How to buy modafinil in Hong Kong | What you should know

Thomas Thorne

Last update: March 3, 2023

Buy Hong Kong

Looking for information about how to buy modafinil in Hong Kong right now? If that's you, we're here to help.

Modafinil is the most popular "smart" drug in the world and this comprehensive guide will explain everything you need to know to find and buy it in Hong Kong.

Whether you're local, living here as an expat, or just planning to visit, this guide will explain everything you could want to know about how to get legit Modafinil during your stay in Hong Kong.

Our goal is to help you learn everything you need to know about how to get Modafinil in Hong Kong.


Drug name: Modafinil (Provigil, Modalert, Modvigil, etc.)
Tablet strength: 200mg
Best price: $0.79
Pay: American Express, MasterCard, Cryptocurrency
Shipment: FREE | Arrival: EU 1-5 business days, worldwide 1-3 weeks
Where to order: Click here to visit the pharmacy!

Fortunately, buying Modafinil in Hong Kong is not complicated and you should have no problems getting it.

Read on to find out how!

Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is modafinil?

So what is this wonderful smart drug called Modafinil? Good…

Modafinil was discovered by Michel Jouvet, a French neuroscientist working at Lafon Laboratories in France in the late 1970s. It was first tested in 1986 as a way to help narcolepsy sufferers and proved its value as a powerful "eugeroic", which means "agent that promotes wakefulness."

Modafinil was initially launched in France under the name "Modiodal" in 1994 and was widely prescribed to treat a variety of sleep-related conditions, including narcolepsy, shift work sleep disorder, and sleep apnea/hypopnea.1].

After the US Food and Drug Administration approved modafinil in 1998, it was introduced in the US under the brand name "Provigil", where it quickly developed a reputation for its "off-label" benefits. Provigil became known as a “smart” drug that could improve people's ability to think, work, and concentrate for long periods of time. Doctors began prescribing the drug to treat a variety of cognitive disorders, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.2] and cocaine dependence [3].

In the early 2000s, fast-paced professionals such as CEOs and Silicon Valley executives began experimenting with Provigil and found that it gave them a competitive advantage. Some executives stated that it allowed them to work constant 20-hour days [4].

Provigil gained a reputation as a safer alternative to Adderall and quickly became the study drug of choice for stressed students. So if you are curious about how to buy Modafinil in Hong Kong, there is a simple reason:

Modafinil just works.


Modafinil benefits

Modafinil has many research-backed benefits and is widely considered a potent cognitive enhancer [5].

The documented benefits of modafinil include:

  • Greater resistance to fatigue. [6].
  • Improved mood.
  • Greater motivation [7].
  • Improved reaction times.
  • Greater surveillance [8].
  • Reduction of the “impulse response”, that is, bad decisions.
  • Improved brain function in sleep-deprived test subjects [9].

Modafinil has earned the reputation of being the best and most effective smart drug available today. It won't do the work for you, but it will dramatically increase your performance and effectiveness by giving you the feeling that you can accomplish anything while using it.

Modafinil Side Effects and Safety

Although modafinil has been well researched and is generally considered a safe medication, it does have some minor side effects that you should be aware of.

Most importantly, Modafinil is classified as a prescription drug in most countries because it has a low risk of abuse and a low risk of dependence. Like other drugs that increase dopamine levels, such as amphetamines, Modafinil can cause dependence problems if taken in high doses over a long period of time. Fortunately, documented cases of modafinil are extremely rare [10].

We recommend that you limit your Modafinil intake to one 200 mg tablet per day, two to three times a week. Every two months give yourself and complete a two-week break. This will help prevent your body from developing a tolerance and ensure that you continue to get the same cognitive benefits without having to increase your dosage.

Other documented side effects of modafinil include [11]:

  • Anxiety.
  • Dry mouth and/or throat.
  • Headaches.
  • Insomnia and/or difficulty sleeping.
  • Dry eyes.
  • Nausea.
  • Loss of appetite.

The good news is that these side effects are mild and temporary. They usually go away within 24 hours and will subside as soon as your body gets used to the Modafinil. Studies on the use of Modafinil by military aviators have shown that less than two percent of users experience any side effects [12, 13].

The only serious side effects you should be aware of are severe skin rashes, an increased risk of congenital birth defects, and an increased risk of higher blood pressure and psychological events such as mania.14]. Therefore, you should not take Modafinil if you are pregnant or have a history of cardiovascular complications or mental illness.

We are not doctors and this is not medical advice, so we strongly recommend that you consult your doctor before taking Modafinil and stop using it immediately if you experience any of the side effects mentioned above.


Is modafinil legal in Hong Kong?

We are not lawyers or jurists, so the following should NOT be taken as legal advice. This section on modafinil legalities in Hong Kong should not be misconstrued as anything more than hyperbole.

We urge you to follow all laws during your stay in Hong Kong and do your due diligence.

So is modafinil legal in Hong Kong?

Yes and no.

If you visit Hong Kong, you can bring a 30-day supply of Modafinil as long as you have a valid prescription or a letter from your doctor. That's perfectly legal.

Apart from that, no Modafinil is legal. You see, Modafinil is not a registered pharmaceutical product in Hong Kong. A quick search of the Hong Kong government's Department of Health drug database reveals that there are no registered products containing Modafinil [15].

This was confirmed in 2016 when the Department of Health issued a safety alert for Modafinil and confirmed that in “Hong Kong, there is no registered pharmaceutical product containing Modafinil” [16].

Under Hong Kong law, it is a crime to buy, sell or possess unregistered pharmaceutical products such as modafinil.

Can you buy modafinil in Hong Kong from a pharmacy?

The short answer? No.

As Modafinil is not a registered pharmaceutical product here, it cannot be purchased from a pharmacy.

While there have been reports that some pharmacies in Hong Kong sell modafinil without a prescription, these reports are unconfirmed. No registered pharmacy sells Modafinil in Hong Kong.

Fortunately, there is a much better option...

Where to buy modafinil online in Hong Kong | Guide 2023

What is that best option we are talking about?

Order modafinil online from some of the most trusted modafinil pharmacies in the world.

You see, although Modafinil is not a registered drug in Hong Kong, it is not a narcotic and passes through customs without any problems.

The two online Modafinil suppliers we recommend have perfected the art of discreetly packaging small quantities of Modafinil. They offer fast shipping and guaranteed delivery. Basically, you have no risk.

The vendors below are not your typical Hong Kong underground laboratories or drug stores. They are reputable pharmacies that sell really smart medications at great prices. Our team has made many purchases from both over the years and has never been disappointed.

But enough of the hype, let's dig in and take a look at where to buy Modafinil online in Hong Kong:

buy fashion

  • Quality

  • Prices

  • Service

  • Integrity



  • Guaranteed delivery

  • World class customer service

  • Affordable prices

buy fashion is our top-rated Modafinil supplier for anyone living in Hong Kong who wants to get their hands on high-quality Modafinil.Of the countless online providers our team has tested over the last decade, buy fashion eclipses them all.

These are some of the many reasons why they have earned our trust:

  • Great prices: buy fashionThe prices are gloriously low. They sell Modafinil at very affordable prices and the more you order, the less you pay per pill. If you purchase more than $100, you can use the code 'BUYMODA#1' to get 10% off your entire order.
  • Wide Variety of Products: buy fashionThe selection of products is second to none. They offer all major generic brands including Modalert, Modvigil, Modaheal, and Vilafinil. It's safe to say you'll find something here to suit your needs.
  • Fast shipping: buy fashion It ships to Hong Kong from Singapore, so you can expect your order to arrive in as little as two weeks. Oh, and all orders over $100 qualify for free shipping.
  • Guaranteed delivery: If you do not receive your package for any reason, you are entitled to free resend or full refund. This gives you peace of mind every time you place an order.
  • Discreet packaging: One reason why buy fashion can offer guaranteed delivery to Hong Kong is your success rate. It uses discreet packaging that ensures that each order passes through customs. No one will know what you ordered, even if you live with your parents or housemates.
  • Discounts and offers: buy fashion offers many ways to save. If your order is over $150, you will get 30 free pills and if you pay with Bitcoin, you will get 20% off your order. You will receive 20% extra pills on your second order as a bonus for being a returning customer!

Overall, there's a lot to love buy fashion. Their customer service is exceptional. Their products are excellent. Their delivery times are fast. Their warranties are solid and their prices are excellent.

Do yourself a favor and order Modafinil at buy fashion today. You will not regret.

Highly recommended!

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Use this code at checkout: BUYFASHION#1


  • Quality

  • Prices

  • Service

  • Integrity



  • Great discounts

  • Fast shipping to all over the world

  • Guaranteed delivery

The second Modafinil supplier we recommend for people in Hong Kong is Modafinil XL. They offer many of the same benefits as buy fashion, but they also offer a handful of additional benefits that really make them stand out.

Here is just a short list of what you can expect from them:

  • Great variety of products: If you're someone who likes to have options, you won't be disappointed. Modafinil XL. They have a wide range of Modafinil products including Modvigil, Modalert, Modafresh, Modaheal and a sublingual tablet – Indian Modafil MD. That's not even the complete list if you can believe it. They really have something for everyone.
  • Guaranteed delivery: This is a nice benefit in case something happens with your order. Let the team on Modafinil XL Know if your order doesn't arrive and you can get a full refund or resend. No questions asked!
  • Informational website: Modafinil XL The website is spectacular and has a wealth of information. This is great for those who are new to the world of nootropics, as their informative articles help anyone new to the “nootropic world” know what to expect from different nootropics. Great for beginners.
  • Fast shipping: Modafinil XL Ships from Singapore, their average shipping times to Hong Kong are exceptional. Best of all, shipping is free on all orders over $80, while orders over $150 qualify for free express shipping.
  • Discount on Bitcoins: Modafinil XL It also offers an impressive 20% discount for all customers paying with Bitcoin.
  • FREE Trial Package: Not sure if Modafinil is right for you? Well, if you pay the shipping fee of $29, Modafinil XL We'll send you 10 free Modafinil or Armodafinil pills for you to try! This way, you will be able to see how fast they ship and how potent your nootropics are before placing the appropriate order.

As you can see, Modafinil XL offers some exceptional benefits. Their prices aren't the lowest, but their informative website and FREE trial package offer make them ideal for nootropic beginners who just want to see what all the fuss is about.

Certainly recommended.

Get 10% off everything ModafinilXL

Simply use this code at checkout: ENJOY10OFF

Other nootropics

You should have no problem buying Modafinil online and shipping it to Hong Kong. But, since Modafinil is not registered here, we understand if you have doubts about purchasing an unregistered pharmaceutical product from an online source.

We understand. That's why we also recommend a 100% legal over-the-counter nootropic offered by cognitive benefits.

Without further ado, here it is:

  • Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro It is more than just a Modafinil alternative; It is the first in the world universal nootropic. Combines 11 natural, research-backed nootropics to unlock 100% of your brain power.

What gives us the confidence to make that statement? Well, we tried Mind Lab Pro and found that it offers benefits that are comparable to Modafinil, with ZERO side effects and greater creativity.

The most powerful ingredient in Mind Lab Pro is Bacopa Monnieri. Bacopa is widely considered the best natural nootropic in the world.It offers a modafinil-like boost to your focus, memory, and cognition, while also offering long-term neuroprotection [17].

The second notable ingredient is citicoline. This powerful nootropic has been scientifically proven to improve episodic and working memory [18]. It also works synergistically to increase the effectiveness of other nootropics such as Bacopa.

The only ingredient that makes Mind Lab Pro work is, without a doubt, the lion's mane mushroom. Scientific studies have shown that this natural nootropic helps improve mood and motivation [19].

Together, these natural nootropics work synergistically to optimize a wide range of cognitive functions, giving you lifelong mental performance. This includes much more creativity (something you don't get with Modafinil) and the ability to seamlessly transition from one activity to the next.

Best of all, Mind Lab Pro is certified drug-free and has virtually ZERO side effects, something we can't say about Modafinil.

Does he lower it? It won't give you the 12+ hours of superhuman focus that you get with Modafinil. But in our testing, we found that it lasts 6 hours straight, which is still enough time to get things done.

Overall, Mind Lab Pro has become our nootropic of choice for those days when we don't take modafinil and still want a cognitive boost. By the way, that's how we use it. It's a great nootropic for cycling with Modafinil, and that's how we recommend using it too.

Overall highly recommended!

Place your order from our recommended supplier Mind Lab Pro

Modafinil in Hong Kong | The verdict?

That's all, ladies and gentlemen.

If you are looking for information on how buy modafinil in Hong Kong, that's pretty much all you need to know.

This entertaining guide has covered all the legalities of modafinil and the best online pharmacies you can use while living in or visiting Hong Kong.

Order Modafinil online from our top rated provider...


  1. Gerrard P, Malcolm R. Mechanisms of modafinil: a review of current research. Treatment of neuropsychiatric disorder. 2007;3(3):349–364.
  2. Biederman J, Swanson JM, Wigal SB, Boellner SW, Earl CQ, López FA; Modafinil ADHD Study Group. A comparison of once-daily and split doses of modafinil in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. J Clin Psychiatry. 2006 May;67(5):727-35. doi:10.4088/jcp.v67n0506. PMID: 16841622.
  3. Dackis CA, Kampman KM, Lynch KG, Pettinati HM, O'Brien CP. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of modafinil for cocaine dependence. Neuropsychopharmacology. January 2005; 30(1):205-11. doi: 10.1038/sj.npp.1300600. PMID: 15525998.
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  6. Young Jehovah's Witness. Contributions of the dopamine D1 and D2 receptor family to modafinil-induced wakefulness. J Neurosci. 2009;29(9):2663–2665. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5843-08.2009
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  8. Chapotot F, Pigeau R, Canini F, Bourdon L, Buguet A. Distinctive effects of modafinil and d-amphetamine on homeostatic and circadian modulation of human waking EEG. Psychopharmacology (Berl). March 2003; 166(2):127-38. doi:10.1007/s00213-002-1315-8. Epub dated January 28, 2003. PMID: 12552359. 5.
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  10. Krishnan R, Chary KV. A rare case of modafinil dependence. J Pharmacol Pharmacother. 2015;6(1):49-50. doi:10.4103/0976-500X.149149
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  12. Estrada A, Kelley AM, Webb CM, Athy JR, Crowley JS. Modafinil as a substitute for dextroamphetamine to maintain alertness in military helicopter pilots. Aviat Espacio Environ Med. 2012;83(6):556-64.
  13. Ooi T, Wong SH, See B. Modafinil as a stimulant for military aviators. Perform Aerosp Med Hum. 2019;90(5):480-483. doi:10.3357/AMHP.5298.2019
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  18. Grieb P. Neuroprotective properties of citicoline: facts, doubts and unresolved issues. CNS drugs. 2014;28(3):185-193. doi:10.1007/s40263-014-0144-8
  19. Mori K, Inatomi S, Ouchi K, Azumi Y, Tuchida T. Ameliorating effects of Yamabushitake mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) on mild cognitive impairment: a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Phytother Res. 2009;23(3):367-372. doi:10.1002/ptr.2634

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