Modactive | Reviews, clinical data and more

Thomas Thorne

Last update: March 6, 2023

modactive review

Are you curious about Modactive? Looking for detailed Modactive reviews? Then you've come to the perfect place. In this article, we provide a detailed overview of everything you need to know about Modactive to determine if this medication is right for you.

We will talk about several queries we have received, such as:

  • Can Modactive be ordered legally online?
  • What is the ideal supplier to buy Modactive online?
  • Can you buy Modactive if you don't have a prescription?
  • How much does Modactive cost?

Modactive is a generic brand of modafinil, a medication typically prescribed for people with sleep-wake problems, such as sleep apnea.

In recent years, unauthorized uses of Modactive have attracted the attention of those engaged in activities that require constant high performance. These people can range from helicopter pilots to stock market analysts, college students, and even professional chess players.

These people have begun experimenting with Modactive due to its potent effects on cognitive functioning. These benefits include increased alertness, elevated energy levels, feelings of well-being and motivation, as well as improved comprehension and memory.

On top of that, we'll give you a full breakdown of how Modafinil-based medications are legally treated, various prices, the standard Modactive dosing protocol, as well as our number one recommended supplier for buying Modactive online. Let us begin!

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Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is Modactive?

Modactive is a generic version of the drug modafinil, a medication originally conceived in France in 1986 and approved for use by the US FDA in 1998. Modactive is a eugeroic, a type of medication used to promote wakefulness and prevent drowsiness during sleep. disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and shift work sleep disorder [1, 2, 3].

While Modafinil is prescribed for these sleep disorders, it has been reported that almost 90% of Modafinil users are healthy people looking to take advantage of the cognitive benefits of this medication.4, 5].

The most common brand of modafinil is "Provigil." Modactive is one of the most reputed generic modafinil products and is produced by Roots Lifecare in India.

However, you may be wondering... What sets generic Modafinil brands like Modactive apart from each other? As a general rule, generic medications are developed to have the same dosage and effect as brand-name medications.

However, there are some differences in price and bioavailability, as the quantity and quality of filler ingredients can vary, such as lactose, pregelatinized starch, croscarmellose sodium, microcrystalline cellulose, and magnesium stearate.6].

Modafinil-based medications work by increasing the activity of two crucial neurotransmitters: histamine and dopamine.7].Higher levels of histamine lead to greater alertness, while increased dopamine increases feelings of well-being and motivation.8, 9].

modactive review

Modafinil benefits

Even if you've taken the time to optimize your diet, sleep, exercise, and other factors that contribute to your performance, it's inevitable that some days you won't be at your best. This is why the positive effects on “mood, fatigue, and cognitive performance” have attracted so many people to experiment with modafinil [10].

When used strategically, these benefits of modafinil can lead to overall life improvements, such as better income, better learning and information retention, greater social awareness, and even better athleticism.

We have compiled a detailed list of Modafinil benefits in terms of cognitive enhancement below:

  • Clear understanding and memory – It can be easy to get caught up in our daily routine, to the point that we begin to fall into habits that degrade our cognitive functioning. One of the most transformative benefits of modafinil is increased self-awareness, so you can recognize destructive habits and correct them. Data from modafinil trials have also indicated an increase in “working memory, cognitive flexibility, and planning” [11]. Additionally, both episodic and spatial working memory function at higher levels with modafinil, as does the ability to recognize patterns.12].
  • Unparalleled concentration – No matter how disciplined you are, staying focused and performing complex tasks for more than a few hours can often be exhausting. Taking a standard dose of modafinil, or even just a partial dose, can dramatically extend the amount of time you can fixate your concentration on a particular task.On occasion, when you have not slept well, modafinil is “effective in maintaining/restoring objective performance and alertness during sleep deprivation,” allowing you to perform well when it would otherwise be difficult [13].
  • High energy levels – The amount of energy you have at your disposal can often make the difference between finishing a job on time or procrastinating and letting a task drag on for days. Modafinil is known to increase energy levels so you can amplify your productivity and get more done in less time. These effects have even been tested with military forces, such as in a study conducted with 18 helicopter pilots. By taking three doses of 100 mg of modafinil at four-hour intervals, the pilots were able to perform operations for more than 40 hours without stopping .14].
  • Feel inspired – Some days you feel excited and motivated to achieve your goals. Other days, that enthusiasm may be missing. Modafinil is particularly useful at times like these, as it increases levels of serotonin and dopamine, chemicals responsible for motivation and feelings of well-being.15].

Regardless of how difficult and demanding your tasks may be, the benefits of modafinil increase productivity, which in turn can lead to monumental improvements in certain areas of your life.

Side effects of modafinil

Prescription stimulants like Adderall or Ritalin are known to produce a variety of side effects. While the side effects of Modactive 200 are quite minor in comparison, it is still important to be aware of them and understand how to mitigate them.

In general, modafinil side effects They are temporary and not serious, and that is if they occur. Research has also shown that less than 10 percent of people taking modafinil notice adverse effects [16].

That said, studies have shown that modafinil is one of the best-tolerated and safest cognitive enhancers, and has a low potential for addiction.17].

In most cases, following the standard Modafinil dosing protocol will almost completely eliminate any chance of side effects occurring. We have listed the most common ones here [18]:

One particular study involving 341 patients with narcolepsy revealed which modafinil side effects are most commonly seen. They are listed below [19]:

  • Nausea (5%)
  • Nervousness (8%)
  • Headache (13%)

Our recommendations to avoid and mitigate these potential side effects are to prioritize hydration and take modafinil as early in the day as possible. By doing so, you can ensure that your body processes are functioning normally and avoid disrupting your sleep patterns.

Where to buy Modactive online? | 2023 Edition

Increased interest from the general public in modafinil-based medications means that more vendors are selling versions of this medication online.

While having several options can be beneficial, this proliferation of nootropic suppliers has created a number of problems: How can you be sure that an online modafinil supplier sells certified medications that are safe to consume? How can you know that your order will actually reach you and not be confiscated by customs?

A key point to remember before ordering modafinil online is that laws for modafinil-based medications vary from country to country. This may make receiving your order more complicated in some cases.

In an effort to clarify the situation, our team placed test orders with several online vendors to see how they performed based on certain criteria. Specifically, we wanted to obtain first-hand information on costs, quality, service and delivery times.

After doing our research, our team found that BuyModa is the top supplier to buy Modactive online. Below we list some reasons for this:

  • Risk-free delivery: BuyModa guarantees that your orders arrive within a maximum period of 30 business days, although they normally arrive faster, between two and four weeks. To make purchasing nootropics at BuyModa a completely risk-free experience, orders that do not reach their destination are reshipped at no additional charge. If the second shipment does not arrive, customers receive a full refund.
  • Incredible value: You can purchase Modactive in various quantities at BuyModa, at much lower prices than most competing vendors. Thirty Modactive tablets start at just $69, while larger orders see a decrease in price per pill. On top of that, you get absolutely free shipping on international orders over $150, except for the UK and EU, and for orders from USA to USA
  • Certified Medications: As one of the most trusted and well-established online modafinil suppliers, BuyModa is committed to only providing nootropics sourced from legitimate pharmaceutical manufacturers. All BuyModa modafinil products are verified in top-level ISO-certified laboratories and are approved by the FDA and equivalent health authorities in most other countries.
  • Save with Bitcoin: Paying with cryptocurrencies at BuyModa is not only easy, but you will also save some money.BuyModa offers an additional 20% discount when you use Bitcoin to make your purchase.
  • Special gifts: As part of its commitment to ensuring an enjoyable customer experience, BuyModa offers two special gifts when you purchase Modactive online. You get 30 free Modactive tablets for orders over $150, as well as 20 free Modvigil tablets added to your next purchase.

Modactive is available at BuyModa, one of the world's most trusted online suppliers of 100% legit modafinil and nootropics.

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How much does Modactive cost?

Buying modafinil used to be a long and expensive process. Until 2012, when modafinil's patents expired, Provigil was one of the only modafinil-containing medications legally available for purchase and could cost more than $700 for just a 30-day supply.

Today, however, generic versions of modafinil are much less expensive while still producing the same cognitive-enhancing effects.

Some patients have asked us before... What differentiates generic medications from brand name medications? When you hear “generic medications,” you may get the impression that they are somehow substandard and lack the oversight of brand names.

However, the reality is that generic medications must also be approved for use by the FDA and equivalent health agencies in other countries. They are developed to function identically to brand-name medications in terms of their dosing protocol, effectiveness and method of action.

Please see the table below to understand pricing for specific quantities of Modactive:

30 tablets $69
60 tablets $85
100 tablets $99
200 tablets $185
300 tablets $255
500 tablets $395

Compared to the price of over $700 for just 30 tablets of Provigil, we can see that generic modafinil medications like Modactive are much more cost-effective. You can take advantage of Modafinil's enhanced concentration and cognition effects at affordable prices by visiting BuyModa.

Dosage and tolerance of active mode

Before you start taking any new medication, you'll want to make sure you have an accurate understanding of what a proper dosing protocol looks like. By doing so, you can mitigate or even completely prevent side effects while still getting the benefits you were looking for.

When it comes to Modactive, you may be curious to know...what constitutes a standard dose of Modactive? Can Modactive be taken every day without developing dependency?

Since Modactive is a generic form of modafinil, the dosing protocols The medications for this eugeroic are identical to any other modafinil-based medications.

No matter the brand, medications containing modafinil will have a standard dosage of 200 mg.20]. Taking Modactive 200 will typically give the user 10 to 12 hours of increased energy and productivity.

However, please note that if you have a history of sensitivity to stimulant medications, we recommend starting with a lower dose to safely judge the effects.

In this case, another option is to take a dose of just 100 mg, which would involve breaking a tablet in half. While not yet a standard dosage, a doctor could prescribe a Modactive dose of 100 mg to patients with narcolepsy. Therefore, patients can expect to feel the effects of Modactive for approximately eight to twelve hours.

If you want to start with even smaller amounts, you can try taking a 50 mg dose, which Requires a tablet to be cut into quarters.. On average, a dose of modafinil like this can produce four to six hours of focus and motivation. It's great for beginners or those who absolutely need to sleep earlier in the day. A Modactive dose of 50 mg is considered “microdosing” modafinil.

No matter what dose of Modactive you take, we always recommend that you administer this stimulant early in the morning as it has a half-life of 12 to 15 hours. By nightfall, the effects should wear off, so you can get a restful night's sleep and rejuvenate yourself.

But what about modafinil dependence? Research has found that abnormally high doses of this medication can cause dependence [21]. To avoid this, we recommend the following:

  • Take Modactive less than three times a week and never on consecutive days.
  • Do not take more than one Modactive dose of 200 mg per day.
  • After two or three months, take a two-week rest period from Modactive

Is Modactive legal?

Both brand-name modafinil-based medications and generic versions receive the same legal treatment in virtually all countries. Typically, you must have a valid prescription to purchase modafinil-based medications like Modactive.

You may be curious to know... can you possess and use Modactive even without a prescription?

The answer to this question depends on a few factors, such as which country you reside in and what the specific regulations are for modafinil-based medications.

For example, in the USA, modafinil is classified as a “Schedule IV” substance by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). To get Modafinil 100% legally, you would need a doctor to write you a modafinil prescriptionand purchase it through a licensed pharmacy as Provigil or generic Modafinil.

In other countries, such as Australia, Germany, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, modafinil-based medications are classified as controlled substances that can only be purchased with a prescription. However, possession for personal use is not a punishable offense in these countries [22, 23, 24, 25]

Curiously, Mexico It is one of the few countries where modafinil-based medications can be purchased and possessed without a prescription in some cases [26].

Modafinil-based medications like Modactive can also give athletes an advantage in their chosen sport. However, if you participate in professional competitions, please note that modafinil is classified as a prohibited substance by USADA and WADA [27].

Even if you take Modactive long before a competitor, drug testing is sophisticated these days. Discovering that only a small trace of a modafinil-based medication is discovered in your system would be grounds for disqualification.

modactive review

Modactive vs. Modalert vs. Provigil /// Modactive vs. Waklert vs. Nuvigil

Modactive is just one of several modafinil-containing medications on the market today. You may be thinking… how can you differentiate between different brands of modafinil? What sets Modactive apart from brands like Provigil or Nuvigil?

Although it may seem like all of these medications are completely identical, there are some subtle differences to keep in mind when purchasing modafinil online.

Modactive vs. Modalert vs. Provigil

Patients' options in terms of modafinil brands used to be strictly limited by FDA regulations and patents on these medications. However, the market for modafinil-based drugs changed radically in 2012, when patents to produce modafinil expired.

In the following years, generic brands of Modafinil began to be produced and distributed around the world, offering more affordable options and slightly different potency levels.

One of the main distinguishing factors between Modactive, Modalert and Provigil is that Modactive is a cheaper option than the latter two brands and is better suited for those who are new to modafinil.

Historically, Provigil can be expensive, typically costing over $700 for just a 30-day supply. On the other hand, you could receive over 500 Modactive tablets for a similar price.

When we compare Modactive with Modalert, Modactive still emerges as the most cost-effective option. However, some may argue that Modalert's slightly higher price reflects a higher level of potency and effectiveness.

Modactive vs. Waklert vs. Nuvigil

The standard dosage of modafinil-based medications like Modactive is 200 mg per tablet. A key difference to note when it comes to Modactive, Waklert, and Nuvigil is that the latter two medications are a more potent version of modafinil, called armodafinil. This stimulant is usually available in doses of 150 mg.

Price is also a distinguishing factor between Modactive, Waklert and Nuvigil. As was the case with Provigil, Nuvigil used to be one of the only FDA-approved armodafinil medications available for purchase. The introduction of generics like Waklert now offers patients more options to fit their budgets.

Compared to both medications, Modactive is even less expensive. However, keep in mind that while Modactive is a less expensive option, it is also much less powerful than Waklert or Nuvigil.

Modactive Revisions | Verdict

In this Modactive review, we provide an in-depth look at everything you need to know about this wakefulness-promoting medication.By getting a clear idea of ​​Modactive's benefits, side effects, dosing protocol, and pricing options, you will be better equipped to determine if this eugeroic is right for you.

Although Modactive is a generic version of modafinil, its effects and way of working are no different than a brand name like Provigil. However, Modactive is a much cheaper option. Modactive is currently produced in India by Roots Lifecare and is available for purchase worldwide.

Medications containing modafinil, such as Modactive, are typically prescribed to patients diagnosed with sleep disorders, such as shift work sleep disorder.

In recent years, more and more reports have emerged about the powerful off-label benefits of this medication. These effects include increased mental clarity, memory, concentration and motivation.

Modactive is a fantastic alternative to more common stimulant medications like Adderall or Ritalin, as it has a much more favorable side effect profile.

If you have a valid Modafinil prescription and are wondering which brand of medication would be right for you, check out BuyModa for more information and to make your purchase.


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