How to Get Rid of Modafinil Headaches | A-Z Guide

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 20, 2023

Half-life of modafinil

Headaches with modafinil They are one of the last things you want to happen when you need laser focus to accomplish an impossible task.

Unfortunately, headache is one of the most common modafinil side effects reported by users. There are several anecdotal reports of nootropic users who had to stop taking Modafinil completely due to the painful migraines they were experiencing [1].

Fortunately, there are a wide variety of tactics and solutions you can try to avoid the pain or eliminate it completely.2].

If you are suffering or just worried about getting a headache from Modafinil, we will cover everything you need to know in this detailed guide.

Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

How modafinil works

So how exactly does modafinil act on the human brain and body? What have scientists discovered about its chemical properties to date?

At the time of writing, the precise mechanism of action is unclear. To use an analogy, we have important pieces of a puzzle, but we are still missing some pieces that allow us to finish the puzzle and get a complete picture.

Modafinil is best known as a dopamine reuptake inhibitor (DRI). It simultaneously increases dopamine in the brain and prevents dopamine from being reabsorbed by nerve cells, thus making it more available to exert its mood-enhancing effects.3].

However, modafinil is known to alter the production of other neurochemicals in the brain. Increases glutamate production [4] and histamine production [5] while reducing the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) [6].

It is especially important to focus on histamine and GABA, both of which are responsible for regulating wakefulness. To oversimplify the science, higher concentrations of histamine lead to wakefulness and higher concentrations of GABA induce sleep.7].

Despite all of this, Modafinil is uniquely different from other stimulants that have similar effects with respect to altering neurotransmitter production [8]:

“…Modafinil differs from other arousal-enhancing agents in its chemical structure, neurochemical profile, and behavioral effects.

…low-dose modafinil has a unique physiological profile compared to stimulant drugs: it improves the efficiency of prefrontal cortical cognitive information processing, while reducing reactivity to threatening stimuli in the amygdala, a brain region involved in anxiety".

With this understood, let's examine how and why savvy drug users may experience headaches from modafinil.


Why do you get headaches with modafinil?

Believe it or not, one of the most common Side effects of modafinil It's a painful headache. In medical studies it is reported to occur more frequently than other side effects, such as nausea and stomach problems.9].

To understand exactly why savvy drug users frequently report headaches with modafinil, we need to briefly look at the science of headaches.

While there are numerous types of headaches you can have, each with their characteristic origins and symptoms, there are four main types that are the most common.10]:

Sinus headaches: …produce a deep, dull pain around the bridge of the nose and behind the cheekbones…caused by inflamed or infected sinuses, and result in a general “clogged” feeling in the head, especially in the ears and nose.

Tension headaches: …it causes an uncomfortable tightness like a headband that presses on the forehead. Most cause mild to moderate pain and are the result of physical strain on the muscles of the neck, jaw, and face.

Migraine headaches: …the most painful type of headache, occurring on one side of the head and often concentrated behind the eye. Migraine sufferers describe stabbing, stabbing pain and sensitivity to light and noise.

Cluster Headaches: …occur in “clusters” or several times a day. They cause intense burning or stinging behind the eye, and sometimes last only 15 or 20 minutes.

Based on hundreds of anecdotal reports from test subjects on third-party forums, the type of headache with Modafinil is most likely a tension-type headache.

The good news is that these headaches are not a major problem and, in most cases, will not require medical attention. In the worst case, they tend to disappear within a few hours. Additionally, there are usually one or two triggers that can explain the cause of the headache.

If you want to know what a modafinil headache feels like, here are some telltale signs to look out for [11]:

  • A tightness in the head that can migrate to the neck area.
  • A feeling of pressure applied between the eyes.
  • A pain that is not sharp, but rather dull and persistent.
  • The pain doesn't change whether you're about to take a nap or go to the gym.
  • There is no nausea associated with the headache.

Keep in mind that even in the scientific community, not much is known about headaches or how to cure them. All we know to date is that modafinil headaches likely stem from tension.

One possible source of stress is overstimulation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), which leads to outcomes such as higher blood pressure and increased heart rate. Modafinil is known to have sympathomimetic effects, meaning it stimulates the SNS [12].

Some scientists believe that migraines are a chronic disorder of the central nervous system, which could explain how an overdose of modafinil can cause a headache.13]:

“Sympathetic dysfunction in migraine is proposed to be related to an imbalance of sympathetic cotransmitters.

Specifically, it is suggested that a migraine attack is characterized by a relative depletion of sympathetic norepinephrine stores along with an increase in the release of other sympathetic cotransmitters such as dopamine, prostaglandins, adenosine triphosphate, and adenosine.

Additionally, excessive concentrations of glutamate in the brain are known to be associated with migraines.14]. This is the same reason why people experience headaches after eating foods with high concentrations of MSG.

As you can see, there are numerous explanations as to why frequent use of Modafinil can cause a Modafinil headache.

How to Get Rid of Modafinil Headache

How exactly can you get rid of a modafinil headache?

Before sharing our recommendations, it is important to keep two things in mind. First, headaches with Modafinil usually appear around 2-3 hours after administration, which coincides with the time when it is working most effectively. Second, modafinil headaches rarely last more than a full day [15].

Some of these recommendations tend to resolve the modafinil headache problem relatively quickly, while others may not be as effective. It is up to each individual to experiment and determine what works best for them.

After all, medications will always react differently in different people, due to our unique and individual biochemistry.

Here are some tips on how some test subjects have successfully gotten rid of modafinil headaches in the past [2]:

  • Hydration

One of the common side effects of modafinil is dehydration, which in itself can be a major source of headache.16]:

“When the body is dehydrated, the brain may temporarily contract or shrink due to fluid loss.

This mechanism causes the brain to separate from the skull, causing pain and leading to a dehydration headache.

Once rehydrated, the brain fills up and returns to its normal state, relieving the headache.”

This is by far the easiest modafinil headache solution and is highly recommended. The intense focus that Modafinil provides makes it easy to forget to stay hydrated while you work.

Our general recommendation is to consume 2 liters of water in regular sips throughout the day if you are taking 100 mg of Modafinil and 4 liters of water if you are taking 200 mg of Modafinil.

You can also supplement your water intake with electrolytes, since an electrolyte imbalance can often lead to headaches. Drink Pedialyte It is also a viable option here.

And although we haven't personally used this method, adding salt to your water intake can slow the rate at which your kidneys excrete water from the body. This will help retain more water, ensuring you stay hydrated.

  • Food

Believe it or not, there are headaches that can be induced by high levels of hunger.17]:

“If you haven't eaten anything for a while, your blood sugar levels may drop.

In response, your body releases hormones that tell your brain you're hungry.

These same hormones can increase blood pressure and narrow blood vessels in the body, causing headaches.”

While modafinil is anecdotally more effective when taken on an empty stomach, this is not necessarily a healthy approach. As with hydration, modafinil can make it very easy for savvy drug users to skip meals and is a known appetite suppressant.

A solution to this problem would be to schedule the times of day in which you have breakfast, lunch and dinner. At a minimum, a decent-sized nutritious breakfast should be consumed before taking Modafinil.

Making sure your body has all the nutrients it needs will help you minimize your chances of getting a modafinil headache or at least reduce the level of pain caused by a modafinil headache.

  • Sleep

Getting enough sleep is another little-known cause of tension headaches.18Just 1 to 3 hours of lost sleep is enough to cause a headache that lasts from a few hours to a whole day. Not to mention, constantly getting poor sleep can be detrimental to your overall health.

Since Modafinil promotes wakefulness, you must dose the smart drug to ensure you can sleep at the right time each night. This means taking it as early in the morning as possible, ideally before 10am.

Many users have found that their headaches go away once they start sleeping better at night.

  • Less modafinil

One of the most common mistakes made by beginner Modafinil users is going beyond the recommended dosage of 100 to 200 mg per day, 1 to 3 times per week. They will increase the dose to 300-400 mg per day and sometimes take modafinil every day of the week.

Unsurprisingly, modafinil headaches are often linked to overdose [19].

The simplest solution is to simply reduce the Modafinil dosage. Reducing the Modafinil dose to 200 mg and limiting its use to a few times a week has helped most of our test subjects (in combination with proper hydration and nutrition).

Another strategy may involve further dividing your daily dose of Modafinil into two smaller doses. For example, if you intend to take 200 mg of modafinil daily, you may consider taking 100 mg early in the morning and another 100 mg before 2 p.m. For some users, this may interfere with their normal sleep schedule.

  • More physical exercise

If Modafinil prevents you from following an exercise regimen, it might be worth exercising regularly. There is a significant amount of research showing that frequent exercise can be a useful treatment for tension-type headaches.20].

It is not necessary to spend hours exercising in a gym. Even a quick 30-minute weight lifting session or a jog should help prevent modafinil headaches. Don't forget to follow the other tips above, especially the one related to the importance of hydration.

And in the rare case that you can't make it to the gym, deep breathing exercises can do wonders for reducing SNS stimulation and therefore your anxiety levels.

  • poor posture

When you spend 8 to 10 hours sitting and typing on a keyboard with poor posture, you are inducing a state of chronic stress in the muscles of your head, neck, and upper shoulders. This can eventually lead to tension-type headaches.21]:

“It is believed that poor posture, such as extending the head forward, can cause a buildup of tension in the shoulders, neck and upper back, which can lead to headaches and migraines.

Research investigating the presence of musculoskeletal dysfunctions and the prevalence of migraines found that those with migraines were more likely to also have various musculoskeletal dysfunctions in addition to forward head posture.”

To solve this problem, we strongly recommend taking frequent breaks during the work day. Something as simple as getting up and stretching for 10 minutes after every 60 minutes of seated work will do wonders for your body. It will also give your mind a much-needed mental break.

See if you can actively practice good standing posture. In combination with a regular exercise routine, Modafinil may help relieve the pain associated with headaches.

  • Stop mixing modafinil with other stimulants

If your Modafinil headache is still not resolved, you may want to take a look at other nootropics that you are combining with Modafinil. Stimulants like caffeine can cause withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking them, and one of the most common results is a painful headache.22].

Try taking Modafinil alone for a few days to see if eliminating other stimulants helps resolve your Modafinil headache.

Alternatively, there is some evidence to suggest that Armodafinil produces a lower incidence of headaches compared to Modafinil.23].


Headache cures with modafinil

Many of the lifestyle solutions suggested in the previous section will resolve 90% of headaches with Modafinil. But in rare cases, additional supplementation in the form of a “Modafinil headache cure” may be necessary.

While these supplements don't necessarily cure headaches, they are useful options when everything else has been tried with little or no success.

  • Supplements to reduce anxiety

Many test subjects have reported that headaches caused by Modafinil also increase their anxiety levels, which alone can lead to headaches [24].

Therefore, it is possible that taking an anxiolytic (i.e. anxiety-reducing) supplement may help eliminate modafinil headaches. Some popular options include:

  • Magnesium [25]
  • Melatonin [26]
  • L-theanine [27]

Here is a basic protocol using these three supplements that should naturally reduce anxiety and potentially eliminate your headaches with Modafinil:

  • On days you take Modafinil, supplement with L-theanine after your last meal
  • Rub a little Magnesium oil into your body, following the instructions on the bottle (~500 mg is enough)
  • Take 3 mg of melatonin Before going to bed.

This may not work for everyone, so be careful when using this protocol.

  • Supplement with choline

Our final recommendation is purely anecdotal in nature.After hearing hundreds of savvy drug users swear by using Modafinil and Choline to reduce headaches, we wanted to provide a possible explanation for why this combination seems to work for some people in treating Modafinil headaches. .

First, let's review what choline does and why it is essential for brain health.28]:

“Choline is an essential vitamin-like nutrient and methyl donor involved in many physiological processes, including normal lipid metabolism and transport, methylation reactions, and neurotransmitter synthesis.

…Choline is a precursor to acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter synthesized by cholinergic neurons and involved in muscle control, circadian rhythm, memory, and many other neuronal functions.”

To be clear, Modafinil does not affect the metabolism of choline to acetylcholine in any way, nor does it increase extracellular acetylcholine concentrations.

Some test subjects claim that choline supplementation can relieve headaches caused by other nootropics, but there is no evidence to suggest a link between modafinil and choline. Therefore, the claim that choline would help eliminate modafinil headache cannot be substantiated.

There is a connection between lower levels of choline in red blood cells and cluster headaches [29], but nothing regarding tension headaches or other types of headaches.

In terms of the best source of hill use, an extensively researched presentation on nootropics seems to reveal the answer [30]:

Soy lecithin: 2.5-9.5% choline by weight

CDP-choline (citicoline): 18% choline by weight, but is also a precursor of uridine

Phosphatidylcholine: 13% choline by weight, the most common food source

Alpha-glycerophosphocholine (Alpha GPC): 40% by weight, reliably crosses the blood-brain barrier

Choline bitartrate: 40% by weight, but ineffective conversion

If nothing else works for your headaches, try taking Modafinil and Choline together using Alpha-GPC.

We only suggest using this combination as a last resort due to the lack of evidence to support it.

Modafinil and headaches | The verdict

TO modafinil headache It may be difficult to treat, but it is certainly not impossible.

Some find the headaches painful to the point of eliminating all the positive cognitive benefits of the smart drug, as the pain prevents them from working or studying.

Other test subjects had no problems with tension, anxiety or headaches when taking Modafinil.

There are numerous tactics and strategies one can employ if experiencing a headache due to modafinil. If you are suffering, start by following the advice above.

However, for several smart drug users, the benefits of modafinil far outweigh the minor side effects they struggle with. They would much prefer buy modafinil online and continue using the smart drug, even if a minor headache occurs on rare occasions.

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