Modvigil vs. Modalert vs. Waklert vs. Artvigil

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 20, 2023

Modvigil Modalert Waklert Artvigil

Modvigil vs. Modalert vs. Waklert vs. Artvigil.

Curious about the differences between these powerful nootropics? Wondering which form of modafinil or generic armodafinil is best for you?

Well, you've come to the perfect place.

Modafinil and Armodafinil are undoubtedly two of the most popular and powerful “smart” drugs in the world. But when you order online, you may notice that there are four different products available. And you may not be sure about the differences between them or which one you should choose.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explain the differences between the different types of Modafinil and Armodafinil that you will find online and share some tips on how to choose the best product to meet your needs.

You see, there is no mistaken choice when it comes to buying Modafinil or Armodafinil online, as long as you buy it from a trusted supplier.


Because all forms of Modafinil work.

The key to choosing the right nootropic is finding which one works best for your needs. Each one of us is different; You may react better to Waklert, while others do better with Modalert. It all comes down to what works for YOU.

That being said, we've tested each of these smart drugs. So, we wanted to break down the differences between Modvigil vs. Modalert vs. Waklert vs. Artvigil in this detailed article.

Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice.Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

The basics | Benefits of nootropics

The four smart drugs listed here, Modvigil vs. Modalert vs. Waklert vs. Artvigil, are the most popular generic versions of Modafinil and Armodafinil that you will find online today.

Modvigil and Modalert are products of Modafinil, while Waklert and Artivigil are products of Armodafinil. These products are produced by two Indian pharmaceutical companies, SUN Pharma and HAB Pharma [1, 2].

Traditionally, both companies are known for producing high-quality products. We have found the SUN Pharma products to be a little stronger and more consistent, but others praise the HAB Modafinil. Everyone reacts differently to different pharmaceuticals and “smart drugs.”

But here's the thing...

All of the smart drugs mentioned in this article have similar benefits. Therefore, we will list them here instead of going over each product individually.

Below you will find detailed information about what each medication does compared to the others. However, these four nootropics produce similar benefits, including [3]:

  • More than 12 hours of intense concentration
  • Greater vigil
  • Improved concentration
  • Improved cognition
  • Greater attention span
  • Higher productivity
  • Potential benefits of weight loss
  • Incredible for hangovers

Again, each of these unique smart drugs has slightly different benefits when compared side by side. But generally, each of these nootropics offers the above benefits in some way.

Cognitive improvement guaranteed!

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What is modafinil?

Before we start comparing Modafinil and Armodafinil, let's take a quick look at what Modafinil is and why it is so popular.

Modafinil is a "wake-promoting" medication sold only by prescription (or "eugeroic," if you prefer the proper medical term). It is marketed and sold worldwide under various brand names including Modiodal, Vigil, Modasomil and Provigil [4].

Doctors will generally only prescribe modafinil to patients who have been formally diagnosed with narcolepsy, shift work sleep disorder (SWSD), or sleep apnea.5].

However, you are probably reading this guide because you are interested in the “off-label” uses of Modafinil...

We have a feeling you're more interested in taking Modafinil "over the counter" as a "smart" drug or nootropic [6]. This is exactly why we also started taking Modafinil.

You see, Modafinil is not only a eugeroic, but it also acts as a powerful cognitive enhancer. It can be used to treat psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, ADHD, and others.7].

One pilot study even reported that modafinil may be useful in the treatment of cocaine addiction.8]. This is believed to be due to the fact that Modafinil increases histamine and dopamine levels in the brain, which helps elevate the user's mood.9].

When you take Modafinil “over the counter” as a nootropic, you basically gain the ability to concentrate at a “superhuman” level for over 12 hours. Your mind is flooded with histamine, practically forcing you to stay alert and busy for hours. hours [10].

The extra dopamine provides a cognitive boost that helps you think better and do more [11, 12].

What is armodafinil?

This is where we delve into the “core of the matter” of this guide.

The brand name of Armodafinil is Nuvigil. Nuvigil is generally prescribed in 150 mg pills.Modafinil and Armodafinil, like Provigil and Nuvigil, are prescribed for exactly the same medical purposes.

These products also offer almost benefits when taken "over the counter" as nootropics.

Armodafinil is something like Modafinil's cousin. Modafinil is the active ingredient in all of these products and what sets them apart is something called an "enantiomer."

While Modafinil has R-(−)- and S-(+) enantiomers [13], Armodafinil only presents one of these "active" enantiomers: R-(-)-Modafinil [14].

I don't want to get too technical here, but enantiomers are simply compounds that have the same formula and structure, but are mirror images of each other.

You can think of it as your right and left hand. They are both hands and are mirror images of each other. However, for most of us there is a clear difference between right and left. One is our dominant hand; the other is not.

While the full mechanism of action of both modafinil and armodafinil is still being investigated, most have concluded that R-(-)- offers the most benefits. In other words, it is the “dominant hand” when talking about Modafinil.

As such, many consider armodafinil to be a “purer” form of modafinil. It is a single enantiomer product, so it offers similar benefits to modafinil at a lower dose due to its strikingly similar pharmacological profile.

Most users report that they only need a 150 mg dose of Armodafinil to equal a standard 200 mg dose of Modafinil.

In practice, this doesn't mean much. Some people find that they react better to modafinil, while others find armodafinil a more potent smart drug. It all depends on the individual.

Modafinil versus Armodafinil

Below you will find a comparison between the four most popular generic Modafinil and Armodafinil products.

We have already talked a little about the differences between Modafinil and Armodafinil. However, we wanted to dig a little deeper before we start comparing things like:

  • Modalert vs. Modvigil
  • Waklert vs. Artvigil

When comparing modafinil and armodafinil, there are three variables to consider:

  • the dose
  • half life
  • How long does it take for the nootropic to take effect?

As we mentioned, the typical dosage is lower with Armodafinil (150 mg) than with Modafinil (200 mg). This is the main difference between the two products. Less Armodafinil gives you the same results, something we consider a major benefit.

Generally, Modafinil has a slightly longer half-life compared to Armodafinil. In our opinion, this is due to the additional standard dose of 50 mg. However, this is a moot point. Armodafinil will offer between 10 and 13 hours of cognitive improvement, while Modafinil should offer between 12 and 15 hours.

You will be focused for a long time with both Armodafinil and Modafinil!

However, in our experience, Armodafinil tends to act faster than Modafinil. While you will generally start to feel the effects of Modafinil between 75 and 120 minutes after ingestion, Armodafinil tends to take effect between 60 and 90 minutes after taking it. . A little faster.

All that said, studies have been conducted to determine if there are important differences in the effects of Modafinil versus Armodafinil. The results of almost all studies between these two smart drugs show very little difference, especially in double-blind clinical trials.15].


The decision to take Modafinil versus Armodafinil depends on you, your unique body chemistry, and how you react to each product.That's why we recommend people new to using nootropics and modafinil start by trying a sample pack of the four most popular smart drugs.

Generic Modafinil | Benefits, side effects and comparison

At this point, you should have a general understanding of the similarities and differences between modafinil and armodafinil. The sections above offer an in-depth review and comparison of these two popular nootropics.

Below you'll find a breakdown of each of the best generic Modafinil products: their benefits, comparisons, prices, and where you can buy them online.

A real smart drug showdown.

Here we go…

Modvigil smart drug

Modvigil Review and Overview

As we mentioned, Modvigil is a brand of Modafinil produced by HAB Pharma. The brand is known around the world and there is a good chance that the first Modafinil you take will be in the form of Modvigil.

Here's the deal:

Compared to Modalert, most users find Modvigil It is a little less powerful and powerful.

Some even claim that Modvigil is not the “true” Modafinil, which is simply not correct. Modvigil is 100% real modafinil. It's just a generic version. But it is a very good product in its own right.

So who is Modvigil good for?

Well, Modvigil has several benefits. Firstly, it is the cheapest generic form of modafinil on the market. If you are on a budget, this is the powerful and smart drug for you.

You get almost all of the cognitive benefits of Provigil and Modalert, but for a fraction of the price. This is a smart drug at a bargain price!

The second main benefit of Modvigil is that it has a shorter half-life than Modalert. Modalert tends to last between 12 and 14 hours, while a 200 mg dose of Modvigil tends to last between 10 and 13 hours.For users looking to get a good night's sleep, Modvigil may be the best option.

Again, this depends on how you react to the medication and what you want from it.

Overall: Modvigil is a GREAT cheap smart drug. Highly recommended!

Buy Modvigil from my favorite supplier.

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Modalert Review and Overview

Modalert is the best-selling and highest quality generic modafinil product available.

Well, at least in our opinion.

Most of the people who order modafinil online you will end up buying ModalertAnd that's a good thing! As we mentioned, the medicine is produced by SUN Pharma, a highly reputable manufacturer.

We consider Modalert to be the best smart drug on the planet and we are not alone in that regard. Many CEOs, digital nomads, and students have reported excellent results with this smart drug. Compared to Modvigil, Waklert, and Artvigil, many users find Modalert to be the most powerful nootropic.

If you want the most potent version of Modafinil on the market, this is the nootropic for you.

A single 200 mg tablet of Modalert produces 12 to 14 hours of extreme focus and concentration. The medication usually causes only minor side effects such as insomnia and diarrhea, but most users do not report any problems.

Modalert is more expensive than other brands of generic Modafinil...but sometimes you get what you pay for.

If you are looking for the top generic brand of Modafinil on the market, Modalert is the right choice. This smart drug is stronger, lasts longer, and has an amazing reputation.

  • In general: The BEST generic Modafinil product on the market today. Highly recommended!

Order Modafinil online from our top rated provider...

Modalert vs. Modvigil

We already dove deep into the Modvigil vs. Modalert debate above...But let's make things clearer for everyone who follows along. We have discovered that:

Modalert is the BEST nootropic product on the market.

Without exception.

If you are looking for more than 12 hours of cognitive improvement and your budget is not an issue, then this is the smart medicine you want and need.

On the other hand…

Modvigil is not far away. The nootropic works extremely well and offers impressive cognitive benefits… at a lower price. If you are looking for a cheap form of generic modafinil, Modvigil works and will get the job done.

In our experience, it's just not as strong as Modalert.

  • In general: For people looking to MAXIMIZE their cognitive performance and work performance, opt for Modalert. If you are on a budget but still want the cognitive benefits of Modafinil, choose Modvigil.

Generic Armodafinil | Benefits, side effects and comparison

Now that we have covered generic Modafinil products, let's take a look at the two most popular generic Armodafinil products. Below you'll find a breakdown of the benefits, side effects, costs, and more.

Another smart fight against drugs for you. Let's delve into…

generic version of armodafinil

Waklert Review and Overview

Waklert is the best-selling brand of generic armodafinil on the market right now. This medicine is also produced by SUN Pharma.

As we discussed above, Armodafinil contains the same active ingredient as Modafinil, except the chemical structure is changed to ensure that only the most potent ingredients are found in Armodafinil.

Some users find Armodafinil and Waklert to be more potent than generic brands of Modafinil. Others find that Armodafinil simply is not as potent as Modalert. However, that doesn't mean that Waklert doesn't offer impressive cognitive benefits: it definitely does.

Overall, most users find Waklert to be a strong and potent product. However, it is not as long-lasting as a 200 mg dose of Modalert.

Most people feel that Waklert offers similar effects to Modafinil and lasts between 2 and 9 hours after consumption. After that, the half-life begins to fade. With Modafinil, the half-life doesn't start to fade until around 10-11 hours.

What does this mean? Waklert is best for smart drug users who need to go to bed at a decent time every night. Modafinil will keep you up late, but armodafinil will allow you to get some sleep.

At least that has been our experience.

It is important to note that the recommended dosage for Waklert is 150 mg, compared to 200 mg for Modafinil. This is due to the potency of the active ingredients.

As for price, you will find Waklert to be quite expensive, often a little more than Modalert. Armodafinil is a newer pharmaceutical drug and the generic has not gained much popularity yet.

It should be noted that Waklert is an ideal nootropic to alternate with a generic Modafinil product, such as Modalert. Take Waklert one day and Modalert the next day.

  • In general: Waklert is a great option for anyone who needs to maintain a strict sleep schedule, without interfering with how they feel the next day. Highly recommended!

Get great prices on Waklert now!

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Artvigil Review and Overview

Artvigil is another form of armodafinil produced by HAB Pharma. It's not as popular as Waklert, but we still wanted to try it.

Overall, we weren't too impressed. If you want to buy Armodafinil, you better use Waklert 100% of the time.

The only reason to buy Artvigil is that it is cheaper than Waklert.

You will still feel Modafinil-like effects thanks to this smart drug. Trust us: Artvigil still works. However, all the other smart drugs on this list are more powerful and generally better in every way.

There's just not much reason to invest in Artvigil over other nootropics here, unless you simply want a cheap form of generic armodafinil that works.

If so... Artvigil fits the bill.

Buy Artvigil now!

Waklert vs. Artvigil

We now believe that we have made our position clear regarding the debate between Waklert and Artvigil. While we consider Modalert and Modvigil to be somewhat comparable, we have a strong preference for Waklert over Artvigil.

While there is no doubt that Artvigil works and offers significant cognitive benefits, we believe that Waklert is far superior in almost every aspect.

Also, there is no reason to buy Artvigil because it is cheaper than Waklert. If you want a cheap nootropic, choose Modalert.

If you want the best generic armodafinil, choose Waklert.

  • In general: Waklert is without a doubt the BEST form of Armodafinil on the market today.

Side effects and safety

In our experience, Modafinil and Armodafinil produce minimal side effects when taken at recommended doses. That's about 100 to 200 mg of modafinil and 100 to 150 mg of armodafinil.

However, self-administration of any prescription medication carries a number of risks and safety concerns. Therefore, it is important to delve into the details before consuming either of these two powerful smart drugs.

The good news is that modafinil is generally considered a safe medication when used under a doctor's supervision to treat sleep-wake disorders such as narcolepsy.16].Patients with narcolepsy do very well on 200 mg per day.

That said, there has been little scientific research into the side effects of modafinil when healthy people take it without a prescription.

Perhaps the most relevant study to date looked at what happened when a 200 mg dose of Modafinil was administered to patients who had been incorrectly diagnosed with narcolepsy [17]. In other words, they were healthy. The most common side effects experienced were:

  • Mild nausea
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches

The study concluded that these side effects were quite mild and completely temporary. But what about the long-term safety concerns of taking modafinil?

Many research studies have been conducted to delve into the safety issues related to Modafinil and Armodafinil. Almost all of them have concluded that these nootropics are very safe overall.

However, more research may be needed on the mechanism of action and long-term effects.

For example, a study conducted by the Korean Society of Toxicology and Environmental Health concluded that [18]:

Modafinil is known to have fewer or no adverse effects than those found in traditional psychostimulants such as amphetamine, methylphenidate or cocaine. It can be applied as an antipsychotic or anti-fatigue agent. However, the activation mechanism of modafinil has not yet been fully revealed. Recent studies reported that modafinil can be abused and addicted. Furthermore, prolonged insomnia induces stress responses and impairs immune function.

Modafinil can be used by anyone who wants to work late, stay awake, improve their cognitive reactions or improve their mood.Users may already be under a high level of stress, i.e. cancer patients or soldiers on a battlefield. Therefore, a psychoneuroimmunological approach is needed to investigate the multifunctional effects of modafinil.

As you can see, Modafinil is a fairly safe pharmaceutical product overall. It's safe to say that Modafinil and Armodafinil are some of the safest smart drugs out there.

Of course, there are risks. However, most of these minor risks and side effects shouldn't cause much harm, especially if you follow the suggested doses of 100 to 200 mg of modafinil and 150 mg of armodafinil per day.

When taking this medication, take it only at the dose recommended by your healthcare provider, as “too much of the medication has led to hospitalization in the past, although there are no records of deaths from taking more modafinil than prescribed.” [19].

In fact, most users find that Modafinil and Armodafinil produce no side effects when taken at the standard doses mentioned above. In the rare cases where users do experience side effects, they typically only experience mild headaches, nausea, and insomnia. .

To read about common and rare side effects, continue reading here [20].

Overall, when considering safety and modafinil, healthy users have little to worry about, although it should be noted that we are not doctors and this is not medical advice.

Modvigil modafinil

Modvigil vs. Modalert vs. Waklert vs. Artvigil | The verdict?

The most popular, powerful and important nootropics on the market today...

Modvigil vs Modalert vs Waklert vs Artvigil

The reality is that each of these products does the job.Users will find impressive cognitive improvement with all of them, and will have little to worry about in terms of safety and side effects.

Our team members have discovered that...

Modalert is the most potent nootropic, followed by Waklert.

However, each of us is different. You may want to try these four smart medications, like we did, before deciding which one to choose.

If that's the case, click the nasty big red button below and grab a sample pack from our favorite supplier. That sample pack comes with all four products listed above and will help you draw your own conclusions about which smart medications work best for you.

Get the most powerful smart drug in the world...Modafinil!


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