How much does modafinil cost? | Guide 2023

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 2, 2023

Armodafinil Waklert

If you want to know exactly Modafinil cost You can expect to pay upfront, the answer is “it depends” these days.

There are several factors that come into play: where you buy it, the payment method you choose and the discounts available to you.

Unfortunately, these factors continue to change with each passing day. The Modafinil prescription cost listed on pharmacy websites is not static. Online modafinil providers open and close their doors constantly. Discounts come and go like the wind.

Fortunately, this guide will break it all down and help you determine what to expect when it comes to the cost of Modafinil.

You'll be able to answer the age-old question of "Why is Modafinil so expensive?"

You'll discover exactly where to quickly buy legitimate pharmaceutical-grade modafinil at the lowest prices, whether online or at your local pharmacy.

And after working with half a dozen Modafinil suppliers over the last year, I know the suppliers that offer the fastest shipping and best customer service.

Everything you need in this complete guide on Modafinil cost can be found below.

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Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics.Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is modafinil?

Before we tell you exactly how much modafinil costs, let's go over some basic background related to this smart drug.

Modafinil is a wake-promoting drug approved in the US, Canada, and many other countries to treat residual daytime sleepiness in three sleep disorders:

  • Narcolepsy
  • Sleep disorder in shift work
  • Obstructive sleep apnea

Scientists are still working to deduce its exact mechanism of action, decades after Modafinil was released to the public as a prescription medication.

One thing we know for sure is that modafinil blocks the actions of the dopamine transporter, thereby increasing extracellular concentrations of dopamine in the brain. This is one of the reasons why modafinil is believed to increase self-motivation [1].

It was this discovery that made Modafinil a hot target for nootropic users looking for the next great “unlimited” pill to improve their cognition.

People who were not sleep deprived and started using Modafinil were surprised to discover the benefits it had, such as:

  • 10-12 hours of uninterrupted concentration at a time
  • Better memory retention
  • Improved ability to be more productive in shorter periods of time.
  • Increased energy levels

Before long, highly competitive people from all walks of life began using Modafinil for "off-label" purposes. We're talking CEOs, freelancers, Ivy League graduate students, entrepreneurs, and various other stressful career paths.

If you are a student who studies tirelessly to get better grades, Modafinil sounds like a perfect match [2]:

"Trials show that healthy, non-sleep-deprived volunteers who received modafinil, the narcolepsy drug mentioned in the example above, scored higher on tests of planning, learning, attention, delayed and working memory, as well as on some measures of creativity.

As you can see, millions of users around the world take Modafinil every week to ensure they get more done, make more money, and get better grades.

Modafinil Side Effects and Safety

Another reason why Modafinil became so popular is because of its mild side effect profile.

Common modafinil side effects rarely occur, but they go away as quickly as they appear and are easy to address. Some of them include [3]:

  • Nausea
  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Indigestion
  • Insomnia

However, there are some more serious, although very rare, side effects that can occur. Chest pain, red rashes, and mania are some examples.

If any of these serious side effects occur, or mild side effects continue to persist, stop taking Modafinil immediately and seek emergency help from a licensed physician.


How much does modafinil cost? | Guide 2023

As mentioned in the introduction, it is difficult to say what the exact cost of Modafinil is.

There are numerous variables to take into account.

Are you buying the brand name Modafinil, commonly known as Provigil? Or are you buying the generic version of Modafinil?

While generic drugs contain the same active ingredient, the same indications for use, and the same strength as brand-name drugs, they are 85% cheaper than brand-name drugs. being equally safe and effective [4].

At which pharmacy do you buy your generic modafinil?

Let's say you reduce the cost of your Modafinil prescription by choosing the generic version.The pharmacy you choose, even within your city, can make a big difference in the total cost of Modafinil you need to cover [5]:

“Consumer Reports recently conducted an investigation into price fluctuation by calling hundreds of pharmacies across the United States and asking about the prices of five popular medications that recently became available in generic versions.

“They found that medications could cost up to 10 times more at some pharmacies than others, even in the same cities.”

Will you cover the cost of generic modafinil by picking it up at a brick-and-mortar pharmacy or an online pharmacy?

As we will discover later in this article, purchasing this smart medication online will allow you to pay a lower Modafinil cost than at a legitimate pharmacy.6]:

“On most modafinil websites, the price per [200 mg tablet] varied and became cheaper as larger quantities were purchased.

The price per tablet ranged from £0.38 to £5.31 for modafinil... based on the purchase of a four month supply (minimum of 120 tablets) applying shipping costs and discounts offered...[price total] ranged from £74.06 to £587.16 (median: £154.49, IQR £118.82–240.68)”

How much does Provigil cost with insurance?

One of the variables not covered in the previous section was purchasing brand name Provigil or generic Modafinil with (or without) insurance.

For anyone who has had to deal with the American healthcare system, health insurance can mean the difference between a reasonable payment and shouting, "Why is Modafinil so expensive?!" at the top of your lungs.

Since we are talking strictly about the cost of the Modafinil prescription, let's assume that we are going to buy generic Modafinil from the same pharmacy in the same place.

(NOTE: Each insurer will have different coverage costs and not all will cover the cost of Modafinil)

Let's also assume that we want to obtain 30 tablets of generic Modafinil at a dosage of 200 mg per tablet.

How much does generic Modafinil cost with insurance copay and how much more expensive is Modafinil if we pay for it out of our own pocket?

According to, generic Modafinil will cost between $10 and $30 per tablet without insurance, but you will pay the lowest copay since many insurance companies will cover it as a “Tier 1” generic.7]. This equates to $300USD-600USD total cost for generic Modafinil if you don't have insurance.

But if we get this “Tier 1” coverage from UnitedHealthcare Community Plan, we see that the cost of Modafinil with insurance is $1.25 to $3.40 per tablet [8]. This equates to a total copay of $37.5USD-102USD for our order if we have insurance.

Of course, this price variation takes into account the different pharmacies where you can buy it. Our American test subjects usually go to Costco, Walmart, or RiteAid when they want the lowest possible Modafinil cost.

In case this hasn't already become apparent, you NEED a prescription to buy generic Modafinil or brand name Provigil from drug shop. Otherwise, the pharmacy cannot legally sell it to you.

Not to mention, many insurance companies will require a sleep lab test before agreeing to pay for your Modafinil.

While this example was created for our American readers, all numbers and variables mentioned could change completely.

We know of one person in Canada who ended up paying $31 CAD out of pocket for 30 tablets of 100 mg modafinil per tablet, and he had no health insurance.

You are responsible for knowing how insurance and co-pays work in your area of ​​residence when determining the cost of Modafinil in your country.

Buy modafinil online | Price guide

Now that you've seen what the cost of a Modafinil prescription is like, let's examine what happens if we try to buy Modafinil online.

An increasing number of people are choosing to follow this path. In Australia alone, modafinil use increased from 2.1% in 2015 to 5.5% in 2017 [9]:

“…the surface web (the area of ​​the Internet accessed by the general public and searchable through standard browsers) continues to play an important role in drug sales; As Raubenheimer and Barratt point out, more regular users of psychostimulants in Australia reported purchasing drugs on the surface web than on the dark web.”

There are several reasons for this emerging trend:

  • Buying high-quality generic Modafinil online is usually cheaper than getting a prescription and filling it with your insurance.
  • You are guaranteed to get Modafinil faster. When you go to the doctor, ultimately, he is the one who gives you a prescription or not.
  • Ordering any product online is much easier than getting it in a physical store.

With respect to Legalities of ordering Modafinil online, it is very unlikely that you will encounter any problems. None of our test subjects have faced legal problems because they imported Modafinil into their country for their personal use.

For the sake of simplicity, we will look at the cost of modafinil from our number one trusted online supplier.

  • buy fashion

buy fashion is one of the newer online modafinil providers, but it does a fantastic job of providing a world-class shopping experience:

  • Responsive email support and live chat assistance from their customer service team.
  • Fast and free shipping
  • Guaranteed and risk-free delivery
  • fair prices

Overall, a highly reliable and trustworthy online modafinil supplier. Plus, they are one of the only legitimate sellers that ships Modafinil to Canada.

Let's take a look at the prices offered for 30 tablets of Modalert 200mg, possibly the best version of generic Modafinil in terms of similarity to Provigil:


This gives us a total Modafinil cost of $69USD if we order the smart medication online, which works out to $2.30 per pill.
However, there is a way to reduce the cost of Modafinil even further...

buy fashion allows its customers to save 20% on their purchase if they buy Modafinil with Bitcoin (BTC) [10].

With this discount applied, the FINAL cost of buying Modafinil online with Bitcoin is $55.20USD. This means you pay $1.84 USD per 200 mg tablet of Modalert.

(If you want to know the cost of Wholesale Modafinil when you order 500 Modalert tablets online at 200 mg per tablet using Bitcoin, you pay $0.72 per tablet!)

Compared to purchasing generic Modafinil with a prescription, you are now at the lower end of Tier 1 insurance coverage and do not have to endure any hassle.

In short, if you want to save money on the cost of Modafinil, buy it online with Bitcoin from buy fashion and choose the generic variant known as Modalert.

Order Modafinil online from our top rated provider...

Why is modafinil so expensive?

If you Google “Why is modafinil so expensive” you will get a wide variety of confusing explanations.
Here's the most important information you need to know about the ridiculously high cost of Modafinil...
Before being purchased by Teva, the pharmaceutical company Cephalon had exclusive patent rights to sell and price Provigil as it saw fit. Its patent was scheduled to expire in 2015, which meant generic manufacturers could produce and sell generic modafinil at a much lower cost.

Until that time came, Cephalon wanted to extract every last dollar from its "miracle" drug [11]:

  • Provigil 200 mg tablets saw a price increase of 476.6% between 2006 and 2013 (a one-year supply increased from a retail price of $2,674 to $14,037).
  • This would be equivalent to ~$270USD for a month's supply in 2007, up from ~$1,100 in 2012.

Since narcolepsy occupied a smaller size of the patient population, Cephalon had to increase the price of modafinil to generate a greater return on investment by serving a small market.
This negatively affected narcolepsy patients across the United States, including a woman named Jessica [12]:

“[She was] paying Modafinil cost of $234 a month for brand name Provigil in 2007 without health insurance, PLUS a monthly premium of $130 and a $500 name deductible”

Cephalon also engaged in an anticompetitive practice that involved paying other generic companies to delay the manufacture of generic Modafinil [13]:

“…the entry of generic Provigil would lead to substantial declines in the company's revenue…[Cephalon] projected a 75% to 90% price reduction that would reduce revenue by more than $400 million (nearly 75% of the annual sales of the drug) within one year”
“Cephalon decided to resolve the patent litigation with the four generic companies that filed the first application. Cephalon paid more than $200 million to the four generics to agree to waive entry until April 2012. Cephalon's CEO admitted that the deals provided “six more years of patent protection[,],” which meant “4 billion dollars in sales that no one expected.” "

Delaying the availability of cheaper generic versions of Provigil was a violation of consumer protection and antitrust laws in the eyes of the Federal Trade Commission.
This led them to file a lawsuit against Cephalon and eventually allow generic companies to produce Modafinil.
Fun fact: Teva was one of the companies that Cephalon prevented from producing generic Modafinil [14]!

Understanding Modafinil Costs | The verdict

So what exactly do you need to know to find the lowest price? Modafinil cost possible?

In short, your best bet to get the cheapest Modafinil cost is to buy it online at Buy Moda in the form of Modalert and use Bitcoin with your order.

It is cheaper, easier and much faster than paying an expensive Modafinil prescription cost that depends on your doctor's final decision.

Nowhere in the United States will you be able to find 200 mg of Modafinil for as little as $0.62 per 200 mg tablet, going up to $1.61 USD if you order just 30 Modafinil tablets from a legitimate online pharmacy.

Get the most powerful smart drug in the world... Modafinil


  1. Young JW, Geyer MA. Modafinil action: increased motivation through inhibition of the dopamine transporter and D1 receptors? Biopsychiatry. 2010;67(8):784-787. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2009.12.015
  2. Sebastian Porsdam Mann SP, de Lora Deltoro P, Cochrane T, Mitchell C. Is the use of modafinil, a pharmacological cognitive enhancer, cheating?, Ethics and Education. 2018;13(2):251-267. doi:10.1080/17449642.2018.1443050
  3. APO-Modafinil Tablets. Accessed 5 June 2020.
  4. Data on generic drugs. Accessed June 4, 2020.
  5. Stop spending money on brand name medications. Accessed June 4, 2020.
  6. Hockenhull J, Wood DM, Dargan PI.The availability of modafinil and methylphenidate purchased online in the UK without a prescription. Substance abuse. 2020;55(1):56-65. doi:10.1080/10826084.2019.1654516
  7. Wake up! Provigil and Nuvigil, Fatigue Relief. Accessed June 7, 2020.
  8. 2019 List of Covered Drugs (Formulary). Accessed June 6, 2020.
  9. Dursun S, Dunn M, McKay FH. The availability and acquisition of modafinil on the internet. Drugs Alcohol Rev. 2019;38(6):699-702. doi:10.1111/dar.12977
  10. Bitcoin (30% OFF). Accessed June 8, 2020.
  11. Trends in retail prices for specialty prescription drugs widely used by older Americans, 2006 to 2013. Accessed June 3, 2020.
  12. Jessica's Story: No help from Cephalon to cover the cost of Provigil. Accessed June 5, 2020.
  13. Provigil: a case study of anti-competitive behavior. Accessed June 6, 2020.
  14. The Rise and Fall of Provigil – Part II. Accessed June 8, 2020.

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