Modafinil vs. Adderall | Benefits, side effects and comparison

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 18, 2023

Modafinil vs. Adderall

Curious about Modafinil versus Adderall?

Let's break it down for you...

Both medications are stimulants prescribed to treat ADHD, sleep, and fatigue. Both are also commonly used as nootropics to improve cognition and performance at work and school.

As the Unlimited pill From the movie "Limitless," both Modafinil and Adderall have the potential to dramatically change the way you work.

But they are not the same.

Adderall and Modafinil have different chemistry, work in different ways, and have different side effects.

They also differ in terms of their legal status and how they can be purchased online.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll reference the latest scientific studies to compare Adderall and Modafinil to give you a better idea of ​​how they're alike, how they're different, and which "smart drug" might be right for you. you.

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Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is modafinil?

To understand how Adderall compares to Modafinil, you need to understand a little about each of them.

So what is modafinil? Modafinil is a prescription medication that improves wakefulness [1]. It was developed in France during the 1980s and 1990s, and was finally approved in the US in 1998 under the brand name Provigil.

It is prescribed to people suffering from sleep disorders so that they do not experience excessive sleepiness during the day.1]. The labeled uses of modafinil include people who have been diagnosed with [1]:

  • Narcolepsy
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Sleep disorder in shift work

More recently it has been shown to be effective as a therapy for other disorders. Today, doctors sometimes prescribe modafinil for "off-label" conditions, including:

  • Major depressive disorder
  • ADHD
  • Treatment for addiction problems.

What is Adderall?

Adderall is the brand name for a prescription psychostimulant medication that is a combination of four different types of amphetamine salts [2].

Adderall is essentially the reformulation of a popular weight loss drug called "Obetrol," which was created by the pharmaceutical company Rexar.3]. It was finally pulled from the US market in the 1970s because it didn't really work.

In the early 1990s, Rexar was purchased by Richwood Pharmaceuticals. They added some new amphetamine salts and started promoting this weight loss pill as a treatment for ADHD. They later changed the name to Adderall.
Adderall is currently prescribed to treat [4]:

  • ADHD
  • Narcolepsy

While Modafinil is relatively new on the scene, Adderall has been popular among college students for decades. Many consider it the “study drug” of choice for finals week or when finishing that important paper.EU.

Action mechanisms

Here we will see how these drugs affect the brain and body.

While the results between Modafinil and Adderall are similar, the pharmacology and mechanisms of action vary for both medications.

Modafinil Pharmacology

The chemical name of modafinil is diphenylmethylsulfinyl acetamide and has the following chemical formula: C15H15NO2S [5]. Structurally, Modafinil has two isomers: an "R-" enantiomer and an "S+" enantiomer.

Modafinil is a central nervous system stimulant, which means that Stimulates and increases activity in your brain..

As It works, we still don't know exactly [1]. It is believed to have several indirect functions that ultimately contribute to wakefulness. Some of these include [1]:

  • It inhibits the reuptake of dopamine from the synapses of the nervous system, which increases dopamine levels in the brain. This is believed to have the dual effect of improving mood and wakefulness.
  • It indirectly positively regulates several other neurotransmitters involved in wakefulness, such as orexin, histamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.
  • Finally, it is believed to downregulate GABA, which is a neurotransmitter linked to a decrease in neuronal activity.

While it's not clear exactly how modafinil works, what is clear is that it works very differently than amphetamines, including Adderall. That means there is no jittery feeling or other common characteristics among many stimulants [1]

Pharmacology of Adderall

Adderall consists of a mixture of four amphetamine salts [5]:

  • dextroamphetamine sulfate: (C9H13N)2·H2SO4
  • amphetamine sulfate: (C9H13N)2·H2SO4
  • dextroamphetamine saccharate: (C9H13N)2·C6H10O8
  • Amphetamine aspartate monohydrate: (C9H13N)•C4H7NO4•H2O

Unlike Modafinil, Adderall's mechanism of action is very well understood.

Adderall works by positively regulating dopamine and norepinephrine.It also triggers an increased release of a number of hormones and neurotransmitters such as epinephrine, serotonin and histamine.

Basically, it works to take these neurotransmitters and push them into the synapse and create further binding.6].

Modafinil versus Adderall | Comparison

Both Modafinil and Adderall have a particular set of benefits that they confer to their user. Some of these are similar, but others are different. This section focuses on the benefits of Modafinil vs. Adderall.

Modafinil benefits

We have a very long and comprehensive article covering the benefits of Modafinil, so check it out for a detailed look.

But here's a brief look at what you can expect to experience with Modafinil, along with the relevant science.

  • Increased focus: One of the reasons Modafinil is so popular among students and other high achievers is the sustained concentration it provides. Research has consistently shown that Modafinil is very effective at increasing focus and concentration, allowing users to do more things than they would otherwise [7, 8Unlike other types of stimulants, including Adderall and coffeeModafinil does not cause jitters or that feeling of bouncing off the walls. It is a calm and sustained approach.
  • Stay awake: Modafinil promotes wakefulness in users for up to 10-15 hours [9]. This is ideal for students or hustlers looking to meet deadlines. Research shows that Modafinil can help military helicopter pilots and other professionals stay awake while working [10]. It also helps sleep-deprived people perform at roughly the same levels as they would if they were well-rested.10, 11]. Just make sure you take this smart drug in the morning so that it does not affect your night's sleep.
  • Improved memory. Several research studies have demonstrated significant effects of modafinil on various aspects of memory, including working memory, spatial memory, and episodic memory.11, 12, 13, 14]. This is part of the reason why it is so useful for students who struggle to remember everything for their massive exam. Modafinil improves this memorization process.
  • Improved cognition. Research has shown that modafinil has a large impact on several different cognitive functions. This huge list includes improved spatial planning, visual pattern recognition, reaction time, strategic planning and decision-making skills, and even visual processing [12, 15, 16].
  • Better mood: People taking Modafinil often report an improvement in their overall mood [17]. Researchers aren't 100% sure why users report this effect, but they suspect it's a side effect of upregulating dopamine, which is closely related to mood. Whatever the reason, this effect is part of the reason why Modafinil is increasingly used as a complementary therapy for mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder.18].
  • Improved motivation: This is another help for the hustler, elite student or entrepreneur: Modafinil not only helps you get the energy to get through your enormous workload, it also helps you with motivation to do it. In one study, participants taking Modafinil reported that they enjoyed their work much more and had a greater desire to do it [12].

In addition to the well-studied benefits of Modafinil, there are also some more logistical ones that make Modafinil a great option for many:

  • Price: Modafinil and modafinil alternatives are pretty cheap, all things considered.While a cup of coffee at Starbucks can cost about $4, you can get a daily serving of Modafinil for about $0.80. It is much cheaper, especially considering how long it lasts.
  • Hangover cure: This is one of the things our team loves about Modafinil: it can turn a hangover day into a productive day. Instead of spending the day after a night of sleeping, watching Modern Family, and tapping on your phone, Modafinil can help you get some work done. It is a rescue of time.

Adderall vs Modafinil

Adderall Benefits

So what kind of benefits can you expect from Adderall?

Like Modafinil, there are many. Adderall also has a much larger body of research investigating its benefits, including:

  • Reduced fatigue. As a stimulant, Adderall has been shown in several studies to reduce fatigue and increase perceived energy levels.19, 20].
  • Intense focus: Adderall's primary use is to treat ADHD, so it's no surprise that it's effective at improving concentration. One study found that it can improve sustained attention and alertness so that the user can remain focused for very long periods of time.21]
  • Improve cognitive function: Several studies have found that Adderall has a significant effect on several different aspects of cognition [22, 23]. However, other studies have found that sometimes these effects are not significantly different from a placebo.24].
  • Improved memory: Research suggests that Adderall may improve certain types of working memory in certain groups. However, these effects do not appear to be as clear as those of Modafinil [25, 26].

Direct comparison studies

While most research conducted on these two medications has not compared them in terms of effectiveness, some researchers have made direct comparisons between Adderall and Modafinil.

Here are the results of these comparative studies:

  • Fatigue: In a study of 41 participants, researchers compared Adderall to Modafinil on several cognitive components. They found them equally effective in improving mood, reducing fatigue, and improving cognitive performance. However, because Modafinil has a better safety profile, they concluded that it was the safer of the two alternatives [27].
    Cognitive performance: In another study, researchers found that Adderall and Modafinil were equally good at improving cognitive performance in sleep-deprived people. They found that Adderall tended to last longer than Modafinil, but that it also disrupted sleep. They found that modafinil had fewer overall side effects [28, 29, 30].
    Weightloss: Both Modafinil and Adderall have been found to contribute to weight loss. Adderall appears to be especially effective at this, but because it has fewer side effects and a lower risk of addiction, researchers suggest that Modafinil may be more appropriate than Adderall for this use.31, 32].

Side effects

As you can see, the benefits of Modafinil and Adderall are somewhat similar. But what about its side effects? Is one safer than the other?

The general conclusion is this: while both are considered safe, Adderall tends to have some stronger side effects. That's what we hear from users and it's also consistent with what we see in the research [28, 29, 30].

Side effects of modafinil

Most researchers and scientists consider modafinil to be safe and generally well tolerated [33, 34]. Side effects are usually mild and may include:

  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Hypertension
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Weightloss
  • No appetite

While these are the most common side effects of modafinil, they are relatively uncommon.In clinical trials, 17% or fewer of participants reported experiencing any of these side effects.33, 34].

Modafinil overdose: Modafinil is remarkably safe, even at very high doses. While taking more than the recommended dose of Modafinil will increase your chances of experiencing uncomfortable side effects, it will not kill you. Not a single death attributed to Modafinil has been reported [34, 35, 36, 37, 38 39, 40].

Adderall Side Effects

Adderall has several commonly experienced side effects [41]:

  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Dry mouth
  • Loss of appetite
  • Insomnia
  • stomachache
  • Weightloss

Other serious (but less common) side effects of Adderall include [42]:

  • Agitation
  • Anxiety
  • Blurry vision
  • Confusion
  • Diarrhea
  • Fainting
  • hallucinations
  • Allergic reactions.

If you experience any of the above side effects, you should report them to your healthcare provider.

Adderall Overdose: Like Modafinil, Adderall is quite safe even at very high doses. The lethal dose of Adderall is approximately 1.4 grams for a person weighing 154 pounds (70 kg). That's about 25 times higher than the recommended dose.

While Adderall is usually fairly safe, there have been some cases of people dying from taking it.43]. Again, this is rare. It usually occurred in people with underlying heart disease. But has happened.

On the contrary, there have been no reported cases of anyone dying while taking Modafinil.

Our experience

We have experimented with both Modafinil and Adderall, so our experience might be helpful to you.

Here's what our team noticed while testing these products:


While we have experienced some side effects such as headaches, indigestion, difficulty sleeping, and diarrhea, these have been minor and can be avoided.In our experience, you can reduce and minimize these side effects by:

  • Drink water to stay hydrated and reduce headaches.
  • Eat a large meal in the morning and evening to avoid stomach problems.
  • Take it in the morning so it doesn't keep you awake at night.


In our experience, the side effects of Adderall are worse. Sometimes we get what feels like a nasty Adderall “hangover” the morning after taking it. We wake up after taking Adderall and feel like someone He hit us on the head while we were sleeping..

It's not nice. It was hangovers like this that ended up being the reason we mostly stopped using it. Today we opted for one of the many Adderall alternatives, such as Modafinil.

Addictive properties and dependence

If you start taking Adderall or Modafinil, will you become addicted?

This is what the research says:

Modafinil addiction and dependence

One of the best things about modafinil is that it has a very low risk of abuse [39, 40]. In fact, researchers sometimes administer modafinil to help people abstain from other drugs they are trying to quit, including cocaine and amphetamines.44, 45].

Adderall Addiction and Dependence

The risk of developing addiction to Adderall is extremely low when using the low daily doses prescribed for ADHD. But addiction becomes a greater risk when used in higher doses, which is often the case when used recreationally.46].

There is a slightly higher risk of abuse, dependence and addiction.

Adderall vs Modafinil

Common uses

Modafinil and Adderall are commonly used by many people.

Some achievers include:

  • Entrepreneurs and business executives. If you're looking to go through your huge to-do list, this is for you.Modafinil will help you work 12 to 14 hours a day without getting fatigued.
  • Developers. Anyone would get tired of coding for hours on end. Modafinil and Adderall can help programmers focus and fix bugs. We know tons of web developers who find these smart medicines especially useful.
  • Students. Anyone who cares about their grades will find these two pick-me-ups useful. They will help you complete your homework, focus on studying for the test, and actually remember the material better.
  • Writers. While Modafinil and Adderall aren't necessarily the best nootropics for creativity, they can still help you sit down and get things done. If what you need to do is focus and count words daily, Modafinil can really help you.

Basically, Modafinil and Adderall are commonly used in any industry where you need to maintain intense concentration. They will increase your resistance so you don't get tired.

Main differences

The biggest differences between Adderall and Modafinil include their clinical uses and side effects.

Clinical uses

While both Modafinil and Adderall are used to treat narcolepsy, Adderall's primary use is for ADHD. Basically that's what it's for: improve mental focus.

The primary clinical uses of modafinil are to reduce symptoms of drowsiness resulting from various sleep disorders (including narcolepsy, shift work sleep disorder, and sleep apnea). It is also used to treat depression and reduce fatigue.

While it can be used as a treatment for ADHD, this is much less common.

Side effects

The side effects of Adderall are worse than those of Modafinil. That is the case in our own experience and has been corroborated by research.You are also significantly more likely to become dependent on Adderall than Modafinil.


Are Modafinil and Adderall legal?

Both Modafinil and Adderall are legal, as long as you have a valid prescription.

Without a valid prescription, both drugs are considered illegal. However, because Adderall is listed as a Schedule II drug in the US under the Controlled Substances Act, and Modafinil is only listed in Schedule IV, Modafinil is a little easier to get and its laws and regulations are taken less seriously.

If you are looking for something that is 100% legal without a prescription, you will want to look for alternatives to Adderall or Modafinil. There are quite a few nootropics that actually work and are perfectly legal.


Keep in mind that there are many Adderall and Modafinil alternatives that may interest you. We have written several articles on different nootropics and over the counter products. Alternatives to Adderall which you can find online or at your local pharmacy or supplement store.

What is best for you?

Honestly, we highly recommend it. Modafinil about Adderall.

These are the main reasons:

  • Same powerful effects: Modafinil and Adderall have many of the same effects on cognition. In that sense, they are almost the same.
  • Strength: Modafinil doesn't feel as strong as Adderall, but that's a good thing. Instead of having a “high” feeling, Modafinil makes you feel calm and focused so you can get things done.
  • Side effects: Our experience is that Modafinil has much milder side effects. Our findings are also corroborated by research.
  • Much lower chance of addiction: Modafinil's abuse potential is much lower, which is a big plus.
  • Easier to get: It is much easier to buy Modafinil online than to get Adderall. And it also tends to be cheaper.

Adderall vs Modafinil

Adderall vs Modafinil | Verdict

While the Modafinil vs. Adderall The debate can continue, you need to find a nootropic that works for you.

Overall, we strongly prefer Modafinil.

This "Unlimited" The pill works well for us, offers little to no side effects and provides incredible productivity. Is modafinil legal? Not really, unless you have a prescription. But it's pretty easy to shop online.

While we have taken Adderall in the past, we generally don't use it anymore. The drug was too strong and caused several side effects. We especially don't feel hangover the day after using Adderall.

If you're looking for a good nootropic, we suggest one of the many over-the-counter Adderall alternatives. It's literally not worth the headache.

When you have in mind to get better grades or earn more money, Modafinil is the reference nootropic. There is simply nothing better on the market right now.

Get the most powerful smart drug in the world... Modafinil


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