Flmodafinil versus modafinil | What is the best nootropic for you?

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 2, 2023

Flmodafinil vs Modafinil

Flmodafinil versus modafinil

What is the deal? Is one of these nootropics better than the other? How are they similar and/or different?

And most importantly, what might be the best nootropic for you as a researcher or research subject?

In this detailed guide, we'll break down what you need to know about these two products, while also providing detailed comparisons and explaining the differences seen in research.

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Disclaimer: The content on Modafinil.space is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to Modafinil.space is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is flmodafinil?

Flmodafinil is a relatively new nootropic. Structurally, it is identical to modafinil, with the addition of two fluoride atoms, hence the name flodafinil. It is also known as bisfluoromodafinil, lauflumide or CRL-40,940 [1].

It was discovered in 2013 and has been undergoing clinical trials since 2015 for its potential as a prescription treatment for narcolepsy and other sleep disorders.

However, unlike modafinil, it is not currently classified as a prescription drug, so researchers can easily purchase it online. Please note that this could change at any time!

Benefits of flmodafinil

Flmodafinil works similarly to Modafinil, but its creators boast that Flmodafinil is up to four times stronger. Flmodafinil may also have a longer half-life, meaning the investigational drug would stay in your system longer than Modafinil [1].

According to the research subjects, some of the benefits of flmodafinil as a nootropic include:

  • Better focus and concentration.
  • Improved mood
  • Increased productivity

However, because it is still in early testing, we do not have access to any research that has been done specifically on the effects of flmodafinil as a nootropic agent. What we know about Flmodafinil is based on two things: its similarity in structure to Modafinil and anecdotal reports from research subjects who have been administered Flmodafinil.

Side effects of flmodafinil

The side effects of Flmodafinil may be similar to those of Modafinil, although the makers of Flmodafinil claim that its side effects are much milder due to its structural differences. We still don't have solid research on the possible side effects of flodafinil due to the reasons listed above.

However, many Flmodafinil subjects report that they appear to experience fewer side effects with Flmodafinil than with Modafinil.

Some side effects that a research subject may experience after flmodafinil administration include [2]:

  • Headaches or dizziness
  • Insomnia
  • Gastrointestinal problems, such as nausea or diarrhea.
  • Loss of appetite

However, it appears that flmodafinil, for most healthy subjects, is perfectly safe and has a low risk of side effects or complications.

Get your hands on a great Flmodafinil now!

What is modafinil?

Modafinil is a prescription medication commonly used to treat narcolepsy and sleep disorders. As mentioned above, it is structurally very similar to flmodafinil [2].

Modafinil is the smart drug of choice for many nootropic users because it is generally effective and safe and reportedly has few side effects.

Modafinil benefits

Compared to Flmodafinil, Modafinil is better understood because there is much more publicly available research on it. It is known as a "wake-promoting agent," according to the US National Library of Medicine [2]. We know that Modafinil has a number of proven general benefits, such as:

  • Reduce fatigue
  • Boost memory
  • Increase mood and motivation.
  • Supercharged focus, concentration and alertness
  • Constant energy

These benefits are why Modafinil is such a sought-after nootropic by many people, including nootropic experts.

For a more in-depth look at the many nootropic benefits of Modafinil, be sure to read our review of Modafinil benefits.

Side effects of modafinil

Modafinil carries some risk of mild side effects, although for most healthy people it is generally safe and the risk is minimal.

Some of the most common side effects reported with Modafinil use are headache and insomnia. The standard prescribed dose of Modafinil is 200 mg per day, so most people do not need to take more than this.2].Additionally, those who use Modafinil for its nootropic benefits generally do not take it more than 1 to 3 times per week.

Modafinil can be habit-forming, so users are advised to take regular breaks between uses.

We have a much more complete picture of the safety of modafinil because it is a prescription medication that has been thoroughly tested and researched.

For more information, see our articles on Modafinil. side effects and security.

Modafinil vs flmodafinil

Flmodafinil versus modafinil | Similarities

So how do Flmodafinil and Modafinil compare in a head-to-head comparison?

Here's how they are similar:


As stated above, Flmodafinil and Modafinil are structurally very similar. In fact, Flmodafinil is considered a "bisfluoro analogue" of Modafinil. Translated, that means that Flmodafinil is essentially an exact copy of Modafinil with the addition of two fluoride units.

Due to these similarities, it appears that Flmodafinil and Modafinil also behave similarly.


Flmodafinil and Modafinil also have similar effects. In fact, Flmodafinil is currently in clinical trials to see if it is an effective treatment for narcolepsy and sleep disorders, the labeled use for Modafinil.

Based on their structural similarities and what we know about Modafinil so far, we can assume that the effects of Flmodafinil and Modafinil are quite similar, including:

  • Energy: Modafinil, of course, is used to promote wakefulness in people with sleep disorders. However, it may also help with fatigue in people with multiple sclerosis and cancer. It may also combat some of the cognitive deficits associated with lack of sleep.3, 4, 5, 6, 7].
  • Learning and Memory: In healthy people and those with depression, Modafinil can improve memory and learning skills [8, 9].
  • Mood and motivation: Animal studies have observed improvements in motivation with Modafinil administration, and Modafinil may also serve to improve mood in healthy adults.10, 11].
  • Focus: Modafinil can help improve attention and concentration, regardless of whether the patient is sleep deprived or has had enough sleep [12, 13].

With both Modafinil and Flmodafinil, we consider it optimal to take the dose early in the morning to reduce our risk of insomnia. After all, we never want to miss a good night's sleep, and the stimulating effects of these compounds can definitely make that happen if we take them late in the day!


We cannot say with confidence that Flmodafinil is as safe as Modafinil simply because of the lack of research available on the matter. However, according to first-hand accounts from research subjects, it appears to be very safe and its creators even suggest that it has fewer side effects than Modafinil.

That said, all subjects are advised to treat flmodafinil with caution even though it is not (yet) considered a prescription medication. We consider the safety materials available on Modafinil to be an excellent starting point for becoming familiar with potential safety concerns with Flmodafinil.

Any research subject who has health concerns or problems, or who is currently taking any prescription medication, should avoid Modafinil or Flmodafinil in the absence of a doctor's recommendation [2].

Subjects are also advised to avoid mixing any of these compounds with other stimulants or alcohol.2].

This also applies to subjects who are pregnant, lactating, or under 18 years of age [2].

Any difference?

There are also some key differences between flodafinil and modafinil that both researchers and subjects should be aware of.

Here are some of them:

Prescription status

Modafinil is a prescription medication, which means that in most countries the only way to get Modafinil at a retail pharmacy is through a prescription. It should be noted that there are reputable online providers for those looking to use Modafinil solely as a nootropic.

On the other hand, flmodafinil is not currently classified as a prescription drug. Although it is currently in clinical trials, researchers can easily purchase it online as reference material.

However, this could change at any time if Flmodafinil is approved for prescription use or if there is a change in regulations applicable to compounds that are structurally similar to existing prescription medications.


While Modafinil is certainly a favorite among regular nootropic users, the creators of Flmodafinil boast that the research compound is incredibly two to four times stronger than Modafinil, apparently due to changes in the way the human body metabolizes and uses the drug, due to the addition of the two fluoride atoms [1].

Although its patent suggests that Flmodafinil is almost four times stronger, anecdotal reports from research subjects who have used both Flmodafinil and Modafinil estimate that its true strength is closer to twice that of Modafinil.

Half life

Additionally, it appears that Flmodafinil may also have a longer half-life, meaning that the research compound may remain in the system longer compared to Modafinil.

As more research comes out on Flmodafinil, we will have more definitive information on its half-life.


Due to the combination of a potentially higher concentration and a potentially longer half-life, dosing recommendations for Flmodafinil tend to be much lower than those for Modafinil.

For research subjects without any prior nootropic use, the applicable flmodafinil dose is usually approximately one-quarter of the standard modafinil dose. For subjects who are more experienced in using nootropics or have used Modafinil before, the Flmodafinil dose is usually closer to half the normal Modafinil dose to provide similar effects.

For more information about our dosing guidelines, please see our complete dosage guide for modafinil.

Research Body

Flmodafinil is much newer than Modafinil and is still in the early phases of clinical trials for approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Therefore, we know much less about flodafinil than we do about modafinil.

While we can theorize that Flmodafinil behaves similarly to Modafinil due to its almost identical structure, this is not something we can say with complete confidence. We will have to wait for more research to emerge before we can gain a deeper understanding of how exactly flmodafinil works.


The prices of Modafinil and Flmodafinil are comparable, but Flmodafinil appears to be a little more expensive. This makes sense, since Flmodafinil is newer and supposedly more potent than Modafinil, and its suppliers must lab create it rather than purchase it.

Based on current pricing from our preferred suppliers (details below), a 100 mg dose of Flmodafinil costs between $3.00 and $4.00, with the powder being the least expensive option compared to the liquid.

On the other hand, a 200 mg dose of Modafinil (which is the equivalent strength of a 100 mg dose of Flmodafinil) costs between $0.90 and $2.30 per serving, depending on the order size.

This does not include the cost of any applicable taxes or shipping.

Where to buy online?

Ok, now you might be wondering where do we buy Flmodafinil online and where do we buy Modafinil online.

Fortunately, that's pretty easy nowadays.

For more information on purchasing Modafinil, check out our complete guide to buy modafinil online.

Alternatively, the recommended provider below is our current top recommendation:

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For Flmodafinil, we recommend that researchers purchase it through a supplier called science.bio.

They offer Flmodafinil in liquid or powder form, both of which are easy to dose precisely and accurately. science.bio also has a thorough research and quality control process, including independent, third-party laboratory testing, for all of its ingredients and products.

In other words, customers of this supplier can be sure that the product they receive is of high quality and exactly what they paid for.

Get your hands on a great Flmodafinil now!

Modafinil versus flmodafinil | Verdict

As we can see, Modafinil and Flmodafinil are very similar, but there are some differences that can make one a better compound than the other.

While flodafinil appears to be stronger and has a longer elimination time than modafinil, the research material is also newer, more expensive, and we know much less about it.

On the other hand, Modafinil has a good reputation as a safe and effective nootropic.

Fortunately, both compounds appear to be low risk with minor side effects for most healthy people.

And from all indications to date, both have a huge impact on brain improvement.


  1. Konofal E, inventor; Nls Pharma AG, Nls-1 Pharma AG, Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Paris APHP, assignee. Lauflumide and its enantiomers, method for preparing it and therapeutic uses of it. No. US20130295196A1. November 7, 2013.
  2. US National Library of Medicine Modafinil. MedlinePlus website. February 15, 2016. https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a602016.html
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  7. Rammohan KW, Rosenberg JH, Lynn DJ, Blumenfeld AM, Pollak CP, Nagaraja HN.Efficacy and safety of modafinil (Provigil) for the treatment of fatigue in multiple sclerosis: a two-center phase 2 study. J Neurol Neurosurgery Psychiatry. 2002;72(2):179-183. doi:10.1136/jnnp.72.2.179
  8. Müller U, Rowe JB, Rittman T, Lewis C, Robbins TW, Sahakian BJ. Effects of modafinil on nonverbal cognition, task enjoyment, and creative thinking in healthy volunteers. Neuropharmacology. 2013;64(5):490-495. doi:10.1016/j.neuropharm.2012.07.009
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  12. Wesensten New Jersey. Effects of modafinil on cognitive performance and alertness during sleep deprivation. Curr Pharm Des. 2006;12(20):2457-2471. doi:10.2174/138161206777698819
  13. Walsh JK, Randazzo AC, Stone KL, Schweitzer PK. Modafinil improves alertness, vigilance, and executive function during simulated night shifts. Sleep. 2004;27(3):434-439. doi:10.1093/sleep/27.3.434

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