Generic Modafinil vs. Provigilia | Benefits, differences and similarities

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 2, 2023

Modafinil vs Provigil

If you're into productivity or hacking, you've heard of Modafinil and might be interested in trying it.

But before you take the leap, you must decide between: Provigil vs modafinil.

Is there a real difference? Is brand Provigil better than Modalert or other forms of generic Modafinil?

We ask ourselves the same thing.

We have been studying the various forms of Modafinil for several years because it is a very potent and safe nootropic. We've seen the research on the cognitive-enhancing effects of insanity and experienced it ourselves. But we were curious to know if the benefits of generic Modafinil were as good as those of the brand-name version Provigil.

We've done the research for you and you'll find it all here.

Read on for our take on the benefits of generic Modafinil vs Provigil.

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Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is modafinil?

To really understand the differences between Modalert and Provigil, let's take a moment to understand what Modafinil is: its chemistry and its effects.

Modafinil is basically the NZT-48 pickup from the film Limitless: It is a powerful cognitive enhancer that can increase your productivity and skills.

It is a prescription medication that has an effect on your cognition. Promotes wakefulness and alertness.

The chemical composition of Modaifnil is C15h15NO2S and its chemical name is 2-((Diphenylmethyl)sulfinyl)acetamide. Although it is not known exactly how it works [1], modafinil is believed to change metabolic activity in the brain so that neurons in the area responsible for sleep and wakefulness are stimulated [2].

Modafinil was developed by a French pharmaceutical company in the 1990s and is currently marketed in the United States under the brand name Provigil by Cephalon Inc.3]. It is prescribed to treat excessive sleepiness resulting from sleep disorders such as:

  • Narcolepsy
  • Sleep disorder in shift work
  • Obstructive sleep apnea

More than 900,000 people in the United States use some version of Modafinil, either Provigil or one of its generic versions such as Modalert, to combat drowsiness.4].

Modafinil to improve performance

But modafinil is not only used by people who cannot sleep properly. The benefits of modafinil have also been used in other contexts where achieving peak performance is important. For example:

  • Space agencies and astronauts have used it on space missions [5].
  • CEOs and other startup executives have used it to work effectively for long periods of time and increase profits [6].
  • Stock market traders and speculators have used it to optimize their trading and operations [7].
  • And the militaries of countries like the United Kingdom and France have used it on high-risk missions [8].

Off-label benefits of modafinil

Modafinil also has plenty of off-label cognitive-enhancing effects.

Now, perhaps like you, we've been on the nootropic scene long enough to know that not all of the fantastic claims made on the web are true. We didn't want to just trust anyone when it came to determining whether Modafinil was a legitimate “smart drug” or the nootropic equivalent of snake oil.

So we went to the investigation. We've talked about the effectiveness of Modafinil in many other articles, but we want to address it here so you know that Modafinil is the real deal.

Studies have found that Modafinil enhances or improves a number of cognitive functions, including:

  • Territorial planning [9]
  • Visual pattern recognition [9]
  • Reaction time [9]
  • Episodic and working memory [9, 10, 11]
  • Strategic planning [12]
  • Decision making [12]
  • Fast visual processing [13]
  • Focus, concentration and alertness [14, 15, 16]
  • Motivation to work [17]

Compared to many other nootropics, a lot of research has been done on Modafinil. This is real: works.

Provigil vs Modafinil

Modafinil Side Effects and Safety

Great, but is it safe?

Again, we have a detailed article on Side effects of modafinil, but here we want to give you the basics so you can make an informed decision about the risks.

Basically, yes, it is safe.

Almost all research concludes that modafinil side effects do occur, but are rare. When they occur, they are usually not serious. While some other nootropics are potentially addictive, modafinil is considered to have a very low risk of developing tolerance or addiction.18].

The most common side effects are [18]:

Again, these are not common. Studies suggest that over 90% of users will not experience Modafinil side effects [19]. The vast majority of research suggests that Modafinil, both Provigil and generic Modafinil, is safe, well tolerated, and non-addictive [20, 21].

Provigil is “name brand” modafinil

Okay, great, Modafinil works and it's safe. So…

What is the difference between Provigil and Modafinil?

Let's delve into:

Brand name drugs versus generic drugs

Generic drugs are designed to work the same way as brand name drugs. The main difference is in the name and how it is marketed.

The way US drug laws and patents work is that if you develop a new drug, you get exclusive rights to make and sell it for about 17 years. Once those 17 years have passed, other companies can start manufacturing drugs with the same chemical composition (although they have to use a different name, packaging, etc.).

This system helps reward companies that create new drugs and incentivize them to do research by basically giving them a monopoly on the market for 17 years. But then after that, good old free market competition can drive prices down.

Sometimes there are also some other small differences between the medications (in terms of fillers, etc.), but they work the same way and brands. They have a: The FDA requires generic drug manufacturers to demonstrate that generic versions are as effective as brand-name versions [22].

Brand Versus Generic Modafinil

That's exactly what happened with Modafinil. The French company Lafon created and distributed it for the first time under the Modiodal brand in France.The American company Cephalon then rented the rights to sell it and eventually bought Lafon. They marketed it as Provigil in the U.S. Until 2012, there was no generic Provigil.

Then in 2012, generic Provigil became legal for other companies. That's when we started to see a lot of generic versions appear: Modalert, Modvigil and others.

It is important to understand that There is no chemical difference between generic Modafinil and Provigil.

They are the same chemical substance: C15h15NO2Yes

How is Provigil different?

The difference is that Provigil is sold by the company that owns the patent, so they have been making it about 17 years longer than the others. Since they have been selling it longer, they have more name recognition.

They also sell it for about 5 times the price.

That means you have two options when you buy Modafinil:

  1. You buy it in a bottle called “Provigil” made by Cephalon. It's really expensive.
  2. Or you buy it in a package called “Modalert” or something similar made by another manufacturer. It's much cheaper.

The effects it has on you are the same either way.

So why would anyone use Provigil when generic Modafinil is so easy to buy online?

Well, some people are worried about Indian pharmacies. Those fears are generally overblown, as companies like HAB Pharma and Sun Pharma are creating fantastic products today and, to be sold and approved in the US, they still have to pass rigorous FDA standards.

In any case, it is the sellers what you have to be careful with, not with manufacturers. That's why we recommend only some online modafinil providers, and not others.

In any case, we have used Modvigil 200 mg and Modalert 200 mg consistently and found the quality to be excellent. You won't notice the difference between Modalert and Provigil.

Order Modafinil online from our top rated provider...

Provigil costs | Why is very expensive?

Let's look at the cost of Provigil for you.

According to [23] in 2023, Provigil costs over $1,200 for a 30-pack. That's about $40 per pill.

The reason it is so expensive is because it has name recognition and a good marketing team. So people trust it. It's the reason you pay a dollar more for Heinz ketchup than generic. You know it's basically the same thing, but something about the name makes you feel better.

In our opinion, it's just a psychological trick... one that is costing people an extra $39 per pill. We prefer to keep the cash, thank you.

Generic Modafinil Versus Provigil

One possible difference is that there is less quality control in factories that produce generic drugs. You may get a defective batch. But again, everything sold in the US and approved by the FDA goes through testing, including inspections of the manufacturing process.22].

We just want to emphasize this: they are the same. They have the same chemical formula. Both have the same effects. Both will make you a productive powerhouse.

The difference is one thing: the price.

Again, we have used both. We cannot see a difference between generic Modafinil and Provigil.

Compare costs

So what is the cost difference?

  • Provigil, in a pharmacy. As we said, [23] notes that the cost of a 30-pack of Provigil is $1,200, or about $40 per pill.
  • Generic Modafinil, in pharmacy. [24] also says that a 30-pack of generic modafinil costs about $244, or about $8.10 per pill. That's about 80% less than the brand price.
  • Generic modafinil, online. Now, we think even $8.10 per pill is expensive. We get ours from Buy Moda.You can pay $69 for a 30-pack, which works out to about $2.30 per pill.
  • Generic Modafinil, online, wholesale, with discounts. But it's actually better than that. We normally buy about 300 pills at a time, which costs $319. But we get a 10% discount and then we pay with Bitcoin, so we get an additional 20% discount. And we have an account, so we get an extra 20% of the pills for free. And plus, for spending more than $150, we get 30 extra pills. It costs $223 for 390 pills. That's $0.57 per Modalert pill.

Don't pay $40 per pill. Don't even pay $8 per pill. If you pay more than $1 per pill, you are doing something wrong.

Where to buy generic modafinil online? | Guide 2023

So where can you buy generic Provigil online at such a good price?

That is easy…

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Buy Fashion. Like I said, the prices are fantastic. They also have incredible quality. But more than that, they are not incomplete. We have had some bad experiences with other providers, but buy fashion has shown us time and time again that they are legitimate.

These are some of the things we like about them:

  • Great guarantee. He “Mike Modafinil Guarantee” it's great. They say you must be 100% satisfied with your order or they will refund your money (up to 30 days after receiving it). That's one of the best guarantees in the game.
  • Free shipping on orders over $100. The website says orders can take up to 6 weeks to arrive in some countries, but we've never heard of them taking longer than 3.
  • Great discounts. This is actually one of the cheapest places to get Modafinil on the internet and it is not a scam.

Overall, these guys do a fantastic job offering generic modafinil at low cost and with excellent customer service.

Highly recommended.

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Generic Modafinil vs Provigil | The verdict

When comparing Modafinil versus Provigil, there is not much difference.

If you purchase Modalert 200 from a reputable online supplier, you will receive a product that offers exactly the same chemical structure and results as Provigil. – but at a significant discount.

If you have money, great. Fill your boots with Provigil. But if you're basically someone other than Bill Gates, don't waste your money on the brand.

Instead, get Modalert or another generic version of Modafinil.

Provigil vs Modafinil


  1. Cephalon (undated). Modafinil: Prescribing Information Highlights.
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  4. ClinCalc (undated). Modafinil Medication Usage Statistics, United States, 2007 – 2017.
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  9. Turner, D. C., Robbins, T. W., Clark, L., Aron, A. R., Dowson, J., & Sahakian, B. J. (2003). Cognitive-enhancing effects of modafinil in healthy volunteers. Psychopharmacology, 165(3), 260-269.
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  11. Kaser, M., Deakin, J. B., Michael, A., Zapata, C., Bansal, R., Ryan, D.,… and Sahakian, B. J. (2017). Modafinil improves episodic memory and working memory cognition in patients with remitted depression: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2(2), 115-122.
  12. Müller, U., Rowe, J.B., Rittman, T., Lewis, C., Robbins, T.W., and Sahakian, B.J. (2013). Effects of modafinil on nonverbal cognition, task enjoyment, and creative thinking in healthy volunteers. Neuropharmacology, 64, 490-495.
  13. Lees, J., Michalopoulou, P. G., Lewis, S. W., Preston, S., Bamford, C., Collier, T.,… and Kapur, S. (2017). Modafinil and cognitive improvement in schizophrenia and healthy volunteers: the effects of the test battery in a randomized controlled trial. Psychological Medicine, 47(13), 2358-2368.
  14. Wesensten, New Jersey (2006). Effects of modafinil on cognitive performance and alertness during sleep deprivation. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 12(20), 2457-2471.
  15. Cope, Z. A., Minassian, A., Kreitner, D., MacQueen, D. A., Milienne-Petiot, M., Geyer, M. A.,… and Young, J. W. (2017). Modafinil improves attentional performance in healthy, non-sleep-deprived humans at doses that do not induce hyperarousal in all species. Neuropharmacology, 125, 254-262.
  16. Kelley, A. M., Webb, C. M., Athy, J. R., Ley, S., & Gaydos, S. (2012).Improving cognition with modafinil: a meta-analysis.Aeronautical, Space and Environmental Medicine, 83(7), 685-690.
  17. Volkow, N. D., Fowler, J. S., Logan, J., Alexoff, D., Zhu, W., Telang, F.,… and Hubbard, B. (2009). Effects of modafinil on dopamine and dopamine transporters in the human male brain: clinical implications. JAMA, 301(11), 1148-1154.
  18. Cunha, JP (undated). Provigil (Modafinil) Side Effects Drug Center.
  19. Greenblatt, K., and Adams, N. (2018). Modafinil. StatPearls Publishing.
  20. Moldofsky, H., Broughton, R. J., & Hill, J. D. (2000). A randomized trial of the continued long-term efficacy and safety of modafinil in narcolepsy. Sleep Medicine, 1(2), 109-116.
  21. Murillo-Rodríguez, E., Barciela Veras, A., Barbosa Rocha, N., Budde, H., & Machado, S. (2018). An overview of the clinical uses, pharmacology, and safety of modafinil. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 9(2), 151-158.
  22. FDA (2018). Data on generic medications.
  23. (undated). Provigil prices, coupons and patient assistance programs.
  24. (undated). Modafinil prices, coupons and patient assistance programs.

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