Vilafinil Review [2023 • Guide] Uses, Side Effects and Dosage

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 18, 2023

Vilafinil Review

Are you interested in knowing more about Vilafinil? If so, you have come to the perfect place. In this detailed Vilafinil Review, we will explain what this medication is, how it works, and how doctors typically prescribe and dose it.

For those in a hurry, Vilafinil is a generic brand of modafinil, an FDA-approved medication used to treat drowsiness. But for those looking for more information on Vilafinil, read on as we explore its uses, side effects, and recommended dosing schedules.

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What is vilafinil?

Vilifinil is a generic version of modafinil, an FDA-approved medication used to treat conditions that cause excessive daytime sleepiness and drowsiness. Widely available online, Vilafinil is manufactured by Centurion Laboratories in India [1].

While many patients believe that generic medications are inferior to brand-name versions, according to the FDA there is no discernible difference.2] and scientific studies have found that generic drugs offer “comparable clinical outcomes” to brand-name drugs [3]. Vilafinil offers the same benefits as brand-name modafinil like Provigil, but for a fraction of the cost.

Vilafinil is significantly cheaper than Provigil because it is not manufactured under license and Centurion Labs has not had to bear any of the research and development costs related to modafinil. This allows them to produce the drug more economically and pass the savings on to their consumers.

Modafinil was first discovered in 1976 by two scientists working for the French pharmaceutical company Lafon. When Cephalon acquired Lafon in the early 2000s, it obtained worldwide rights to modafinil [4]. However, when modafinil's patent expired in 2015, many manufacturers began producing generic versions. That's exactly what Vilafinil is: a generic version of Modafinil that works exactly like Provigil.

Vilafinil Benefits

As a generic Modafinil product, Vilafinil offers exactly the same benefits as Provigil and all other generic and brand-name versions of the medication. So why would patients choose to buy Vilafinil?

The main reason seems to be cost. When patients receive a prescription for brand-name modafinil and visit their pharmacy, they may be told that lower-priced generic versions are available. Alternatively, they can obtain these generics online (if their local laws allow). As a widely available generic medication, Vilafinil is an affordable alternative to Provigil.

In terms of its medical benefits, Vilafinil works identically to Provigil and can be used to treat the same conditions as Modafinil.Namely, these are narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome, and shift work sleep disorder (SWSD). Patients who are diagnosed with one or more of these conditions can take Vilafinil instead of brand-name Modafinil products and receive the same benefits.

Vilafinil is a low-level dopamine reuptake inhibitor, meaning it increases the amount of dopamine in the brain, along with other neurotransmitters such as histamine. Research has shown that this has a pronounced impact on “homeostatic and circadian modulation” and promotes a feeling of wakefulness [5]. Vilafinil has been shown to offer cognitive neurological improvement in sleep-deprived patients.6], which makes it ideal for treating narcolepsy and other sleep-wake disorders that cause chronic fatigue.

A lesser known benefit of Vilafinil is that it can be used to treat patients suffering from amphetamine and cocaine dependence.7Patients can use Vilafinil to reduce their dependence on harmful substances [8]. An equally obscure benefit of Vilafinil is that it may help treat childhood patients with extreme attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).9]. However, this is not a common indication for modafinil and the drug has not been approved for this purpose.10].

Cognitive benefits of vilafinil

Scientific studies have indicated that many people take modafinil without a prescription to improve cognition [11]. As a low-cost generic version of Modafinil, Vilafinil is highly sought after as a cognitive enhancer or "nootropic." While there is no published research specifically looking at vilafinil, there is data supporting modafinil's effectiveness as a cognitive enhancer.

One study found that modafinil can help people during periods of "sustained mental work" and can improve "mood, fatigue, and cognitive performance" [12]. Similarly, research conducted in "healthy subjects who were not sleep deprived" found that modafinil offers "cognitive neurological improvement," such as improvements in short-term memory [13]. Another double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that modafinil has a measurable "effect on cognition" [14].

People looking to experience the purported cognitive benefits of modafinil are drawn to Vilafinil for its reasonable price (compared to brand-name modafinil products) and ease of availability.

Now that we've covered the research-backed benefits of Vilafinil, let's look at some of the documented side effects of this medication.

Vilafinil Side Effects

Since Vilafinil is a generic form of modafinil, readers interested in knowing the side effects of Vilafinil should check out the modafinil side effect profile. In fact, modafinil is known to cause a number of side effects, some of which are common and some of which are uncommon.10].

Some of the rarer side effects caused by modafinil, and by extension vilafinil, are allergic reactions to the drug's active ingredient. Patients prescribed modafinil are advised to read all warnings related to the drug. medication and watch for problems such as rashes, swelling of the tongue, mouth or face, and breathing difficulties. Those who experience one or more of these reactions are advised to stop using modafinil immediately and seek medical advice.

Some of the most common side effects caused by Modafinil include:

  • Dry mouth and/or throat.
  • Difficulty sleeping (including insomnia),
  • Nausea and/or upset stomach.
  • Headaches,
  • Increased nervousness and/or anxiety.

Research on the side effects of modafinil in subjects who did not have narcolepsy has indicated that the most common side effects are headaches and nausea.15].

While research indicates that modafinil does not cause any serious side effects, patients should be warned that modafinil can be habit-forming as it increases dopamine levels.16]. Studies have shown that modafinil has a low risk of addiction or dependence [17] when taken at the commonly prescribed dose of 200 mg/day. However, when taken in higher doses (1200 mg/day), it can cause dependence problems.18].

Where to buy vilafinil online? | Guide 2023

Readers who are curious about where to buy Vilafinil online will find that they have many options. Vilafinil is widely available online and there are numerous suppliers. Our team reviewed dozens of online providers and ranked them based on the following factors:

  • Price
  • Quality
  • Delivery speed

In our team's experience, two providers offer superior service: Buy Moda and Modafinil XL.

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buy fashion is the oldest and most established nootropics provider in the industry. We have thoroughly tested their service and can confirm that they ship legitimate Vilafinil to their customers worldwide. These are some of our findings:

  • High quality vilafinil: Buy Moda sells reagent test kits that can be used to test the purity of Modafinil. When we ordered Vilafinil from this supplier and tested it, we found that it was of very high quality. We did not detect any problems that would make us doubt the purity of the drug.
  • Fast and reliable shipping: In our tests, all orders from this supplier arrived within 2-4 weeks and were carefully wrapped in professional packaging. Shipping costs are waived on orders over $100.
  • 20% discount on Bitcoins: Buy Moda offers a 20 percent discount to all customers who pay with Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.
  • Generous discounts: This supplier offers many additional ways to save, including 30 extra pills on orders over $150 and 20% extra pills on subsequent orders. As of this writing, they also have a discount code, BUYMODA#1, that gives you an additional 10 percent off.
  • Guaranteed delivery: Our team's favorite aspect of ordering from this supplier was the promise of guaranteed delivery. In case a package is lost or stolen, Buy Moda offers free reshipping and a full refund if the second shipment does not arrive.

Overall, our team's review indicates that Buy Moda is a reliable supplier of Vilafinil. Patients looking for a low-cost alternative to brand-name modafinil would be well positioned to try it.

Ready to order Modafinil from the top-rated online provider?

Modafinil XL

The second Vilafinil supplier to score highly in our team's test was Modafinil XL. When we tested their service, we found that they were able to deliver legit Vilafinil on time and with a high success rate.

Some of the reasons we rate them so highly are:

  • Top quality vilafinil: After testing the Vilafinil we received from Modafinil XL with a reagent test, we found it to be exceptionally pure. We have no doubt that this supplier only sends the highest quality Vilafinil.
  • Fast shipping: Modafinil XL trial orders from our team arrived within 7-12 business days, which is exceptionally fast. This supplier typically charges $39 for standard shipping (14-30 days) and $49 for express shipping (10-18 business days). However, these charges do not apply to all orders over $140 and $180, respectively. We are confident that Modafinil prescription patients will not have to wait long when ordering Vilafinil from this supplier.
  • Generous offers and discounts: Modafinil XL includes 10 free Modafinil pills and 10 free Armodafinil pills with every order, making their prices extremely competitive. They also offer a $25 coupon for customers to use on their second order.
  • 20% discount on Bitcoins: Like Buy Moda, Modafinil XL also offers a hefty 20 percent discount for all customers paying with cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin.
  • Guaranteed delivery: This supplier offers free resends and refunds in case of lost or stolen orders. Our team didn't have a chance to test this when all of our test orders arrived.

Our team's review of this supplier indicated that they ship high-quality Vilafinil at reasonable prices. Delivery time is competitive and readers looking for a low-cost alternative to Provigil should find that this supplier can meet their needs.

Order Modafinil online from our top rated provider...

Is vilafinil legal?

The short answer is yes: Vilafinil is subject to the same laws and restrictions as modafinil and is legal in almost all countries. The caveat is that in most countries, Vilafinil can only be sold in a registered pharmacy to patients with a valid prescription.

To obtain a modafinil prescription, patients must first be diagnosed with a sleep-wake disorder such as narcolepsy, or a related condition that causes excessive daytime sleepiness. Most doctors will refer patients to a sleep specialist who is best able to make a full diagnosis.

The legal status of Vilafinil varies from country to country. In some countries, modafinil is not a registered product. In other countries, possession of modafinil for personal use is not a crime, even without a prescription. Spain, for example, has decriminalized virtually all drugs for personal use [19].

How long does Vilafinil take to work?

Adult patients suffering from SWSD are recommended to take modafinil one hour before the start of their shift.10]. This indicates that it takes approximately this long for the medication to take effect. Vilafinil, as a generic brand of Modafinil, works in a similar time frame.

Vilafinil dosage and tolerance

Vilafinil pills are sold in strengths of 200 mg, exactly the same as brand-name modafinil products like Provigil. Therefore, they can be dosed in the same way.

The approved dosage for adult patients suffering from narcolepsy and/or obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome is one modafinil 200 mg tablet daily, preferably in the early morning.

Adults with shift work sleep disorder can take the same amount (one 200 mg modafinil tablet) one hour before their shift starts.10].

These doses can be adjusted at the discretion of the prescribing physician. Doctors in the EU can increase the daily dose to 400 mg if patients show an insufficient response to 200 mg [20].

Vilafinill vs. Modalert vs. Modvigil vs. Provigil

Patients who receive a prescription for brand-name modafinil such as Provigil may hear that generic brands are available.Vilafinil is one of three such brands; the others are Modalert and Modvigil. This begs the question: what is the difference between these four brands of modafinil?

The main quantifiable difference is the price. Generic brands such as Vilafinil, Modalert and Modvigil They tend to be 80 to 90 percent cheaper than brand-name Provigil. This makes them very attractive to patients who want the benefits of Provigil for pennies on the dollar.

Beyond price, these medications are virtually indistinguishable on a chemical level. As we mentioned above, our team used a reagent test to verify the purity of Vilafinil and have no doubt that it contains the same active ingredient as Provigil. The same goes for Modalert and Modvigil. They all contain the same active ingredient, in the same dose and provide the same benefits.

But in reality, each person responds differently to drugs. Our team has tested Vilafinil and compared it with Modalert and Modvigil. This is what we found:

Most importantly, all three generic brands of Modafinil offer the same 12+ hours of alertness and increased wakefulness that patients experience with Provigil. However, in our tests, Modalert lasted a little longer than the other two generics, Modvigil and Vilafinil.

Secondly, we found that Vilafinil costs significantly less than Modalert and Modvigil. BuyModa sells 200 200 mg Vilafinil pills for just $185, compared to $219 and $249 for the same amount for Modvigil and Modalert, respectively.

The bottom line? Vilafinil is cheap, but based on our experience, we cannot say that it is more effective than Modalert or Modvigil.

Vilafinil Review | Verdict?

If you were curious about Vilafinil and what it has to offer, we trust that this Vilafinil review has given you a complete overview of the medication.Customers looking for a well-priced modafinil alternative would do well to try this affordable generic brand of modafinil.

Our team found that it offers the same great benefits as the expensive brand name Provigil for a fraction of the cost. It's not the longest-lasting generic modafinil (that honor goes to Modalert), but it's affordable and may be of interest to our readers.

Ready to order Modafinil from the top-rated online provider?


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