How to buy modafinil in Puerto Rico | What you should know

Thomas Thorne

Last update: March 3, 2023

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Have you been searching how to buy modafinil in Puerto Rico?

If so, we've got you covered.

In this detailed guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about Modafinil, the world's most popular smart drug, and explain exactly how to get it.

If you are looking for the fastest and easiest way, check out our top supplier below...


Drug name: Modafinil (Provigil, Modalert, Modvigil, etc.)
Tablet strength: 200mg
Best price: $0.79
Pay: American Express, MasterCard, Cryptocurrency
Shipment: FREE | Arrival: EU 1-5 business days, worldwide 1-3 weeks
Where to order: Click here to visit the pharmacy!

But we have a feeling you're looking for more than just our preferred Modafinil supplier. That's why we'll discuss legal aspects, recipes, online purchasing options, and much more.

We will also look at Modafinil and Puerto Rico's unique import system, along with other nootropics available.

Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is modafinil?

Modafinil is the undisputed “king” of nootropics, that's clear.

However, it didn't start that way.Modafinil was discovered in France in the 1970s and developed as an experimental treatment for narcolepsy, a condition that causes people to feel uncontrollably sleepy during the day.1]. Modafinil increases histamine levels in the brain, which helps people fight fatigue and stay awake longer.

France was the first country to approve Modafinil and it was launched there as "Modiodal" in 1994. The FDA approved Modafinil as a treatment for narcolepsy in 1998 and its popularity skyrocketed. In addition to narcolepsy, Modafinil now helps treat a variety of sleep-related disorders, including sleep apnea, shift work disorder, fatigue, and more.

But Modafinil doesn't just help people stay awake. It also offers numerous cognitive benefits and has been used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).2] and cocaine dependence [3], in addition to other cognitive issues. These “off-label” benefits soon became well known and Modafinil's popularity began to grow.

Soon, all the hustlers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, and grad students looking to get an "edge" began experimenting with Modafinil for its huge performance benefits. “Over-the-counter” (self-administered) use of the medication became common in high-pressure workplaces and universities around the world.

A 200 mg Modafinil pill offers benefits such as:

  • Crazy “tunnel vision” approach [4].
  • Improved memory and short-term recall. [5].
  • Reduced fatigue [6].
  • More motivation.
  • Superior problem-solving ability [7].

Overall, Modafinil is the ideal supplement for those looking for an edge. It's the world's favorite nootropic for a reason...

Modafinil does the job, end of story!


Modafinil Side Effects and Safety

While modafinil is an exceptionally safe smart drug, it can cause a variety of side effects. It is important to consider these before deciding if this medication is right for you.

Fortunately, there are simply not too many concerns when taking Modafinil, especially if you take the recommended dosage of 100-200 mg.

You may experience some mild side effects such as [8]:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Agitation
  • Dry throat/mouth
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia/insomnia
  • Diarrhea

These side effects are usually very mild and can be easily mitigated or avoided. Serious side effects are incredibly rare with this drug.

For example, if you find that Modafinil interferes with your sleep, you can try taking your next dose earlier in the morning. The half-life of Modafinil is only more than 12 hours, so if you take it early its effects should have worn off sooner. to go to bed

If you experience dry mouth or throat, headaches, or nausea, the most likely cause is dehydration. Modafinil is a powerful appetite suppressant, so it is quite normal to forget to eat and drink enough during the day. To avoid these effects, make a conscious effort to drink at least two liters of water and stick to your usual meal times.

Multiple studies have shown that modafinil is extremely safe and well tolerated by healthy people without pre-existing conditions.9]. Of course, taking large doses (more than 200 mg) will increase the risk of side effects. Like any drug that increases dopamine in the brain, modafinil can theoretically cause dependence problems if large amounts are taken.10, 11].

The good news is that cases of people becoming "dependent" on Modafinil are extremely rare.12].As long as you are careful to only take 100-200 mg of the medication per day and limit your use to once or twice a week, there is really nothing to worry about.

To be safe, we recommend taking a complete two-week break from Modafinil every two months. This prevents your body from developing a tolerance. Don't worry, we will recommend a powerful alternative to Modafinil later in this guide!

Is modafinil legal in Puerto Rico?

In Puerto Rico, Modafinil falls into a kind of legal “gray zone.” The answer is yes, Modafinil is legal… if you have a prescription.

Modafinil is legal in Puerto Rico.

You see, Puerto Rico falls under the governmental jurisdiction of the United States because it is a territory of the United States.

More specifically, the DEA considers modafinil a schedule IV controlled substance [13]. Annex IV is not particularly dangerous and is therefore not legislated as harshly.

But you do need that prescription to buy it at a pharmacy. Therefore, people who want to buy Modafinil should visit a doctor and get a prescription first.

Puerto Rico is not like Mexico. You can't just walk into a pharmacy and buy Modafinil without a prescription.


How to Get a Prescription for Modafinil in Puerto Rico

You must have narcolepsy or another sleep-related disorder to be prescribed Modafinil in Puerto Rico, as the island has pharmaceutical laws similar to those. USA.

Now you can try to convince a doctor that you have a sleep-related problem, but we don't recommend you go down that route. Doctors will want to perform an overnight sleep study to confirm that you have narcolepsy before making a diagnosis. At that moment, the truth will come to light.

In general, it is not easy to obtain a Modafinil prescription in Puerto Rico.

However, it is easy to order generic Modafinil online.The good news? You save around 75-90% when you buy online. Yes, it is much CHEAPER to buy Modafinil online than in a pharmacy in Puerto Rico. You don't even need a prescription.

The best part? Generic Modafinil is just as good as the brand name Modafinil, "Provigil", which can be found at a pharmacy.

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Where to buy modafinil online in Puerto Rico | Guide 2023

This is the section you have been waiting for.

The two providers you are about to read about are extremely professional, trustworthy and reputable.

They have thousands of positive reviews on sites like TrustPilot from satisfied customers. Our team has placed dozens of orders from them and can attest to the speed of their shipments and the quality of their products.

buy fashion

  • Quality

  • Prices

  • Service

  • Integrity



  • Guaranteed delivery

  • World class customer service

  • Affordable prices

buy fashion is by far the best Modafinil supplier currently operating. It is one of the oldest suppliers and has earned a strong reputation as a reliable supplier that ships worldwide.

Their products are excellent, their service is phenomenal, and they have enough discounts and deals for all budgets.

Here's a deeper look:

  • Great selection of products: buy fashion offers three of the best generic Modafinil products out there; Modvigil, Modalert and Artvigil. You are guaranteed to find something you like here.
  • Guaranteed delivery: You will never lose money when you buy buy fashion. They back every order with a 100% money back guarantee. Either your Modafinil arrives or you can request a free resend or a full refund. Your choice.
  • Huge Bitcoin Bonus: buy fashion offers an unbeatable 20% discount on your entire order if you pay with Bitcoin (BTC). This makes Modafinil even more affordable!
  • Bonus for recurring customers: If you spend more than $150, you'll get 30 free pills and if you make a second purchase, you'll get 20% more.
  • Excellent client service: buy fashion It is 100% American owned and operated, which means their entire customer service team is fantastic. They respond very well to emails and have a 24/7 chatbot for instant information and details.
  • Discreet packaging: If you live with your parents, housemates, or anyone else you'd rather not know about your Modafinil habit, buy fashion provides discreet packaging, so your order will remain private.

As you can see, buy fashion He is a tremendous salesman. They offer industry leading service, fair pricing and come:

Highly recommended!

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  • Quality

  • Prices

  • Service

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  • Great discounts

  • Fast shipping to all over the world

  • Guaranteed delivery

Next, we have Modafinil XL. These guys give buy fashion has some tough competition and may even be the best Modafinil supplier depending on who you ask. They have fantastic offers and a purely informational website, making them ideal for Modafinil beginners.

To be more specific:

  • Wide selection of products: The large number of products to choose from Modafinil XL It is nothing short of amazing. They have common brands like Modvigil, but they also have much less common ones like Modafresh. They even have a sublingual Modafinil product if you are looking for variety. You will surely find something that meets your needs.
  • Guaranteed delivery: As any good supplier should, Modafinil XL backs up every order with a 100% money back guarantee and offers resends and refunds as needed.
  • Free shipping on large orders: Modafinil XL offers free shipping on all orders over $80 and bumps it up to free express shipping on all orders over $150. Shipping is fast and delivery is guaranteed. What more could you want?
  • Informational website: Modafinil XL has an educational website that is great for those new to Modafinil or other nootropics.

Modafinil XL does a great job overall. Like buy fashion, they offer a solid 20% discount if you use Bitcoin (BTC).

Try them: you won't be disappointed!

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“Brand” Modafinil and Armodafinil in Puerto Rico

Online stores do not sell branded modafinil, i.e. "Provigil". They also do not have the brand name Armodafinil i.e. 'Nuvigil' which is the enantiopure compound of Modafinil.

Online you will find generic Modafinil and armodafinil sold under the following brand names:

Our team members have tried all of these brands and we can attest that they are all identical to their branded counterparts. They offer the same great concentration, increased productivity, and memory improvements that you get with Provigil and Nuvigil (brand name Armodafinil).

Basically, there is no difference. You won't miss anything by using generic Modafinil. The only real difference is that generic Modafinil is approximately ten times cheaper than brand-name Modafinil.

Our personal favorite is "Modalert", but we highly recommend that you experiment with all the generic brands and find the one that works best for you. The best way to do that?

Order a sample pack from our preferred supplier!


Other nootropics

You will not be arrested for possession of Modafinil in Puerto Rico. It is not a narcotic and using it is no big deal. The worst that can happen is that your package is confiscated at customs and then you receive a full refund from the supplier.

Still, there is good reason to consider other nootropics.

It is simply not healthy to use Modafinil more than a couple of times a week. You risk developing a dependency and seeing cognitive benefits diminish. That's why we recommend that you give your body a complete two-week break after every two months of using Modafinil.

When you want a cognitive boost on your “off” days with Modafinil, we recommend:

  • Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro It's like an all-in-one nootropic multivitamin. Unlike modafinil, it is not a medication and is available without a prescription. It contains 11 natural ingredients that work synergistically to stimulate, heal, rejuvenate and replenish one of six different pathways in your brain.

Specifically, these ingredients are:

  • Vitamins B6, B9 and B12: To give your brain health an overall boost [14].
  • Bacopa Monnieri: A natural substance that increases blood flow to the brain and promotes neuronal regeneration.15].
  • Citicoline: Another natural nootropic that studies show speeds up thinking and eliminates toxins [16].
  • Lion's mane mushroom: A unique nootropic that boosts memory and helps promote the formation of new cells [17].

Since Mind Lab Pro is certified drug-free, it is classified as a dietary supplement. This means it is completely free of side effects and can be taken up to five days a week, making it ideal for days when you are not taking Modafinil but still want to reduce your workload.

Does he lower it? Mind Lab Pro does not last 12 hours like Modafinil.Instead, it gives you a nice, solid 6 hours, which is still enough time to be productive and manage your workload. Honestly, unless you need to work 16 hours a day every day, Mind Lab Pro is all you need!

Place your order from our recommended supplier Mind Lab Pro

Modafinil in Puerto Rico | The verdict

My God!

That is what happens with respect to buy modafinil in Puerto Rico. Everything you need to know about smart drugs in the Caribbean is explained above.

From legalities to safety, recipes and online purchasing options, we cover it all in this entertaining guide. If you combine Modafinil with a solid nutrition and exercise plan, you will be unstoppable!

Order Modafinil online from our top rated provider...


  1. Gerrard, Paul and Robert Malcolm. "Mechanisms of modafinil: a review of current research". Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 3.3 (2007): 349-64.
  2. Biederman J, Swanson JM, Wigal SB, Boellner SW, Earl CQ, López FA; Modafinil ADHD Study Group. A comparison of once-daily and split doses of modafinil in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. J Clin Psychiatry. 2006 May;67(5):727-35. doi:10.4088/jcp.v67n0506. PMID: 16841622.
  3. Dackis CA, Kampman KM, Lynch KG, Pettinati HM, O'Brien CP. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of modafinil for cocaine dependence. Neuropsychopharmacology. January 2005; 30(1):205-11. doi: 10.1038/sj.npp.1300600. PMID: 15525998.
  4. Pigeau R, Naitoh P, Buguet A, McCann C, Baranski J, Taylor M, Thompson M, MacK II I. Modafinil, d-amphetamine and placebo during 64 hours of sustained mental work. I. Effects on mood, fatigue, cognitive performance and body temperature. J Sueño Res. December 1995; 4(4):212-228.doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2869.1995.tb00172.x. PMID: 10607161.
  5. Müller, U., Rowe, J. B., Rittman, T., Lewis, C., Robbins, T. W., & Sahakian, B. J. (January 2013). Effects of modafinil on non-verbal cognition, task enjoyment and creative thinking in healthy volunteers. Retrieved from
  6. Baranski JV, Pigeau RA. Self-monitoring of cognitive performance during sleep deprivation: effects of modafinil, d-amphetamine, and placebo. J Sueño Res. June 1997; 6(2):84-91. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2869.1997.00032.x. PMID: 9377538.
  7. Chapotot F, Pigeau R, Canini F, Bourdon L, Buguet A. Distinctive effects of modafinil and d-amphetamine on homeostatic and circadian modulation of human waking EEG. Psychopharmacology (Berl). March 2003; 166(2):127-38. doi:10.1007/s00213-002-1315-8. Epub dated January 28, 2003. PMID: 12552359.
  8. Provigil (Modafinil) side effects, warnings, uses. (2018, May 8). Retrieved from
  9. Teodorini, R. D., Rycroft, N., & Smith-Spark, J. H. (February 5, 2020). Over-the-counter use of modafinil: an online survey of perceived risks and benefits. Retrieved from
  10. Zolkowska D, Jain R, Rothman RB, Partilla JS, Roth BL, Setola V, Prisinzano TE, Baumann MH. Evidence for the involvement of dopamine transporters in the behavioral stimulatory effects of modafinil. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. May 2009;329(2):738-46. doi: 10.1124/jpet.108.146142. Epub dated February 5, 2009. PMID: 19197004; PMCID: PMC2672878.
  11. Minzenberg MJ, Carter CS. Modafinil: a review of neurochemical actions and effects on cognition. Neuropsychopharmacology. June 2008; 33(7):1477-502. doi: 10.1038/sj.npp.1301534. Epub dated August 22, 2007. PMID: 17712350.
  12. Krishnan R, Chary KV. A rare case of modafinil dependence. J Pharmacol Pharmacother. 2015;6(1):49-50. doi:10.4103/0976-500X.149149
  13. Medication scheduling. (North Dakota.). Retrieved from
  14. Kennedy DO. B Vitamins and the Brain: Mechanisms, Dosage, and Efficacy: A Review. Nutrients. 27 Jan 2016;8(2):68. doi:10.3390/nu8020068. PMID: 26828517; PMCID: PMC4772032.
  15. Kongkeaw C, Dilokthornsakul P, Thanarangsarit P, Limpeanchob N, Norman Scholfield C. Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on the cognitive effects of Bacopa monnieri extract. J Etnopharmacol. 2014;151(1):528-535. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2013.11.008
  16. Grieb P. Neuroprotective properties of citicoline: facts, doubts and unresolved issues. CNS drugs. 2014;28(3):185-193. doi:10.1007/s40263-014-0144-8
  17. Mori K, Inatomi S, Ouchi K, Azumi Y, Tuchida T. Ameliorating effects of Yamabushitake mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) on mild cognitive impairment: a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Phytother Res. 2009;23(3):367-372. doi:10.1002/ptr.2634

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