How to take modafinil effectively | 16 Quick Tips and Tricks

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 2, 2023

Modafinil effectively

Are you curious about How to take Modafinil effectively?

Then you have come to the correct place.

In this detailed guide, we will give you our personal thoughts, education, and opinions on how to take the world's most popular nootropic. From the best time to take Modafinil to how to avoid minor Modafinil side effects, all the information you need to be successful can be found here.

The good news?

It's pretty easy to get the most out of Modafinil by using it responsibly. Below you will find our personal tips and tricks, which over the years have allowed us to achieve impressive cognitive benefits of Modafinil, including [1]:

  • Over 12 hours of improved cognition
  • intense focus
  • Improved memory retention
  • Increased productivity
  • Great attention span

And that's just the tip of the modafinil iceberg!

Continue reading this detailed guide to learn much more about this powerful nootropic...

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Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is modafinil?

If you are looking for information on how to take Modafinil effectively, you probably already know this. exactly What is this smart drug...

But in case you don't, we'll quickly go over the basics and get you up to speed.

Modafinil is classified as a "eugeroic" drug, meaning it Promotes wakefulness and prevents you from feeling tired.

It was discovered in France in the mid-1970s and launched as a drug in 1994 under the brand name "Modiodal."1].

Modafinil is used to treat sleep-related conditions such as narcolepsy (where people fall asleep during the day) and shift work sleep disorder (where people have difficulty sleeping because they work night shifts). ).

It is also sometimes prescribed to aviators and other professionals who need to remain awake and alert for long periods of time.2].

While this is all very interesting, it's probably not the reason you're interested in Modafinil...

You've probably heard that modafinil is a “smart drug,” a “study drug,” or a “nootropic.” These labels are well deserved, as research shows it offers numerous cognitive benefits [3].

When taken as a nootropic, Modafinil offers the following benefits [4]:

  • Crazy focus for 12+ hours
  • Improved cognition
  • Better memory retention
  • Higher productivity
  • Inability to feel fatigued

Modafinil is extremely popular among "Type A" high performers, such as entrepreneurs, CEOs, and students. Anyone who wants to experience “Superhuman” levels of concentration and improved memory. you may be interested in this medicine [5, 6].

So how does modafinil work? In other words, how is it possible to obtain all these benefits with a simple medication?

The short answer is that Modafinil floods your brain with enormous amounts of neurotransmitters, including histamine and dopamine.7]. This creates a stimulating effect; histamine keeps you active and productive for literally hours [8].

After taking Modafinil, it is almost impossible to feel fatigued, even if you do difficult, boring or repetitive work.

Most of the cognitive benefits of modafinil come from the additional dopamine [9]. This important neurotransmitter gives your mood and memory a phenomenal boost, making it much easier to work and study effectively.10].

As a "study drug," one of the most useful effects of modafinil is that it dulls a specific part of the brain called the "amygdala."

This is important because Modafinil reduces your sensitivity to fearful stimuli and helps you work and study effectively even if you feel stressed or under great pressure.11].

And we're not just talking about personal experience here...

Modafinil's effectiveness as a "smart drug" is supported by numerous scientific studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals [12].

The bottom line: this is legit.

Its purported cognitive benefits are why modafinil has become the world's most popular smart drug. It seems like everyone from Australia to Mexico to the UK is using Modafinil to do more things, get better grades, and make more money.

Modafinil just WORKS.

How to take modafinil effectively

Modafinil Side Effects and Safety

Modafinil is considered a safe drug when used to treat patients with narcolepsy and has been used for almost 30 years. However, it has numerous side effects, some of which have not yet been fully investigated and remain poorly understood.

One study asked participants to take 200 mg of Modafinil to see what side effects they would experience.

The most frequently reported side effects included [13]:

  • a dry mouth
  • a dry throat
  • Mild anxiety
  • Headaches
  • nauseato

Fortunately, these side effects were fairly mild and disappeared within 24 hours.

Therefore, if you are considering taking Modafinil “over the counter” or over the counter as a nootropic, you should be prepared to experience some of these side effects. According to the data, they should not be a major concern if you take the recommended dose of 100 to 200 mg.

It should be noted that many users report that they use hill to reduce or eliminate most of these minor Modafinil side effects.

Staying hydrated also helps combat headaches and dry mouth and throat.

We should also note that Modafinil is rarely used off-label as an "everyday" smart drug; We like to take it 1 or 2 times a week, or on days when we don't need to study for an exam or crush our workload.

Remember: Modafinil does NOT replace sleep.

When we first started experimenting with Modafinil, we used a 100 mg dose first thing in the morning. After seeing how our body responded to this lower dose, we gradually increased to a higher dose of 200 mg before breakfast.

We never take more than 200 mg of Modafinil at a time and avoid using the medication more than 1 or 2 times a week.

Research shows that there is very little risk of developing symptoms of addiction or dependence while taking modafinil. That is, it has not been proven to be an addictive substance.

Users are unlikely to experience withdrawal symptoms when discontinuing Modafinil use [14].

Having said that…

In rare cases, and in extremely high doses (more than 300 mg), Modafinil can cause effects such as:

If you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking Modafinil and seek immediate medical assistance.

How to take modafinil effectively | 16 Quick Tips and Tricks

Are you curious to know how to take Modafinil effectively?

We discovered that there is nothing to do.

Our 16 quick tips below have consistently helped us get the most out of this smart drug... while minimizing potential side effects:

The “perfect dose”

We are not medical professionals, but in our experience, the key to getting the most out of Modafinil is finding the perfect dosage. Our ideal dose is between 100 and 200 mg per day.

When we started experimenting with Modafinil we used a dose of 100 mg first thing in the morning. We are comfortable with the effects of Modafinil at 100 mg, so we use 200 mg before breakfast on the following Modafinil days.

Some people prefer to take only 100 mg of Modafinil, a practice known as “microdoses.”

Others need 200 mg to really feel its effects.

Several members of our team have experimented with taking 300 mg of Modafinil, but reported few additional benefits in terms of focus and productivity compared to taking 200 mg doses of the smart drug.

Everyone is different, so you'll want to consider your own biology, as there is no "perfect universal dose."

Split dosage

Here at, our team has discovered that one of the best ways to take Modafinil is to use split dose for the whole day. Basically, you use a pill splitter and cut a 200 mg Modafinil tablet into halves or quarters.

We might take 50-100 mg first thing in the morning and then work out for 4-6 hours or more. Next we will have lunch and take another 50-100 mg of Modafinil. This allows us to work another 4-6+ hours without losing focus.

By dividing the dose of Modafinil, many users find that the effects of Modafinil are more stable and predictable.

It is generally cheaper to buy Modafinil online in 200 mg pills and then cut them into 100 mg doses, something to keep in mind if you are interested in using this microdosing strategy.

This pill cutter works well for splitting Modafinil.

Do things right

It would be foolish to take modafinil in the afternoon and expect to get all the benefits of this smart drug...unless we were looking to pull an all-nighter.

When using Modafinil, we plan to get up early and consume the nootropic as early as possible. Due to the half-life of modafinil, the effects of the nootropic can last up to 15 hours. So if you wake up at 7am and take Modafinil, the effects should appear around 8 or 9am.

This should allow you to work until 11 p.m. of that night. That's a lot of productive time.

In general, one of our most important rules about Modafinil is this...

We always take this smart drug in the morning.

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Forget about sleep

Sleep and Modafinil don't go together very well.

Think about it... Modafinil was created as a wakefulness agent designed to keep people with sleep disorders awake throughout the day.

If you plan to take Modafinil, understand that it may disrupt your usual sleep schedule. It is rare to fall asleep before midnight, even when taking Modafinil early in the morning.

Of course, it all depends on your tolerance to Modafinil, the dosage, and what time you normally sleep. Some users have no problem falling asleep at 10 p.m. m.after taking Modafinil in the morning, while others can't fall asleep until 2 or 3 a.m. m. of the next morning.

This is why most new users start by taking just 100 mg of Modafinil early in the morning.

Remember to eat

It's difficult, but we always remind ourselves to eat after taking Modafinil. The smart drug can act as an appetite suppressant. As such, we rarely feel hungry while using the nootropic.

We make a conscious effort to remember to eat when using this smart medicine. This means sticking to our typical eating schedule, even if we don't feel hungry.

We have breakfast, lunch and dinner at our usual times. We also try to eat similar amounts of food at our meals. This helps us minimize certain side effects of Modafinil, such as headaches and nausea.

Many users who experience stomach problems and nausea while taking Modafinil find that it is for a reason... not eating food while taking the smart drug!

Drink plenty of water

Just like with food, sometimes we forget to drink enough water while using Modafinil. It is very likely that we are immersed in our work and forget about the need to quench our thirst.

This is common for many Modafinil users. They concentrate so much on their work that they forget to drink enough water during the day. Their mouth becomes dry to the bone and by the time they realize how dehydrated they are, they have already developed a headache.

We keep a gallon of water next to our desk when we take Modafinil. We try to drink a glass approximately every hour.

If we take Modafinil, we try to drink a little Pedialyte with our last meal of the day. This helps a lot with hydration.

By staying hydrated when using Modafinil, we can easily prevent many of the most common Modafinil side effects. We always look to maintain fluid flow when using this smart medication.

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Pay attention to tolerance

Some people like to take Modafinil every day. While this may provide some short-term cognitive benefits, it is No something we would do.

While Modafinil does not appear to be addictive, it is a powerful prescription medication. As such, it is important to note that your body may develop a tolerance to modafinil if you take it for long periods. This is especially true when taking Modafinil as a smart drug.

Generally, most nootropic users choose to use Modafinil 1 to 3 days per week.

This is also the dosing schedule that we follow and it allows us to experience incredible cognitive benefits while ensuring that we do not develop any type of tolerance to Modafinil.

Members of our team have used this smart drug daily for weeks in the past, but found that the intense cognitive benefits of modafinil begin to wear off after the first few weeks of daily use.

Taking Modafinil effectively is not an exact science. However, taking Modafinil 1-3 times a week seems to be ideal when using the product as a nootropic.

Don't go to the gym

Some people rave about the effects of modafinil on their athletic performance. They discover that this smart drug increases their focus, stamina, and mind-body connection while at the gym.

For the most part, these people seem to be right. Studies have shown that Modafinil reduces the feeling of fatigue in the muscle, among other things [15].

However, we personally would not take Modafinil before going to the gym. This is why…

Reducing the feeling of fatigue in the muscles can have negative consequences, such as exercising too intensely and injuring yourself. We found that joint pain increases significantly when going to the gym after taking Modafinil. We believe this is due to one's inability to feel fatigued while lifting.

However, this is not the only reason we warn against using Modafinil in the gym...

Frankly, if you are at the gym after taking Modafinil, you are not using the nootropic benefits wisely. In our opinion, there are Much better uses for modafinil. than just lifting weights.

To get the most out of the cognitive benefits of modafinil, we stick to academic or work-related tasks and tasks related to increasing productivity.

Without alcohol

Modafinil may seem ideal for dealing with a hangover and staying productive, but we found that mixing this smart drug with alcohol is not possible. Prescription medications rarely pair well with alcohol, and modafinil is no exception.

The main reason?

Both modafinil and alcohol extra stress on the liver [16, 17].

The liver metabolizes (breaks down) both substances after ingesting them. The liver is put under a tremendous amount of stress when modafinil and alcohol are used at the same time.

While we won't delve much deeper into the science behind modafinil and alcohol, we are firmly against combining the two.

Not only are there health risks, but this is another example of how not to use Modafinil wisely. We use Modafinil to concentrate and drink when we want to socialize. We don't combine the two.

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Start before the "kick"

Many members of our team have fallen into this trap before. We took Modafinil and then waited for the effects to kick in.We wanted to feel the smart drug coursing through our body. before start working.

It is advisable to avoid this trap. No one wants to end up wasting 1-3 hours mindlessly surfing the web instead of being productive and getting things done.

Modafinil tends to take about an hour to take effect. However, if you're browsing the web or researching something interesting, moving on to productive tasks may become a more arduous task once the medication takes effect.

Imagine Modafinil starts working, but you're more interested in renting Airbnb in Goa, India than working and doing things. Soon, you'd have 11 tabs open exploring the cost of living in the city and why India is an amazing place to travel.

Fair. Not to do. He.

Have a plan

This goes hand in hand with starting right away: we make sure to plan our day when we take Modafinil. In terms of how to take modafinil effectively, this may be our most important rule…

We write down what we want to achieve the night before. We put together a full day plan that will take 8-12 hours or more to complete.

We will keep this plan in view when we work that day. Then, as we complete each task, we cross it off the list.

On Modafinil days, we will find ourselves reviewing our list following this plan. Planning is key to a productive day with Modafinil.

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Combine with coffee

In our opinion, the combination of modafinil and coffee is God's gift for productivity.

Caffeine seems to pair exceptionally well with smart drugs. In fact, many consider caffeine to be a nootropic in itself.

Coffee is a powerful performance enhancer. The NCAA even bans caffeine as a performance-enhancing drug at high levels of consumption.18].

We will drink between 1 and 4 cups of coffee on the days we take Modafinil.One can easily drink 1-2 cups of coffee after each meal to enhance the effects of modafinil and increase cognitive improvement.

Mushroom coffee pairs exceptionally well with nootropics.

Don't mix smart drugs

While we consider mixing coffee with nootropics ideal, we do NOT combine other nootropics with Modafinil.

On days when we take Modafinil, we don't need any other nootropics that day. We just take the smart drug and drink some coffee. That's really all we smart drug users need to be successful.

An obvious rule is Do not mix any other drugs with Modafinil. – prescribed or over-the-counter. Mixing smart drugs is not only unhealthy, but honestly... We simply find it unnecessary.

The effects of 200-300 mg of Modafinil and 1-2 cups of coffee are more than enough for an extremely concentrated workday of more than 12 hours.

Plan to sleep in

Modafinil is very likely to ruin your sleep schedule. This is how this drug works; After all, it was created for shift sleeping disorder and sleep apnea!

Fortunately, the negative side effects of modafinil during sleep can be minimized with a few simple tips.

For example, we plan to sleep during the day after taking Modafinil. We never set an alarm or stress about going to bed at a certain time... we just let the smart drug take its course and plan to sleep in.

If you are having difficulty sleeping after using Modafinil, a supplement stack designed to help you fall asleep may be beneficial. From time to time we add these two supplements to ensure we get a good night's sleep:

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Creativity crushed

Modafinil does not appear to increase creativity; Actually hinders a little bit of the creative process.While you may be able to focus on work and stay focused for hours when using the smart drug, you may not feel as much creative inspiration.

So we use Modafinil when we need to be productive...

Consequently, we avoid the smart drug when we need to be creative.

Buy modafinil online

Getting your Modafinil from a retail pharmacy in the Western world is time-consuming and unnecessarily expensive. You can easily check for overinflated prices at your local pharmacy.


It is much better to buy Modafinil online.

Wondering where to get modafinil? There are many reputable online suppliers these days and most will receive your shipment within 1 week.

We generally receive our Modafinil shipments within 5 to 12 days or more when ordering in the US, which is pretty fast if you ask us.

We only buy from suppliers who offer guaranteed delivery, as it means eliminating the shipping risk on our part. The vast majority of digital nomads also get their Modafinil online.

In general, it is much easier and cheaper today.

Furthermore, high-quality generic Modafinil sold online will be no different from what you get in a pharmacy in your country.

Order Modafinil online from our top rated provider...

Take modafinil correctly | Verdict?

Using smart drugs doesn't have to be complicated or unhealthy.

Consider our quick tips above when taking Modafinil. The nootropic has proven to be extremely safe in various circumstances, as long as it is taken correctly..

This is exactly the message we seek to convey with the tips and tricks above.


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