Modafinil overdose | Should you worry?

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 18, 2023

Modafinil overdose

If you are thinking about trying Modafinil, you may be wondering:

Is Modafinil overdose possible?

That's the fear, right? What happens if you accidentally take too much? Can you overdose on Modafinil? Will you get sick? Will you have to go to the hospital? Is it life threatening?

Here is the short answer:

You're pretty safe if you accidentally overdose on Modafinil...

  • No deaths have been recorded from taking Modafinil.
  • It is difficult to accidentally overdose on modafinil because it comes in a prepackaged pill format.
  • Even massive doses well above the recommended daily dose, while they may cause uncomfortable side effects, do not cause deaths.

But you're an expert nootropic user, so you'll probably want to look at some of the science and studies to make an informed decision about whether Modafinil is right for you. Well, we've got you covered.

Read on for a summary of the science on modafinil side effects, safety, overdose information, and proper dosage.

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Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is modafinil?

Here's a quick rundown of the basics.

Modafinil improves the cognitive performance of many people and, at the same time, works as a drug to treat many conditions.

Modafinil is one of the most powerful nootropics out there. It is a prescription medication that was originally developed by French researchers to promote wakefulness.1]. It is really effective and is currently used as a prescription medicine all over the world to combat drowsiness resulting from [2]:

  • Narcolepsy
  • Sleep disorder in shift work
  • Sleep apnea

It is currently prescribed to more than 900,000 people in the US [3]. It is widely used.

It is so effective that it is also used in other contexts where it is important to have high performance on little sleep. For example:

  • The military uses it for special operations [4].
  • It is used by astronauts on the International Space Station [5].
  • CEOs and other business executives use it to achieve 80-hour work weeks [6].
  • Wall Street stock traders use it to improve their trading performance [7].

It's not just for people who need to work on relatively little sleep: it has also been found to be a powerful nootropic or smart drug. While the research is still relatively new to discover how it can improve cognitive performance, there are many studies that show convincing effects:

  • It has been found to improve memory [8, 9].
  • Create laser focus and alertness [10, 11].
  • Improves spatial planning [9].
  • Blocks visual pattern recognition [9].
  • Speeds up reaction time [9].
  • Allows for more effective planning [12].
  • Supports effective decision making [12].
  • Speeds up visual processing [13].
  • Improves motivation for work [14].
  • Improves mood [15].

In our experience, Modafinil offers more than 12 hours of direct mental focus.As such, many Silicon Valley CEOs, scammers, and straight-A students began using the smart drug for cognitive benefits. The benefits allowed these people to have a huge advantage over the competition.

In fact, Modafinil might be the most popular nootropic in the world outside of a good cup of trendy coffee. coffee.

It's basically the “unlimited pill” of real life.

Modafinil overdose

Modafinil Side Effects and Safety Concerns

So it works. But now you want to know about the security profile. Which are Side effects of modafinil? Is it safe to use?

Basically yes.

Of course, like any other prescription medication, its use has some potential side effects [16]. These include:

But keep in mind that these are rare. Clinical studies on Modafinil find that more than 90% of users No report any side effects [17]. This is consistent with reports from our community on this site: the vast majority do not report any side effects other than occasional diarrhea and difficulty sleeping.

Researchers have consistently found that modafinil is well tolerated, safe, and has a low likelihood of abuse [18, 19].

Modafinil overdose | It's possible?

Okay, but what about the overdose? What happens if you take too much? Is a modafinil overdose possible?

Technically, a person suffers an “overdose” every time he takes a larger dose than the recommended dose.

The maximum recommended daily dose of modafinil is 400 mg. That means that every time a person takes more than 400 mg, he suffers an "overdose."

So if your question is “can you overdose on Modafinil?”, the answer is “yes.” You are overdosing every time you take more than 400 mg.

What are the risks of a modafinil overdose?

For most prescription medications, there are serious health and safety risks from exceeding the recommended dosage. For many drugs (alcohol, sedatives, and even caffeine), taking too high a dose will result in toxicity and can even be lethal.

Not modafinil.


Modafinil has a huge “safety window” per se.

When you take a substance and try to get the right dose, you're basically trying to find a dosage level that's high enough to see an effect, but low enough that you don't accidentally take too much and put yourself in danger. at risk.

So there is a sort of “window” between the lowest dose that provides an effect and the highest dose that produces no negative effects.

That “window” for Modafinil dosing is huge.

Research finds that doses as small as 100 mg can have an effect. The maximum recommended daily dose is 400 mg, almost 4 times the minimum dose that can cause an effect. Therefore, it is easy to get an effective dose that is even lower than the maximum dose you should take.

Additionally, case reports have found that taking up to 5000 mg (50 pills or several months of modafinil in a single day) does not cause sudden modafinil death [20].

So you will almost never leave this “safety window”.

No deaths have been reported from Modafinil.

There is also no sudden death from Modafinil overdose.

Research testing the effects of overdose found that taking 5 to 8 times the recommended dose (1,000 to 1,200 mg daily for up to three weeks) produced “no unexpected or life-threatening effects” [21]. Even research that administered massive doses of up to 4,500 mg in one day did not result in life-threatening conditions [21].

In one case, someone took up to 8 g of the product, 20 times the maximum recommended daily dose.They experienced adverse side effects but did not die [22].

Only for reference…

A "normal" dose of modafinil is 200 mg. 8000 mg of modafinil is absolutely insane!

While taking doses much higher than the recommended dose of modafinil could cause adverse side effects, it will not kill you.

Modafinil is easy to dose.

One way people overdose is by accident. This can happen when you have to measure the dosage yourself, as sometimes happens with Phenibut and other nootropics. You could accidentally take too much.

But Modafinil is easy to dose. It usually comes in 100 mg or 200 mg pills. The recommended dose is between 100 mg and 200 mg. So you just take a pill. It is easy.

You won't accidentally overdose.

Accidental ingestion is also safe.

A concern for people who have children is accidental ingestion. In fact, Modafinil has not been safety tested for pediatric populations and should not be used in children.

Children should not take modafinil.

But, in cases where children accidentally ingested modafinil, everything was fine.

Children as young as 11 months have accidentally ingested modafinil and have remained in stable condition [21].The highest mg-to-weight ratio reported was that of a 3-year-old child who ingested between 800 and 1000 mg, or about 50 to 63 mg per kg of weight. He also remained stable and was finally fine.21].

So, of course, you should keep modafinil, like all prescription medications, out of the reach of children. But, if they accidentally get into it, chances are they'll be fine.

Modafinil overdose is not fatal.

An overdose of modafinil is certainly possible. If you take more than the maximum recommended daily dose, you will probably experience some unpleasant effects such as tachycardia, insomnia, agitation, dizziness and anxiety.

That's why it's important to follow a solid dosing protocol, which we'll detail below.

But modafinil overdose willpower not be lethal.

All the studies we could find say that no sudden deaths have been reported from Modafinil, even in people who have taken up to 8,000 mg in one day [21, 22, 23, 24].

Modafinil overdose

Modafinil is 100% SAFE

Research finds that Modafinil is safe and well tolerated by basically everyone [18, 19].

The authors of a comprehensive review of modafinil and its effects concluded: "Modafinil appears to be the first 'smart drug' that is reasonably safe for healthy people" [25].

Yes, you should make sure to remember to eat and drink while taking Modafinil to reduce the chance of getting a headache or nausea. Yes, you shouldn't take Modafinil like gummies.

But even if you do, you won't die. It is 100% safe.

How to take modafinil correctly

If you are concerned about using drugs to increase your productivity and make more money or get better grades, you are not alone. We've all been a little nervous the first time we take smart drugs. That is normal.

To ease your concerns, there are a few ways to mitigate any minor risks while still having the best overall experience with Modafinil.

So, here are some tips to avoid a Modafinil overdose:

  • Start small: Before you get excited about Modafinil, be sure to test how your body responds to the smart drug. You should do this with any smart drug. There's always a chance that you're allergic or that your body is just reacting strangely. Start with 100 mg of Modafinil on the first day and see how things go. If all is well, move up to 200 mg of Modafinil and continue from there. Most people don't need more than 200 mg.
  • Low dose: While the maximum recommended daily dose of modafinil is 400 mg, we do not recommend anyone take more than 300 mg in a single day. We usually only take 200 mg of Modalert on any given day, and that's more than enough to work 12 hours straight.
  • Morning dosage: Always take modafinil before 11 a.m. The sooner you take the smart drug, the better. Because? Because Modafinil has a half-life. of more than 12 hours. If you plan to sleep before midnight, you should take this nootropic early in the morning. That way you will eliminate the possibility of ruining your sleep schedule.
  • Never on an empty stomach: Eat a hearty breakfast before taking Modafinil. Let your food digest for about an hour. Then take the smart drug. This should help eliminate most potential stomach problems.
  • Drinking water: Lastly, be sure to drink water while taking Modafinil. We often forget to drink enough water and then end up with a modafinil headache. It's just because we're dehydrated. By drinking enough water, you can eliminate most of the side effects of Modafinil overdose.

Modafinil overdose | The verdict

So, can you overdose on Modafinil? Yes, if you take more than 400 mg you will overdose. And you may see some negative side effects. But you're not going to die.

In general, you should not worry about death from Modafinil overdose.

We are obviously not doctors and this is not medical advice. But we are researchers, and the research is pretty clear that deaths do not occur from modafinil overdoses. Obviously you should be careful and not take more than the recommended daily dose of 400 mg. As we have said, it is not necessary: ​​200 mg is practically always enough.

But you don't need to worry about a modafinil overdose death. They just don't happen.

Limit yourself to around 200 mg of Modafinil when taking the smart drug and you'll be perfectly fine.

Here's to staying safe with the leading form of cognitive enhancement on the market...Modafinil!

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  25. Thompson, H. (2015). Modafinil, a narcolepsy drug, is the world's first safe "smart drug."

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