VyvaMind Review: Best Natural Alternative to Adderall?

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 21, 2023

Vyvamind Nootropic

We first heard of VyvaMind due to its use by pilots, surgeons and other professionals who require long periods of intense attention and concentration without negative side effects.

It then began to be recommended by college students as well as other high-performing professionals working in offices and more. And that was when we could no longer ignore VyvaMind without trying it ourselves.

During our testing, we found that VyvaMind offered between 6 and 8+ hours of cognitive benefits, without any downsides associated with adderall or modafinil.

It is for this reason that we recommend VyvaMind as the best natural alternative to nootropics and adderall. In fact, its growing customer base also began to know it as “Natural Vyvanse.”

Here's a quick summary of the key benefits we experienced when taking VyvaMind over a 6 month period:

  • Prolonged focus, concentration and memory.
  • Increases in physical and mental energy.
  • Greater motivation and stress relief.
  • Similar Benefits to Adderall Without Side Effects.

That's our TL;DR from our personal experience with VyvaMind. But for those who want a more in-depth review, continue reading to find out exactly what this nootropic supplement contains.

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Disclaimer: The content on Modafinil.space is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice.Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to Modafinil.space is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is VyvaMind?

The same group of outdated nootropic supplements have been on the market for a long time. So much so that our interest in this market was beginning to fade.

So we were excited when we started seeing positive VyvaMind reviews starting to appear online; It's true what they say, that new competitors always help keep stagnant companies on their toes, and VyvaMind is really helping to achieve that.

VyvaMind was created to be the best natural alternative to Adderall on the market, to offer the benefits closest to those of a prescription study drug... without the need for a prescription and without the risk of side effects.

It was created by SAP Nutrition, who consulted leading neuroscientists and high-performance professionals, such as pilots and surgeons. The result was a very careful and specifically chosen 6-ingredient formula, where each component worked in synergy with each other to provide the best cognitive benefits available in a supplement.

But SAP Nutrition didn't stop there. After a soft launch to market, they continued to improve the VyvaMind formula, and the version currently available (and the one we tested) is v4.2.1.

VyvaMind Ingredients

Now that you know a little about how VyvaMind was created and updated to its current formula, we'll delve into the supplement's facts label so you can understand what makes it truly effective.

We will quickly mention that any supplement is only as effective as the ingredients it contains...

And likewise, more is not always better when it comes to the quantity of ingredients; We often find companies adding more than 10 ingredients to a nootropic to make it appear higher value, but we would always take optimal doses of less proven ingredients than a dozen ingredients at lower doses.

The good news is that VyvaMind contains 6 carefully selected ingredients that work in synergy. In clinically proven doses. At a justified price.

Without further ado, let's dive in.

L-Tyrosine (300 mg)

A non-essential amino acid, L-tyrosine has become one of the most clinically tested nootropics on the market. It is often used to increase attention span, concentration, and alertness.

An interesting clinical study conducted by the US Navy School used 100 volunteers. They were all given L-tyrosine or a placebo, and the test focused on finding whether L-tyrosine could have any effects on cognitive performance, as well as effects on behavior and mood due to exposure to stress. military.

The study found that L-tyrosine did indeed have a positive effect on the mental performance of US Navy volunteers during the intense stress to which they were exposed [1].

Simply put, there have been countless clinical studies showing that L-tyrosine is capable of improving brain performance and reducing stress in high-pressure situations. This makes it the perfect addition to a natural brain-boosting supplement for high-performing people like you.

Citicoline (200 mg)

When talking about the most proven brain-enhancing ingredients out there, you can't leave out citicoline.We would go so far as to say that any reputable nootropic should contain this in their formula, or that the company making the product simply hasn't done very good research.

A clinical study that reinforces the effectiveness of citicoline is published in the Journal of Nutrition by Eri Nakazaki et al. [2]. We won't bore you with the full 12 weeks of details, but the study concluded by stating that citicoline improved overall memory performance (particularly episodic memory) in healthy male and female participants.

The study mentioned above also demonstrates that long-term use of citicoline is indeed beneficial, and the same study also confirms that citicoline may also protect against age-related memory loss.

L-Theanine (150 mg) and Caffeine Anhydrous (75 mg)

Have you ever heard of The White Stripes? Simon and Garfunkel? Well, meet L-theanine and caffeine anhydrous, potentially the best duo in the world of cognitive and physical enhancement (in our honest opinion, at least).

While L-theanine and caffeine anhydrous may not release any chart-topping singles together, they are best known for working synergistically to form a “smart caffeine” that has been shown to increase physical and mental energy levels (while keeps you safe from nervous side effects). ).

Sounds pretty good, right? That's because it is. And this duo is also clinically proven.

A clinical study by GN Owen et al.[3] aimed to measure the impact of 50 mg of caffeine with and without 100 mg of L-theanine supplementing it in healthy volunteers.The study found that while caffeine provided the usual benefits everyone knows and loves, caffeine was even more beneficial in improving both the speed and accuracy of performance during the cognitive test volunteers were assigned 60 minutes after taking caffeine and L-theanine.

Another study also confirmed that caffeine and L-theanine were able to improve attention and working memory in middle-aged and older participants [4].

As a result, we were happy to see that VyvaMind contained clinically proven doses of L-theanine and caffeine anhydrous, with doses of 150 mg and 75 mg respectively; This offers enough to offer improvements in physical and mental performance, without putting you at risk of nervous side effects.

Vitamin B6 (2.5 mg) and B12 (50 mg)

You may be wondering why VyvaMind contains some water-soluble vitamins. But these often overlooked B vitamins are more than “just” vitamins when it comes to brain performance.

In fact, the study carried out by Bottiglieri et al. [5] stated that vitamins B6 and B12 have a direct effect on brain functioning due to their role in the one-carbon cycle through the hypomethylation hypothesis.

However, that is not the only reason why vitamins B6 and B12 were selected in the VyvaMind formula. Caffeine has been shown to reduce circulating vitamin B levels in healthy middle-aged men and women (mainly because caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it is "washed out" of the body through urine) [6 ]. Since VyvaMind contains caffeine, neuroscientists consulted during formulation recommended the addition of B vitamins specifically, to ensure that clients' vitamin B12 and B6 levels are replenished, so they remain functioning at the highest levels possible.

The above really shows that SAP Nutrition cares about its customers and has not added any ingredients as “fillers” like other nootropic supplements contain.

Does VyvaMind work?

Now that you know the science behind what makes VyvaMind work…does it really work?

Full transparency is that each supplement will work differently for each individual, but for us, while we took it for over 6 months, it continued to work consistently with no side effects.

As a result, we are pleased to state that VyvaMind works at 110%.

In terms of clarifying what "works" means, every member of our team experienced significant cognitive benefits for over 8 hours (more than enough for a full day of work and more), and almost all of them cited VyvaMind as the best natural nootropic and Adderall alternative they had tried.

We take VyvaMind with and without coffee, without side effects

If you're like us and can't function without your morning coffee, then chances are your caffeine tolerance is through the roof, too.

VyvaMind contains a very carefully dosed level of caffeine anhydrous at 75 mg; this is about half a cup of coffee, which becomes more effective in terms of cognitive benefits because it is combined with L-theanine.

The above also means that you will be safe from jittery side effects, as VyvaMind does not contain an unnecessarily high dose of caffeine anhydrous.

So you don't have to worry about giving up your morning coffee.

However, if you are not a consistent coffee or tea consumer, we do not recommend taking VyvaMind while drinking 2-3+ cups of coffee a day. In fact, we don't recommend drinking more than 2 or 3 cups of coffee a day if you don't consume much caffeine, much less a caffeinated supplement.

Some reassuring information is that 2 of our team members live their lives less fully (without coffee...) and still benefited greatly from taking VyvaMind without any nervous side effects.

VyvaMind Benefits

So far we have mentioned throughout this VyvaMind review that it offers many cognitive benefits. Well, we will focus on these benefits in this section.

Improves physical and mental performance

One of the key reasons we love VyvaMind and recommend it as the best nootropic and adderall alternative is because it contains the "smart caffeine" combination of L-theanine and caffeine, along with proven nootropics like citicoline and L-tyrosine. .

These ingredients not only provide brain-boosting benefits, but also a physical “stretch,” without going overboard, so you don't suffer any side effects of jitters or insomnia as sometimes happens with Modafinil and Adderall.

It's important to note that not many natural brain supplements contain a carefully chosen dose of caffeine anhydrous, so this helps VyvaMind stand out in the vast sea of ​​"boring" options on the market; Remember that caffeine is not one of the best-selling products in the universe for no reason. You don't need a clinical study to prove that caffeine it really works with sensible doses.

In fact, this is also a key reason why pilots, surgeons and other professionals love VyvaMind. A study by AG Frenke et al.[7] found that “Surgeons often use substances with caffeine to cope with fatigue and long work days”. Remember that surgeons make the difference between life and death.

Long-lasting improvements in focus, memory and concentration

As we already mentioned, VyvaMind helped us achieve over 8 hours of sustained improvements in memory focus and concentration during our 6+ month trial period.

We may not be pilots and surgeons saving lives or ensuring the safe passage of passengers ourselves (we are just humble experts in neuroscience and nootropics), we often find ourselves burning the “midnight oil” to write content, reviews and studies.

And we can confidently say that VyvaMind helped all of us at Modafinil.space perform better. In fact, the site's founder is now actively encouraging us to use VyvaMind to get better bang for his buck (Don't worry, we aren't punished if we don't use VyvaMind, so it's still 100% our personal choice.).

Ultimately, we haven't been able to find a better natural brain supplement since we started testing VyvaMind when it comes to focus, memory, and concentration.

Reduced stress levels and improved mood

As professionals working to deliver content on this website, we often have to work to strict deadlines (we're sure journalists reading this review will know this feeling all too well).

Deadlines in any job can create a lot more stress, as there are usually negative consequences for missing a deadline. Especially in the corporate world where some of us have worked in the past.

In this scenario, stress can cause a whirlwind of other negative effects, such as restlessness and insomnia. And there's nothing worse than staying up at night due to stress.

Well, you will be happy to know that VyvaMind helped reduce our stress levels in 2 ways:

  • Because we were able to concentrate more during work hours, we were able to finish on time and enjoy our time outside of work even more.
  • Ingredients like L-tyrosine are clinically proven to reduce stress levels in high-pressure situations, so we worry less when facing deadlines.

These reasons, along with the cognitive benefits we experienced, have helped secure VyvaMind's place as the best natural alternative to nootropics and adderall we've tested.

No side effects

It's quite sad that this is a "benefit" for VyvaMind, as no supplement on the market should cause side effects.

However, this only highlights the lack of In fact Great products on the market quite well.

Every time we try a supplement, we have to cross our fingers and hope we don't suffer any side effects. Not all products have passed this particular test, but we are pleased to say that none of our team members experienced any jittery side effects (or any other unwanted side effects) during our 6+ month testing period.

What should you expect when taking VyvaMind for the first time?

We always like to add what customers should expect when taking a supplement for the first time, as it's something we also love to know when trying a product.

From our personal experience, we find that VyvaMind typically takes 30-45 minutes to “kick in.” But we must note that every individual is different and you may experience benefits sooner or later than we do (but no later than 1 hour after taking it, in our honest opinion).
As a result, we found ourselves taking VyvaMind in the morning, as the effects lasted our entire workday (over 8 hours).And our team members who are really addicted to coffee felt that VyvaMind "enhanced" their cup of coffee, which is probably because it contains L-theanine, which has been shown to work in synergy with caffeine.

However, if you do not drink coffee in the morning, we do not recommend that you start taking VyvaMind with coffee. If you usually start your day with water, orange juice, or any other caffeine-free product, take VyvaMind with that.

One last point on our part is to set your expectations. Remember that VyvaMind is a natural nootropic alternative and adderall/modafinil, and it is not actually a chemical medicine. If you're expecting the exact same effects as adderall or modafinil, you'll be disappointed, but keep in mind that you won't suffer from the same jittery side effects either.

Does VyvaMind cause any side effects?

If you've read this entire review so far without skimming it, then you already know the answer to this question. However, we are aware that many readers like to skim through reviews and focus on the parts they want to read.

In answer to the question, none of our team members experienced any negative side effects at any time during our 6+ months of testing with VyvaMind.

To ensure that you also do not experience any side effects, we recommend the following:

  • Do not consume several or more cups of coffee while taking VyvaMind; Remember that VyvaMind contains 75 mg of caffeine, so on its own it will give you a clean and safe energy boost.
  • Do not consume VyvaMind before bed; VyvaMind is not a sleep supplement and contains caffeine, so taking it before bed is not what it was created for.
  • Take more than the recommended dose of VyvaMind daily; SAP Nutrition has formulated VyvaMind very carefully, so listen to the instructions they give you on the box.

VyvaMind vs. Adderall or Modafinil

We have mentioned that VyvaMind is the best alternative to adderall or modafinil many times in this review, and we truly believe that is the case. But remember that we mentioned "alternative" as it will not offer exactly the same level of benefits as chemical medications.

Think of it this way: you don't consume sugar expecting the same effects as cocaine. And those who take drugs do so knowing the risks and, as a result, often suffer side effects.

Well, adderall and modafinil users often suffer from nervous side effects at the cost of cognitive benefits. It is for this reason that we 100% recommend VyvaMind as the best alternative to the study's prescription drugs, as it did not cause us any side effects.

Can you buy VyvaMind on Amazon?

The only place to buy VyvaMind It is from their official website. After asking why, we were told that SAP Nutrition wants to be in direct control of the customer experience and not rely on third-party online providers to provide positive experiences.

This seems pretty fair and we had no problems ordering VyvaMind each month during our trial period. And that also goes for our team members spread all over the world, so worldwide shipping is not a problem as VyvaMind is 100% legal in all countries.

VyvaMind discount or coupon codes?

Please remember that VyvaMind does not work with third parties when it comes to online providers. Therefore, they also do not work with online coupon sites.

As a result, you won't find any legitimate coupons or discount codes online.

Get the world's best over-the-counter nootropic... Vyvamind

VyvaMind Review Conclusion

If you are looking for a supplement that will truly improve your cognitive performance over a long period of time, without having to take a prescribed study drug and without jittery side effects, then VyvaMind is the best product for you.

To get the best deal, we purchased their “3 month supply” package at a cost of $134.99, resulting in each bottle costing $44.99. That's a savings of $5 per bottle compared to the single bottle price of $49.99.

To improve attention, memory and concentration, as well as reduce stress levels, we 100% recommend VyvaMind as the best brain supplement on the market.


  1. United States Army Environmental Medicine Research Institute. Effect of tyrosine supplementation on cognitive performance and mood during military stress. November 3, 2022.
  2. Eri Nakasaki. Citicoline and memory function in healthy older adults: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 151, Issue 8, August 2021, Pages 2153–2160.
  3. Gail N Owen. The combined effects of L-theanine and caffeine on cognitive performance and mood. Nutr Neurosci. August 2008; 11(4):193-8.
  4. Yoshitake Baba. Effects of l-theanine on cognitive function in middle-aged and older subjects: a randomized placebo-controlled study. J Med food. April 2021; 24(4): 333–341.
  5. Bottiglieri T. Role of homocysteine ​​in age-related vascular and non-vascular diseases. Clinical experimental research on aging. 1997. 9:241-257.
  6. Arve Ulvik. Coffee consumption and circulating B vitamins in healthy middle-aged men and women. Chemical Clinic. September 2008; 54(9):1489-96.
  7. AG Frenke. The use of caffeinated substances by surgeons for cognitive enhancement. Ann Surg. June 2015; 261(6): 1091-5.

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