Mind Lab Pro vs Modafinil | The A-Z Guide

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 2, 2023

ind Lab Pro vs Modafinil

Mind Lab Pro vs Modafinil.

A smart showdown against drugs of heavy proportions. Two of the world's leading nootropics face off in direct comparison.

These two nootropics are our favorite smart drugs on the market today. We use both regularly, but for very different reasons…

Mind Lab Pro is our nootropic of choice when we need to get creative. We take this powerful smart drug when we want to create something new or approach a challenge from a different angle. It helps us get into our “flow state” quickly and dramatically increases the amount of work we can produce each day.

Modafinil, on the other hand, is our workhorse smart drug. We take this potent and powerful nootropic when we have a lot of work to do. Usually on Mondays when we want to work 12+ hours and just crush it.

Both nootropics are wonderful in their own right and have many similarities. However, they also have some marked differences. That is why we are writing this detailed guide on: Mind Lab Pro vs Modafinil.

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Disclaimer: The content on Modafinil.space is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to Modafinil.space is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is Mind Lab Pro?

Before we get too deep into this comparison, let's take a brief look at what Mind Lab Pro is and why so many people swear by it.

Mind Lab Pro is one of the most popular and effective over-the-counter smart medications in the world. Created by Opti-Nutra, this cognition-enhancing dietary supplement combines 11 nootropic ingredients into one potent product. It is certified drug-free and contains only natural ingredients, meaning it does not require a prescription. This nootropic offers impressive but safe cognitive enhancement.

Nootropics are generally taken for “become smarter” of the day, and Mind Lab Pro offers this and much more. However, we think Opti-Nutra took things to the next level with this smart drug.

The company created a comprehensive and universal nootropic that Optimizes brain pathways and cognitive function to the maximum.

Mind Lab Pro offers cognitive benefits in six specific aspects of brain function:

  • Brain chemistry: Improves memory and processing speed while improving mood and motivation.
  • Brain energy: Eliminates annoying brain fog and fatigue while promoting quick thinking and concentration.
  • Brain regeneration: Helps repair brain cells to achieve plasticity and positive growth.
  • Brain circulation: Helps oxygenate the brain while eliminating toxins.
  • Brain protection: Fights the structural changes that degrade the brain as we age.
  • Brain waves: Promotes creativity and learning.

To ensure Mind Lab Pro offers all of these benefits and more, this nootropic contains only premium ingredients. This ensures maximum bioavailability of potency, resulting in a greater cognitive boost.

After testing Mind Lab Pro and becoming regular users of this product, we are inclined to say that Opti-Nutra created one of the The best smart drugs available.

Below you will find a list of the ingredients found in this product and how they work.

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Mind Lab Pro Ingredients

Digging a little deeper, we wanted to take an in-depth look at the ingredients in Mind Lab Pro before we start talking about what Modafinil is and why people love that smart drug.

Mind Lab Pro incorporates 11 unique ingredients, each known to improve some aspect of brain function or cognition. No “proprietary blend” nonsense here, just tested, research-backed natural nootropics.

Here is a list of the exact ingredients of Mind Lab Pro and their dosages:

  • Bacopa Monnieri: 150 mg [1]
  • Citicoline: 250 mg [2]
  • Lion's mane mushroom: 500 mg [3]
  • L-theanine: 100 mg [4]
  • Maritime Pine Bark: 75mg
  • N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine: 175 mg [5]
  • Phosphatidylserine: 100 mg [6]
  • Pink rhodiola: 50 mg [7]
  • Vitamin B6: 2.5mg [8]
  • Vitamin B9: 100 mcg [9]
  • B12 vitamin: 7.5mcg [10]

The exact benefits of each ingredient and why Opti-Nutra included them in the formula are beyond the scope of this article, but we cover them in our full review of the product.

By the way, you can read our complete. Mind Lab Pro review here.

Most importantly, Mind Lab Pro combines precise amounts of these 11 ingredients into a comprehensive nootropic product that actually works. You will definitely feel the nootropic "high" by taking this powerful smart drug.

Mind Lab Pro really works!

Place your order from our recommended supplier Mind Lab Pro

What is modafinil?

On the other hand…

Unlike Mind Lab Pro, Modafinil was never created to be a smart drug or nootropic.It was discovered in the 1970s in France and was found to act as a "eugeroic," meaning it promotes wakefulness and helps prevent drowsiness.

During the 1980s, modafinil was developed into a drug for the treatment of narcolepsy. It was first released to the public in 1994 under the brand name "Modiodal".11]. Doctors soon began prescribing it to treat a variety of sleep disorders, including shift work disorder, sleep apnea, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).12].

Far from being a simple "cognitive enhancer", Modafinil's main effect is that it helps people suffering from chronic forms of fatigue stay awake and alert during the day. However, that's probably not the reason you're curious about this nootropic...

Here's the deal with Modafinil:

If you do not suffer from any of the conditions mentioned above, Modafinil offers a wide range of cognitive benefits. When you self-administer Modafinil, it acts as a powerful brain stimulant. This is how Modafinil became one of the most popular smart drugs in the world.

Hustlers, CEOs, Silicon Valley types, and grad students around the world routinely use Modafinil to increase their concentration and work for more than 12 hours straight. By taking Modafinil, these people are one step ahead of their competition.

This is probably why you are curious about modafinil today; for its immense nootropic benefits. We're talking about things like [13]:

  • More than 12 hours of intense concentration
  • Improved general cognition
  • Better memory retention
  • Increased productivity
  • Improved moods

Those benefits are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Modafinil...

This really works for everyone who takes it and offers undeniable cognitive benefits.

Modafinil ingredients

Talking about Modafinil ingredients is a little different than talking about over-the-counter nootropic ingredients, like those found in Mind Lab Pro.

This is because Modafinil is a drug, while Mind Lab Pro is a drug-free dietary supplement. That means there is technically only one "active" ingredient in Modafinil:


Yes, the only ingredient in Modafinil that offers cognitive benefits is Modafinil.

Look, modafinil is technically a racemic compound. The chemical name of the compound is 2-[(diphenylmethyl)sulfinyl]acetamide. The molecular formula of modafinil is C15H15NO2S and the molecular weight is 273.35 [14].

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Mind Lab Pro vs Modafinil | The similarities

Now that we've got the jokes out of the way, let's take a look at what we all came to see...

Mind Lab Pro vs Modafinil

Both nootropic products offer similar benefits and can be used for similar purposes; to improve memory, focus, concentration and cognition. It's also easy to order both products online these days.

So, without further ado, here are the similarities between Mind Lab Pro and Modafinil:

  • Powerful nootropics

While we may be picky about which nootropic is better or which smart drug is better, the reality is that both products work. Really, very good.

Modafinil and Mind Lab Pro are two of the BEST smart medications available right now. Both offer impressive cognitive improvement for everyone.

If you are looking for a potent and powerful smart drug, you can't go wrong here. We love Modafinil and we love Mind Lab Pro.

  • Cognitive benefits

We've already talked a little about the nootropic benefits you'll find with these products, but we wanted to expand on the topic a little further.

You will find impressive cognitive benefits when taking Mind Lab Pro and Modafinil. including:

  • General cognitive improvement
  • Greater capacity for attention and focus
  • Higher energy levels
  • Improved mood
  • Additional Drive and Motivation
  • Improved memory retention

By taking Mind Lab Pro or Modafinil, you will find that your mind works better... during the day. Thoughts flow, work gets done, you're focused longer and so much more.

In our experience, the benefits of these specific nootropics are huge, and these products will help you achieve your goals!

  • Safe nootropics

After successfully testing Modafinil for years and Mind Lab Pro for months, we are confident that both smart medications are 100% safe.

ZERO cases of overdose and death have been reported from any of these products. Additionally, you will find minimal side effects with Modafinil and almost NO side effects with Mind Lab Pro.

If you are looking for smart and safe medications...

We believe that both nootropics are 100% safe for long-term use: 1 to 2 times a week with Modafinil and 1 to 5 times a week with Mind Lab Pro.

  • Easy to buy online

In the past, it used to be difficult to buy smart medicines online. Many companies only shipped to certain countries and products were periodically confiscated by customs.

Nowadays you don't need to worry about any of that.

You can buy Modafinil online and Mind Lab Pro from almost anywhere in the world. This makes getting the world's best nootropics easier than ever.

P.S: If you are looking to get a good deal, place your order Modafinil from our top-rated supplier.

Mind Lab Pro vs Modafinil | The differences

While these two world class nootropics are somewhat similar, we have found some clear differences between the two.Differences that can influence the product you decide to use.

Like the creative benefits of these products and which product is cheaper.

So we wanted to expand on these differences a little more here...

  • Natural Nootropics Versus Prescription Nootropics

Mind Lab Pro is a dietary supplement, meaning it is 100% natural and does not require a prescription. Dare we say... it's even healthy for you. Contains no medications or prescription-only ingredients. No proprietary blends. You can learn about everything that's in smart medicine by reading the label.

Modafinil, on the other hand, is a prescription medication and is far from natural. This means that it has side effects, such as headaches, nausea, and insomnia, which we will talk about later.15].

This is a MAJOR difference between the two products.

Some people prefer not to use prescription medications for “over-the-counter” uses, such as cognitive enhancement. Other people just want to get the job done regardless of whether they take a dietary supplement or a prescription medication.

You will have to decide if this is a factor for you or not.

  • Creative benefits

While the cognitive benefits of modafinil are enormous, we found no creative benefits from taking this smart drug. Modafinil simply does not improve creativity in the slightest.

Mind Lab Pro, on the other hand, is our number one smart drug when we want to tap into our creative side. We love taking this nootropic when we want to have new ideas. Or even delve into a creative work project, like writing a book.

If you are looking creative cognitive benefits, Mind Lab Pro It is the way to go.

  • Duration

Mind Lab Pro tends to last around six hours straight. That's a good amount of time to keep your mind enhanced and highly focused.On a normal work day, this is more than enough to get a lot of work done.

Modafinil tends to last more than 12 hours. The half-life of Modafinil is simply longer than that of Mind Lab Pro (or any over-the-counter nootropic).

If you need to pull an all-nighter or want to work from 8 a.m. m. until midnight, then Modafinil is the smart drug you will need to succeed.

The duration of these nootropics is one of the main differences between these two powerful nootropics.

  • Side effects

We experienced no side effects when taking Mind Lab Pro. No headaches. No stomach problems. No inability to sleep. Zipper. Nothing. Nothing.

This is because, unlike modafinil, it is drug-free and only contains safe, natural ingredients that have been shown to improve cognition.

This is a huge benefit for us as most nootropics we try tend to cause some minor side effects. The main culprit is caffeine, which can make us feel jittery, anxious, or even dizzy, especially at the high doses that natural nootropics tend to come loaded with.16].

But with Mind Lab Pro? Nothing. Just smooth, long-lasting energy and creativity. Is awesome.

In comparison, Modafinil tends to give us some stomach problems the next day and it is often impossible to fall asleep at a normal time after taking it.

We don't think the side effects of modafinil are bad, but you will definitely experience minor problems when taking it.

  • Prices

When purchasing smart medications online, you will find a wide variety of prices. There are some very cheap nootropics on Amazon that don't really work. Then there are some people who pay $3 per pill for Modafinil. The price range is huge.

Here is the price agreement between Mind Lab Pro and Modafinil...

When ordering a 30-serving supply, the products are approximately the same price. You'll pay about $2 per serving with both Mind Lab Pro and Modafinil.

  • Mind Lab Pro costs $65 USD for a bottle of 60 pills for 30 servings. We tend to take 2-3 pills per day when using this nootropic.
  • Modafinil costs $69 USD for 30 pills. We usually take one pill per day when using this nootropic.

About the same price.

However, when you start buying in larger quantities, Modafinil tends to be much cheaper. In great quantities, you can get Modafinil for only $0.73 per pill. This is because our recommended vendors offer huge discounts of 20% if you pay with Bitcoin, while that offer is not available when you purchase Mind Lab Pro.

In general, we find that price is not such an important factor, for one main reason:

You should only take Modafinil once or twice a week or only when necessary, on days when you have a lot of work to do. This prevents your body from developing a tolerance to the drug. And on the days you are not taking Modafinil, you can take Mind Lab Pro.

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The verdict?

That was a comprehensive look at our favorite nootropics:

Mind Lab Pro vs Modafinil

We recommend using both products, but for different reasons.

Think of Mind Lab Pro as your "daily" smart drug and the one to turn to when we need to tap into the creative side of your brain...

And consider Modafinil your “workhorse” smart drug for days when you need to work overtime.

Overall, you can't go wrong with either one. These are our favorite smart drugs on the market for a reason...

They get the job done and offer huge cognitive benefits!

Ready to order Modafinil from the top-rated online provider?


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