Qualia Mind vs Mind Lab Pro | What is the best nootropic for you?

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 2, 2023

Qualia Mind vs Mind Lab Pro

Qualia Mind and Mind Lab Pro are two of the most popular and trusted nootropic supplements on the market today.

While there are several differences between the two products, they are both heavyweights in the world of nootropics and are definitely worth considering.

So when it comes to Qualia Mind vs Mind Lab ProWhat could be the best nootropic for you?

Keep reading to find out. We cover everything you need to know below.

Disclaimer: The content on Modafinil.space is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to Modafinil.space is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is Qualia Mind?

Qualia Mind is a powerful natural nootropic supplement produced by Neurohacker. The product has a dedicated base of loyal users given its effectiveness in sharpening your attention and concentration.

It's one of our favorites because of its high-quality ingredients, immediate effects, and the constant energy it provides without the crash, rush, or jitters compared to highly caffeinated products.

Qualia Mental Ingredients

Qualia Mind contains a whopping 28 active ingredients. Here's a look at what you'll find in a single dose:

  • Vitamin C: 100 mg [1]
  • Vitamin D3: 25 mcg (1000 IU) [2]
  • Thiamin: 50 mg [3]
  • Niacin: 50 mg
  • Vitamin B6: 20 mg
  • Vitamin B12: 1,000 mcg
  • Pantothenic acid: 50 mg
  • Acetyl-l-carnitine: 500 mg [4]
  • Artichoke leaf extract: 500 mg [5]
  • Bacopa monnieri leaf extract: 300 mg [6]
  • Rhodiola rosea root extract: 300 mg [7]
  • DL-phenylalanine: 300 mg [8]
  • Disodium uridine-5'-monophosphate heptahydrate: 250 mg [9]
  • N-acetyl-l-tyrosine: 250 mg [10]
  • Taurine: 200 mg [11]
  • L-theanine: 200 mg [12]
  • Alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine: 200 mg [13]
  • Citicoline: 150 mg [14]
  • Whole coffee fruit extract: 129 mg [15]
  • Velvet bean seed extract: 100 mg [16]
  • Phosphatidylserine: 100 mg [17]
  • Theobromine: 100 mg [18]
  • Docosahexaenoic acid: 80 mg [19]
  • Celastrus paniculatus seed extract: 60 mg [20]
  • Ginkgo biloba leaf extract: 50 mg [21]
  • Coleus forskohlii root extract: 20 mg [22]
  • Pyrroloquinoline quinone disodium: 10 mg [23]
  • Huperzia serrata leaf extract: 5 mg [24]

And while we can't do a complete rundown of each of these ingredients in this article, you can read our full Qualia Mind Review—which discusses each of these ingredients in detail—if you want to know more.

Mind Lab Pro vs Qualia Mind

Is the Qualia mind safe?

Qualia Mind is absolutely safe, especially for healthy people. Because it is a powerful brain stimulant, it can make you feel a little restless, so it is best to take your daily dose as early in the day as possible.

If you are pregnant, nursing or under 18 years of age, you should not take Qualia Mind. Additionally, you should avoid Qualia Mind if you have high blood pressure, heart problems, or psychiatric or neurological problems, or if you are taking MAOIs, SSRIs, or immunosuppressive medications.

In fact, it is advisable that you consult your doctor before starting Qualia Mind if you have any medical conditions or are taking any prescription medications.

One last thing to consider regarding the safety of Qualia Mind is that it contains a compound called huperzine A, which is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (i.e., it prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter). With long-term use, these acetylcholinesterase inhibitors can cause something called “cholinergic crisis,” or a buildup of acetylcholine that can cause some unfortunate side effects.

To reduce this risk, take regular breaks from Qualia Mind rather than taking it daily for long periods of time [25].

In general…

Yes, Qualia Mind is a safe nootropic.

Get 10% discount Qualia Mind as a Modafinil.space reader

What is Mind Lab Pro?

Mind Lab Pro is our favorite over the counter nootropic here at Modafinil.space, and for several reasons. It is well priced and we consider it to be a solid option for both beginners and nootropic enthusiasts.

We love it because its powerful, carefully crafted formula works.

When we need the energy and brain power to do some creative work or to focus (and stay in the zone) for hours, Mind Lab Pro is one of the supplements we take to support it.

Mind Lab Pro Ingredients

Mind Lab Pro contains 11 powerful nootropic ingredients. Each dose provides:

  • Citicoline: 250 mg
  • Phosphatidylserine: 100mg
  • Bacopa monnieri extract: 150 mg
  • Organic Lion's Mane Mushroom Extract: 500 mg [26]
  • Maritime pine bark extract: 75 mg [27]
  • L-tyrosine: 175mg
  • L-theanine: 100mg
  • Pink Rhodiola: 50 mg
  • Vitamin B6: 2.5mg
  • Vitamin B9 (Folate): 100 mcg
  • B12 vitamin: 7.5 mcg

And again, if you want to know more about these ingredients and why they were included in the product, check out our comprehensive Mind Lab Pro Review.

Mind Lab Pro vs Qualia Mind

Is Mind Lab Pro safe?

As with Qualia Mind, we don't have any safety concerns with Mind Lab Pro, as long as it is used wisely and by healthy adults. We found that minor side effects related to using Mind Lab Pro may include:

  • Headaches: For those prone to headaches, we suggest starting with a single pill (which is half a regular dose) and slowly increasing up to a full dose per day.
  • Insomnia: Like Qualia Mind, it is best to take Mind Lab Pro early in the morning, or you may have difficulty falling asleep.

As with any other nootropic supplement, you should avoid use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

To be safe, you should also consult Mind Lab Pro with your healthcare provider if you are taking any prescription medications or have any diagnosed medical problems.

But overall…

Mind Lab Pro is a safe nootropic.

If you are looking for number 1 Modafinil alternative on the market...

Qualia Mind vs Mind Lab Pro

So how exactly are these two nootropics similar and different?

Here's how each of them compare...

What is similar?

Qualia Mind and Mind Lab Pro are over-the-counter nootropic supplements, unlike prescription nootropic medications like Modafinil and Adderall. They are made with natural and non-pharmaceutical ingredients. Both still have great power to stimulate the brain.

By the way, if you're curious about how over-the-counter nootropics compare to prescription-only ones, check out our Modafinil vs Mind Lab Pro comparison.

In terms of their benefits, reputation and security, Qualia Mind and Mind Lab Pro are much more similar than different.


According to the Qualia Mind website, here is what you can expect when taking the supplement:

  • Mental clarity
  • Sharp focus
  • amplified unit
  • Less procrastination
  • Stress resilience
  • More energy
  • Focused mood and emotions.

And this is what Mind Lab Pro can help you with, right from their website:

  • Study and learn
  • Test-taking performance
  • Mental processing speed
  • Creativity and abstract thinking.
  • Mood, relaxation and mentality.
  • Memory and remembrance
  • Communication and verbal fluency.
  • Strategic thinking
  • Attention, focus and concentration.
  • Motivation and mental drive.

As you can see, there is a lot of overlap between what Qualia Mind offers and what Mind Lab Pro offers.

Both are designed to improve your cognitive function (both short and long term), to feed your brain with the nutrients it needs to create healthy new cells and function optimally, and to help sharpen your concentration and ability. of your brain to adapt to what life throws at you.

And while both contain some ingredients that are unique to their respective formulas, like the adaptogenic lion's mane mushroom in Mind Lab Pro or Celastrus paniculatus (intellect tree) seed extract in Qualia Mind, both are cleverly formulated with ingredients that They serve a specific purpose for cognitive enhancement.


Both products have good reputations and regular nootropic users seem to trust them a lot. There is a reason why these two natural nootropics are often recommended over any other.

In fact, Mind Lab Pro is independently tested by a third-party lab, so you can rest assured that what's on the label is what's actually in the bottle.

And Qualia Mind has been backed by a superstar group of athletes and physical and mental health experts.

If you are not satisfied with any of the products, both offer a full refund for new users.


In our opinion, Qualia Mind and Mind Lab Pro do not present security problems. The risk of side effects for both appears to be minimal for healthy people, and even if you do experience side effects, they are usually very minor. In our opinion, the most important warning, applicable to both Qualia Mind and Mind Lab Pro, is to take them first thing in the morning so as not to jeopardize a good night's sleep.

Both supplements also contain no unnecessary fillers, colors, or additives.

Big differences?

The biggest differences between Qualia Mind and Mind Lab Pro lie in their cost, their formulation and their ease of use.

Based on these factors, Mind Lab Pro is emerging as the best option, in our opinion. But again, one cannot go wrong with any of these products.


One thing you'll notice right off the bat is that Qualia Mind is significantly more expensive than Mind Lab Pro. In fact, at full price, it costs about twice as much as Mind Lab Pro.

While some people find the cost worth it, we don't consider Qualia Mind to be much more effective than Mind Lab Pro.

Qualia Mind contains a whopping 28 active ingredients, so you'd pay a pretty penny (and swallow a lot of supplements daily) if you purchased each of these ingredients separately.

However, we personally believe that Mind Lab Pro offers the best value.

Fortunately, there are ways to make Qualia Mind less expensive. We have a Qualia Mind discount code that you can use directly on the Neurohacker website, and there are also seasonal deals, a new user discount, and a savings option and subscription to save costs.


While Mind Lab Pro contains 11 active ingredients, Qualia Mind contains a staggering 28 different key ingredients, including some that are quite rare, like the aforementioned Intellect Tree extract, which may also contribute to Qualia Mind's high price.

And there's nothing wrong with the fact that Qualia Mind has a lot of ingredients, of course. But if you have a negative reaction to the supplement, you'll have a very difficult time identifying which ingredient was the likely culprit. Also remember that each separate ingredient may have its own reaction to other supplements or medications you take, so Mind Lab Pro may be a safer bet for people who take other medications regularly. Just be sure to clear it with your doctor first.

Finally, despite having more ingredients than Mind Lab Pro, Qualia Mind appears to be on equal footing with Mind Lab Pro in terms of effectiveness. We found that both work, very, very well.

Ease of use/pill loading

Finally, Mind Lab Pro is easier to use. Its simpler formulation probably makes it a better choice for beginners, and a daily dose is just two pills per day (although you can take up to four per day for a major brain boost).

On the other hand, a daily dose of Qualia Mind is seven pills a day. That's a BIG difference and can be a deal breaker for many people, especially if you're already taking other supplements or medications.

It's not a big deal, of course, but it's one more thing that gives Mind Lab Pro the slightest advantage over Qualia Mind.

Where to buy nootropics online

Buying nootropics online has never been easier.

If you are looking to place an order Mind Lab Pro, just click here.

For people looking to place an order Qualia Mind, just click here.

It's that simple in 2023.You should also find better prices on these websites than through resellers.

Mind Lab Pro vs Qualia Mind

Mind Lab Pro vs Qualia Mind | Verdict

Honestly, whether you choose Mind Lab Pro or Qualia Mente, you can't go wrong.

We prefer Mind Lab Pro for its specific formulation, more reasonable price, and because it's a solid nootropic for anyone, including newbies to the world of nootropics. But that doesn't mean that Qualia Mind isn't a good option either.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with trying both to see which one you prefer and which one works best for you personally. Mind Lab Pro is priced fairly and competitively, while our Qualia Mind discount code can help you save some money if you want to try the latter. The fact that both products have a large following says a lot about the quality of these two supplements.

Both products deliver what really matters: increasing your focus, energy, creativity, and decision-making skills so you can jump-start your work, studies, or other projects.

Hopefully, this review has helped you decide between these two powerful nootropics.

Place your order from our recommended supplier Mind Lab Pro


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