Mind Lab Pro Review | The best comprehensive nootropic or a scam?

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 2, 2023

Mind Lab Pro Review

For a long time we were skeptical about natural nootropics. We were happy to continue with our faithful Modafinil whenever we needed a cognitive boost for the day.

We certainly never intended to write an in-depth article. Mind Lab Pro Review.

Then we decided to try Mind Lab Pro for the first time, just to change things up.

Our expectations were low, as we didn't have much faith in over-the-counter nootropics. To our surprise, we were more than impressed with this material. And that is why you are now reading this review.

Because Mind Lab Pro really does the job.

In fact, this may be the best over-the-counter smart drug we've ever tried... among dozens and dozens of them. Here at Modafinil.space, we have easily tested over 40 different smart medications.

Mind Lab Pro stands out from the rest with the promise of impressive cognitive benefits such as:

  • Massive CREATIVITY boost
  • Greater capacity for attention and focus
  • Higher energy levels
  • Improved memory retention
  • Positive and happy moods
  • Additional motivation and drive
  • Brain Regeneration and Neuroprotection

However, there is more to it than that. We have to dig a little deeper. Sure, the nootropic *actually* works, but...

  • Is it really the best product on the market?
  • Without a prescription or with a prescription?
  • Is Mind Lab Pro safe?
  • Will this smart medicine work for your needs?
  • Are you getting a good deal here compared to other over-the-counter nootropics?

In this detailed guide, we answer all these questions and much more...

Place your order from our recommended supplier Mind Lab Pro

Disclaimer: The content on Modafinil.space is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to Modafinil.space is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is Mind Lab Pro?

Well, let's start with the basics...

Mind Lab Pro is a natural Nootropic: A dietary supplement designed to improve cognitive function, improve executive functions, improve memory retention, increase creativity, and increase motivation.

A nootropic is generally taken to “become smarter” and do more things. But nootropics offer many other benefits as well.

"Nootropics" is a term coined by a Romanian chemist named Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea [1]. "Noo" comes from the Greek word meaning "mind," and "trope" is French for "change."

That's what nootropics do; they literally "change your mind."

According to Dr. Giurgea, for a substance to be classified as a nootropic it must:

  • Improve or enhance a person's ability to learn.
  • Improve brain function.
  • Protect the mind.
  • Make the neurons in the brain more efficient.
  • It is non-toxic and does not cause side effects.

Mind Lab Pro fits this definition exactly. It works to improve memory, attention span, and cognitive functions, while protecting the brain from stress and damage caused by aging and toxins.

And, unlike some prescription drugs that are called nootropics but actually have side effects, Mind Lab Pro is certified drug-free and has virtually no side effects.

This is not an accident. Opti-Nutra, the creators of Mind Lab Pro, designed it to act this way. However, Opti-Nutra went a step further with this product.

The company not only wanted to create a natural and safe nootropic; His goal was to create a comprehensive nootropic what would it be optimize as many brain functions and pathways as possible.

To achieve this lofty goal, the company ensured that Mind Lab Pro met the following criteria:

  • It works as a whole-brain optimizer to support a state of peak overall mental performance.
  • It helps everyone perform better mentally, no matter who you are, what you do, or what you need.
  • It adapts to meet mental performance demands that change from day to day and hour to hour.
  • Avoid all stimulants and additives for a clean, safe formula that's easy for everyone to take.
  • It helps with both immediate nootropic performance needs and long-term brain health and function.

By following and focusing on these criteria, Opti-Nutra was able to create, in our opinion, one of the best nootropics on the market: Mind Lab Pro. It is a fantastic smart drug that tries to improve and protect the brain, naturally.

These are just a few of the ways Mind Lab Pro helps optimize your mind:

  • Brain chemistry: Improve memory and processing speed, all while maintaining a positive mood and high motivation.
  • Brain energy: Eliminates annoying brain fog and fatigue, while promoting quick thinking and concentration.
  • Brain regeneration: Repair of brain cells to achieve plasticity and positive growth.
  • Brain circulation: Helps oxygenate your brain, while cleansing toxins.
  • Brain protection: Fights to combat the structural changes that degrade the brain as we age.
  • Brain waves: Promotes creativity and learning.

To cement its place as one of the best nootropics on the market, Mind Lab Pro was created with premium ingredients to ensure greater potency, activity, and improved bioavailability. The product delivers on all fronts.

So… overall, what exactly is Mind Lab Pro?

Simply put, Mind Lab Pro is the leading over-the-counter nootropic on the market today. Without exception. It is designed to offer incredible cognitive benefits with seemingly no side effects.

Highly recommended.

Give us your opinion of Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro Ingredients

Now, we're starting to get a little technical here. Taking a deeper dive into the ingredients in Mind Lab Pro and what kind of cognitive benefits this nootropic could provide.

Mind Lab Pro contains a unique blend of 11 brain-boosting ingredients chosen for their nootropic benefits. Together, they work in synergy to create a universal and comprehensive smart drug that aims to improve all aspects of cognition and brain health.

Is this true?

We are inclined to believe it, since the smart drug has worked wonders for us.

So, here is a list of Mind Lab Pro ingredients and their amount per standard serving:

  • Bacopa monnieri: 150 mg
  • Citicoline: 250 mg
  • Lion's mane mushroom: 500 mg
  • L-Theanine: 100 mg
  • Maritime Pine Bark: 75 mg
  • N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine: 175 mg
  • Phosphatidylserine: 100 mg
  • Pink rhodiola: 50 mg
  • Vitamin B6: 2.5 mg
  • Vitamin B9: 100 mcg
  • Vitamin B12: 7.5 mcg

But we know you want a little more than that.We understand that you are looking for the science behind why each Mind Lab Pro ingredient was chosen.

After all, you wouldn't waste your time reading this in-depth Mind Lab Pro review if you didn't. So let's dig in...

  • Bacopa Monnieri

Mind Lab Pro incorporates a full spectrum Bacopa Monnieri due to its potential to improving performance and memory retention.

Research shows that this natural nootropic can potentially increase mental processing speed, decrease the rate of forgetting new knowledge, decrease choice reaction time, and even promote relaxation.2].

Bacopa Monnieri is a common addition to many over-the-counter smart medications, and for good reason. This supplement has been shown to improve learning and cognitive function [3].

  • Citicoline / Cognizin®

Mind Lab Pro uses a special form of Citicoline known as Cognizin®. This nootropic ingredient is especially important due to its ability to improve mental performance and increase energy, without the help of stimulants. And without stimulants there are no accidents!

On top of all that, studies have shown that citicoline improves memory, concentration and attention, while also helping to balance and improve mood [4].

Studies have also suggested that long-term use of citicoline could help maintain and even improve brain function during the aging process.5]. A huge benefit for many.

  • lion's mane mushroom

Lion's Mane Mushroom is the only mushroom supplement proven to support brain health. The natural nootropic is considered by many to be a legitimate superfood for overall brain health.

Not only that…

Lion's Mane Mushroom Has Been Shown to Offer Significant Overall Cognitive Improvements while a person takes this supplement.However, these benefits disappear when the individual stops taking the nootropic.6]. In other words, this ingredient works.

Even if you don't purchase Mind Lab Pro today, we highly recommend that our older readers (45-50+) interested in cognitive enhancement consider Lion's Mane Mushroom as a supplement. It has been shown to protect against cognitive decline [7].

  • L-theanine

One of the most popular natural nootropic supplements in the world is L-theanine. Because? Because of the effectiveness of this particular product when it works synergistically with other cognitive aids.

This unique nootropic ingredient helps sharpen attention span and concentration, while infusing a calming effect. For this reason, many find that L-theanine works synergistically with caffeine to improve focus and concentration. Many L-theanine users find that supplement offerings creative benefits also.

Finally, L-theanine is not a marginal nootropic ingredient. This product has been shown to work in several human studies [8].

  • maritime pine bark

Maritime Pine Bark offers numerous cognitive benefits, including improving mental energy, increasing attention span, and improving short-term concentration. It has also been shown to improve spatial memory [9].

Not only that, but this supplement has also been shown to provide a powerful protective antioxidant complex that is ideal for improving brain health as we age.

  • N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine

N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine is a unique supplement for several reasons. First, the nootropic ingredient has been shown in human studies to help improve mental performance when fatigued, sleep deprived, and/or under a lot of stress.

It is extremely useful when preparing for an exam or test. Or even finishing a large work project on a tight deadline.

In general…

N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine improves working memory while improving mental performance and helping combat fatigue [10, 11].

  • phosphatidylserine

While it may not be the easiest nootropic to pronounce, phosphatidylserine is one of the most important ingredients in Mind Lab Pro. Why? Because this product is the ONLY nootropic with an FDA-rated claim of reducing cognitive decline as we age.

Pretty impressive stuff.

Additionally, phosphatidylserine promotes positivity and improves mental clarity. Since the brain has been shown to decline in your 20s, this nootropic ingredient is essential for anyone, no matter their age.12].

  • pink rhodiola

Rhodiola Rosea offers a host of cognitive benefits, but here we will focus on just one. Because? Because this is one of the most important benefits…

Rhodiola Rosea has been shown in a study to increase mental energy [13].

This is very effective and not only as a nootropic supplement. Rhodiola Rosea is a powerful performance enhancer and is extremely popular among Russian Olympic athletes and weightlifters, i.e. people who need to be on top of their game mentally and physically.

  • Vitamins B6+B9+B12

If you've ever thought about taking vitamins, you've probably done some research on B vitamins and their importance to the human body. Many of the benefits B vitamins provide relate to energy levels, but this family of vitamins offers much more.

For example, B vitamins also promote healthy blood flow to the brain, while maintaining mood-balancing nutrients in the brain.Certain B vitamins have also been shown to offer long-term benefits for brain health.

Give us your opinion of Mind Lab Pro

Does Mind Lab Pro work?

Now that you understand a little about the ingredients in Mind Lab Pro and how they benefit cognition, learning, and more, let's take a look at what you really came to know here...

Does Mind Lab Pro work?

Of course, we can only comment on our own experiences taking Mind Lab Pro, and we are just a team of nootropics experts. But this is what we found after trying Mind Lab Pro:

Mind Lab Pro works 100%.

Each member of our team experienced immense Cognitive benefits of taking this over-the-counter nootropic. We're talking about benefits like being able to DOUBLE our workload, improve our mood and increase our concentration.

We tried Mind Lab Pro with the recommended dosage of two pills, had some coffee, and then got to work.

Mind Lab Pro started working at around 45 minutes. The typical nootropic “buzz” started in our brain, positivity started flowing through our minds and we instantly focused on what we were doing. Our work was exciting and our productivity was a lot higher than normal.

We concluded that Mind Lab Pro was really working at that time.

But how long would this state of “flow” last? Most over-the-counter nootropics tend to offer a small "flow" state for a few hours. Then become extinct.

Most over-the-counter smart medications simply don't last as long as modafinil or armodafinil.

To see how Mind Lab Pro is compared to Modafinil here.

Once Mind Lab Pro was activated, we found that it offered about 6 hours of increased cognitive benefits before it started to wear off.

By the seventh or eighth hour, the benefits of Mind Lab Pro had completely worn off and our brain started to feel "normal" again.

This is pretty good for an over the counter nootropic. In fact, most over-the-counter products simply do not last more than 3 to 4 hours or more unless given in doses much higher than recommended.

Mind Lab Pro was different. You'll get a solid 6+ hours of truly enhanced cognition and fast mental processing speeds.

But we wanted to see if we could take things to a higher level. So after taking Mind Lab Pro at the recommended doses for a few days, we decided to try two Mind Lab Pro pills with breakfast and then one more with lunch.

This worked like a charm!

With this dose, you'll get over 4+ hours of impressive focus before lunch and another 4+ hours of "flow" state after lunch, for a total of nearly 8 hours of heightened cognition throughout the day. The BEST we've ever gotten from an over-the-counter nootropic.

Mind Lab Pro is legit and you will find a lot of benefits when taking this, including…

Give us your opinion of Mind Lab Pro

Benefits of Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro offers many benefits to the average nootropic user. While this product doesn't offer more than 15 hours of fatigue-fighting focus like Modafinil, you can expect a lot when you take Mind Lab Pro.

Here are some of the biggest benefits:

  • Ideal for creativity

If your work or school requires a lot of creative thinking, we found Mind Lab Pro to be ideal. Modafinil and other nootropics are workhorses. They offer intense concentration for hours and hours. So does Mind Lab Pro.

However, this nootropic also offers creative benefits, which was surprising.

Due to certain ingredients in Mind Lab Pro, your mind will be in a relaxed and positive state, while it will be hyper-focused on these things. As such, you will find that new ideas are forming at a rapid pace and your creative side will shine.

In our opinion, this is the BEST nootropic for creativity that we have ever reviewed.

  • Greater capacity for attention and focus

When you take Mind Lab Pro, you will be able to focus on what you need to do for upwards of 6 to 8 hours, depending on how you dose it. This is the classic nootropic benefit we generally want and Mind Lab Pro is no slouch in this category.

We found that we could focus on anything we wanted when taking this product. Both incredibly boring and busy work that simply had to be done and highly creative work that requires maximum concentration.

The level of concentration and attention span that Mind Lab Pro offers allowed us to almost double our workload the day we took this nootropic.

  • Citing increased energy levels

Mind Lab Pro offers a gentle boost of energy that lasts for hours. This is not like a cup of coffee, where you have to drink another cup a few hours later to stay alert.

Mind Lab Pro offers ingredients that fight fatigue and keep your brain working tirelessly. Many of the mental energy benefits of this nootropic come from the product's ability to maintain healthy blood flow to the brain throughout the "half-life" of the product.

Expect 6-8+ impressive energy levels with this smart drug, and no “crashes” on the way down, as Mind Lab Pro is not a stimulant.

  • Improved memory retention citation

Mind Lab Pro could be the ideal smart drug for students, due to the product's unique ability to improve all facets of memory.From short-term memory to information retrieval, this nootropic has students and scammers covered.


Simple. Contains Bacopa Monnieri, which helps increase reaction times and reduce anxiety [14], and citicoline, which has been shown to improve memory and recall [15].

It also contains phosphatidylserine, which can help with cognitive functioning [16].

When working after taking Mind Lab Pro, we loved being able to instantly recall information related to the topic at hand, rather than having to Google things or review notes when creating outlines and more. This contributed to us being able to work hard when taking this nootropic.

This is one of the biggest benefits of Mind Lab Pro.

  • Positive mood quote

We never had a bad day taking Mind Lab Pro. Heck, the negative thoughts once the "half-life" started were unnoticeable. We were positive, happy and focused when we took this smart drug.

We believe this is due to Mind Lab Pro's ability to improve mood and deliver increased blood flow to the brain. Stress also seemed to disappear when taking this nootropic.

Without stress. Without fatigue. No negativity.

Just greater concentration and the desire to get things done!

  • More motivational quotes

Now, don't get us wrong. There isn't a nootropic on the planet that can give you the motivation you need to succeed. That has to come from within, at least in our opinion.

However, we did feel a little more drive and desire to complete tasks when taking Mind Lab Pro. We believe this is due to some ingredients in Mind Lab Pro that support dopamine levels, which many associate with healthy motivation and mental drive. . But whatever the reason for this feeling...

You'll feel like you want to do things when you take Mind Lab Pro!

  • Quote about brain regeneration and neuroprotection

Mind Lab Pro is actually HEALTHY for your brain, in the long run.

The brain is always regenerating: forming new brain cells, repairing membranes, and more. Ought; We are constantly learning and experiencing new things.

However, this regenerative process is optimized by certain nootropics, many of which are included in Mind Lab Pro.

The natural nootropic ingredients found in Mind Lab Pro actually protect brain cells from the negative effects of free radicals, which often lead to cognitive decline as we age. This could be a huge benefit for anyone over 20 years old.

Any disadvantages of Mind Lab Pro?

No product is perfect! If the perfect nootropic product existed, everyone and their mom would be using and abusing it daily.

Mind Lab Pro is no different.

While we're big fans of this over-the-counter nootropic, there's no denying that Mind Lab Pro could do a few things differently. They are minor problems, but problems nonetheless.

Here are some things we didn't like about Mind Lab Pro:

  • Prices

This is not the cheapest nootropic out there. In fact, it's one of the most expensive products we've ever reviewed. For 20 to 30 servings, depending on how you dose things, you're looking at $65 USD + shipping per bottle.

Mind Lab Pro can be more expensive than Modafinil in most cases unless you find a coupon or discount.

Having said that…

Mind Lab Pro is, in our opinion, the leading over-the-counter nootropic on the market and works exceptionally well. It is extremely consistent, even over the long term. We think it's worth the cost.

  • It is not modafinil

Mind Lab Pro is many things, but it is not Modafinil.Whether we're looking to pull an all-nighter or work for more than 15 hours straight with incredible focus and concentration...

So Modafinil is what we take.

Mind Lab Pro is what you want when you're looking to get 6-8 hours or more of highly focused work done, improve the creative side of your brain, and more.

Since Mind Lab Pro is free to purchase and completely safe, it is our preferred daily nootropic these days. We only take modafinil on days when we need to go crazy and work hard. When we simply need greater cognition, we turn to Mind Lab Pro.

Mind Lab Pro Side Effects | What you should know

Most nootropics, whether over-the-counter or prescription products, tend to have some minor side effects. That's just part of the balance when taking smart drugs.

Having said that…

Our team members have never experienced any side effects with Mind Lab Pro, which was surprising!
According Opti-Nutra:

The 11 ingredients in Mind Lab Pro are safe and well tolerated. But that's only part of the story. Mind Lab Pro is the only nootropic supplement of its kind with a clean label: no artificial colors, no preservatives, non-GMO, gluten-free, caffeine-free, and additive-free.

Even the capsules are clean: premium vegan Plantcaps®. Mind Lab Pro is 100% brain-boosting nutrition, with many ingredients in improved, higher potency forms that are easier for the body to absorb and use.

We took all of these quality steps to create a true Universal Nootropic™ that works for everyone, is safe and comfortable for everyone, and fits any lifestyle.

Due to the strict requirements Opti-Nutra uses during formulation and manufacturing, the most common side effects of smart medications are minimized with Mind Lab Pro. Most users report ZERO problems.

However, there are three exceptionally minor and quite rare side effects of Mind Lab Pro to watch out for:

  • Headaches: Very rare when taking a quality nootropic, like this one. Reports of headaches from Mind Lab Pro are rare, but if you are prone to headaches, start with a single dose of Mind Lab Pro before increasing the dose.
  • Digestive discomfort: We tend to experience minor stomach problems at night after taking Modafinil. With Mind Lab Pro, there is none of that. Some users have reported mild stomach pains and diarrhea with Mind Lab Pro, but it is fairly uncommon.
  • Insomnia: This is probably the most common Mind Lab Pro side effect that you may experience. If you take this smart drug in the late afternoon or evening, there is a chance that you will have trouble falling asleep until the early hours of the morning. This is because the “half-life” of Mind Lab Pro will be up and running and your brain could be quite energized. We suggest taking it early in the morning. Don't take this at night if you want to sleep early!

Give us your opinion of Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro vs Modafinil

We made some comparisons between Mind Lab Pro and Modafinil throughout this article, but we wanted to clear things up a little more here.

Both nootropic products do the work for us in terms of cognitive benefits. When selecting which product to take for the day, we always take our goals into account.

This is when we decided to take Mind Lab Pro:

  • We want to crush CREATIVE work.
  • We need between 6 and 8+ hours of intense concentration.
  • We are looking for a product that we can take DAILY.
  • We are dealing with high levels of stress and need to maintain a positive attitude.
  • We are studying for a test or taking a test.
  • We also want to sleep well at night.

This is when we decided to take Modafinil:

  • We need to crush between 12 and 15 hours of work.
  • We want to take a nootropic 1 or 2 times a week.
  • We want to spend the entire night.
  • We need to DO a lot of work we've been putting off.
  • We need a “workhorse” of a nootropic to ensure the job is done as soon as possible.

As you can see, both nootropics offer impressive benefits, but each has slightly different advantages. They are both amazing smart pharmaceuticals. You just have to take them for slightly different reasons.

It is also worth noting that…

If you have never taken a smart drug or nootropic before, then we believe Mind Lab Pro is the best supplement for beginners. This nootropic offers incredible benefits without side effects and allows you to determine if smart medications are helping you achieve your goals.

BEST Mind Lab Pro discount code

Many smart medicine experts believe that Mind Lab Pro is the leading over-the-counter nootropic on the market today. We are also in this field.

As such, Opti-Nutra does not need to offer “scam-style” coupon codes or Mind Lab Pro discount codes throughout the year.

Mind Lab Pro speaks for itself. This nootropic really works!

Therefore, you will not find any Mind Lab Pro discount codes as of now. The company focuses on creating the best possible product, not the cheapest.

While Mind Lab Pro is not that cheap, most people find the price worth it. You get 20 to 30 servings for around $65 USD. Not bad!

You can also buy in bulk and save some money.

Can you buy Mind Lab Pro on Amazon?

If you're curious to know if Mind Lab Pro is on Amazon, we have bad news for you...

Opti-Nutra is NOT currently sold on Amazon.

As such, the only Mind Lab Pro on Amazon will be from third-party sellers. This means that there is no guarantee that the product you are purchasing is actually legitimate and will be much more expensive than simply ordering from the official Mind Lab Pro website.

If you want to order Mind Lab Pro, you won't find good things on Amazon at a fair price. You will easily overpay by 30-40%!

Spot. White. Period.

Mind Lab Pro Review | The verdict

In general…

It's easy to see that we are big fans of this natural nootropic. That's why we decided to create this in depth. Mind Lab Pro Review.

Because we found that this smart drug works and offers incredible cognitive benefits.

While Mind Lab Pro is a bit pricey and not the “workhorse” that Modafinil is, we believe this smart pharmacological supplement is the absolute BEST over-the-counter nootropic on the market today.

Highly recommended.

Place your order from our recommended supplier Mind Lab Pro


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