Gorilla mental fever | Review of uses, benefits, side effects and more

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 19, 2023

Gorilla Mind Rush Review

Curious about Gorilla mental fever? Then you are in the perfect place.

We are writing this review for one reason, and one reason only:

This really works.

In fact, it might be one of the best over-the-counter nootropics we've ever tried. Yes, Modafinil is still our favorite nootropic. in general, but you can't buy it without a prescription and you can't take it every day.

That's high praise coming from a team of smart drug experts who have tested dozens and dozens of nootropics over the years. Without exaggerating too much, let's talk about what you can expect when taking this powerful cognitive enhancer.

Gorilla mental fever Is it sold out. But here you have the best alternative...

Disclaimer: The content on Modafinil.space is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to Modafinil.space is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is Gorilla Mind Rush?

Before we get too deep, let's take a look at what Gorilla Mind Rush is and what ingredients make this so effective.

Gorilla Mind Rush is a nootropic, but it is different. The product perfectly combines natural ingredients that improve cognitive ability to keep you focused for hours and hours.

You will find benefits such as:

  • 6-10+ hours of intense concentration
  • Improved memory retention
  • Increased cognitive abilities.
  • A general feeling of well-being
  • Without any fatigue

But here's the madness...

These benefits are not even the better part of this smart drug. Honestly, they're not even near The best thing about this nootropic...

So what's the best part of Gorilla Mind Rush?

No hangover-like effects!

Of all the nootropics we've tried over the years, this is the one. only one that we've found offers intense cognitive improvement with ZERO hangover-like effects or "come down" symptoms.

Most nootropics that increase your level will cause you to come down later at night or the next morning.

Gorilla Mind Rush just doesn't have that nasty side effect.

We believe this is due to the interesting mix of ingredients found in this nootropic. A mix that is being recorded as we write this Gorilla Mind Rush review. Here are some of the ingredients that make this smart drug so effective:

  • DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol): It increases the processing and transmission of information in the brain, thereby improving concentration and improving focus. This ingredient can also improve mood [1].
  • N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine: A highly bioavailable form of tyrosine, an amino acid that increases energy and motivation, while reducing anxiety.2].
  • L-theanine: A common nootropic supplement and for good reason, L-theanine complements caffeine exceptionally well. It is a natural extract from the tea plant and is responsible for the relaxing properties of tea. The material also improves memory and attention to detail [3].
  • Anhydrous caffeine: There are many good reasons why caffeine is the most popular stimulant in the world.It offers a host of benefits, including better reaction time, better concentration, and higher energy levels.4].
  • Di-caffeine malate: Another form of caffeine that is a little milder and smoother than others. Dicaffeine malate has been shown to improve mood and reduce anxiety, joint pain, and more [5].
  • Higenamine: Now we get to the good stuff. This powerful stimulant reaches the body within seven minutes of ingestion and offers incredible concentration and energy level benefits.6].
  • Piperine (black pepper fruit extract): An essential complement to any nootropic. This ensures that your body can absorb all of the ingredients in the Gorilla Mind formula and is what gives it the longest lasting effects.7].

Gorilla Mind Rush Review

Gorilla Mind Rush Side Effects

Very good, Gorilla Mind Rush contains well-researched ingredients. But does it have any side effects?

The side effects are minimal, but worth mentioning.

Honestly, we don't experience any side effects when taking the product. They are the only nootropics we have used that did not have any hangover effects. However, we have heard reports that other people have experienced the following mild adverse effects:

  • Nausea. There can be mild nausea from using nootropics in general, and that goes for this one too.
  • Nervousness/anxiety. Gorilla Mind Rush is a stimulant and has two types of caffeine. Just like coffee, if you drink too much you can feel a little jittery.
  • Insomnia. Again, it's a stimulant. Therefore, it is not a good idea to take this before bed or you might have trouble sleeping.
  • Headaches. We have heard that some people have problems with headaches from taking Gorilla Mind Rush. However, we often find that this is due to dehydration.Make sure you have a large water bottle with you when you work and you'll be fine.

Is Gorilla Mind Rush safe?

So, this nootropic doesn't cause any serious side effects... but what about an overdose of Gorilla Mind Rush? Is Gorilla Mind Rush safe?

In short, yes. It is considered a very safe nootropic.

Now, to be fair, there is very little research on Gorilla Mind Rush. itself. However, it is a blend of natural ingredients and each ingredient has been well researched and proven to be safe.

Most of the ingredients in Gorilla Mind Rush do not pose any problems. The only one that you can What we need to worry about is caffeine. caffeine, in very High doses can cause problems such as anxiety and dizziness [8] and is probably responsible for most of the side effects reported by Gorilla Mind Rush users.

So, yeah, you shouldn't consume too much of this stuff. if you have lots from it, over a long period, caffeine could cause you problems.

So is it safe? As safe as coffee... so... yeah, pretty safe.

Gorilla Mind Rush Review

Gorilla Mind Rush Review | Benefits and uses

Now let's dive into what Gorilla Mind Rush did for us and why we highly recommend grabbing a bottle or three.

Here's our review of Gorilla Mind Rush:

  • Impressive cognitive benefits

Gorilla Mind Rush works better than advertised. If you want a "laser-like" concentration and intense concentration for more than 6 to 10 hours, then this is the smart drug for you.

Spot. White. Period.

It works and will improve concentration, energy levels and feelings of well-being throughout the day.

Is it as strong, powerful and potent as Modafinil?


But there is nothing (except possibly Adderall) that can take Modafinil's crown as the best nootropic in the world.And, frankly, Gorilla Mind Rush doesn't need to beat modafinil. It is an over-the-counter product, not a pharmaceutical product.

If you want a pharmaceutical medicine, buy Modafinil. That works. But if you are looking for the most powerful smart drug without prescription on the market, then Gorilla Mind Rush is what you need.

  • “Healthy” nootropic

Many nootropics available on the market offer solid cognitive benefits. Others don't do much. Some just make you feel anxious and nervous.

Additionally, many of these products have side effects. We often struggle with some minor things when taking smart drugs:

  • Struggling to fall asleep
  • Stomach problems
  • Hangover-like symptoms the next day
  • Body odor

We are pleased to say that we did not experience any of these problems by taking Gorilla Mind.

We were able to fall asleep as usual without any problems and wake up early the next day.

This leads us to believe that Gorilla Mind could be one of the healthier smart medicines on the market today. If you are a health-conscious person looking for healthy cognitive enhancement without taking pharmaceuticals, this is the only nootropic you need.

  • do more things

Like any decent nootropic on the market...

Gorilla Mind Rush will ensure you get more done. It improves your concentration, increases your productivity and allows you to focus like no other.

You willpower produce more work, finish that project you've been putting off, and generally complete whatever you want during the day.

Taking 2 or 3 capsules of Gorilla Mind Rush is a sure way to complete your to-do list for the day.

  • No hangover-like effects

As we mentioned before, this is our absolute favorite part of Gorilla Mind Rush.

You can take this supplement, push yourself hard for 8+ hours during the day, go to bed on time, and then wake up the next morning with a hangover-like feeling.

You don't feel sluggish or foggy in the morning. This is almost unheard of for a powerful nootropic!

  • Ideal for creativity

Modafinil is the king of smart drugs when it comes to doing “busy” work and generating content.

But the material is not ideal for creativity.

Gorilla mind it is.

We were able to write some amazing marketing plans while we were working. They required a phenomenal amount of creativity to put it together. And they got results.

Gorilla Mind Rush does wonders for creativity.

  • It is cheap

Honestly, compared to many nootropics, this product is very affordable. If you want to get ahead in this world, you know that you can invest a lot in nootropics.

Obviously, it's worth it. The increase in performance may be worth what you pay. But some nootropics are In fact expensive.

Gorilla Mind Rush is not. It is very reasonably priced and that is why it is such a great smart drug for those who are new to using nootropics or are on a budget.

  • Not just a stimulant

Yes, Gorilla Mind Rush contains caffeine, but it is not. fair caffeine. Many other nootropic manufacturers load their products with caffeine because it's cheap. Not Gorilla Mind Rush. Contains a range of well-researched ingredients that are tried cognitive enhancers.

Some of the ingredients are powerful relaxants. For example, both DMAE [9, 10] and L-theanine [11, 12] have powerful nootropic effects and at the same time help reduce anxiety.

So you won't bounce off the walls. You will be productive and cool.

Gorilla Mind Rush Review

Any disadvantages?

Sure, there are a couple.

First, one of the downsides is that Gorilla Mind Rush only ships within the US.This is because one of its ingredients, 2-aminoisoheptane, also known as Octodrine, is banned in many countries. So it doesn't make sense for them to export it in a big way. That means if you're not in the US, this nootropic probably isn't for you.

Secondly, it contains caffeine. Unlike modafinil [13, 14] or armodafinil [15], which are its own substances, Gorilla Mind Rush contains a blend of natural ingredients, including caffeine. Some people can't drink caffeine for whatever reason and others react badly.

So if that's you, Gorilla Mind Rush will not be a good option for you. Instead, you can try one of the many other effective smart drugs that do not contain caffeine.

How to take Gorilla Mind Rush

We firmly believe that taking nootropics every day to increase cognition is a recipe for disaster.

Face it, if you need to take a pill every day to get things done, you may have to rethink things and find different sources of motivation. It's simply not healthy to rely on a pill to keep your mind alert and ready to go.

You should be able to work 6-8 more hours with some concentration each day. If required. No pills required.

Having said that…

The use of nootropics and smart drugs, such as Gorilla Mind, can be exceptionally beneficial if used correctly. That's why we wrote this Gorilla Mind Rush review. This helps us do more things.

But nowadays we only take smart drugs 1 or 2 times a week. We never take more than that. Ideally, on the days we don't go to the gym. This is how we recommend you take Gorilla mental fever, also. A couple of times a week. Max.

Here is our dosing protocol:

  • Have a big breakfast with some carbs early in the morning.
  • Take 2-3 Gorilla Mind Rush capsules 30-45+ minutes later
  • After that, have a big cup of black coffee.

…May the good times and improved cognition come soon after!

Oh, and Gorilla Mind Rush works faster than most other nootropics. So you better get behind the computer screen and start creating within 30 minutes of taking this.

Where to buy Gorilla Mind Rush

Since Gorilla Mind Rush is produced by a single company, you don't have many options if you are looking to buy the nootropic online.

You can buy it here.

That's all.

Outside of the provider, there is nowhere else to find this material online. At least that's what we've found.

Gorilla mental fever | Verdict?

In general…

We are very impressed with this natural nootropic. And there aren't many smart drugs we can say that about today. That's why we wanted to put together this Gorilla Mind Rush review for you.

We love how Gorilla Mind Rush keeps us focused and stimulates our creativity. That's something few nootropics can't offer, not even Modafinil.

Things work and you willpower Experience incredible improvements in your productivity and concentration when you take it. You will do more things. It's probably the most powerful over-the-counter nootropic we've ever reviewed, and we've tried a few.

Highly recommended!

Gorilla mental fever Is it sold out. But here you have the best alternative...


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  2. Banderet, L.E. & Lieberman, H.R. (1989). Treatment with tyrosine, a neurotransmitter precursor, reduces environmental stress in humans. Brain Research Bulletin, 22(4), 759-762.
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  4. Carr, A.J., Gore, C.J., & Dawson, B. (2011). Induced alkalosis and caffeine supplementation: effects on 2000 m rowing performance. International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 21(5), 357-364.
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  11. Kimura, K., Ozeki, M., Juneja, L. R., & Ohira, H. (2007).L-theanine reduces psychological and physiological stress responses. Biological Psychology, 74(1), 39-45.
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  13. Kredlow, M.A., Keshishian, A., Oppenheimer, S., and Otto, M.W. (2019). The efficacy of modafinil as a cognitive enhancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 39(5), 455-461.
  14. Drugs.com. (2019). Modanifil. Drugs.com. https://www.drugs.com/monograph/modafinil.html
  15. Garnock-Jones, K.P., Dhillon, S., & Scott, L.J. (2009). Armodafinil. CNS Drugs, 23(9), 793-803.

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