Vilafinil | Reviews, clinical data and more

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 18, 2023

vilafinil review

Are you curious about Vilafinil? Looking for detailed Vilafinil reviews? Then you've come to the perfect place. In this article, we will provide a detailed explanation of everything you need to know about this wakefulness-promoting medication and why it has become so popular.

As a prescription medication, Vilafinil was originally conceived to protect against lethargy and daytime sleepiness caused by various conditions, such as narcolepsy, shift work sleep disorder, and sleep apnea. In recent years, the off-label benefits of Vilafinil have caught the attention of healthy people looking to gain a competitive advantage in their field or industry.

Athletes, business professionals, students, and even helicopter pilots have begun using Vilafinil routinely to enjoy the benefits of extreme focus, sustained energy, improved mood, and even a higher level of information retention and recall.

You are probably curious about several aspects of this medication and have questions such as:

  • What is a reliable supplier to buy Vilafinil online?
  • Can you buy Vilafinil without a prescription?
  • How much does Vilafinil cost?
  • What are the most common side effects of Vilafinil to pay attention to?

We will address all of these questions in this article. Additionally, you will gain a deeper understanding of the legal circumstances surrounding Vilafinil and at the same time learn what our number one recommended source for purchasing Vilafinil online is.

If you are wondering if Vilafinil is right for your individual goals, we invite you to read on.

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Disclaimer: The content on is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is Vilafinil?

Vilafinil is a generic version of modafinil, a medication approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1998 as a eugeroic, a class of medications designed to promote wakefulness and alertness. It has been available as a prescription medication to treat narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and shift sleeping disorder. Manufactured in the form of a salt composition tablet containing 200 mg of modafinil, Vilafinil is produced by Centurion Remedies in India.1, 2, 3].

You may be wondering… is a generic version of modafinil like Vilafinill much different from the more common brands of modafinil? Or are the benefits, side effect profile, and method of administration virtually the same?

Generic and brand-name drugs are not radically different: they are designed to work the same way.4]. It has been observed in scientific research that generic medications produce “clinical outcomes similar to the use of brand name medications” [5]. Although the filler ingredients in Vilafinil may vary slightly from those of similar brands, the quality, potency, dosage, and method of administration are almost identical to brand-name modafinil medications such as Provigil [6].

The off-label benefits of Vilafinil are primarily what have attracted busy professionals and competitive individuals from a large number of industries to start dosing this medication. These benefits range from making it possible to maintain high energy and concentration for a period beyond what would normally be possible, to increasing alertness, concentration, and working memory function.7]. As a result, modafinil is known as a “smart drug” by those interested in nootropics and biohacking.

You may also be curious to know... how does Vilafinil work? Modafinil in this medication is the active ingredient that inhibits dopamine and norepinephrine transporters. At the same time, modafinil increases the levels of histamine and serotonin in the brain, as well as gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamate in the body.8, 9].

Modafinil benefits

Taking daily steps to achieve your goals requires consistent focus, dedication, and sustained motivation. However, you may have experienced some days where, despite implementing healthy habits into your daily routine, you simply cannot muster the drive or attention span to apply the necessary level of focus on your tasks.

While modafinil is not a panacea, people involved in various activities and professions are increasingly interested in the powerful cognitive benefits of this medication.

However, a crucial point to note is that health authorities, such as the FDA, have not approved modafinil for cognitive enhancement purposes. Despite this situation, modafinil is the most widely used over-the-counter cognitive enhancement drug.7].

Based on data from multiple studies, the off-label benefits of modafinil are as follows:

  • An explosion of motivation – One of the main brain chemicals responsible for motivating the pursuit of goals, whether basic survival or personal desire, is dopamine. By inhibiting dopamine receptors in the brain, modafinil causes more of this chemical to build up, leading to a greater sense of motivation, as well as a greater sense of well-being.10, 11].
  • Increase focus – How many times a day do you notice that your thoughts get distracted? Modafinil increases alertness levels so you can focus on your task beyond what would normally be possible. This effect is especially useful if you have tossed and turned in bed the night before, but need to be alert and give full attention to an important task.12, 13].
  • Superior memory function – Imagine being able to absorb and retain even just 10% more information than now. The process of studying new material will be amplified with modafinil, as this medication has been shown to cause improvements in both working and episodic memory.14].
  • Additional energy – An average workday consists of eight hours. In reality, most people are not able to maintain adequate energy levels to perform complex tasks for more than 2 or 3 hours. However, with modafinil, military personnel were able to perform operations continuously for up to 64 hours [15, 16].
  • Dependency recovery – Another interesting discovery about modafinil is that its glutamate-enhancing properties blunt the cocaine euphoria [17]. Studies are currently being conducted to better understand how modafinil can be used to relieve and ultimately eliminate addictions to harmful drugs such as cocaine.

An important thing to keep in mind about modafinil is that the effects vary from case to case.Some patients may experience only some of these effects, while others may experience all or none of them.

Side effects of modafinil

Patients should fully understand the side effect profile of a medication before using it. Some patients may be wondering…what are some of the typical side effects of modafinil? Is modafinil harmful? Can modafinil harm the brain or central nervous system?

Please note that modafinil side effects have only been examined in patients with conditions that would warrant prescribing this medication, such as narcolepsy and sleep apnea. Official data on the side effects of modafinil taken by healthy people is scarce, and the most relevant published findings involve patients who were misdiagnosed with narcolepsy and given modafinil.18].

Previous decades of trial data have shown that modafinil is one of the best-tolerated and least harmful nootropics on the market, particularly when comparing its safety profile to pharmaceuticals designed to treat similar conditions.19].

In fact, Modafinil has an extremely low level of toxicity compared to more common psychostimulants such as cocaine and amphetamines such as Adderall, which can cause serious side effects and have a high potential for addiction. In addition to being well tolerated in animal models, modafinil's abuse potential is also relatively low.20].

Minor side effects Cases have been reported in patients prescribed modafinil. They are the following [9, 21, 22]:

To better understand which modafinil side effects occur most frequently, a study was conducted in patients with narcolepsy. The following side effects were found to be most prevalent in the 341 participants who completed the study [22]:

  • Nausea (5%)
  • Nervousness (8%)
  • Headache (13%)

Where to buy Vilafinil online? | 2023 Edition

One of the main concerns when purchasing medications like Vilafinil online is that the supplier providing the desired product is legitimate and reputable. While interest in modafinil-based medications like Vilafinil has led to several manufacturers and retailers offering this product on the market, it is becoming increasingly difficult to discern which suppliers offer genuine, high-quality modafinil and which do not.

If you intend to buy Vilafinil online, it is essential that you are sure that a purchase like this is legal in your location. In some countries, modafinil and its generic forms are not strictly regulated. In contrast, other jurisdictions are strict about who can purchase modafinil-based medications, where it is often only available to patients with a valid prescription.

To provide genuine and up-to-date insights on the status of the Modafinil market, our team placed several test orders from various vendors. After taking many factors into account, we found that BuyModa is one of the leading suppliers of generic modafinil products, such as Vilafinil.

Below we list the most relevant reasons why BuyModa is our recommended top supplier:

  • Unbeatable prices: Once you have received a valid Modafinil prescription, you will be able to purchase Vilafinil online at BuyModa in different quantities depending on your goals.The smallest order that can be placed is 30 Vilafinil tablets for $69, while the highest quantity available per order is 500 tablets, which can be purchased for $395. As an added incentive, once you've added more than $150 worth of medications to your cart, your order automatically qualifies for free shipping.
  • Guaranteed Arrival of Your Order: Shipping medications internationally can occasionally cause problems at customs. For this reason, BuyModa has implemented a policy that offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee that your order will arrive completely intact and will be of high quality. BuyModa will also ship your order once more if it fails the first time. Otherwise, your purchase will be refunded in full. Orders for the United States tend to arrive in less than 21 business days, while orders for the United Kingdom and EU can be received in less than 14 business days. For other countries, orders may take up to 4 weeks to be successfully delivered.
  • Committed to Quality: To provide safe and high-quality medicines, BuyModa ensures that products ordered on its platform come from ISO certified pharmaceutical and logistics companies. BuyModa also offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee for up to 30 days after receiving your order.
  • Special cryptocurrency discount: Customers who prefer to pay with Bitcoin can take advantage of a special 20% discount on all orders.
  • More bonuses: When you purchase more than $150 of Vilafinil at BuyModa, you will receive 30 additional tablets as a bonus. Additionally, 20 Modvigil tablets will be included in your order for free upon checkout.

Please note: If you are a customer wishing to order from the UK or European Union, BuyModa replaces Vilafinil with Modafresh or Modvigil.

If you want to buy Vilafinil online from a trusted source, we highly recommend you check out BuyModa, the leading supplier of high-quality modafinil and nootropics.

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How much does vilafinil cost?

Until 2012, when modafinil's patents expired, patients often paid more than $700 for a limited supply of brand-name modafinil, such as Provigil. Since then, several generic brands of Modafinil can now be purchased online.

As stated above, the most reliable source to buy Vilafinil online is BuyModa. On their site, patients can purchase Vilafinil in different quantities at affordable prices, with the cost per tablet being lower for larger volume orders. Placing an order on BuyModa of more than $150 also qualifies to have the shipping fee waived.

Below we list the price of specific quantities of Vilafinil:

30 pills $69
60 pills $85
100 pills $99
200 pills $185
300 pills $255
500 pills $395

When you compare the cost of Vilafinil to other generic Modafinil brands, such as Modalert, Modawake or Waklert, Vilafinil emerges as a much more affordable option. If you are looking to enjoy the benefits of modafinil without the high price, we recommend looking into Vilafinil.

Vilafinil dosage and tolerance

So far the cognitive benefits of Vilafinil have been covered. However, some patients may wonder... is it possible to develop dependence on Vilafinil? What would be the ideal dose of Vilafinil to take advantage of the cognitive benefits and at the same time mitigate possible adverse effects?

It is important that patients first seek advice from a licensed physician before using Vilafinil. You will be presented with professional advice on whether Vilafinil is a suitable medication for you.

Like other generic brands of Modafinil, each Vilafinil tablet has a dosage of 200 mg and has an identical dosing protocol. In the vast majority of cases, a daily dose of Vilafinil of 200 mg will be prescribed to patients who currently suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, narcolepsy, or shift work sleep disorder. Ideally, the dose should be taken in the morning, as the half-life of modafinil is approximately 12 to 15 hours.23].

Patients with multiple conditions may wonder… can Vilafinil be taken with other medications? It depends. It is generally recommended that patients avoid taking the following medications for a long time with Vilafinil, as it may cause harmful interactions:

  • Contraceptive pills
  • Anticoagulants
  • Antifungal medications
  • Adderall and Ritalin
  • Cholesterol-lowering medications
  • Antiviral medications

In some cases, a 100 mg dose of Vilafinil may be sufficient to obtain the cognitive benefits of this medication. However, patients should be sure to follow their primary care doctor's recommendations.

while a modafinil tolerance may develop with repeated administration, this has only been observed to occur in rare cases of modafinil overdose.

Is vilafinil legal?

There are often no legal distinctions between more established brands of modafinil, such as Provigil, and generic versions, such as Vilafinil. However, patients who have been prescribed this eugeroic may wonder… is Vilafinil legal? Is it possible to buy Vilafinil without a prescription?

In the United States, modafinil is classified as a Schedule IV drug that can only be obtained by prescription and has minimal potential for abuse.24].Countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and many in the European Union also stipulate that it is legal to obtain, use, and sell Vilafinil if the patient has a valid prescription from a licensed healthcare professional.

People looking to purchase Vilafinil to utilize its off-label cognitive benefits face a problem, as virtually all healthcare professionals in the aforementioned countries will only prescribe Modafinil to patients who can provide evidence that they have a disorder. of sleep-wake, as obstructive. Sleep apnea.

On the other hand, if you want to buy a small amount of Vilafinil online for personal experiments, there should be no problems.

Those who practice professional sports must be aware that The use of modafinil and all its generic forms in competitive sports is not tolerated.. USADA and WADA (governing bodies that regulate substance use in professional sporting activities) have listed modafinil as a prohibited substance [25]. Taking Vilafinil even weeks before a competition can potentially cause disqualification, as drug tests are designed to detect trace amounts still circulating in the body.

Vilafinil vs. Modalert vs. Provigil /// Vilafinil vs. Waklert vs. Nuvigil

If your doctor has prescribed Modafinil, you may be surprised by all the options for purchasing this medication on the market and want to know the difference between brands.

Vilafinil vs. Modalert vs. Provigil

Provigil was one of the only options for patients to get genuine modafinil. The problem, however, is that Provigil is expensive compared to most generic brands. Fortunately, generic drugs work the same way as prescription pharmaceuticals, according to the FDA [G].

As such, generic medications like Vilafinil and Modalert have an identical dosing protocol and adverse effect profile as Provigil, with the only major variation being price.

One of the main differences between Vilafinil, Modalert and Provigil is the cost of these medications. Provigil is one of the most expensive Modafinil brands on the market. In recent years, since the production and sale of generic Modafinil was authorized, generic brands such as Vilafinil and Modalert are preferred over Provigil. This is primarily due to the fact that patients can save hundreds of dollars by purchasing a generic brand of Modafinil instead of Provigil, while still getting identical benefits.

Compared to Vilafinil, Modalert is also a more expensive option. However, it has been noted that Modalert is more suitable for those who are more experienced in using modafinil. This is mainly because Modalert tends to be more potent than Vilafinil.

Vilafinil vs. Waklert vs. Nuvigil

Some patients may also be curious about what the differences are between Vilafinil, Waklert, and Nuvigil. The key distinction to note here is that the active ingredient in Vilafinil is modafinil, while the active ingredient in Waklert and Nuvigil is armodafinil, a stronger version of modafinil. This is why Vilafinil tablets usually contain 200 mg of Modafinil, while Waklert tablets only have 150 mg of Armodafinil.

Another characteristic of armodafinil to take into account is that its elimination half-life is 15 to 20 hours. In contrast, common modafinil-based medications such as Vilafinil have an elimination half-life of 13 to 15 hours.

Vilafinil Reviews | Verdict

In short, Vilafinil is a cost-effective generic version of Modafinil that is just as potent as other brands, such as Provigil.Centurion Remedies PBT produces this medicine in the form of 200 mg in India.

Although originally developed to alleviate sleep-related disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and shift work sleep disorder, Vilafinil's potent cognitive benefits have intrigued many healthy people to conduct their own experiments with it. this medicine.

In particular, Modafinil and its generic equivalents such as Vilafinil offer powerful cognitive benefits, such as increased alertness, additional motivation, improved mood and even better memory. In addition to athletes, students and busy professionals, even the military forces of many countries have conducted experiments with modafinil to examine these benefits in more detail.

Compared to other psychostimulants, such as cocaine, methamphetamine, and even Adderall, Vilafinil has a low toxicity profile and is generally considered safe. Vilafinil side effects are rare. If they occur, they are usually not serious and disappear quickly. Additionally, studies have shown that modafinil has a low potential for addiction, which is often a concern when stimulants are regularly used.

If you have obtained a valid prescription for Modafinil and are looking for a legitimate source to purchase Vilafinil online, you should visit BuyModa to do more research and make your purchase.

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