10.1002/jocb.73
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