How to buy modafinil in Croatia | What you should know

Thomas Thorne

Last update: March 4, 2023

Buy modafinil Croatia

Curious about how buy modafinil in croatia these days?

Then you've come to the perfect guide!

Here we will detail everything you need to know about buying Modafinil in Croatia right now.

The good news? Getting Modafinil and other nootropics here is pretty easy, whether you have a prescription or not.

For those in a hurry, here's the short answer:

But if you are looking for more detailed information about this wonderful medicine, keep reading. Below you will find everything you need to be successful with Modafinil and other smart drugs.

From the legalities in Croatia to the process of getting a Modafinil prescription, and even where to order nootropics online, we'll cover it all in this informative guide.

Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is modafinil?

Before we delve too deeply into smart drugs in Croatia, we need to cover the basics. For starters…

What is modafinil?

Well, the answer is quite simple. Modafinil is a type of drug known as "eugeroic," which means "wakefulness-promoting agent."It was first synthesized in France in 1974 and later developed as an experimental treatment for narcolepsy, a condition that causes people to feel very drowsy or even fall asleep during the day.

Modafinil was launched in France as "Modiodal" in 1994 and quickly gained a reputation as an extremely effective narcolepsy medication. It was later launched throughout Europe and worldwide under various brand names including "Modiodal", "Provigil", "Vigil" and "Modasomil".1].

In addition to narcolepsy, Modafinil is also used to treat:

  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) [2],
  • Shift work sleep disorder (SWSD) [3],
  • amphetamine addiction [4], and
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) [5].

However, most Modafinil users today do not take the medication to treat a sleep-related condition. They do not have narcolepsy or ADHD. In fact, they don't even have a prescription. Most people using Modafinil right now take it as a "smart" or "nootropic" drug.

In the early 2000s, modafinil became the drug of choice for Wall Street traders, CEOs, medical students, and anyone looking for a competitive mental edge. It became the go-to "smart" drug for biohackers around the world and quickly replaced Adderall as the study drug of choice among stressed-out college students.

Because? Because Modafinil offers a variety of research-backed cognitive benefits. These include:

  • 12-15 hours of “hyper” productivity [6]. 
  • Improved short-term recall, especially when fatigued. [7].
  • Reduction of the feeling of tiredness or fatigue. [8].
  • Better executive functioning, such as time management.
  • Elevated mood and perspective.

When these benefits are discussed, it is no wonder that modafinil is often called “theUnlimited" tablet. It shares more than a passing resemblance to that movie's fictional nootropic features: NZT-48.

The difference? NZT-48 is Hollywood fiction, while Modafinil is a real and well-researched drug. Works. It allows you to work for an entire day with an incredible level of resilience and concentration. It makes work almost enjoyable.

Modafinil even allows you to work when you are hungover or sleep deprived. You will definitely still feel the effects of too much alcohol or inadequate sleep, but you will still be able to work.

In general…

Modafinil is the most popular nootropic in the world because it really works!


Modafinil Side Effects and Safety

Modafinil's side effect profile is second to none. Take a look at any study and you will find that when healthy volunteers are given a normal dose of 200 mg of modafinil, side effects rarely occur. And when they do, they tend to be very mild.

Now, we are not doctors and this is not medical advice, but we don't think you have anything to worry about. That said, you deserve to know what can This happens when you take Modafinil, as are the most frequently reported side effects [9]:

  • Headaches.
  • Dry mouth and/or throat.
  • Nausea.
  • Difficulty to sleep.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Dizziness.
  • Abdominal pain.

In extremely rare cases, Modafinil can cause an allergic reaction [10]. Symptoms of such a reaction include difficulty breathing, rashes, and swelling.

Some doctors also report isolated incidents where patients experience sudden or extreme changes in behavior, such as hallucinations, mania, depression, etc. But we don't think you're likely to experience any of that.The only documented case of someone becoming dependent on Modafinil involved an individual who took large amounts (1200 mg) of the drug [11].

If you follow the recommended dose of 200 mg per day, you will be fine. We also suggest that you take it no more than three days a week. After all, Modafinil increases dopamine levels in the brain, so you should use it responsibly.12].

As always, if you are concerned about how Modafinil will interact with your current medications or pre-existing conditions, consult with a doctor first.

Let's move on to the legality of using Modafinil in Croatia.

Is modafinil legal in Croatia?

This is where we end up in a bit of a “gray area” so to speak…

Is modafinil legal in Croatia?

Yes and no.

Modafinil is only legal if you have a prescription from a Croatian doctor and buy it from a pharmacy in the country.

In the next section we'll go into more detail about how to get a prescription for Modafinil, but it's a matter of convincing a Croatian doctor that you have a sleep-related disorder like narcolepsy. Any doctor worth their salt will need a sleep study before making a diagnosis of narcolepsy, and sleep studies tend to be prohibitively expensive.

If you don't have narcolepsy, the tests will reveal it and at this point the game is over. In other words, paying for a test when you don't have narcolepsy is just a waste of time and money.

Croatia is part of the European Union (EU) and is therefore subject to many of the same pharmaceutical regulatory bodies as all EU member states. This includes the European Medicines Agency [13].

The EMA makes it clear that Modafinil should not be sold or distributed to anyone without a prescription [14], and that the only approved indication for Modafinil in Croatia and the EU is the treatment of adults with narcolepsy or excessive daytime sleepiness.These regulations make it exceptionally difficult to get modafinil in Croatia. It's certainly not prescribed for cognitive enhancement or anything like that.

But we have good news for Croatians and expats living in the country…

Sale Modafinil is illegal, but provided with Modafinil is No a crime in Croatia. You can possess Modafinil without a prescription for personal use in Croatia. Personal use is generally defined as less than 100 pills.

This means that you can order Modafinil online without problems.

Our two recommended suppliers below are so confident in shipping Modafinil to Croatia that they offer Guaranteed delivery.

This means that if your Modafinil is confiscated, which is unlikely, you will receive a free reshipment and/or a full refund from the online pharmacy.


How to get a Modafinil prescription in Croatia

As we explained above, to get a Modafinil prescription in Croatia, you must suffer from and be diagnosed with narcolepsy or a similar condition that causes excessive daytime sleepiness.

Croatia is an EU country and the only approved use of Modafinil is to treat narcolepsy. In rare circumstances, doctors may prescribe it to treat a similar sleep-related disorder that makes it difficult to function during the day, such as obstructive apnea. sleep disorder or shift work sleep disorder (SWSD).

Before making a diagnosis, the doctor will order an overnight sleep study. There's no way to fake having a sleep-related condition, so paying for a test if you're healthy is just a waste of money.

This is how it happens if you want to get a Modafinil prescription anywhere in Europe, including Croatia.

It is difficult for most people to get a prescription for modafinil in Croatia.

Fortunately, it is just as easy to get generic modafinil and armodafinil online for Croatians and expats living in the country. Keep reading to know more.

Where to buy modafinil online in Croatia | Guide 2023

Now we get to the good stuff. Many of you have probably skipped straight to this section and we can't say we blame you. You are probably like us and want to know where you can get quality and cheap Modafinil.

Here's the deal...

There are a couple of suppliers that ship legit modafinil to Croatia and they do an excellent job. Are here:

buy fashion

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  • Guaranteed delivery

  • World class customer service

  • Affordable prices

For anyone in Croatia looking for exceptional customer service and good prices on Modafinil, buy fashion It comes highly recommended.

We love this Modafinil provider for several reasons:

  • World Class Customer Service: buy fashion Responds to emails quickly and offers customer service that is second to none. They also offer a 24/7 chat option if you have any questions or concerns. We have had nothing but good experiences with these guys and we are sure you will be delighted with them too.
  • Low prices: If you are looking to buy cheap Modafinil while you are in Croatia, look no further. buy fashionPrices are some of the lowest we've seen in the industry, and that's after looking at several international suppliers. They offer 10% when you use this code at checkout: 'BUYMODA#1'.
  • Fast and free shipping: Your order should arrive in Croatia within 7-11 days, and 4-5 days is not out of the ordinary. That's tremendously fast. Shipping is free when you order nootropics worth more than $100.
  • Various payment methods: These guys accept numerous payment options including credit cards, Bitcoin, and many more. If you ever have processing issues, just open the live chat. The team will help you through the checkout process until your order is completed.
  • Guaranteed delivery: buy fashion offers guaranteed delivery in Croatia. If you do not receive your Modafinil, you will receive a resend or a full refund. Zero risks involved!
  • Discount on Bitcoins: If all of the above wasn't enough, you can get a 20% discount when purchasing using Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies. This is a good deal for people residing in Croatia.
  • Generous bonuses: Like buy fashionThe prices weren't low enough, they also have some solid bonuses. For example, if you order Modafinil worth more than $150, they will include 30 free pills. On your second order, you'll get an extra 20%!

Overall, we recommend starting here when looking to buy Modafinil in Croatia.

Get 15% off everything BuyFashion

Use this code at checkout: BUYFASHION#1


  • Quality

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  • Great discounts

  • Fast shipping to all over the world

  • Guaranteed delivery

Looking for a second option? Then look no further than Modafinil XL. These guys are great and will get you quality Modafinil in no time.

Here's what we love about them:

  • Fast shipping: Shipping times to Croatia are usually less than 10 business days. That's pretty fast if you ask us. And it's free when you spend just $80 or more. On larger orders when you spend more than $150, you'll get free express shipping, which means your shipment will arrive even sooner.
  • Guaranteed delivery: There's no need to break a sweat when you order from these guys. In the rare event that your package is not delivered, you will get a free resend and/or refund.This gives you peace of mind.
  • Website supplied: Modafinil XLThe website is one of the best we have seen. It is packed with valuable information and tips on how to take Modafinil and other nootropics. Well worth a look.
  • AMAZING Discounts: You will get 20% when you pay with Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. They have a 10% discount. ENJOY10OFF’ – but you can’t stack this with the crypto discount, so you’ll have to choose one or the other. Another pseudo-discount is that they give away 10 free Modafinil pills and 10 free Armodafinil pills with EVERY order!
  • FREE Trial Package: If you are new to the world of nootropics and just want to TRY some Modafinil, we highly recommend checking out Modafinil XLFREE trial package offer. All they ask of you is that you cover the $29 shipping fee – they will send you 10 free Modafinil pills for you to try at no cost!

To conclude, these guys are amazing and we are sure you will be delighted with their service.

Highly recommended!

Get 10% off everything ModafinilXL

Simply use this code at checkout: ENJOY10OFF

“Branded” Modafinil and Armodafinil in Croatia

Generally, pharmacies across the EU only sell “branded” Modafinil and Armodafinil products. When you walk into a pharmacy in Croatia, you will see the same brands sold in virtually every pharmacy in the world, such as:

  • Provigil (Modafinil)
  • Modiodal (Modafinil)
  • Nuvigil (armodafinil)

You can only purchase these brand name products Modafinil and Armodafinil if you have a prescription.

Now, if you No If you have a prescription and decide to buy online, you will find “generic brands” instead. These include:

These are the top four generic Modafinil and Armodafinil products available online, regardless of where you shop. It's natural to wonder if they work the same as brand name products.

The good news is that yes, all four products listed above offer incredible cognitive benefits. Our team members have tried Provigil and Nuvigil in the past and we can confirm that the generic brands mentioned above work identically. They all offer exactly the same cognitive benefits. We used to have a prescription for Provigil, so we can say that with confidence. You don't miss anything when you use generic Modafinil.

The only significant difference is that generics are significantly CHEAPER than brand name drugs.

Generic Modafinil is as good as any brand name product, but 10 times cheaper!

You may notice a slight difference between certain generic nootropics. For example, Modalert It is our team's favorite product. But your experiences may differ slightly. That's why we recommend you test what works for you before placing a large order. The easiest way to do just that?

Order a sample pack from our recommended supplier.


Other nootropics

You will have no problems taking Modafinil to Croatia. Croatian customs agents have more important things to worry about than flagging mail containing small amounts of modafinil. But we can understand that some of you don't want to go to the trouble of buying prescription drugs online.

And we can understand that you may be worried about dependency. After all, it is not recommended to take this drug more than three days a week. You may want a quality alternative nootropic for your Modafinil “off” days.

With that in mind, here is the only Over-the-counter nootropic supplement worth checking out:

  • Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is he The leading over-the-counter nootropic on the market right now and ships to Croatia.

This nootropic supplement provides you with 11 different key ingredients, each of which improves your cognition in different ways. Some of the ingredients offer improvements in concentration and memory retention, while others help with the health of neural connections and neurotransmitter health.

For example, one of the most effective ingredients in Mind Lab Pro is L-theanine. L-theanine It simultaneously gives the brain a concentration and relaxation effect. You get a gentle concentration boost comparable to Modafinil.

Mind Lab Pro also includes N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, an amino acid that helps the brain stay robust during periods of stress.

You also get Bacopa Monnieri, which is one of the best natural nootropics on the planet. It's incredibly great for overall brain and memory health and has been scientifically proven to work [15].

Lastly, you get lion's mane mushroom, which is another natural nootropic that has been shown to improve short- and long-term memory while protecting overall brain health.16].

So with Mind Lab Pro, you get more than just a “wake” agent. You get long-term brain protection against stress, aging and toxins.

No, it doesn't give you 12 to 15 hours or more of focus like Modafinil does. But it still gives you a solid 6-8 hours. This is great for getting a full day of improved work done.

Mind Lab Pro is our nootropic of choice for days when we don't take Modafinil, and that's how we recommend using it too.

Highly recommended!

Place your order from our recommended supplier Mind Lab Pro

Modafinil in Croatia | The verdict

Hopefully, this article has answered all the questions you had about buy modafinil in croatia.

We've gone over the origins of modafinil, its legality, its off-label uses, and even the two best places to order this smart drug online.

As you have seen, buying nootropics here is quite easy nowadays. And there are several natural alternatives that get the job done too!

Get the most powerful smart drug in the world... Modafinil


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  16. Rossi P, Cesaroni V, Brandalise F, Occhinegro A, Ratto D, Perrucci F, Lanaia V, Girometta C, Orrù G, Savino E.Dietary supplementation of the medicinal lion's mane mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Agaricomycetes) and spatial memory in nature. Type mice. Fungi Int J Med. 2018;20(5):485-494. doi: 10.1615/IntJMedMushrooms.2018026241. PMID: 29953363.

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