Modafinil and travel | What you should know

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 2, 2023


Mixing Modafinil and travel together they can generate incredible on-the-go productivity for any digital nomad or business executive.

The reality of being productive while away from home is depressing for many travelers. You have to deal with multiple time zone changes, unfavorable work circumstances, and your mind doesn't exactly associate your destiny with working as hard as possible.

But you still need to get things done during international travel and Modafinil may be the answer you're looking for.

If you work while traveling, there's no need to make things more difficult than they are. Modafinil and travel can ensure productivity while allowing you to fully enjoy the exotic place you are exploring.

Which raises several questions...

Can you take Modafinil on a plane? Is it illegal to travel internationally with Modafinil? If so, the next logical question is how to carry Modafinil on a plane without worrying about losing its limited supply.

This article will aim to answer all of the above questions as definitively as possible.

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Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is modafinil?

Before we can talk about Modafinil and travel, let's talk about why Modafinil shows so much useful potential for frequent travelers...

Modafinil is known as “eugeroic,” meaning it promotes and improves your current state of wakefulness. Although it was approved for the treatment of narcolepsy in France in the 1990s, it has since been approved to treat the same condition in numerous countries around the world.

More specifically, Modafinil can treat excessive daytime sleepiness within the following 3 conditions [1]:

  • Narcolepsy
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Sleep disorder in shift work

However, modafinil is best known for its off-label use as a cognition enhancer. In healthy adults who are sleep-deprived or not, Modafinil can help people make fewer mistakes, work faster, and experience much less fatigue [2].

This would explain why people from a wide variety of professional backgrounds openly admit to using Modafinil. Entrepreneurs, Ivy League students, business executives, surgeons, and more are beginning to take advantage of Modafinil's productivity-boosting effects.


Modafinil and travel | The basics

Modafinil applications are quite simple in nature. Whether it's getting better grades on an exam or meeting incredibly tight deadlines at work, any smart drug user immediately knows what he wants to get from using Modafinil.

But the same cannot be said for linking international travel and modafinil. Why would anyone want to have this medication with them when traveling abroad?

It turns out that using modafinil without a prescription has been standard practice among US federal government officials for several decades.At least according to a Politico investigation that accuses White House doctor Ronny Jackson of carelessly dispensing pills to patients.3]:

"Ronny Jackson, the White House doctor who is fighting to save his nomination to be veterans affairs secretary, regularly handed out the sleeping medication Ambien and the alertness drug Provigil to West Wing officials traveling in flights abroad".

"...the occasional use of some prescription medications is an established fact at the highest levels of government."

“…allegations that Jackson liberally distributed sleeping drugs may not be enough to disqualify him in the eyes of lawmakers on Capitol Hill, because, they say, they also use them liberally.”

In 2010, many journalists even suspected that former President Obama regularly used modafinil off-label to counteract drowsiness associated with jet lag [4]:

“Obama's doctor, Navy Capt. Jeffrey Kuhlman, did not say what medication the president might be taking to combat the numbing effects of crossing too many time zones.

But the sleep doctors we consulted say one possibility is Provigil, a stimulant that is regularly prescribed to help people combat excessive sleepiness.”

"...'If they're going to give you something to wake you up, Provigil is the way to go,' says Dr. Lisa Shives, medical director of Northshore Sleep Medicine in Evanston, Illinois."

But is modafinil and travel about more than just combating jet lag? Are there any other undiscovered benefits of air travel when it comes to Modafinil?

Benefits of traveling with modafinil

While most do not consider mixing Modafinil and traveling together, the combination is surprisingly potent.Several high-end digital nomads and freelancers will frequently use Modafinil to maximize their experience while traveling.

Here are some of the benefits we've heard from research subjects...

Modafinil beats jet lag

The politicians mentioned above are using something else along with Modafinil: a sleep-inducing drug like Ambien.

In a medical case study, a 38-year-old professional used 200 mg of modafinil upon awakening and 10 mg of zolpidem upon sleep during a business trip to the United Arab Emirates from the United States (an 8-hour time difference).

He was able to remain functional during his trip, return to the United States, discontinue both medications, and resume his regular schedule without unwanted side effects.5].

Likewise, armodafinil (the longer-lasting isomer of modafinil) at doses of 150 mg per day and nothing more “increased wakefulness after an eastward trip across 6 time zones” and helped patients overcome induced drowsiness. due to jet lag [6Unfortunately, the FDA never approved it to treat jet lag disorder due to an alleged lack of data strength [7].

Modafinil conquers fatigue

For people who suffer from excessive sleepiness due to working night shifts, Modafinil may be the boost they need to stay alert both during and after work [8]:

“Treatment with 200 mg of modafinil reduced the extreme sleepiness we observed in patients with shift work sleep disorder and resulted in a small but significant improvement in performance compared to placebo.”

This makes Modafinil a perfect way to get in extra work when you have a lot of empty time, but your body is not willing to cooperate with your mental desire to work focused.

If it's good enough for fighter pilots in the military, it's also good enough for frequent travelers [9]!

Modafinil increases productivity

Due to Modafinil's remarkable ability to improve cognition and therefore improve your concentration, it is entirely possible stay productive for 10-15 hours in a dose of 200-300 mg.

One of our test subjects is known for taking modafinil before a trip, working 2-4 hours while stuck at the airport, and doing 1-3 hours of extra work during the flight. When he arrives at his destination, his work is done and he can fall asleep with a clear conscience.

If he has to work while at his destination, he sets aside an entire day to get 10 to 15 hours of productive work out of the way. The following reason will show you why he prefers this unorthodox approach.

Once you use a day of Modafinil while traveling, you will be able to enjoy your trips again for 1 to 3 days before having to return to work. This check-in and check-out schedule is ideal for maximizing travel and work time.

Modafinil Allows More “Fun Time”

If you follow the work schedule of our test subject mentioned above, you will be able to spend your first day in a new city exploring your surroundings. You will be able to take full days off and visit several tourist attractions in one day.

More importantly, it will be much easier to stick to a normal sleep schedule (relative to your destination's time zone). Our test subject can enjoy several days of uninterrupted fun before having to return to work, thus maximizing his travel and work time through his “in and out” schedule.

Modafinil doesn't make you nervous

There's no need to worry about the jitters or drop in energy that occur with stimulants like caffeine.One person's experience with Modafinil during a trip to Japan from the United States sums it up best [10]:

“I asked my doctor to write some for me for my last trip to Japan. (I live in Boston). She was pleasantly surprised. It seems more benign than a cup of coffee. He does not get nervous and, if the dose is appropriate, his heart rate does not accelerate. It doesn't speed you up. It just makes you forget that you're tired for a few hours. 100 mg taken around 8am – makes you feel good until 5 or 6pm. Then you don't have a bad fall, you just feel tired again.

In fact, I found it more helpful for jet lag after returning. I took it for the first two days and I was able to go to the office and not be a zombie.”

Modafinil is incredibly affordable

Modafinil and travel don't necessarily have to be expensive. Since travelers are obsessed with the latest discounts on flight prices and all the endless ways they can save money, they might be surprised to know that Modafinil is pretty cheap!

At less than $1 per pill in many cases, you don't have to spend a lot of money to overcome jet lag, meet your deadlines, and maximize your time in a new city.

Is it illegal to travel with modafinil?

“Is it illegal to travel internationally with Modafinil? I'm doing this for the first time and I'm afraid of getting in trouble!

It is very common to hear this question in forum posts about international travel and Modafinil. To save you endless hours of internet browsing, we will tell you everything you need to know about this “gray zone” topic.

In the strictest and most technical sense of international law, it is illegal to travel with Modafinil unless you have a legitimate prescription signed by a doctor.

Since it is a medication that is only sold by prescription in almost all countries, Modafinil is only 100% legal when you use it by the book.

However, even with a legitimate script at your disposal, some countries are extremely strict about not allowing foreign travelers with certain prescription medications in their luggage to cross their borders.11]:

“For example, some countries, such as Russia and the United Arab Emirates, do not recognize mental health problems as a health condition. Therefore, any medication that treats depression, anxiety or ADHD would be considered illegal, resulting in confiscation or imprisonment.”

As you will see later in the article, we have never heard of people needing to take extreme precautions when traveling with Modafinil. However, we strongly recommend checking the relevant medication laws and regulations in the country you are traveling to.12].

Can you take modafinil on a plane?

Based on our in-depth conversations with hundreds of veteran Modafinil users who have traveled both domestically and internationally, the answer is YES!

To illustrate how this is possible, we will divide this section into two parts: our recommendations for taking modafinil on a plane and how much to take on a plane.

How to take modafinil on a plane

The best option to carry modafinil on a plane is through your carry-on luggage in a normal pill box located inside some type of toiletry bag.

Usually along with other vitamins and supplements you may be carrying. This allows easy access to your tablets, especially if you need a cognitive boost during a long flight.

However, these recommendations come with several caveats:

  • DO NOT put Modafinil in checked luggage. Checked baggage may be damaged, delayed in delivery to its destination, or lost completely. This will make your supply extremely difficult, if not impossible, to replace.
  • DO NOT ship your personal supply of Modafinil to your destination. For the same reasons listed above.
  • DON'T act suspiciously suspicious, like you're actively hiding something you're guilty of. Suspicious attitudes lead to more suspicion from airport security, and you know what happens next. Stay cool, calm and collected!

NOTE: If you have an actual Modafinil prescription, keep the tablets in their original packaging. Also, be sure to bring a doctor's note and a copy of the prescription.

While every government is different, the Transportation Security Administration in the United States will not require you to present or notify your Modafinil to an official, nor will you have to store Modafinil in a prescription bottle [13].

The SAFEST amount of modafinil to take on a plane

As for how much Modafinil you should carry at any given time, your best bet is a 30-day supply strictly intended for personal use.

Some people carry 2 or 3 months' worth of Modafinil, but we think this is overkill: certain countries will allow people to have this amount of medication, others will not.

If you really need more than 3 months of Modafinil during your stay, we recommend taking a 30-day supply and shipping more to your destination by purchasing Modafinil online.

Any doubt?

Can you take Modafinil on a plane without any concern? The answer is both yes and no."

There are only three countries where the risks are real and you should have serious concerns about modafinil and travel...

  • Japan: DO NOT bring more than 1 month's supply of Modafinil, and do not bring any unless you have a prescription or absolutely need Modafinil while in Japan.
  • Singapore: While you'll be fine if you follow our recommendations, Singapore has some of the strictest drug laws in the world (and, by extension, the harshest punishments for very minor drug charges).
  • United Arab Emirates: We highly recommend having a Modafinil prescription before coming here, due to their extremely strict zero-tolerance and anti-drug policies [14].

Outside of those notable exceptions, the chances of getting caught are extremely low.

To paraphrase an Internet commentator, “The chances of being stopped and hassled for your small supply of Modafinil for personal use are as slim as your plane crashing twice.”

Jezebel wrote an article about transporting illicit drugs on a plane, and the figures they found were surprisingly lenient [15]:

“…of the 14 million people who pass through JFK Airport's Terminal 4 each year, for example, only about 400 were detained for “further investigation,” and only about a quarter of those people were caught with contraband.”

Airport security guards only care about weapons, large wads of cash, narcotics, explosives, sharp objects, liquids larger than 100 ml, and suspicious-looking powders. Modafinil is absolutely none of those things and you won't have any problems unless you carry large quantities (100 pills or more).

Most travelers never have their bags thoroughly inspected by immigration officials during departure and arrival checks (domestic or international), nor are they detained. These are people who have frequently traveled to numerous countries around the world for several years carrying Modafinil without a prescription.

One more fun fact: sniffer dogs cannot detect prescription drugs like Modafinil, and only act when (a) they have been specifically trained to detect a certain drug [16], and (b) respond to behavioral cues from their caregivers [17].

Note: Security checks are not the same in all countries, so plan for the worst and hope for the best.


Modafinil for travelers | Verdict

Modafinil and travel They are arguably a perfect match when the smart drug is carried and used properly.

As long as you travel with a small supply intended for personal use and use common sense, there is no reason to realistically expect legal problems in domestic or international destinations.

Additionally, Modafinil is a great way to combat jet lag and maintain high levels of productivity while traveling. It's the perfect companion for frequent travelers who need a cognitive boost at any time of the day.

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  1. Modafinil. Accessed August 2, 2020.
  2. Minzenberg MJ, Carter CS. Modafinil: a review of neurochemical actions and effects on cognition. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2008;33(7):1477-1502. doi:10.1038/sj.npp.1301534
  3. Jackson's problems shed light on a fact of life in Washington: sleeping pills. Accessed July 30, 2020.
  4. The mystery drug of the White House. Accessed July 30, 2020.
  5. Combined drug therapy for the treatment of jetlag. Accessed July 30, 2020.
  6. Rosenberg RP, Bogan RK, Tiller JM, et al. A Phase 3, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study of Armodafinil for Excessive Sleepiness Associated with Jet Lag Disorder. Mayo Clin Proc. 2010;85(7):630-638. doi:10.4065/mcp.2009.0778
  7. Regulators reject a drugmaker's plan to use its wake-up pill to overcome jet lag. Accessed August 1, 2020.
  8. Czeisler CA, Walsh JK, Roth T, et al. Modafinil for excessive sleepiness associated with shift work sleep disorder. N English J Med. 2005;353(5):476-486. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa041292
  9. The war against sleep. Accessed July 28, 2020.
  10. Does anyone use Modafinil/Provigil for jet lag? Accessed July 30, 2020.
  11. Traveling with medications: how to avoid a possible jail sentence. Accessed August 3, 2020.
  12. Taking medication abroad in August 2020. Accessed 3 August 2020.
  13. Can you pack your medications in a pill box and more questions are answered? Accessed July 31, 2020.
  14. Dangerous goods policy. Accessed August 1, 2020.
  15. How to carry drugs on a plane. Accessed July 30, 2020.
  16. Can a dog smell pills? Accessed August 2, 2020.
  17. The surprising truth about sniffer dogs. Accessed August 2, 2020.

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