How to Buy Modafinil in the USA | What You Must Know

Thomas Thorne

Last Updated: March 4, 2023


If you're curious about how to buy Modafinil in the USA, then this guide is your starting point.

Below, we'll break down what you need to know about securely buying Modafinil in the United States.

Even with America's strict approach to drug regulation, you shouldn't have much issue finding the world's most popular nootropic while living stateside.

It's legit this easy…


Drug Name: Modafinil (Provigil, Modalert, Modvigil, etc.)
Tablet Strength: 200mg
Best Price: $0.79
Payment: American Express, MasterCard, Cryptocurrency
Shipping: FREE | Arriving: EU 1-5 business days, Worldwide 1-3 weeks
Where to Order: Click Here to Visit Pharmacy!

We’ve never had any issues getting Modafinil while living in the USA. At the time of writing, we've made hundreds of smart drug orders – and we've never had a single one confiscated by customs…ever.

All of our orders have been shown up on time, without issue.


Because we only ever buy Modafinil online in the United States from premier online vendors that offer guaranteed delivery.

That means we get our nootropics or they refund our money. No shipping risk whatsoever.

Our recommended vendors offer fast, proper shipping, and their shipments always arrive on-time and intact.

Disclaimer: The contents of are for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your physician prior to consuming Modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our full Disclaimer and Terms of Use.

What Is Modafinil?

Now, some of y'all will know exactly what Modafinil is and why so many high-achievers seem to be using it. Others may not.

So, what is Modafinil?

Well, Modafinil is an FDA-approved prescription medication sold under the brand name Provigil. It's mostly used to treat narcolepsy, but it has also been scientifically proven to deliver powerful cognitive benefits.Many Americans take Provigilas a “smart drug”, or “nootropic” [1], because it purportedly improves mood, boosts memory, and enhances concentration [2].

Seriously, everyone and their mama' are searching Google on how to get this stuff. And there's a reason for that:

As a cognitive enhancer, Modafinil actually works.

Unlike some other so-called 'smart' drugs out there, Modafinil lives up to the hype.

When we pop a 200 mg Modafinil tablet early in the morning, we can expect to experience:

  • 12+ hours of intense focus
  • Improved memory retention
  • Improved overall cognition
  • Increased productivity and output
  • Improved sense of well-being
  • …And no feelings of fatigue!

We’re not saying Modafinil is the real-life pill from the movie “Limitless“, but to us it’s certainly not that far off. One Modafinil pill sometimes makes there the difference.

But, how did we get here? What’s the history of Modafinil?

Modafinil was discovered in 1974 by two French scientists. It's basically a type of drug known as a 'eugeroic', which means it promotes wakefulness and prevents you from feeling sleepy.

The drug was first released on the French market under the brand name Provigil in 1992 [3]. It soon gained a reputation as a safe and effective treatment for narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and shift work disorder (SWD) [4].

Provigil was launched in the United States in 1998 as a prescription schedule C-IV medication and soon drew widespread attention for its ‘off label’ benefits…

After several studies showed that Provigil offered cognitive benefits, American doctors began prescribing it 'off label' to treat things like schizophrenia [5], attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) [6], and even cocaine addiction [7].

By the early 2000s, word about Provigil had spread outside the medical community. Hustlers, entrepreneurs, grad students, and startup CEOs alike flocked to try this wonder drug.They used it to reportedly stay up for hours on end, pull all-nighters with ease, and stay insanely focused day in, day out. Provigil use exploded, and the rest is history.

Today, people looking to gain an advantage over their competition are searching for ways to buy Modafinil in the USA.


Modafinil Side Effects and Safety

You know how the USA is often called “The land of the free and the home of the brave”? Well, freedom is awesome, but only if you know how to use that freedom properly.

While Modafinil might give us a level of mental freedom we never imagined possible, it's critical that we know how to use it responsibly if we want to enjoy its cognitive benefits over the long-term.

So, what do you need to know about Modafinil’s side effects and safety?

First, Modafinil is deemed a Schedule IV controlled substance by the US government, meaning it's considered to have a low risk of abuse and a low risk of dependence.

It’s essentially a powerful central nervous system (CNS) stimulant that works by increasing levels of histamine and dopamine in the brain [8]. This is what gives many Modafinil users a sense of heightened alertness and mental clarity [9]. In our experience, it's like nothing else.

Whereas amphetamines like Adderall make the brain produce more dopamine, Modafinil works slightly differently. It blocks the reuptake of dopamine [10], which is what raises overall levels. This is what makes Modafinil the ultimate 'smart drug'; the extra dopamine enhances mood, boosts mental performance, and dramatically improves working and episodic memory [11].

Like any prescription drug, Modafinil does come with potential side effects [12]; However, these appear to manifest rarely when the drug is taken at doses of 200mg per day or less.

Based on official recommendations, you should not take Modafinil if you:

  • Rely on steroidal contraceptives (Modafinil reduces their effectiveness);
  • Are currently taking prescription drugs that may interact with Modafinil;
  • They are in an agitated state;
  • Suffer from severe anxiety, depression, or any mental disorder; or,
  • Are you pregnant [13]. Modafinil can cause birth defects.

There hasn't been much research into Modafinil's side effects when taken as a smart drug for its documented off-label benefits, but one study looked at Modafinil side effects in patients who had been misdiagnosed with narcolepsy [14].

The most common reported side effects were headaches, anxiety, and nausea. Fortunately, these were quite mild and soon passed.

Assuming a user is not normally anxious, Modafinil can sometimes cause many first-time users to feel a little bit of anxiety. This seems perfectly normal and transient in a user whose mind simply is not used to the level of wakefulness he's experiencing.

But if you are someone who's ridden with anxiety, Modafinil may exacerbate your condition and alternatives should be strongly considered.

Aggressive behavior is one of the rarer side effects but can certainly be detrimental if not controlled properly [15].

We will say this…

In our experience, Modafinil can make you much less patient with others. But there’s a fine line between slight agitation and “rage-aholic” behavior. should you ever find yourself in the latter camp, seek medical help immediately!

Is Modafinil Legal in the USA?

As with many things in life, there are layers to this. Now, we're not lawyers and this certainly isn't legal advice. But we speak from our experience as the web’s #1 resource on all things Modafinil-related. The honest-to-god reality of the situation…

Is Modafinil Legal in the USA? Forks.

Modafinil is 100% legal, provided you have a doctor's prescription. You take your Modafinil prescription to any retail pharmacy in the USA and get your Provigil or generic Modafinil.

Well what happens if, for whatever reason, you cannot get a prescription or if your insurer refuses to cover the exorbitant cost of brand-name Modafinil?

Thousands of our readers and contributors have found themselves in such situations, and have had zero issue buying Modafinil online. That's right. We’re talking thousands of Modafinil shipments delivered without any objection at customs

Ordering Modafinil online in the USA is fast, convenient, and very economical.

The good news?

There are many legit Modafinil vendors catering to Americans these days. We're talking companies that have been in business for 3+ years and have sent tens of thousands of Modafinil shipments into the USA. Here are a few practical considerations related to ordering from these vendors:

  • Modafinil is considered as a Schedule IV drug by the DEA. This means the drug has a low risk of abuse [16];
  • Schedule IV drugs simply aren't a high priority for the US government, which is much more concerned with stopping the flow of dangerous narcotics Schedule IV drugs, on the other hand, pose low risks to the public;
  • While all states have criminalized Schedule IV drug possession[17], we've yet to hear of anyone being charged with a crime for ordering Modafinil online or possessing small amounts of Modafinil for personal use.

The TL:DR is this…

To our knowledge, there has yet to be a single case of anyone facing legal issues in the United States for having ordered Modafinil from an online vendor for personal use.

Point. Blank. Period.

In the extremely unlikely event that you place an order and your package is seized by customs, the worst thing that happens is that your smart drugs are confiscated and your Modafinil seller refunds your money or gives you a free reshipment.

That's right: No shipping risk.

Is Modafinil Legal

How to Get a Modafinil Prescription in the USA

Getting a Modafinil prescription in the USA it is generally a simple process.Members of our team have had them for medical conditions before.

You see, doctors in the United States will prescribe Modafinil if you have:

  • Narcolepsy
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Shift work disorder

Don’t even think about trying to “fake” having narcolepsy – most doctors will likely ask you to take an overnight sleep test. As humans, we don't just fall asleep in random places without reason, so you won't be diagnosed with narcolepsy unless you actually suffer from this condition. We don't suggest trying to convince your doctor that narcolepsy is causing you problems.

With sleep apnea, most doctors will also prescribe sleep studies and other fun stuff before they'll write you a script for Modafinil to treat the ailment.

That leaves us with individuals with shift work disorder (SWD). You may very well be able to obtain an SWD diagnosis if you regularly need to pull all nighters for work and it's messing with your sleep schedule.

Now there's a little more to it than that, but that's the gist of it. Just to give one example, our lead editor keeps strange hours while living in Southeast Asia. On a return trip to the States, he described his work schedule to his doctor, who concluded his patient clearly suffered from SWD.

So there you have it.

That's how to get a Modafinil prescription in the USA.

Does it apply to every single individual? Of course not. But this is the way to use Modafinil in the way described on its FDA-approved drug label.

Now, we're not ignorant to reality. In this era of telemedicine and prohibitively expensive brand-name drugs, many Modafinil users are turning to the internet in the hope of finding an online Modafinil vendor they can trust.

We've had great luck getting legit generic Modafinil on the Internet and found the process smooth, hassle-free, and best of all: wallet-friendly. We're confident in the vendors we'll be introducing you to below.


Where to Buy Modafinil Online in the USA | 2023 Guide

Enough with the fluff.Let’s dig in and see where to buy Modafinil online in the USA.

After working with numerous Modafinil vendors, we've found the two absolute best ones around. Trust us. If you want to buy Modafinil on the web in the United States, we'd check out these sellers first.

They're legit.

We're talking guaranteed deliveries, fast shipping, proper packaging, and high-quality generic Modafinil. Here are our favorite places online to order Modafinil in the USA:

Buy Fashion

  • Quality

  • Pricing

  • Service

  • Trustworthiness



  • Guaranteed Delivery

  • World-Class Customer Service

  • Affordable Prices

At the time of writing, Buy Fashion is our #1 recommendation for an online Modafinil pharmacy for anyone living in the USA.

If you're looking to buy Modafinil in the United States, hit these guys up first. They are 100% legit and have been selling Modafinil online for years.

Buy Fashion offers the following amazing benefits:

  • Low prices: Buy Fashion sell Modafinil much cheaper anywhere else in the world! Don't take our word for it — just check their prices!
  • 20% Bitcoin discount: If you pay with Bitcoin (BTC), you'll get 20% off your order. Never transacted with Bitcoin before? It's easy and well worth looking into considering you get this amazing discount.
  • Guaranteed Delivery: When you buy from these guys, you'll either get your Modafinil shipment or they'll refund your money — or send you another shipment for free.
  • Fast Shipping: How does 6-11 days sound? That sounds pretty fast to us, and it's free with your purchase.
  • Professional Packaging: All shipments are properly packed to ensure the integrity of your order.
  • Great Coupon Discounts: These guys offer some of the best discounts for repeat purchases in the industry.

Overall, we're confident Buy Fashion es la best place to get Modafinil online in the United States right now. Ordering from these guys couldn't be easier.

Highly recommended!

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  • Quality

  • Pricing

  • Service

  • Trustworthiness



  • Great Discounts

  • Fast Shipping Worldwide

  • Guaranteed Delivery

Another solid option when buying Modafinil in the USA is Modafinil XL.

These guys have been in the Modafinil game for quite some time now — and we've been blown away with their customer service, shipping times, and professionalism. Most of our Modafinil orders from these guys have arrived within a week.

Modafinil XL offers the following awesome benefits:

  • Guaranteed Delivery: When you order from these guys, you either get your Modafinil order or you get a full refund/reshipment. Your choice!
  • Decent Bulk Prices: Modafinil XL aren't the cheapest vendors, but they offer great bulk-buy discounts.
  • 20% Bitcoin Discount: just like Buy Fashion, Modafinil XL offers a huge 20% discount when you pay with Bitcoin!
  • Legit Modafinil: You’ll get legit generic Modafinil when ordering from these guys, and they offer a surprisingly wide selection of smart drug products.

Overall, Modafinil XL is a phenomenal vendor and comes highly recommended!

Get 10% off all ModafinilXL

Just use this code at checkout: ENJOY10OFF

Shipping Modafinil to the USA?

When talking about shipping Modafinil to the United States for personal use, many have asked us questions. We get that. There's always some worry when shipping pharmaceutical drugs to a different country.

Here's the thing…

Every major Modafinil pharmacy offers guaranteed delivery to the United States. Every single one of them!

This means they're so confident their orders will pass customs and arrive at your front door that you'll get a full refund if you don't get your order. What could be better?

In our experience, we haven't had a single issue with shipping Modafinil to the United States. Our orders have passed customs every time and we've received our nootropics with ease.

And even if they hadn't? We simply would have gotten our money back.


Brand Name Modafinil in the United States

As in most developed countries, you'll need a prescription from a doctor when you walk into a pharmacy in the United States to buy brand name Modafinil.

Once you have that prescription, you can buy them these name brand products from the retail pharmacy of your choice in the USA:

  • Provigil
  • Nuvigil

These are the two most popular brand-name Modafinil products available for those prescribed Modafinil in the United States.

But as we've already alluded, due to the skyrocketing cost of brand-name Modafinil in the US, many Americans look to buy Modafinil online these days. When looking to buy nootropics online in the States, these are the most popular products:

Nootropics users report that every single one of these products offers impressive cognitive benefits. However, there's no denying that certain products are more popular than others with the off-label crowd.

In our opinion, Modalert has been the best form of generic Modafinil on the market. The product is our go-to when we look to buy Modafinil online in the USA.

For a budget-friendly option, Modvigil is generally quite a bit cheaper than Modalert and still does a solid job — again, in our experience

If you’re searching for Armodafinil, then Waklert tends to be the premier generic Armodafinil product on the market. Yet Artvigil is certainly cheaper.

Overall, most users look to Modalert, Waklert, or a sample pack —for those who are still unsure.

Other Nootropics

Now, we know many of our site visitors may also be interested in buying other nootropics in the USA. Many look to cycle different smart drugs with Modafinil — taking days off and days on.

We've done that before. Overall, it’s a great call for hyper-enthusiasts like us, who use smart drugs often. So here is one of our favorite over-the-counter (OTC) smart drugs in the United States:

  • Mind Lab Pro: At the time of writing, this is our favorite OTC nootropic. Period. Mind Lab Pro is a powerful smart drug that delivers powerful cognitive enhancement, in our case for 6-9+ hours straight. The energy is smooth and we find the product absolutely ideal for crushing creative work. Highly recommended.

Order from our recommended supplier Mind Lab Pro

The Verdict? | USA Edition

If you were curious about how to buy Modafinil in the USA, that's about all.

From the benefits, side effects, legal considerations, getting a prescription, and the best places to buy, we've covered it all in this informational guide.

Get your hands on the world's most powerful smart drug... Modafinil


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  11. Minzenberg MJ, Carter CS. Modafinil: a review of neurochemical actions and effects on cognition. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2008 Jun;33(7):1477-502. doi: 10.1038/sj.npp.1301534. Epub 2007 Aug 22. PMID: 17712350.
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