Vigilita | Reviews, clinical data and more

Thomas Thorne

Last update: March 6, 2023

Vigilit Review

Are you curious about Vigilit?

Looking for detailed Vigilit reviews? Then you've come to the perfect place. Our team has compiled the most relevant and up-to-date information available to give you a complete understanding of Vigilit so you can determine if it will help you achieve your goals.

You may have several questions about the various characteristics of this stimulant, such as:

  • Where is it legal to buy Vigilit online?
  • How strong is Vigilit compared to similar drugs like Waklert and Nuvigil?
  • How does Vigilit work?
  • How serious are the side effects of Vigilit?

Vigilit is typically prescribed to people diagnosed with sleep disorders to stay awake and alert. The attention of healthy people on Vigilit has increased recently due to the powerful cognitive benefits of this medication.

Professionals from a variety of industries, such as law, finance, and medicine, as well as those involved in academia, sports, and even military personnel, have realized that Vigilit can confer multiple cognitive benefits when dosed according to the recommended protocol. These beneficial effects include increased alertness, sustained concentration, a sense of well-being, and even improvements in memory functions.

Additionally, we will clarify the legal circumstances of Vigilit and provide our top recommendation on where to buy Vigilit online.

So if you've been looking for a safe and effective method to increase your productivity, read on to learn more.

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Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is Vigilita?

Vigilit is a generic form of armodafinil, an oral wakefulness medication that is more potent than its precursor, modafinil. It has been approved by the US FDA as a prescription medication to treat sleep apnea, shift work sleep disorder, and narcolepsy.1, 2, 3]. Until 2016, armodafinil was only available under the brand name Nuvigil. The rights to produce generic equivalents were then granted to the pharmaceutical company Mylan, leading to the production of other generic versions, such as Vigilit.

Currently, Vigilit is available exclusively at BuyModa and is produced by Care Club Pharmaceuticals, based in Mumbai, India, in the form of 150 mg tablets.

Modafinil and armodafinil are classified as eugeroics: medications that promote wakefulness. Although they were originally approved for the treatment of sleep disorders, the off-label cognitive benefits of these medications have caught the attention of people from different walks of life. The main off-label benefits sought with this medication are maintaining high levels of energy and alertness, improving concentration and mood, and even improving memory function.4].

Prescription patients may be curious about the differences between a generic brand of Armodafinil like Vigilit and brand names like Nuvigil. Some of the main differences between standard Armodafinil and Vigilit are price and bioavailability, as the quantity and quality of filter ingredients can vary.

There are also some differences between standard modafinil and armodafinil. Structurally, armodafinil is the isolated R-enantiomer (right enantiomer) of modafinil, its most potent psychoactive compound. This makes armodafinil more potent compared to modafinil, which is why armodafinil tablets generally come in lower doses.

Vigilit is also structurally unique compared to other types of central nervous system stimulants, such as Adderall or Ritalin. Withdrawal symptoms are minimal to non-existent and the side effects of Vigilit are fairly mild in contrast to other stimulants.

In terms of their mechanism of action, both armodafinil and modafinil work by blocking dopamine and norepinephrine transporters. Additionally, these medications cause fluctuations in the levels of histamine, serotonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and glutamate in the body [5, 6].

Vigilit Review

Modafinil benefits

Proper sleep, diet, and exercise are considered the foundation of good health. However, there may be times when, even if you've followed a proper health protocol, you wake up and simply don't have the motivation or focus to perform at the level you need to.

Although Modafinil was originally developed and approved by the FDA to treat sleep-related problems such as narcolepsy, adventurous individuals have discovered that this eugeroic can produce powerful effects that stimulate cognitive processes.However, it is important to note that modafinil has not been approved for this purpose by health authorities.

Research has shown that modafinil produces positive effects on “mood, fatigue, and cognitive performance” while performing “sustained mental work” [7]. As such, people who need to remain alert and focused for an extended period of time have found Modafinil to be very advantageous. In fact, modafinil is the most widely used over-the-counter medication to improve mental abilities.4].

We have compiled a list of modafinil benefits in terms of cognitive enhancement below:

  • Sustained energy – Human beings typically have a limited amount of energy that they can expend on complex tasks throughout the day. With modafinil, energy levels can be maintained for extended periods of time. For example, a study conducted with 18 helicopter pilots showed that modafinil dosed at different times of the day allowed the pilots to maintain their energy levels over a 40-hour period [8].
  • Greater concentration and alertness – The use of modafinil in healthy adults who suffered from sleep deprivation has been shown to restore and maintain “objective performance and alertness during sleep deprivation.” This medication can even restore cognition and alertness to what would be considered normal, even though a person is sleep deprived.9, 10].
  • Improved memory and understanding – Memory-based tasks become much easier with modafinil, as this medication has been shown to improve “working memory, cognitive flexibility, and planning” [11]. Pattern recognition, episodic memory, and spatial working memory have also been shown to improve with modafinil.These benefits even extend to comprehension processes such as language learning [11, 12].
  • Greater well-being – Due to the fact that Modafinil works in part by blocking dopamine transmitters (the chemical responsible for motivation and feelings of well-being), Modafinil can improve overall mood and increase motivation [13, 14].

Basically, modafinil benefits lead to higher levels of productivity. This can come in the form of increasing concentration, so you can stay focused longer, or improving working memory function so new information is processed and retained more efficiently.

An important thing to keep in mind about modafinil is that the effects vary from case to case. Some patients may experience only some of these effects, while others may experience all or none of them.

Side effects of modafinil

Before taking a new medication, it is important to understand the possible side effects that could arise. Some patients may want to know… what side effects of modafinil are most commonly seen? Is modafinil a drug with high addiction potential?

Due to the fact that the FDA has only approved modafinil for prescription for certain sleep-related problems, such as narcolepsy and sleep apnea, official data on modafinil side effects has only been observed in studies involving patients diagnosed with these conditions. Regarding the side effects of modafinil when used exclusively as a cognitive enhancer in otherwise healthy people, official data is scarce.

In any case, studies conducted over the past two decades have shown that Modafinil is one of the best-tolerated and safest nootropics on the market, particularly when compared to other stimulants such as Adderall or Ritalin.15]. Modafinil also has a low toxicity profile and low abuse potential [16].

While modafinil and the more potent version, armodafinil, are generally considered safe, some side effects have been reported in patients. They are the following [17, 18, 19]:

A study conducted on 341 patients diagnosed with narcolepsy found that the following adverse effects occurred most frequently:19]:

  • Headache (13%)
  • Nervousness (8%)
  • Nausea (5%)

Stimulants are often characterized by their high potential for addiction. Is modafinil addictive? No, modafinil has a low addiction potential [20]. A rare case of modafinil addiction has been documented, in which a patient took a dose of modafinil much higher than 1200 mg per day, which far exceeds what is normally prescribed.21].

Where to buy Vigilit online? | 2023 Edition

As competition between industries and academic pursuits continues to increase, more and more people are looking for a way to gain an edge over others, like taking Vigilit. This has led to several online vendors offering generic forms of modafinil, such as Vigilit. On the one hand, the proliferation of modafinil medications presents patients with a plethora of options. However, with so many options to choose from, how do you know which suppliers sell genuine modafinil that is safe to consume?

If you plan to buy Vigilit online, please note that laws and regulations regarding this medication vary from country to country. Developed countries such as Australia and the United States regulate modafinil products so that only patients with a valid prescription can purchase modafinil products like Vigilit. In contrast, some developing countries have more relaxed laws regarding the distribution and purchase of modafinil products.

To get a first-hand understanding of the quality of various generic modafinil brands and suppliers, our team placed several test orders. Once these medications were received and examined, BuyModa's products and services were found to be far superior to other vendors. Below we detail the best aspects of shopping at BuyModa:

  • Certified sources: Knowing that the modafinil-based medication you order online is genuine and safe to consume is crucial as there are many counterfeit products on the market today. BuyModa ensures that all medications on its site come from legitimate, well-established pharmaceutical manufacturers, with laboratory testing performed at ISO-certified facilities. All of their products are approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration and its equivalent in most other countries.
  • Fair prices: Depending on your situation, Vigilit is available at BuyModa at different prices and quantities, starting at $64 for thirty 150 mg Vigilit tablets. With its commitment to offering medications at reasonable prices, patients will also find that the cost per tablet decreases when purchasing larger quantities of Vigilit at BuyModa.
  • Quality and Delivery Guarantee: Depending on your location, an order placed on BuyModa may arrive within a few weeks.Orders for the United Kingdom and the European Union usually arrive within two weeks. On the other hand, orders to the United States may arrive later, after 21 business days. If the order is for another country, successful delivery may take up to four weeks. Since international transportation of medications can occasionally cause problems at customs, BuyModa has agreed to ship orders once again if they do not reach their destination. In the event that the second time is also not successful, you will be refunded 100% of your purchase.
  • Exclusive Bitcoin Discount: BuyModa offers an incentive for customers to pay with Bitcoin and receive a 20% discount on any order.
  • Additional bonuses: When you buy Vigilit at BuyModa, you receive two special bonuses: 30 free pills for orders over $150, plus 20 free Modvigil pills on your next purchase.

Our recommendation for patients looking for an established and trusted online source to purchase Vigilit is to check out BuyModa, a leading provider of high-quality modafinil and nootropics.

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How much does Vigilit cost?

At BuyModa, Armodafinil medications like Vigilit tend to be more expensive than regular Modafinil medications. For example, the price of a 100-tablet package of Waklert (another brand of armodafinil) is $169. In contrast, a pack of 100 Vigilit tablets only costs $105.

In terms of finding the best prices for Vigilit specifically, we recommend making your purchase at BuyModa. Vigilit is an armodafinil brand exclusive to BuyModa, with free shipping on orders over $150. Additionally, when a larger quantity of pills is ordered, the individual cost per pill is reduced.

We have prepared a price list corresponding to the number of tablets in a Vigilit package:

30 pills $64
60 pills $85
100 pills $105
200 pills $195
300 pills $250
500 pills $389

Other generic brands of modafinil, such as Modalert, Modawake or Waklert, are relatively more expensive than Vigilit. So if you're looking to reap the benefits of armodafinil, but still want to control your spending, Vigilit is an attractive option.

Vigilit dosage and tolerance

So far, we have explained the cognitive benefits of Vigilit. However, some patients may be curious…can an addiction to Vigilit develop? What would be the best dosage of Vigilit to experience the cognitive benefits while minimizing the possibility of side effects?

It is important to note that you should consult a licensed doctor before taking Vigilit for the first time. They will provide you with professional guidance on whether Vigilit is a suitable medicine for you.

Vigilit has a dosage of 150 mg per tablet, with a dosing protocol similar to other brands of modafinil and armodafinil. Doctors typically prescribe a daily dose of 150 mg of a modafinil-containing medication such as Vigilit to patients diagnosed with conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea, narcolepsy, or shift work sleep disorder. Vigilit is ideally taken in the morning, since the half-life of armodafinil is approximately 13 hours.22].

Whether or not to take Vigilit on an empty stomach is a decision that each patient must make. On the one hand, consuming this eugeroic on an empty stomach can cause gastrointestinal discomfort.23]. Alternatively, the absorption of Vigilit may be inhibited if food is ingested.

Consistent management can lead to modafinil tolerance. However, it has been observed that this only occurs in cases of modafinil overdose.

It is also important to note that Vigilit can produce negative effects when interacting with other drugs, nootropics, foods, and alcohol. It is recommended that patients taking Vigilit avoid consuming the following substances:

  • Antifungal medications
  • Adderall
  • Ritalin
  • Cocaine
  • Contraceptives
  • Citalopram
  • clopidogrel
  • Ranolazine
  • Fentanyl
  • Levomethadyl

You may also be wondering: how soon can you feel the effects of Vigilit? Like Modafinil brands, such as Provigil, the effects of Vigilit can often be felt in as little as an hour. However, the exact duration may vary on an individual basis.

Is Vigilit legal?

Having a clear understanding of the legalities surrounding modafinil and armodafinil-containing medications like Vigilit is an important step when it comes to informing yourself whether this medication is right for you or not.

Because armodafinil is the active ingredient in Vigilit, it is treated the same as any other medication containing modafinil or armodafinil. For example, in the United States, modafinil is classified as a “Schedule IV” drug, meaning it is only available by prescription and has minimal potential for abuse [24].

Other developed countries, such as those in the European Union, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada, regulate the sale and distribution of modafinil in a similar way. Normally, to comply with the law, the only way to buy Modafinil would be to speak to a doctor and obtain a valid prescription for this medication.

This can be problematic for people looking to purchase Vigilit in order to experience the off-label cognitive benefits of this medication. Virtually all doctors only prescribe modafinil to patients who have been diagnosed with a sleep-wake disorder, such as obstructive sleep apnea.Often, a patient will have to go through several medical tests to reach a diagnosis. Even if that is the case, Vigilit or a modafinil-based medication may not be what you were prescribed.

However, we have never heard of an incident where an individual has been subject to legal proceedings for purchasing a small amount of Vigilit online strictly for personal use.

Athletes who practice professional sports should keep in mind that Modafinil and all its generic forms are prohibited in professional competitive sports.. USADA and WADA (governing bodies of professional sports) have added modafinil and armodafinil to their list of prohibited substances [25].If even a small amount of modafinil-containing medication such as Vigilit appears during a doping test, the athlete concerned will be immediately disqualified.

Vigilit Review

Vigilit vs. Modalert vs. Provigil /// Vigilit vs. Waklert vs. Nuvigil

If your doctor has prescribed modafinil or armodafinil, you may be surprised to see the number of different medications of this type available on the market and want to know what distinguishes one brand from another. Of particular interest are generic brands of modafinil such as Provigil, Modalert, Waklert, and Nuvigil.

Vigilit vs. Modalert vs. Provigil

Provigil used to be one of the only FDA-approved options for patients to get genuine modafinil until 2012, when patents on Modafinil's formulation expired. However, the cost of Provigil is considered high compared to most generic brands. In reality, generic drugs work the same way as prescription pharmaceuticals, but they often lack a high price [G].

As such, generic medications like Vigilit and Modalert have an identical dosing protocol and adverse effect profile as Provigil, with the only major variation being price.

Another difference to note between Vigilit, Modalert, and Provigil is that Vigilit is a generic brand of armodafinil, while the active ingredient in Modalert and Provigil is regular modafinil.

Vigilit vs. Waklert vs. Nuvigil

At first glance, the only major difference between Vigilit, Waklert and Nuvigil is the price, since these are all armodafinil-containing medications. Vigilit is the most affordable of the three and is available exclusively at BuyModa.

Vigilit Reviews | Verdict

Since Vigilit is a generic version of Armodafinil, patients can expect to feel cognitive benefits identical to those of any Armodafinil medication, minus the relatively high prices typically charged for brand-name medications. Vigilit is a brand of Armodafinil exclusive to BuyModa and Care Club Pharmaceuticals, based in Mumbai, India, produces it in the form of 150 mg tablets.

Modafinil was originally manufactured with the intention of promoting wakefulness and relieving inhibitory symptoms of sleep-related conditions such as narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. However, recent attention to otherwise healthy people has revealed that this eugeroic is also used for various unauthorized purposes.

In particular, modafinil and its generic versions, such as Vigilit, can improve alertness, instill feelings of well-being, raise and maintain energy levels, and even strengthen working memory function. These results have been so profound that even military forces from several countries have tested personnel.

Compared to other stimulant substances, such as cocaine or even Adderall, Vigilit is generally not considered dangerous and has minimal potential for abuse or dependence. Any side effects from Vigilit also tend to be minor in nature and no cases of long-term damage have been documented as a result of its use.

If your healthcare provider has prescribed Modafinil or Armodafinil and you are wondering where to buy Vigilit online, we recommend visiting BuyModa to make your purchase.


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