The best nootropics for creativity | A-Z Guide

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 2, 2023

The best nootropics for creativity

It took us a while to figure it out, but we finally decided which one was best. nootropics for creativity and imagination.


They are not called Modafinil.

Trust us. If you want to increase creativity and imagination, Modafinil is not the smart drug you want to use.

Nootropics for creativity should let your imagination flow freely and help you engage different senses. You should feel relaxed. Ideas and thoughts must intertwine in your mind.

We are big fans of Modafinil. It's perfect if you want to focus on one topic and stay highly focused for 12+ hours straight while getting more work done than ever before. But when you're looking for creativity, Modafinil simply isn't the best smart drug.

Fortunately, there are many nootropics you can use to increase creativity and get your imagination on the path it needs to go. If you are looking for inspiration, want to increase your creativity levels and create new things...then read on.

Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What are nootropics?

Firstly, however, what are nootropics?

Nootropics are a group of substances that can improve one or more cognitive functions while protecting and optimizing the brain. Since there are so many different cognitive functions (such as memory, processing speed, and verbal fluency, to name just a few), nootropics can have many different effects. They can improve alertness, memory, concentration, motivation, and more.

For example, caffeine is the most consumed nootropic in the world. Caffeine is a natural stimulant that can improve cognitive performance and logical reasoning [1].

Many substances can provide improvements in cognitive function. For example, microdoses of certain hallucinogens have been found to substantially increase creativity.2, 3], although we do not typically consider hallucinogens to be nootropic substances.

Other common nootropics that you may overlook include nicotine [4], amphetamine (trade name: Evekeo) [5] and methylphenidate (Ritalin) [5].

There is a lot of research on these, and it shows that there are a lot of nootropics that really work to improve your cognitive function and work better.

Common nootropic benefits include:

  • Improved focus and concentration.
  • Better memory retention
  • Improved memory recovery
  • Greater motivation
  • Improved creativity
  • Higher productivity

However, the creative benefits of nootropics can be difficult to identify and quantify. Nootropics often help you think faster and remember information more easily. This helps you get through your workload without feeling fatigued.

But this doesn't always translate into more creativity, since you may not be thinking of new or original ideas. This is especially true when taking something like Modafinil. Luckily, below you'll find the best nootropics for creativity.

Creativity The best nootropics

The best nootropics for creativity | Guide 2023

Enough background, let's dive in and look at the best nootropics for creativity.

While this list is far from exhaustive, the smart and common medications below should help you bring out the artist in you.

These are the best creative nootropics our team has tested:

  • Phenibut

Phenibut It is well known as the best nootropic for social situations if you are not drinking. Smart drug offerings offer numerous benefits [8], such as relieving social anxiety and reducing inhibitions.

You can take Phenibut with a cup of black coffee and go clubbing without drinking any alcohol. You will have so much fun and be so involved in social situations that you won't even remember that you are sober.

But more than just improving your mood and reducing your anxiety, Phenibut also offers numerous benefits for creatives.

Phenibut has a way of reducing inhibitions and opening the creative side of the mind.

If you're looking for a smart drug that enhances creativity, this is where we'd start. You may even become less productive when taking Phenibut, but your creativity will skyrocket and you will be able to think about things in new ways.

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  • Mind Lab Pro

Creativity The best nootropics

Mind Lab Pro is one of the best nootropic “formulas” we have tested in terms of boosting creativity and doing new things. After trying this nootropic for over a month, we are sure that you will find impressive creative benefits with this supplement.

This is why…

Mind Lab Pro contains optimal doses of:

  • L-theanine
  • Bacopa Monnieri
  • Phosphatidylserine (PS)

These supplements have been shown to promote GABA, reduce stress, and more.When combined, they allow you to stay highly focused and productive, while still tapping into your creative side.

Which is rare among cognitive nootropics!

Mind Lab Pro has the unique ability to optimize the entire brain, including all aspects of mental performance such as creativity, visual-spatial ability, and non-verbal fluency.

Click here to learn more about Mind Lab Pro.

Or if you are looking to try one of the best nootropic supplements and improve your creativity, simply…

Place your order from our recommended supplier Mind Lab Pro

  • Kava

Kava It is a plant native to the Pacific Islands and is commonly consumed in places such as Hawaii, Vanuatu, Melanesia and Micronesia. The root of the Kava plant is traditionally brewed into tea and drunk.

Research has found that Kava has many interesting effects. A team of researchers discovered that it has an anxiolytic effect, helping to reduce anxiety and stress.9].The World Health Organization (WHO) has also found that it is safe to use and consume in moderation [10]

But why is it one of the best nootropics for creativity?

Because it reduces the volume of that inner voice in your head that says: "Are you sure? Is that good?" as long as we are doing creative work. We become our worst enemy. We question ourselves. Kava helps you disconnect from that part and just enjoy the creative process.

Just make sure you don't drink too much or you might get too sleepy!

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  • THC

Surprisingly, many people find themselves crushing creative work after smoking marijuana.

Now, we are not experts on this topic, but marijuana can be one of the best ways to increase creativity and improve imagination, especially for those who make films, videos, and write.

While we don't encourage drug use here, many of the world's greatest creatives are known to smoke regularly. There's a reason almost everyone in Hollywood and the music industry is open about their marijuana use.

Drugs work. Marijuana will enhance creativity, especially something like Sativa Hybrid.

However, we do NOT recommend anything here. This is not advice.


Aniracetam It is another smart drug ideal for creativity. It's a prescription drug in Europe for everything from depression and sleep disorders to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dizziness and even Alzheimer's disease. It also appears to improve cognitive impairment in some cases [11]. But more than that, in healthy people it seems to have great cognitive benefits. And the creativity is on point. This is due, again, in part to its anxiety-reducing properties. We are more creative when we are relaxed. Aniracetam helps us get to that mentally calm place where we are not worried about the outcome but simply focused on the process. Get some Aniracetam to see how it can get your creative juices flowing.

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  • piracetam

piracetam It is fascinating. It was the first synthetic nootropic ever discovered, and its inventor, Dr. Corneliu Giurgea, was the one who coined the term "nootropics" in 1972. Piracetam is excellent for improving memory and is widely prescribed as a prescription medication in Europe and several countries around the world. South. American countries. It is so safe that it is sold as a dietary supplement in many other places.

Like some of the nootropics for creativity mentioned above, Piracetam works by activating receptors that are usually activated by the neurotransmitter GABA.12, 13]. GABA pathways are responsible for inhibiting the excitability of neurons, which means it helps the brain calm down and reduces excitability.

Once again, it is this feeling of relaxation that helps Piracetam have such powerful effects on creativity. This one is especially good for writers and lyricists as it has been found to be really great for improving verbal fluency and overall creativity. If you are learning a second language, this is also the one you want to study with.

Piracetam is also really fantastic if you want to improve your memory and learning. Students love it. It will help you focus and read, but also get that great idea for your article. Just be sure to support us when you get your A.

Piracetam is extremely safe and generally well tolerated.14].

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  • Alcoholic beverage

When you started reading this article, you probably thought we were going to recommend that you take a bunch of pills. Well, we are. But we also believe that the best “nootropics” to support creativity are substances that many of us ingest weekly, like caffeine.

Every writer worth his salt has heard...

Write drunk, correct sober.

Well, we can tell you from personal experience that this works.

If you're looking to add an air of personality to your work and boost your creative skills, grab some booze and fire up your laptop.

Or take the bottle out to your balcony overlooking the ocean and get wasted before returning to your computer and shooting straight at your keyboard for hours on end.

Whatever works. Just be yourself.

Almost everyone on our team remembers the first time they wrote drunk. Beer, wine, spirits: everything is fine. The words flowed like water. Works.

Don't forget to edit sober, y'all!

Alcohol can be a phenomenal “nootropic” for people looking to tap into their creative side. You just have to use it appropriately, responsibly and in moderation.

  • sulbutiamine

Our team began experimenting with sulbutiamine as Modafinil Alternative about a year ago. This smart drug offers impressive productivity benefits as it was originally created to combat chronic fatigue.

You will feel energized and engaged when taking sulbutiamine. But we were surprised to discover that the smart drug also offers solid creative benefits.

After a few days of taking Sulbutiamine, we noticed that our writing had a little more personality, especially compared to the content we created with Modafinil. We were amazed.

It seemed like sulbutiamine was a solid nootropic for creativity. Nowadays, most of our team takes sulbutiamine about once a month when we have a lot of creative work to do. Too much work to do with an “unimproved” mind, but work that requires a little imagination.

If you are in a similar situation, we highly recommend Sulbutiamine.

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  • Armodafinil

Creativity The best nootropics

Sometimes you want to be creative, but you also have too much work to do.

These days, a powerful and smart drug like modafinil can be beneficial. Or armodafinil.

We found that Armodafinil offers a slightly less "laser-like" approach compared to Modafinil.

You'll still find huge cognitive benefits, but you won't be so focused that producing creative work becomes difficult.

If we're looking to work 8-10 hours or more with incredible focus, but also have some creative work mixed in, then we'll often take 150 mg of Armodafinil.

While it's not just a smart drug for creatives, we're pleased with the "personality" of our content when taking Armodafinil and we're sure you will be too.

Buy Armodafinil online from our #1 recommended provider

Study side effects and safety of medications

In this guide, we introduce you to the best nootropics for creativity; Phenibut, Mind Lab Pro, Kava, THC, Aniracetam, Piracetam, alcohol, Sulbutiamine and Armodafinil. This is quite a diverse group and each substance has its own set of side effects and safety concerns, so what should you know before taking them?

Let's start by talking about the safest nootropic on our list: Mind Lab Pro. It is a dietary supplement, not a pharmaceutical product, and contains only natural ingredients. Since it is non-toxic and certified drug-free, it produces virtually no side effects when taken at the recommended dosage.

All Mind Lab Pro ingredients are safe and non-addictive. They include things like:

  • Lion's mane mushroom, which protects against cognitive decline [15]
  • Citicoline, which has strong neuroprotective properties [16]
  • And Bacopa monnieri, which improves general cognition [17]

You can take Mind Lab Pro safely all year round without any problems.

Next, let's look at Kava. This is a herbal supplement that is quite safe to use. However, you should know that it can interact negatively with several drugs, such as benzodiazepines, which are used to treat anxiety.Additionally, you should not use alcohol or acetaminophen (Tylenol) with kava, as it can damage your liver.18].

We can put Sulbutiamine in the same category as Kava: it is a dietary supplement that is generally considered safe. However, unlike Kava, this nootropic was recently added to the US FDA list. Dietary supplement Ingredient advisory list, so it may not be legal where you live.

Next on our list are Piracetam and Aniracetam. Studies have shown that these nootropics possess extremely low toxicity and generally do not cause serious side effects.19]. They are extremely safe when taken in recommended doses, making them ideal options for anyone looking to improve memory and creativity without suffering from side effects.

We also talked about THC and alcohol, however, since we are No If we advise or suggest that you take these substances, there is little specific information we can provide you. Needless to say, THC produces numerous side effects when consumed in high doses [20], just like alcohol [21], so moderation is key.

Next, armodafinil. This nootropic is a gentler, milder version of modafinil, but it still has the potential to cause a variety of side effects such as dry mouth, headaches, nausea, and anxiety, depending on the dosage.22].

That only leaves Phenibut, possibly one of the riskiest substances on our list. While Phenibut is not a prescription drug and is sold as a dietary supplement in almost every country except Australia, it does have some pretty serious side effects, including fatigue, stomach cramps, nausea, and dizziness.

There are also reports of some people becoming dependent and addicted to Phenibut, and evidence that it causes severe withdrawal symptoms when people stop taking it.23].

For these reasons, we strongly recommend taking no more than 500 mg per dose and no more than 4,000 mg total over a two-week period.

Creativity The best nootropics

Nootropics for creativity and imagination | Verdict

If you are looking for a creative and cognitive boost, then the best nootropics for creativity, the ideas above should help you in your quest to improve the mind.

The creative process is never easy, but with a little extra we can make life a little easier.

Here's the routine!

For the lowest price in Phenibut...


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