ModaPharma Review | Reliable Modafinil Seller or Scam?

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 2, 2023


Are you curious about where to buy Modafinil online today? Then this ModaPharma Review might be of interest to you.

Below you will find the best information about this modafinil pharmacy available online. We have placed several orders with ModaPharma and were very impressed with their service.

Is ModaPharma the best modafinil online pharmacy in the world?

Well, that depends on what you need and where you live.

In this review, we will discuss the basics of smart medicines, where FashionPharma ships, what this provider does well and some things these guys could improve.

Here are a few quick things we love about this provider:

  • Large modafinil supplier in Europe/Latin America
  • Free and fast shipping
  • Shipping to almost all countries.
  • Modafinil Guaranteed Delivery
  • Authentic Generic Modafinil Through Product Testing
  • Decent customer service

Those are the positive aspects of buying Modafinil in FashionPharma in 2023. They do a fantastic job shipping smart medicines around the world.

Order Modafinil from a large online supplier, ModaPharma

Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics.Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is modafinil?

First, let's discuss what modafinil is and why every CEO, graduate student, and online entrepreneur wants to get their hands on it.

Modafinil was originally discovered in France in the 1970s and was launched as a drug called "Modiodal" in the early 1990s. It was designed to treat narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. , a condition that affects some people who work shifts.1].

Basically, if you needed a wakefulness agent to treat a fatigue-related ailment, Modafinil was created for you.

But it also has other so-called “off-label” benefits. Medical studies have shown that modafinil is excellent for treating patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) [2], and one trial indicated that it may help treat cocaine addiction [3].

In the early 2000s, Silicon Valley CEOs learned of these amazing benefits and began taking Modafinil "over the counter" as a smart drug (or nootropic). Before long, everyone from students to entrepreneurs were looking to get their hands on this smart drug to beat the competition.

You see, if you don't have a medical condition, Modafinil also offers impressive cognitive benefits. All of these benefits are 100% backed by research studies that have been published in peer-reviewed medical journals [4]. They include:

  • Increased general cognition
  • Greater focus
  • Improved productivity
  • More than 12 hours “in the zone”
  • Improved memory recovery

These numerous benefits are the reason why Modafinil has become the most popular smart drug in the world. But how does he achieve all this?

Modafinil is a stimulant, similar to caffeine, but much more powerful. Studies have shown that modafinil works by raising histamine levels in the brain. This is where most of the cognitive benefits come from, such as increased concentration: more histamine [5, 6].

But that is not all; Modafinil also increases dopamine levels like crazy. This rush of extra dopamine is largely responsible for benefits like better mood and better memory.7, 8].

So, that's the secret of Modafinil: histamine and dopamine; works! You'll get more done, improve your grades, eliminate fatigue, and/or make more money... when you take Modafinil.

Modafinil Side Effects and Safety

One of the main reasons modafinil has become so widely used? Because this smart drug is exceptionally safe and has minimal side effects.

In fact, Modafinil is considered by many to be one of the safest pharmaceutical nootropics out there.

Still, you should pay attention to a couple of side effects when taking Modafinil. Several studies have noted some minor side effects when taking this product, including [9]:

  • Headaches
  • Nervousness
  • Agitation, anxiety
  • Difficulty sleeping at night

While you run the risk of experiencing one or more of these side effects when taking Modafinil, it is important to note that most users do not experience any side effects.

One study looked at the side effects caused by 200 mg (the recommended dose) of Modafinil and found that the vast majority of participants experienced no side effects.10].

Unless you react poorly to stimulants in general, such as caffeine, you should not experience serious side effects with modafinil. It is also a stimulant; simply more powerful.Even caffeine can cause side effects such as hallucinations and dizziness if taken in high enough doses.11]. So, as with everything in life, if you take Modafinil in moderation (no more than once or twice a week) everything will be fine.

Common side effects for first-time users typically include headaches and/or insomnia. Fortunately, staying hydrated and taking Modafinil early in the morning can eliminate these concerns for most users.

There are some side effects that should concern you. Safety issues may require the assistance of a medical professional. These include problems such as chest pain, irregular heartbeats, and hallucinations.12].

However, these side effects are EXCEPTIONALLY RARE and most users never experience them.

It is recommended to follow a standard dosage of 100 to 200 mg when taking Modafinil for the first time. or you can microdose modafinil before going up to 200 mg modafinil.

Is modafinil addictive? Science says no. While it is true that Modafinil increases dopamine and that this can result in dependency problems, scientific studies show that this is only a concern for vulnerable people who take Modafinil in excessive amounts.13]. Documented cases of Modafinil dependence are extremely rare [14].

You should not take Modafinil if:

  • You are agitated or suffer from anxiety or depression.
  • You are taking prescription medications that may interact with Modafinil.
  • You are pregnant, as modafinil has been linked to birth defects [15].

If you are not on that list, you will do very well taking Modafinil.


ModaPharma Review | What products are available?

We are talking about FashionPharma. First of all, what does the Modafinil online pharmacy sell? The supplier sells the same products as most online pharmacies.

You can buy these smart medicines at ModaPharma:

Generally, these are the most popular smart drugs on the market. If you stick with these four products, you can almost guarantee that you will receive smart, powerful and authentic medicines.

Besides, FashionPharma It actually tests all of its smart drugs for authenticity and potency. As such, you can guarantee that all Modafinil purchased from this online pharmacy is 100% legitimate.

FashionPharma sells a number of other medicines and smart pharmaceuticals, but these are generally the only ones we have tested and recommend.

If you are looking for cognitive improvement, your best bet is to stick with the products above: especially Modalert and Waklert. Most users consider these two products to be the most powerful on the market.

What ModaPharma does well

The team here at Nootropics Advisor has received multiple requests for FashionPharma Through the years. That's why we have a lot of faith in this supplier.

Here is what you can expect from this online modafinil pharmacy:

  • Great for Europeans

FashionPharma is one of the few major modafinil suppliers to maintain stocks in Europe. With stocks of Modafinil and Armodafinil in the UK, FashionPharma offers some of The fastest shipping to European countries.

If you're looking to get your hands on some smart drugs while you're in Europe, this is the quickest way. Instead of buying from a supplier that ships from India or Singapore and having to wait 12-18 days, FashionPharma allows Europeans to get their smart medicines within 4 to 9 days or more after placing an order. That's very fast!

  • Fast and risk-free shipping

We just talked about how fast shipping is for Europeans with FashionPharma. Even with orders destined for Australia and the United States, FashionPharma still offers delivery in 6-12 business days or more. It is usually a little faster than suppliers who ship from India, although we receive some orders in less than 8 days from India.

Shipping is just $9.99 no matter where you are in the world, and all shipments come with tracking, so you know when to expect your order. This is a very professional submission for a Modafinil pharmacy.

  • Guaranteed delivery

FashionPharma Track every order they ship. If the package does not reach you within 15 business days, the supplier will fully refund your order or send you another shipment. The choice is yours, but delivery is always guaranteed to arrive.

This allows you to order Modafinil without any risk. A big problem for many concerned about the confiscation of their order at customs. FashionPharma allows you to buy with confidence.

  • Authentic product

Rare among online modafinil sellers, FashionPharma offers third-party analysis of its products before shipping. They test every batch of Modafinil they buy before purchasing it. This ensures that you will receive authentic and potent products every time you place an order.

If you are worried about security or wasting your money, this is one of the best reasons to buy from FashionPharma. No other supplier offers laboratory testing of their products!

  • Honest complaints, great support

In general, we have found FashionPharma be an honest modafinil seller who doesn't exaggerate anything. These guys make honest claims about Modafinil and how it can potentially benefit users.They also offer fast and impressive customer support. They offer 24/7 customer support and the active SSL certificate on the site ensures that your private information is kept secure and private.

All the emails I have sent to FashionPharma They have always been returned within 24 hours. All communication has also been professional. Highly recommended.

Disadvantages of ModaPharma?

No Modafinil online pharmacy is perfect. FashionPharma is no different.

While this is a fantastic online provider, here are some downsides we've noticed:

  • Prices: In general, you will pay more for smart medicines when you buy them FashionPharma. There are other online modafinil pharmacies that offer cheaper prices. However, you pay for what you get. Shipping may be slower with these suppliers and they do not test the authenticity of their products.
  • Limited payment options: While other Modafinil providers offer various payment options such as credit card, PayPal, e-check and Bitcoin transactions, FashionPharma It only allows you to buy BTC with your credit card and then pay. This is not as convenient as other providers.
  • Small discount on Bitcoin: FashionPharma only offers a 15% discount on Bitcoin. If you have BTC on hand, you can get better deals from other providers. The industry standard BTC discount tends to be 20-25% these days. Again, you pay a little more to buy FashionPharma.

Generic Modafinil

ModaPharma Shipping

Another great benefit of ordering Modafinil in FashionPharma these days?


FashionPharma send modafinil ALL OVER THE WORLD. For a legit Modafinil supplier, you will find that these guys ship to more countries than anyone else.

In fact, they ship Modafinil to many major countries, including:

  • USA
  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • Australia
  • Spain
  • Russia
  • South Korea

FashionPharma Modafinil ships to more countries than any other supplier. Is awesome. Still, there are some countries to which the supplier does not ship.

These are the countries FashionPharma It will NOT be sent on these days:

India, Singapore, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Brazil, Canada, South Africa

That's a pretty short list if you ask us! FashionPharma send modafinil to everyone. They do it quickly and professionally. Highly recommended.

ModaPharma Review | The verdict?

In general, FashionPharma He is a big seller of modafinil. That's why you're reading this. FashionPharma review.

Should I order from them with all the other options available? Well, there are two main reasons to choose ModaPharma:

  • You live in Europe and want fast shipping.
  • You like to buy nootropics that have been third-party tested for purity.

As such, many will find FashionPharma be the ideal Modafinil pharmacy. Our team members are delighted with their service.

We're sure you will be too if you order from these guys.

Just keep in mind that you will pay a little more when ordering from FashionPharma. This is how it happens when looking for third-party purity testing and rapid compliance in Europe.

For many, it is worth it!

Order Modafinil from a large online supplier, ModaPharma


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