How to buy modafinil online with Bitcoin | Guide 2023

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 2, 2023


You've probably noticed that if you buy Modafinil with Bitcoin, you get much cheaper prices. But how can you do it? We got you.

Modafinil is the most popular smart drug on the market because it works. Whether you want to pull an all-nighter to pass your exam, make serious progress on your project, or simply complete your massive to-do list, this powerful nootropic can help.1].

But it's not necessarily cheap. In fact, many Modafinil orders cost hundreds of dollars. Fortunately, there is a way to save a little money on nootropics: simply buy Modafinil with Bitcoin (BTC).

Many of the popular and trusted online Modafinil suppliers offer great discounts when purchasing Modafinil with Bitcoin.

So, let's dive into how you can buy Modafinil with Bitcoin and where the best deals are.

Get 15% off everything BuyFashion

Use this code at checkout: BUYFASHION#1

Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is modafinil?

We have a huge article on What really is modafinil?Let's quickly cover the basics here.

Modafinil is a eugeroic, originally developed by a pharmaceutical company to be a wakefulness agent. It is used to treat ailments such as [2]:

  • Narcolepsy
  • Shift sleep disorder
  • Sleep apnea

It's actually unclear how modafinil works: exactly how it has the effects that it does.3]. But we know it works. It has been found to have many effects besides keeping you awake. Research has found that Modafinil:

  • Reduces fatigue [4]
  • Increases motivation and alertness [5, 6]
  • Increase memory [7]
  • It gives you crazy concentration [8]
  • Memory accuracy and speed [1, 9]
  • Attention [10]
  • Impulse control11]
  • Reasoning [12]

These results are robust. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of modafinil found a significant effect of modafinil as a cognitive enhancer in healthy individuals [13].

Those results reflect its popularity. It is used by anyone who could benefit from a cognitive boost: from CEOs, stock traders, and students to military personnel.14] and astronauts [15].

Suffice it to say that almost everyone wants to get their hands on Modafinil.

You can help: earn more money, get better grades or simply increase productivity.

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What is Bitcoin?

If you have been alive for the last few years, you will have heard of Bitcoin. It is a cryptocurrency [17] which was created to increase privacy and reduce dependence on traditional banks, which charge high fees.

Great, but what's the problem with Modafinil and Bitcoin?

For Modafinil buyers, the benefits of using Bitcoin are that it is global and requires no intermediaries. Modafinil providers around the world can accept BTC without currency conversion fees, charge-offs from credit card companies, or other issues. That means they can offer you modafinil coupons and discounts.

Additionally, it is technically illegal to buy modafinil without a prescription in many countries. Purchasing with Bitcoin guarantees a level of anonymity that cannot be found with a credit card transaction.

Ultimately, Modafinil and Bitcoin simply go hand in hand. Because BTC is easier for Modafinil sellers, they offer you a discount if you use it.

P.S.: Learn more about the legalities surrounding purchasing Modafinil online by clicking here.

The TL:DR is this: online modafinil sellers often have problems with payment processing. BTC makes life easier. That's why they offer great discounts when buying Modafinil with Bitcoin.

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How to buy modafinil online with Bitcoin

The first step to buying Modafinil with Bitcoin is to get a Bitcoin account and have some Bitcoin in it. This section will teach you how to do it. If you are a professional and already have your Bitcoin wallet with some BTC, you can skip this section.

Set up your Exchange account

Well, first you need to set up the account that you will use to receive and pay for things with Bitcoin.

We suggest using the gemini exchange.

The reason is that, in our opinion and based on the research we have done, it has some of the best privacy and security features. It is also very easy to use. But of course, feel free to use the exchange of your choice.

Here is a tutorial to learn how to set up a new account. Please note that it may take several weeks.

Deposit USD

Next, you want to deposit some money into your account so you can use it to purchase Bitcoin. Gemini currently only accepts USD as fiat currency, so that's what we're going to include. However, they accept many other cryptocurrencies if you prefer to use them.

  • First, select the transfer icon in the navigation toolbar. Select "Deposit to Gemini".
  • Then select USD from the “Currency” drop-down menu and “Bank Transfer (ACH)” from the “Deposit Method” drop-down menu.
  • Then choose your bank account. It will be the one you configured when you registered in the previous step.
  • Then click on the amount you want to deposit. Click "Continue." Review the deposit and click "Confirm".
  • The deposit should appear in about 4-5 days.

buy bitcoins

The next step is to get BTC. Buying BTC is easy.

  • In the Gemini dashboard, you want to click “Buy” on the toolbar.
  • Choose Bitcoin. You will see a lot of information about historical prices and current price.
  • Fill in the information about the quantity you want. Then click "Buy"
  • Confirm your purchase.

You're good to go! Now you have some Modafinil Bitcoin.

Buy cheap modafinil with Bitcoin

Now you just have to spend your Bitcoin on Modafinil.

Below we've collected the best places to get cheap Modafinil using Bitcoin or that offer Modafinil coupons if you pay with BTC. For each provider, the process is the same:

  • Choose your product
  • Go to checkout
  • Choose cryptocurrency option
  • Complete the information and confirm your order.

Easy peezyyyy.

Are you curious about how to buy Bitcoin? Simply click here to buy BTC from Gemini!

Sellers with modafinil coupons

We will give you two of our favorite suppliers who sell cheap Modafinil.

After using Modafinil for years, we trust these two sources of smart drugs. It should be noted that these special offers change each month, but at the time of writing:

  • Buy Fashion: 10% discount for our readers + 20% discount when purchasing with BTC
  • ModafinilXL: 10% discount for our readers + 20% discount when purchasing with BTC

Buy Fashion | Bitcoin Coupon

buy fashion is our favorite online modafinil pharmacy right now. They offer:

  • Fast shipping
  • High Quality Generic Modafinil
  • Incredible customer service
  • cheap modafinil prices
  • Guaranteed delivery

Their discounts are fantastic too. This is what they can offer:

  • Modafinil Bitcoin Discount. You get a 20% discount when you pay with BTC.
  • Customer return bonus. If you purchase through an account, you get a 20% pill bonus coupon. On your next order, you will receive 20% more pills.
  • Bonus of 30 pills. If you spend more than $150, you will receive 30 additional pills.
  • Free shipping. There is free shipping on all orders (except those to Europe or Canada).

Let's do some quick calculations. Imagine that you order 300 pills with an account and pay with BTC.

The sticker price is $255. The Bitcoin discount along with our 10% discount brings the price down to $178.50 for 300 pills. Then you get an extra bonus of 30 pills and free shipping.

  • In the end, you're paying $0.54 per pill.
  • With the returning customer bonus on the next order, you would pay $0.46 per pill.

That's super cheap.

Get 15% off everything BuyFashion

Use this code at checkout: BUYFASHION#1

ModafinilXL | Bitcoin Coupon

Modafinil XL It is another of our favorite online pharmacies. They offer good prices and really big discounts. Like buy fashion above, they offer everything you need:

  • Fast delivery
  • Excellent customer services
  • great prices
  • High quality products
  • Guaranteed delivery

They also have fantastic Modafinil coupons and discounts. They offer:

  • Modafinil Bitcoin Discount. You get a 20% discount when you pay with BTC.
  • Customer return bonus. If you purchase through an account, you get $25 off your next order.
  • Free shipping. There is free shipping on all orders over $80.

Here is the mathematical comparison of an order of 300 pills.

The sticker price is $259. You create an account and pay with Bitcoin. The Bitcoin discount along with our 10% discount brings the price down to $181.30 for 300 pills.

  • You end up paying $0.60 per pill.
  • With the returning customer bonus on the next order, you would pay $0.52 per pill.

It's not as cheap as buy fashion, that's why buy fashion It's our favorite, but it's still a great option.

Get 10% off everything ModafinilXL

Simply use this code at checkout: ENJOY10OFF

Modafinil and Bitcoin | Verdict

We hope this helps you get the best possible price for Modafinil. It works like a charm, so don't let the price get in the way of you and your most productive self.

You will find the best prices when you buy with Bitcoin. Modafinil providers have a huge incentive to receive BTC, which is why they offer such huge discounts.

So follow our guide, get your Bitcoin account up and running, and you'll be on your way to getting the cheapest Modafinil.

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  1. Turner, D. C., Robbins, T. W., Clark, L., Aron, A. R., Dowson, J., & Sahakian, B. J. (2003). Cognitive-enhancing effects of modafinil in healthy volunteers. Psychopharmacology, 165(3), 260-269.
  2. WebMD (undated). Modafinil.
  3. Gerrard, P. and Malcolm, R. (2007). Mechanisms of modafinil: a review of current research. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 3(3), 349.
  4. Rammohan, K. W., Rosenberg, J. H., Lynn, D. J., Blumenfeld, A. M., Pollak, C. P. and Nagaraja, H. N. (2002). Efficacy and safety of modafinil (Provigil®) for the treatment of fatigue in multiple sclerosis: a study of phase 2 in two centers. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 72(2), 179-183.
  5. Young, J.W., & Geyer, M.A. (2010).Modafinil action: increased motivation through inhibition of dopamine transporter and D1 receptors? Biological Psychiatry, 67(8), 784-787.
  6. Wesensten, New Jersey (2006). Effects of modafinil on cognitive performance and alertness during sleep deprivation. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 12(20), 2457-2471.
  7. Hart, C. L., Haney, M., Vosburg, S. K., Comer, S. D., Gunderson, E., & Foltin, R. W. (2006). Modafinil attenuates alterations in cognitive performance during simulated night shift work. Neuropsychopharmacology, 31(7), 1526-1536.
  8. Estrada, A., Kelley, A. M., Webb, C. M., Athy, J. R., and Crowley, J. S. (2012). Modafinil as a substitute for dextroamphetamine to maintain alertness in military helicopter pilots. Aeronautical, Space and Environmental Medicine, 83(6), 556-567.
  9. Randall, D. C., Cafferty, F. H., Shneerson, J. M., Smith, I. E., Llewelyn, M. B., & File, S. E. (2005). Chronic treatment with modafinil may not be beneficial in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 19(6), 647-660.
  10. Turner, D. C., Clark, L., Dowson, J., Robbins, T. W., & Sahakian, B.J. (2004). Modafinil improves cognition and response inhibition in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 55(10), 1031-1040.
  11. Gill, M., Haerich, P., Westcott, K., Godenick, K. L., & Tucker, J. A. (2006). Cognitive performance after modafinil versus placebo in sleep-deprived emergency physicians: a randomized, double-blind, crossover study. Academic Emergency Medicine, 13 (2), 158-165.
  12. Killgore, W. D., McBride, S. A., Killgore, D. B., & Balkin, T. J. (2006). The effects of caffeine, dextroamphetamine, and modafinil on mood appreciation during sleep deprivation. Sleep, 29(6), 841-847.
  13. Kredlow, M.A., Keshishian, A., Oppenheimer, S., and Otto, M.W. (2019).The efficacy of modafinil as a cognitive enhancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 39(5), 455-461.
  14. Martin, R. (2003). It's time to wake up. Cabling.
  15. Thirsk, R., Kuipers, A., Mukai, C., & Williams, D. (2009). The spaceflight environment: the International Space Station and beyond. CMAJ, 180(12), 1216-1220.

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