Neuro Peak Review | Best premade nootropic or a scam?

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 2, 2023

Neuro Peak Review

If you are looking for a deepening Neuro-Peak Review, you have come to the perfect place.

But here's the gist of the matter:

Neuro-Peak does more than just the job.

Neuro-Peak is one of the most reliable and consistent natural nootropics we have ever reviewed. It provides a big boost to focus, concentration, and mood, without any of the side effects that other nootropics cause.

We are talking about benefits like:

  • More mental energy,
  • Improved clarity and focus,
  • Improved mood and
  • Better memory.

But there is a little more than that…

If you're curious about Neuro-Peak and want to know what's in it, if it's safe, and how it compares to other nootropics like Modafinil and Mind Lab Pro, then you're in luck. In this review, we will answer all those questions and many more.

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Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is Neuro-Peak?

Let's start with the basics: What is Neuro-Peak?

Neuro-Peak is a dietary supplement manufactured by a US-based company called Zhou Nutrition, a subsidiary of Nutraceutical International Corporation.It was designed to boost and improve a wide range of brain functions. It contains a unique blend of six independent nootropics that work in synergy to deliver a cognitive boost for up to six hours.

Neuro Peak is designed to deliver total brain optimization by increasing concentration, improving memory, and improving mental clarity. It also offers long-term brain health and protection.

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Neuro-Peak Ingredients

If you are curious about the ingredients in Neuro-Peak, this is the section for you. All components of Neuro-Peak have been scientifically proven to provide cognitive benefits. All of them are safe, non-toxic, and generally well tolerated.

Neuro-Peak contains the following six main ingredients:

  • Phosphatidylserine (PS)
  • Bacopa monnieri
  • B12 vitamin
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • AMD
  • pink rhodiola

Additionally, each capsule contains gelatin and traces of rice flour, vegetable magnesium stearate and silica.

There is plenty of research supporting the effectiveness of Neuro-Peak's six main ingredients. Below, we will take an in-depth look at what exactly they are and what they have to offer.


Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a unique type of fat that helps preserve and maintain cellular functions in the brain. Studies have shown that PS supplementation can help people retain their ability to function cognitively as they age.1]. Although its exact mechanism of action is unclear, research has shown that PS helps people with cognitive impairment improve some of their memory functions.2].

Bacopa monnieri

Bacopa monnieri is one of the most powerful and popular natural nootropics on the planet. It is a perennial herb that helps protect the reception of nerve signals in the brain, thereby improving overall memory.In studies, Bacopa supplementation has been shown to improve cognition and decrease choice reaction times [3]. It also helps people eliminate stress and minimize factors such as anxiety that can lead to depression.4].

B12 vitamin

Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in the synthesis of the neurotransmitters dopamine, GABA, serotonin and norepinephrine, all of which have been shown to improve cognitive function.5]. Higher levels of dopamine lead to greater alertness, concentration, mood, and memory. Vitamin B12 also helps fight cognitive decline by inhibiting the production of homocysteine, which is associated with brain shrinkage.

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba comes from the Chinese maidenhair tree and has been used for thousands of years to improve memory. Studies have shown that Ginkgo improves brain function and can be used to help prevent dementia.6]. While its exact mechanism of action requires more research, Ginkgo is believed to increase blood flow by improving vasodilation.


Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) has been shown to improve memory and brain function by preventing the buildup of beta-amyloid in the brain. It also promotes the release of acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter that helps with brain functions. While previous research indicated that DMAE may negatively affect choline absorption, recent studies have confirmed that this is not the case.7].

pink rhodiola

Rhodiola rosea is a potent herb that has demonstrated nootropic properties. Historically it has been used to treat depression and is currently known as an “adaptogen” as it helps combat fatigue.8].This powerful ingredient has been linked to lower levels of fatigue and anxiety as it helps regulate serotonin and dopamine, leading to better overall brain functioning.

This concludes our deep dive into Neuro-Peak ingredients. All of them have been well researched and found to offer significant cognitive benefits.

Now you're probably wondering:

Is Neuro-Peak safe?

Since Neuro-Peak offers such a diverse range of cognitive benefits, you would be forgiven for wondering if it is safe.

The good news is that yes, Neuro-Peak is safe. On the one hand, it is a dietary supplement with all-natural ingredients that are considered safe when taken in recommended doses.

However, as with everything in life, there are some caveats.

First, use Neuro-Peak with caution (or avoid using it) if you are sensitive or allergic to any of the ingredients listed above.

Secondly, Neuro-Peak has several reported side effects including:

  • Sleep disorders,
  • Insomnia,
  • Anxiety,
  • Humor changes,
  • Headache,
  • Nausea,
  • Stomach ache,
  • skin irritation and
  • Daze.

The good news is that these side effects are rare and usually mild. They usually come from people who have an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients in Neuro-Peak or from taking it with drinks that contain high levels of caffeine, such as coffee and energy drinks.

It is important not to exceed the recommended dose of one capsule per day. Doing otherwise may increase your chances of experiencing side effects or suffering an adverse reaction.

Finally, if you are pregnant or nursing, under 18 years of age, or have a known medical condition, consult a doctor before using Neuro-Peak.

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Top 5 benefits

Our team has been testing Neuro-Peak for several months and was impressed by the many benefits it offers. These are the main benefits offered by this powerful natural nootropic:

  • Powerful,
  • Reliable,
  • Sure,
  • Economical and
  • 100% legal and widely available

Let's look at these benefits in more detail below.


Neuro-Peak contains pure forms of its six main ingredients, meaning they have high bioavailability. When you take a capsule, you will find that it acts strongly and quickly, leaving no doubt about its potency. With Neuro-Peak you get a strong, sharp boost in alertness, clarity, and focus, without the jitters that other caffeine-based nootropics can cause.


In our experience, Neuro-Peak is reliable and consistent. We have been taking it for several months and the benefits continue to increase. We found that Neuro-Peak "builds up" over a couple of weeks and its effects begin to compound. This differentiates it from other nootropics such as modafinil, which should be used in moderation in case they cause dependence.


None of our team members have experienced any side effects when trying Neuro-Peak. We have discovered that everything is smooth sailing. There is no “hangover” or “brain fog” effect the next day as there is with some nootropics. And there is no risk of becoming dependent or developing a tolerance. With Neuro-Peak you get a smooth, long-lasting boost of mental energy and focus without any of the drawbacks.


Unlike other nootropics, Neuro-Peak won't cost you a lot of money. You only need one capsule a day, so one container will last you a full month. This makes it much cheaper than other natural nootropics and definitely cheaper than pharmaceutical medications.

Legal and widely available

There is no hiding the fact that Neuro-Peak will not give you a Modafinil-like experience. But the good news is that it is 100% legal worldwide and available no matter where in the world you are. Unlike other nootropics that must be shipped from overseas, you can purchase Neuro-Peak on Amazon.

Any disadvantages?

No nootropic is perfect and Neuro-Peak does have some drawbacks. While we have become big fans of this cognitive enhancer, there is no denying that it has some drawbacks. They're minor, but they're problems nonetheless.

First, Neuro-Peak is not Modafinil. You can't really put these two nootropics in the same category: they are completely different products. Neuro-Peak is a dietary supplement, while Modafinil is a drug; Its benefits and effects are worlds apart.

In our experience, Modafinil offers over 12 hours of “tunnel vision” focus and sharp concentration, while Neuro-Peak offers 4 to 6 hours of improved clarity and mental energy. There is no danger of confusing these two nootropics.

Secondly, while Neuro-Peak compares favorably to other natural nootropic stacks, we did not find it as strong as Mind Lab Pro. It is a little less potent and shorter acting. According to our testing, Mind Lab Pro offers a solid 6-8 hours of improved focus, compared to Neuro-Peak's 4-6 hours.

So those are the two cons: nothing major, but important to know.

Now let's delve into the details….

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Neuro-Peak vs Modafinil

So Neuro-Peak and Modafinil, how do they compare?

Well, they are both nootropics and help promote alertness, increase concentration, and improve memory. But their mechanisms of action are completely different and a world away in terms of side effects and safety.

Modafinil is a type of drug known as "eugeroic," meaning it acts as a "wake-promoting agent." It is typically used to treat medical conditions such as narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. In most countries, it is a prescription-only medication.

Modafinil works by causing levels of histamine and dopamine (two important neurotransmitters) to increase dramatically in the brain and remain elevated for approximately 12 hours.9]. Histamine creates a feeling of extreme alertness and prevents you from feeling tired or fatigued.10]. Dopamine, for its part, creates a feeling of positivity.11] and leads to a dramatic improvement in short-term memory, especially when you are tired [12].

In comparison, Neuro-Peak is a 100% legal non-pharmaceutical dietary supplement. Its benefits come from natural ingredients such as phosphatidylserine (PS), Bacopa monnieri and Ginkgo biloba. As such, its action is much shorter than modafinil and its effects typically last 4 to 6 hours.

The other main difference is safety and side effects. Modafinil can cause a number of side effects such as headaches, nausea, anxiety and diarrhea.13] and may cause dependence if taken in large quantities for long periods [14]. Nootropic users are recommended to take Modafinil no more than 1 to 3 times a week and cycle it with other nootropics to avoid dependence.

In contrast, we have found that Neuro-Peak has virtually zero side effects and we have been using it all year. In fact, we have found that its benefits are extremely consistent and increase over time. The longer you take this nootropic, the more pronounced its effects can become.

Neuro Peak vs Alpha Brain

If you were curious about how Neuro-Peak compares to Alpha Brain, here's what you need to know.

Both nootropics are drug-free dietary supplements and each contains only natural ingredients that come from plants (such as plant extracts) and amino acids.

If you look at Alpha Brain's ingredients list, you'll see that it's packed with natural nootropics:

  • L-theanine
  • L-tyrosine
  • phosphatidylserine
  • Oat Straw Extract
  • Alpha-GPC
  • Huperzia Serrata
  • bacopa
  • pterostilbene
  • L-leucine

You'll notice that while both Neuro-Peak and Alpha Brain contain phosphatidylserine and bacopa, the latter nootropic contains many other ingredients. So what is the difference?

Our team has thoroughly reviewed both nootropics and can confirm that they both offer:

  • At least 6 hours of improved concentration and focus,
  • High levels of attention and concentration,
  • Improved short-term memory,
  • Better executive functioning and time management, and
  • Better mental processing.

The main anecdotal difference we noticed is that Alpha Brain offers a heightened “flow state” (the feeling of being “in the zone”) that Neuro-Peak does not. Other than that, the effects are remarkably similar: both offer a long period of increased productivity and we have found both to be safe with negligible side effects.

Neuro Peak vs Mind Lab Pro

Now let's see how Neuro-Peak and Mind Lab Pro stack up. Our team has tested both extensively and can confirm that they are two of the most effective nootropic formulas we've ever reviewed.

Both offer truly impressive benefits such as:

  • Mood boost,
  • Greater motivation,
  • Improved attention span,
  • Long-term neuroprotection, and
  • Brain regeneration.

But we have discovered that there are two main differences between these two nootropics:

  • Mind Lab Pro is more durable and
  • Mind Lab Pro provides a big boost to creativity.

The reason? Well, let's take a look at the ingredients of Mind Lab Pro:

  • Bacopa monnieri,
  • citicoline,
  • lion's mane mushroom,
  • L-theanine,
  • maritime pine bark extract,
  • N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine (NALT),
  • phosphatidylserine,
  • pink rhodiola,
  • Vitamins B6, B9 and B12.

You'll notice that while both Neuro-Peak and Mind Lab Pro contain Bacopa monnieri, phosphatidylserine, Rhodiola rosea, and vitamin B12, Mind Lab Pro also offers a variety of other natural ingredients. We would assume that the addition of citicoline and lion's mane mushroom lies behind the additional benefits we experienced when we reviewed Mind Lab Pro.

This is why.

Citicoline is a well-researched nootropic that helps increase energy and improve mental performance. Studies have shown that citicoline acts in synergy with other nootropics to increase their effectiveness [15].

Lion's Mane Mushroom offers memory improvements and gives you a feeling of high alert [16]. It also protects against cognitive decline [17].

So the inclusion of those two ingredients is probably why we found that Mind Lab Pro tends to last longer (6-8 hours) than Neuro-Peak and offers more creativity.

Aside from that, they are both two extremely impressive nootropics and both come highly recommended!

Can you buy Neuro Peak on Amazon?


Unlike other nootropics that must be shipped from overseas, Neuro-Peak is available on Amazon.

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Neuro Peak Review | Verdict

That brings us to the end of this. Neuro-Peak Review. It's easy to see why we are such fans of this nootropic!

In our experience, Neuro-Peak works and offers enormous cognitive benefits. We believe this smart pharmacological supplement is one of the BEST and SAFEST nootropics on the market today.It compares favorably to Alpha Brain and Mind Lab Pro and offers similar benefits to Modafinil without any of the potential side effects.

Highly recommended!

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