Modafinil and marijuana | What you should know

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 20, 2023

Modafinil and marijuana

Modafinil and marijuana.

Who in their right mind came up with such a combination? The two seem to be polar opposites when you first look at them.

Marijuana is often associated with lazy stoners who sleep late, eat voraciously, and do nothing productive. Modafinil, on the other hand, is the ultimate nootropic for anyone who wants to feel like Edward Morra from the movie. "Unlimited" in real life.

But maybe we're being critical here...

Is it possible that marijuana and modafinil together are an undiscovered double threat for improving productivity and creativity? Potentially to improve sleep quality too?

That's why we wanted to put together this guide. Detail all the reasons why we would personally take (or not) modafinil and marijuana together.

But before you start reading, consider:

Despite the massive wave of cannabis legalization sweeping our world, the possession and consumption of cannabis and THC-containing products remains illegal in several jurisdictions, whether for medical or recreational purposes. This article is written based solely on our experience and is intended for entertainment purposes only. We strongly recommend that you review and follow all cannabis-related laws in your jurisdiction before attempting to purchase or consume marijuana or products containing THC.

With that out of the way, let's dive in! 

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Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is modafinil?

First, let's get the obvious question out of the way: Why is Modafinil so popular and how exactly does it work?

Modafinil is a prescription drug classified as Schedule IV by the Federal Drug Administration. Doctors typically use Modafinil to treat the following conditions:

  • ADHD
  • Narcolepsy
  • Sleep apnea
  • Shift worker sleep disorder

We still can't pinpoint its current mechanism of action after decades of study, making modafinil an incredibly complex drug with much to discover about its true nature.

But this is what we know so far [1]:

“It is believed to act mainly through the inhibition of norepinephrine (NE) and dopamine (DA) transporters. It also acts on serotonin, histamine, gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamate.”

Modafinil's action on orexin is thought to also increase hypothalamic release of histamine, and one of the actions of histamine is arousal and wakefulness.”

Modafinil gained its reputation as a cognitive enhancer when people began using the drug for purposes that lacked official approval. That is, to improve concentration, attention and focus.

Adderall, perhaps because of its concerning safety profile, has lost its appeal as a study drug in recent years. Having spoken to thousands of our readers, we think it's pretty clear that Modafinil is now the Focus Medication #1 for anyone in college or university. And for good reason:

In 2015, prestigious researchers from Harvard and Oxford considered modafinil “the world's first smart and safe drug” after exhaustively investigating its properties [2]:

"The effect of modafinil as a nootropic varied from task to task, but it worked particularly well to improve decision-making and planning, and consistently conferred more benefits during longer, more complex tasks... of the studies that took into account the impact of modafinil on mood and other aspects, 70 percent did not show any consequences.”

So where exactly does marijuana come into the picture?

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Modafinil and marijuana | The basics

Before talking about the possibility of combining marijuana and modafinil, we need to understand how marijuana might act on the human mind. There is a lot of research on marijuana, so here are some of the most important things you should know.

In any cannabis plant, there are hundreds of naturally occurring chemicals called “cannabinoids.” They bind to receptors on our cells and then exert their effect on the body.

The only two you should be concerned about at the moment are THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol).

THC is psychoactive and is primarily responsible for users getting “high” after ingesting it. It's also what makes stoners hungrier and sometimes triggers attacks of paranoia and anxiety.

CBD It is non-psychoactive and is best known for inducing a state of calm and relaxation. It is commonly associated with a reduction in pain, anxiety, and any type of physical or mental tension.

Simple enough? Good, because there are two types of cannabis strains that you should know about [3]:

“Indica strains are thought to be physically sedative, perfect for relaxing with a movie or as a nightcap.

Sativas are said to provide uplifting, cerebral effects that pair well with physical activity, social gatherings, and creative projects.

“Hybrids are thought to fall somewhere in between, offering a balance of indica and sativa effects.”

In general, Sativas contain a higher concentration of THC than CBD, while Indicas contain a higher concentration of CBD than THC.

This explains why each strain has the effects described above.

By now, it should be obvious how modafinil and marijuana can potentially be used constructively.

The name of the game, as we see it, is defining the desired outcome, choosing the right strain, and timing its use appropriately.

For example, we can assume that a Sativa strain may add a boost of concentration or creativity to your Modafinil dose. An Indica strain, on the other hand, would offset the wakefulness effects of Modafinil.

But you want to use the correct dosage. Too much CBD can negate the focus-enhancing effects of Modafinil, and too much THC while using Modafinil can overstimulate the mind and make it unfocused.

This latter effect occurs because THC, like modafinil, can increase the release of the feel-good hormone known as dopamine.4].

Of course, this is all our speculation. What does science have to say about combining modafinil and marijuana?

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What does science say about modafinil and marijuana?

Both drugs have been intensively studied in isolation during the last decades.

There's not much we don't know about modafinil and marijuana taken as standalone substances, so we generally have a clear idea of ​​how they affect the body and mind.

But let's quickly recap the scientifically proven health benefits of each...

Modafinil benefits

  • Modafinil can be used to treat addiction

Modafinil has recently been examined for its potential use as a drug addiction recovery tool.

Research is still conflicting to this day, but preliminary studies have been conducted to examine how modafinil may help those who are addicted to cocaine, methamphetamine, or other amphetamines.

The therapeutic outcome depends on the drug being examined [5]:

  • Reduction of lethargy and drowsiness.
  • Helps users deal with withdrawal symptoms
  • Reduce cravings, which can help reduce the number of relapses.

It has not yet been determined whether Modafinil can be used to treat a possible marijuana addiction. We would think that either Modafinil cancels out the brain fog associated with smoking marijuana, or that marijuana cancels out any additional urges that arise as a result of using Modafinil.

  • Modafinil improves your mental ability to work on tasks

What we are going to show you is one of the few studies carried out on healthy volunteers using a practical dose of modafinil.

Sixty young adult men were instructed to take a placebo, 100 mg or 200 mg of modafinil, before performing a series of tasks related to attention span and memory.

These were the key findings of the study [6]:

“Modafinil significantly improved performance on tests of digit span, visual pattern recognition memory, spatial planning, and stop signal reaction time.

These performance improvements were complemented by a decrease in latency on three tests: delayed matching to sample, a decision-making task, and the spatial planning task.

Subjects reported feeling more alert, attentive, and energetic on the drug.

In our experience, this is by far the most common observation from anyone using Modafinil... especially for the first time!

  • Modafinil reduces fatigue and tiredness

One of our favorite effects of Modafinil is being able to work for hours without needing to recharge or take a break.

This is not an “n=1” effect. Multiple studies consistently confirm Modafilnil's ability to significantly reduce fatigue [7]:

"Fatigue is markedly reduced with modafinil supplementation, especially in cases of sleep deprivation or hypersomnia."

So when we have an impossible-to-meet deadline but are struggling to find the energy to meet it, we look no further than good ol' Modafinil.

Weed Benefits

  • Marijuana can relieve chronic pain

While some of the purported medical benefits of marijuana are debated, one of the most consistent findings has been pain relief.

This was confirmed after the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine examined more than 10,000 studies [8]:

"In adults with chronic pain, patients who were treated with cannabis or cannabinoids are more likely to experience a clinically significant reduction in pain symptoms."

Whether you're dealing with a minor physical injury or an illness that causes a lot of pain, marijuana appears to help relieve pain and facilitate the recovery process.

  • Marijuana can improve creativity

It's one thing to be focused, but sometimes we need to relax and allow ideas to float freely in our minds.

That's why you'll hear so often about musicians and artists using marijuana that they need an extra boost of creativity.

An interesting study conducted in 2011 found that acute cannabis use increased divergent thinking in both highly creative and non-creative people. Divergent thinking refers to the ability to generate multiple ideas about a topic in a short period of time.

Here is a possible explanation for why this may happen [9]:

“…cannabis produces psychotomimetic symptoms, which in turn could lead to connecting seemingly unrelated concepts, an aspect of divergent thinking considered primary for creative thinking.

In fact, a drug-induced altered mental state can lead to freedom from ordinary thinking and associations, thus increasing the likelihood of generating novel ideas or associations.”

Of course, don't take this as gospel. Marijuana may have no effect on creativity, or may even have a negative effect, depending on the person using it.

  • Marijuana shows potential as a treatment for inflammation

While we don't know if getting high will fix chronic inflammation, we do know for sure that the cannabinoids in marijuana can be helpful.10]:

"...several studies demonstrated that cannabinoids negatively regulate cytokine and chemokine production and, in some models, positively regulate regulatory T cells (Treg) as a mechanism to suppress inflammatory responses"

The authors of the cited study suggested that cannabinoids may be useful in treating conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, and many other types of inflammatory diseases.


Benefits of Marijuana and Modafinil...When Combined!

If you dig into the medical literature, you won't find any studies examining the simultaneous use of modafinil and marijuana, at least not in the English language!

We can only make an educated guess as to how they would work if taken together.

We can also synthesize the collective input of our contributors and readers who have experimented with Modafinil and marijuana.

  • Modafinil and marijuana can strike a good balance between productivity and creativity

As wonderful as modafinil is as a cognitive enhancer, some users find that their thinking can be too rigid. Being focused 24/7 means it may not be as easy to think unconventionally or look for innovative solutions.

But we don't want to be so creative and open-minded to the point of losing our practicality. So how can we get the best of both worlds?

One contributor had success taking Modafinil very early in the morning and doing as much technical work as possible. Later, when he had a few hours available to think freely, he would take a few hits of marijuana to stoke the creative fire.

  • Combine modafinil and marijuana to obtain different results?

While we haven't tested this, some people have suggested that modafinil and marijuana can be used at around the same time. However, we personally would not consume marijuana until we have taken advantage of the 3-4 hours of maximum productivity obtained from using Modafinil.

Perhaps a small amount of a Sativa strain can be used alongside Modafinil to enhance dopamine release and sharpen work ethic.

Likewise, a few hits of an Indica strain can help offset some of modafinil's minor side effects, such as anxiety and irritability.

If we really wanted to relax at night, we would allow ourselves a lot more Indica variety after a productive morning/afternoon using Modafinil. In our opinion, this would offset the long-lasting effects of modafinil and lead to peaceful sleep.

  • Modafinil and marijuana for possible Parkinson's relief?

An experimental study conducted on marmosets affected by Parkinson's disease involved using THC and modafinil separately to evaluate whether they can be used as alternative treatments.

The discovery was really interesting [11]:

“Δ9-THC improved activity and hand-eye coordination, but induced compound-related side effects.

Modafinil improved activity and observed parkinsonian symptoms, but not hand-eye coordination.

"It can be concluded that both compounds have therapeutic values ​​and could complement existing therapies for [Parkinson's disease]."

For what it's worth, a separate study also showed that 400 mg of Modafinil can be safely used alongside 15 mg of THC [12].

Something to think about!

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The biggest benefit?

Now, we've looked at a lot of potential benefits when combining modafinil and marijuana. However, we do not cover what we believe may be the biggest benefit of mixing these two substances.

What's that?


In our experience, one of the worst side effects of Modafinil is insomnia. Due to the long half-life of Modafinil, many users may find it difficult to fall asleep at a normal time after using Modafinil during the day.

By using the right type of marijuana after a long day taking Modafinil, you may very well be able to fall asleep faster and have better quality sleep.

Members of our team who have tried the two together confidently say that improved sleep quality is the biggest benefit when combining marijuana and Modafinil.

They typically take modafinil in the morning and then use marijuana 1 to 2 hours before bed.

Oh, and if you don't have weed on hand, or are prohibited from purchasing or using it legally, fear not.

CBD oil has also been reported to be quite effective in helping eliminate modafinil-induced insomnia.

Side effects

So what negative results could arise when taking marijuana and modafinil together?

Again, these have not been medically documented, but here are some of the most common observations among the brave few who dared to try this unorthodox combination...

  • Dehydration/Dry Mouth

One of the most common modafinil side effects is dehydration, usually in the form of dry mouth or dry eyes.

It turns out that marijuana also has the same side effect and with the same frequency. Except we know exactly why it happens.

The cannabinoids in marijuana interact with receptors in the submandibular gland, which is responsible for producing saliva. When this happens, less saliva is produced and you have dry mouth.

You'll definitely want to increase your water intake if you use Modafinil and marijuana at the same time and carry a full water bottle with you at all times.

  • Increased anxiety

A meta-analysis of 267 studies involving 110,000 patients from 10 countries found that cannabis use was positively associated with anxiety: the more you smoke, the more likely you are to feel anxious [13].

While modafinil does not always cause anxiety, we have seen this happen occasionally in some people. But these people were already prone to anxiety before taking Modafinil.

When using marijuana and modafinil together, we believe it is essential for anxious individuals to avoid using any high THC strains. If anything, these people may find that a high CBD Indica strain can reduce them to a concentration level they can maintain for several hours.

  • Unwanted long-lasting effects

Modafinil and marijuana alone can have effects that last several hours. Modafinil has a half-life of approximately 12 to 15 hours, while the half-life of THC will be one day to a week, depending on use.

Remember that the former is a central nervous system stimulant and the latter is often classified as a depressant. Depending on your individual biochemistry, combining stimulants and depressants can be risky.14]:

“The danger of combining the two is that the stimulant can mask the effects of the depressant (most commonly alcohol).

This can lead to a false sense of sobriety and alertness, which could lead to high and dangerous levels of [depressant] use, and/or a false sense of security and engaging in dangerous activities such as driving or operating heavy machinery.”

Smart drug users who really want to play it safe should consider taking modafinil and marijuana on separate days.

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Is it worth taking the risk? | Verdict

According to our experience, Modafinil and marijuana It may be one of those combinations that can work very well, do nothing for you, or lead to unwanted results.

Overall, it's a combination that smart, experienced drug users may want to consider.

Our collaborators have had to experiment with numerous variables to find an ideal combination...

  • The variety of marijuana to smoke and when to take it.
  • The dose of Modafinil to use and when to take it.

Four different factors that can change the final result and many adjustments to find what works best for each individual.

But if it ends up being beneficial, it may very well be a perfect match.

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  1. Teodorini RD, Rycroft N, Smith-Spark JH. Over-the-counter use of modafinil: an online survey of perceived risks and benefits. Plus one. 2020;15(2):e0227818. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0227818.
  2. Narcolepsy drug Modafinil is the world's first "safe" smart drug. Accessed April 3, 2020.
  3. Indica versus sativa: What is the difference between types of cannabis? Accessed April 4, 2020.
  4. Bloomfield MA, Ashok AH, Volkow ND, Howes OD. The effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol on the dopaminergic system. Nature. 2016;539(7629):369–377. doi:10.1038/nature20153.
  5. Can modafinil be used to help treat addiction? Accessed April 5, 2020.
  6. Turner DC, Robbins TW, Clark L, Aron AR, Dowson J, et al. Cognitive-enhancing effects of modafinil in healthy volunteers. Psychopharmacology (Berl). January 2003; 165(3):260-9.
  7. Modafinil. Accessed April 4, 2020.
  8. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. 2017. The health effects of cannabis and cannabinoids: the current state of the evidence and recommendations for research. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
  9. Cannabis and creativity. Accessed April 5, 2020.
  10. Nagarkatti P, Pandey R, Rieder SA, Hegde VL, Nagarkatti M. Cannabinoids as new anti-inflammatory drugs. Medicinal chemistry of the future. 2009;1(7):1333–1349. doi:10.4155/fmc.09.93.
  11. van Vliet SAM, Vanwersch RAP, Jongsma MJ, Olivier B, Philippens IHCHM.Therapeutic effects of Δ9-THC and modafinil in a marmoset model of Parkinson's. Eur Neuropsychopharm. 2008;18(5):383-389.
  12. Sugarman DE, Poling J, Sofuoglu M. The safety of modafinil in combination with oral ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol in humans. Behavior of Pharmacol Biochem. 2011;98(1):94–100. doi:10.1016/j.pbb.2010.12.013.
  13. Kedzior KK, Laeber LT. A positive association between anxiety disorders and cannabis use or cannabis use disorders in the general population: a meta-analysis of 31 studies. BMC Psychiatry. 2014;14:136. doi:10.1186/1471-244X-14-136.
  14. Modafinil as a cognitive enhancer. Accessed April 6, 2020.

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